There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
定義温泉 see styles |
jougionsen / jogionsen じょうぎおんせん |
(place-name) Jōgionsen |
定自在力 see styles |
dìng zì zài lì ding4 zi4 zai4 li4 ting tzu tsai li jō jizairiki |
power of unimpeded concentration |
定藤丈弘 see styles |
sadatoutakehiro / sadatotakehiro さだとうたけひろ |
(person) Sadatou Takehiro |
定西地區 定西地区 see styles |
dìng xī dì qū ding4 xi1 di4 qu1 ting hsi ti ch`ü ting hsi ti chü |
Dingxi prefecture in Gansu |
定言命法 see styles |
teigenmeihou / tegenmeho ていげんめいほう |
{phil} categorical imperative |
定野久恵 see styles |
sadanohisae さだのひさえ |
(person) Sadano Hisae (1967.2.23-) |
定量分塊 定量分块 see styles |
dìng liàng fēn kuài ding4 liang4 fen1 kuai4 ting liang fen k`uai ting liang fen kuai |
chunking |
定量分析 see styles |
dìng liàng fēn xī ding4 liang4 fen1 xi1 ting liang fen hsi teiryoubunseki / teryobunseki ていりょうぶんせき |
quantitative analysis quantitative analysis |
定障解脫 定障解脱 see styles |
dìng zhàng jiě tuō ding4 zhang4 jie3 tuo1 ting chang chieh t`o ting chang chieh to jōshō gedatsu |
liberation from hindrances to samādhi |
定額保険 see styles |
teigakuhoken / tegakuhoken ていがくほけん |
(See 変額保険) fixed amount insurance; fixed return insurance |
定額貯金 see styles |
teigakuchokin / tegakuchokin ていがくちょきん |
fixed-amount (postal) savings; fixed (postal) deposit |
定點企業 定点企业 see styles |
dìng diǎn qǐ yè ding4 dian3 qi3 ye4 ting tien ch`i yeh ting tien chi yeh |
a specialized enterprise |
お定まり see styles |
osadamari おさだまり |
usual; normal; stereotyped |
パリ協定 see styles |
parikyoutei / parikyote パリきょうてい |
Paris Agreement (on climate change) |
一口咬定 see styles |
yī kǒu yǎo dìng yi1 kou3 yao3 ding4 i k`ou yao ting i kou yao ting |
to arbitrarily assert; to allege; to stick to one's statement; to cling to one's view |
一向決定 一向决定 see styles |
yī xiàng jué dìng yi1 xiang4 jue2 ding4 i hsiang chüeh ting ikkō ketsujō |
devoted to one aim or object |
一定不変 see styles |
itteifuhen / ittefuhen いっていふへん |
invariable; permanent |
一定期間 see styles |
itteikikan / ittekikan いっていきかん |
(n,adv) fixed interval; fixed period |
一定温度 see styles |
itteiondo / itteondo いっていおんど |
constant temperature |
一松定吉 see styles |
hitotsumatsusadayoshi ひとつまつさだよし |
(person) Hitotsumatsu Sadayoshi (1875.3.18-1973.6.8) |
一槌定音 see styles |
yī chuí dìng yīn yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1 i ch`ui ting yin i chui ting yin |
variant of 一錘定音|一锤定音[yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1] |
一致判定 see styles |
icchihantei / icchihante いっちはんてい |
{comp} matching |
一般協定 see styles |
ippankyoutei / ippankyote いっぱんきょうてい |
general agreement |
一般規定 一般规定 see styles |
yī bān guī dìng yi1 ban1 gui1 ding4 i pan kuei ting |
ordinary provision (law) |
一言為定 一言为定 see styles |
yī yán wéi dìng yi1 yan2 wei2 ding4 i yen wei ting |
(idiom) it's a deal; that's settled then |
一錘定音 一锤定音 see styles |
yī chuí dìng yīn yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1 i ch`ui ting yin i chui ting yin |
lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow; fig. to make the final decision |
丁字定規 see styles |
teijijougi / tejijogi ていじじょうぎ |
T square |
三昧之定 see styles |
sān mèi zhī dìng san1 mei4 zhi1 ding4 san mei chih ting zanmai nojō |
samādhi, concentration |
三昧正定 see styles |
sān mèi zhèng dìng san1 mei4 zheng4 ding4 san mei cheng ting zanmai shōjō |
samādhi, right concentration |
三浦定俊 see styles |
miurasadatoshi みうらさだとし |
(person) Miura Sadatoshi |
三角定規 see styles |
sankakujougi / sankakujogi さんかくじょうぎ |
triangles (used in mechanical drawing); set square |
三輪定宣 see styles |
miwasadanobu みわさだのぶ |
(person) Miwa Sadanobu |
上定光町 see styles |
kamijoukouchou / kamijokocho かみじょうこうちょう |
(place-name) Kamijōkouchō |
上杉定勝 see styles |
uesugisakadatsu うえすぎさかだつ |
(person) Uesugi Sakadatsu |
上杉定正 see styles |
uesugisadamasa うえすぎさだまさ |
(person) Uesugi Sadamasa |
上杉朝定 see styles |
uesugitomosada うえすぎともさだ |
(person) Uesugi Tomosada |
上杉顯定 see styles |
uesugiakisada うえすぎあきさだ |
(person) Uesugi Akisada |
下定決心 下定决心 see styles |
xià dìng jué xīn xia4 ding4 jue2 xin1 hsia ting chüeh hsin |
to make a firm resolution |
下山定則 see styles |
shimoyamasadanori しもやまさだのり |
(person) Shimoyama Sadanori |
不共不定 see styles |
bù gòng bù dìng bu4 gong4 bu4 ding4 pu kung pu ting fugu furyō |
One of the six 不定因 indefinite statements of a syllogism, where proposition and example do not agree. |
不可定說 不可定说 see styles |
bù kě dìng shuō bu4 ke3 ding4 shuo1 pu k`o ting shuo pu ko ting shuo fuka jōsetsu |
indescribable |
不安定化 see styles |
fuanteika / fuanteka ふあんていか |
(n,vs,vi) destabilization; destabilisation |
不定冠詞 不定冠词 see styles |
bù dìng guàn cí bu4 ding4 guan4 ci2 pu ting kuan tz`u pu ting kuan tzu futeikanshi / futekanshi ふていかんし |
indefinite article (e.g. English a, an) {gramm} indefinite article |
不定受業 不定受业 see styles |
bù dìng shòu yè bu4 ding4 shou4 ye4 pu ting shou yeh fujō jugō |
One of the 'four karma' — aniyata or indefinite karma; opposite of 定業. |
不定地法 see styles |
bù dìng dì fǎ bu4 ding4 di4 fa3 pu ting ti fa fujōchi hō |
One of the six mental conditions, that of undetermined character, open to any influence good or evil. |
不定型詩 see styles |
futeikeishi / futekeshi ふていけいし |
free verse |
不定性人 see styles |
bù dìng xìng rén bu4 ding4 xing4 ren2 pu ting hsing jen fujō shōnin |
persons of indeterminate religious practitioners |
不定性聚 see styles |
bù dìng xìng jù bu4 ding4 xing4 ju4 pu ting hsing chü |
不定聚 One of the three Tiantai groups of humanity, the indeterminate normal class of people, as contrasted with sages 定性聚 whose natures are determined for goodness, and the wicked 邪定性聚 whose natures are determined for evil. |
不定愁訴 see styles |
futeishuuso / futeshuso ふていしゅうそ |
general malaise; unidentified complaint; all-round poor physical condition |
不定方程 see styles |
bù dìng fāng chéng bu4 ding4 fang1 cheng2 pu ting fang ch`eng pu ting fang cheng |
(math.) indeterminate equation |
不定期刑 see styles |
futeikikei / futekike ふていきけい |
indeterminate sentence |
不定止觀 不定止观 see styles |
bù dìng zhǐ guān bu4 ding4 zhi3 guan1 pu ting chih kuan fujō shikan |
indeterminate meditation |
不定種姓 不定种姓 see styles |
bù dìng zhǒng xìng bu4 ding4 zhong3 xing4 pu ting chung hsing fujō shushō |
indeterminate nature |
不定種性 不定种性 see styles |
bù dìng zhǒng xìng bu4 ding4 zhong3 xing4 pu ting chung hsing fujō shushō |
indeterminate nature |
不定積分 不定积分 see styles |
bù dìng jī fēn bu4 ding4 ji1 fen1 pu ting chi fen futeisekibun / futesekibun ふていせきぶん |
indefinite integral (math.) {math} indefinite integral |
不定聲聞 不定声闻 see styles |
bù dìng shēng wén bu4 ding4 sheng1 wen2 pu ting sheng wen fujō shōmon |
śrāvakas who do not have the predetermination for enlightenment |
不定過去 see styles |
futeikako; fujoukako / futekako; fujokako ふていかこ; ふじょうかこ |
{gramm} aorist tense (in Greek); past-perfective tense |
世間禪定 世间禅定 see styles |
shì jiān chán dìng shi4 jian1 chan2 ding4 shih chien ch`an ting shih chien chan ting seken zenjō |
mundane meditative concentration |
中值定理 see styles |
zhōng zhí dìng lǐ zhong1 zhi2 ding4 li3 chung chih ting li |
mean value theorem (in calculus) |
中川久定 see styles |
nakagawahisayasu なかがわひさやす |
(person) Nakagawa Hisayasu |
久松定勝 see styles |
hisamatsusadakatsu ひさまつさだかつ |
(person) Hisamatsu Sadakatsu |
久松定房 see styles |
hisamatsusadafusa ひさまつさだふさ |
(person) Hisamatsu Sadafusa |
久松定武 see styles |
hisamatsusadatake ひさまつさだたけ |
(person) Hisamatsu Sadatake (1899.4.29-1995.6.7) |
乗車定員 see styles |
joushateiin / joshaten じょうしゃていいん |
riding capacity; seating capacity |
九次第定 see styles |
jiǔ cì dì dìng jiu3 ci4 di4 ding4 chiu tz`u ti ting chiu tzu ti ting kyū shidai jō |
The samādhi of the nine degrees, i.e. the four dhyānas 四禪, the four realms beyond form 四無色, and the samādhi beyond sensation and thought 滅受想定; see 九有情居 and 九地. |
亂作決定 乱作决定 see styles |
luàn zuò jué dìng luan4 zuo4 jue2 ding4 luan tso chüeh ting |
to make arbitrary decisions |
了徹禪定 了彻禅定 see styles |
liǎo chè chán dìng liao3 che4 chan2 ding4 liao ch`e ch`an ting liao che chan ting ryōtetsu zenjō |
The mastery of abstract contemplation. |
予定価格 see styles |
yoteikakaku / yotekakaku よていかかく |
estimated price; price estimate |
予定変更 see styles |
yoteihenkou / yotehenko よていへんこう |
change of schedule; schedule change |
予定期日 see styles |
yoteikijitsu / yotekijitsu よていきじつ |
prearranged date |
予定期限 see styles |
yoteikigen / yotekigen よていきげん |
target date |
予定納税 see styles |
yoteinouzei / yotenoze よていのうぜい |
prepayment of income taxes |
予定調和 see styles |
yoteichouwa / yotechowa よていちょうわ |
(1) {phil} pre-established harmony (Leibniz theory); harmonie préétablie; (2) (events) proceeding in a predictable fashion; turning out the way everyone expected; convention |
予定通り see styles |
yoteidoori / yotedoori よていどおり |
as planned |
予後判定 see styles |
yogohantei / yogohante よごはんてい |
{med} prognostication |
二不定法 see styles |
èr bù dìng fǎ er4 bu4 ding4 fa3 erh pu ting fa ni fujō hō |
two rules for indeterminate behavior |
二子定納 see styles |
futagojounou / futagojono ふたごじょうのう |
(place-name) Futagojōnou |
二無心定 二无心定 see styles |
èr wú xīn dìng er4 wu2 xin1 ding4 erh wu hsin ting ni mushin jō |
two kinds of no-thought absorption |
二重否定 see styles |
nijuuhitei / nijuhite にじゅうひてい |
{gramm} double negative |
二項定理 see styles |
nikouteiri / nikoteri にこうていり |
{math} binomial theorem |
五禪定佛 五禅定佛 see styles |
wǔ chán dìng fó wu3 chan2 ding4 fo2 wu ch`an ting fo wu chan ting fo go zenjō butsu |
five buddhas of meditation |
交差検定 see styles |
kousakentei / kosakente こうさけんてい |
{math} cross-validation |
人定勝天 人定胜天 see styles |
rén dìng shèng tiān ren2 ding4 sheng4 tian1 jen ting sheng t`ien jen ting sheng tien |
man can conquer nature (idiom); human wisdom can prevail over nature |
人定尋問 see styles |
jinteijinmon / jintejinmon じんていじんもん |
establishing the identity of a witness |
人定質問 see styles |
jinteishitsumon / jinteshitsumon じんていしつもん |
establishing the identity of a defendant |
人心安定 see styles |
jinshinantei / jinshinante じんしんあんてい |
stabilizing the feelings of the people; inspiring confidence among the people |
介值定理 see styles |
jiè zhí dìng lǐ jie4 zhi2 ding4 li3 chieh chih ting li |
intermediate value theorem (math.) |
介護認定 see styles |
kaigonintei / kaigoninte かいごにんてい |
(See 要介護認定) nursing care authorization |
以爲定量 以为定量 see styles |
yǐ wéi dìng liáng yi3 wei2 ding4 liang2 i wei ting liang ii jōryō |
to regard as authoritative |
仮定条件 see styles |
kateijouken / katejoken かていじょうけん |
hypothetical situation |
仮説検定 see styles |
kasetsukentei / kasetsukente かせつけんてい |
(noun/participle) {math} hypothesis testing; hypothesis test |
仲裁裁定 see styles |
chuusaisaitei / chusaisaite ちゅうさいさいてい |
settlement by arbitration |
休戦協定 see styles |
kyuusenkyoutei / kyusenkyote きゅうせんきょうてい |
cease-fire agreement |
休暇予定 see styles |
kyuukayotei / kyukayote きゅうかよてい |
holiday plans |
会者定離 see styles |
eshajouri / eshajori えしゃじょうり |
(expression) (yoji) those who meet must part (suggesting the transient nature of this life); we meet only to part |
住定菩薩 住定菩萨 see styles |
zhù dìng pú sà zhu4 ding4 pu2 sa4 chu ting p`u sa chu ting pu sa jūjō (no) bosatsu |
A bodhisattva firmly fixed, or abiding in certainty. After a bodhisattva has completed three great asaṁkhyeyakalpas he has still one hundred great kalpas to complete. This period is called abiding in fixity or firmness, divided into six kinds: certainty of being born in a good gati, in a noble family, with a good body, a man, knowing the abiding places of his transmigrations, knowing the abiding character of his good works. |
住所不定 see styles |
juushofutei / jushofute じゅうしょふてい |
(adj-no,n) of no fixed abode; having no fixed address |
住正定聚 see styles |
zhù zhèng dìng jù zhu4 zheng4 ding4 ju4 chu cheng ting chü jū shōjō ju |
abiding in the certainty of attaining enlightenment |
体力測定 see styles |
tairyokusokutei / tairyokusokute たいりょくそくてい |
physical fitness test |
依邊際定 依边际定 see styles |
yī biān jì dìng yi1 bian1 ji4 ding4 i pien chi ting e hensai jō |
to rely on apex concentration |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.