There are 1517 total results for your 回 search. I have created 16 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...10111213141516>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
uwamawaru うわまわる |
(transitive verb) (See 下回る) to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than |
Variations: |
kagimawaru かぎまわる |
(transitive verb) (1) to sniff around; (transitive verb) (2) to snoop around; to nose about |
Variations: |
abaremawaru あばれまわる |
(v5r,vi) to rampage; to run riot |
Variations: |
hanemawaru はねまわる |
(v5r,vi) to jump about; to jump around; to bounce about; to romp about |
Variations: |
asobimawaru あそびまわる |
(v5r,vi) (See 遊び歩く) to jaunt around; to play around; to visit one place after another without effect |
Variations: |
atamanokaitengahayai あたまのかいてんがはやい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 頭の回転・あたまのかいてん) quick-witted; bright; rapid thinking |
Variations: |
atamanokaitengaosoi あたまのかいてんがおそい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 頭の回転・あたまのかいてん) slow-witted; dull; slow on the uptake |
Variations: |
atamanokaitennohayai あたまのかいてんのはやい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 頭の回転・あたまのかいてん) quick-witted; bright; rapid thinking |
ダイオードトランジスタ論理回路 see styles |
daioodotoranjisutaronrikairo ダイオードトランジスタろんりかいろ |
{comp} Diode-Transistor Logic |
說是一回事,而做又是另外一回事 说是一回事,而做又是另外一回事 see styles |
shuō shì yī huí shì , ér zuò yòu shì lìng wài yī huí shì shuo1 shi4 yi1 hui2 shi4 , er2 zuo4 you4 shi4 ling4 wai4 yi1 hui2 shi4 shuo shih i hui shih , erh tso yu shih ling wai i hui shih |
see 說是一回事,做又是另外一回事|说是一回事,做又是另外一回事[shuo1 shi4 yi1 hui2 shi4 , zuo4 you4 shi4 ling4 wai4 yi1 hui2 shi4] |
Variations: |
kaiyuu / kaiyu かいゆう |
(n,vs,vi) (1) (回遊 only) excursion; round trip; (n,vs,vi) (2) seasonal migration (of fish, etc.) |
Variations: |
haikai はいかい |
(n,vs,vi) loitering; roaming; sauntering; wandering about; prowling |
Variations: |
haikai はいかい |
(n,vs,vi) wandering (around); roaming; loitering; prowling; hanging around |
Variations: |
ukai うかい |
(n,vs,vi) (1) detour; circumvention; (2) {mil} turning movement |
Variations: |
demawaru でまわる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to appear on the market; to be in season (e.g. fruit); (v5r,vi) (2) to circulate widely; to make the rounds; to go around; to float around |
Variations: |
demawaru でまわる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to appear on the market; to be in season (e.g. of fruit); (v5r,vi) (2) to circulate widely; to make the rounds; to go around; to float around |
Variations: |
mimawasu みまわす |
(transitive verb) to look around; to survey |
Variations: |
mimawaru みまわる |
(v5r,vi) to make one's rounds; to patrol |
Variations: |
ekkususenkaisetsu エックスせんかいせつ |
{chem;physics} x-ray diffraction |
Variations: |
mizumawari みずまわり |
part of a building where water is circulated (kitchen, bathroom, etc.); wet area |
Variations: |
ijirimawasu いじりまわす |
(transitive verb) to tinker with; to fumble with; to fiddle with; to twiddle |
Variations: |
roretsugamawaranai ろれつがまわらない |
(exp,adj-i) speaking inarticulately (slurring, lisping, etc.) |
Variations: |
fuifuikyou / fuifuikyo フイフイきょう |
(archaism) (from Chinese usage) (See イスラム教) Islam |
Variations: |
umamawari うままわり |
(hist) daimyo's mounted guard |
Variations: |
hankaishinkeimahi / hankaishinkemahi はんかいしんけいまひ |
{med} recurrent nerve paralysis |
Variations: |
furimawasu ふりまわす |
(transitive verb) (1) to wield; to brandish; to flourish; to wave (about); to swing; (transitive verb) (2) to display (one's knowledge); to show off; (transitive verb) (3) to abuse (one's power); (transitive verb) (4) to manipulate someone |
Variations: |
torimawashi とりまわし |
(1) (ease of) handling; operation; maneuverability; (2) arrangement (of pipes, wires, etc.); layout; routing (of cables); wiring; (3) {sumo} wrestler's belt used in a bout |
Variations: |
hikimawashi ひきまわし |
(1) taking someone around; (2) guidance; (3) (archaism) parading a criminal through town before their execution (Edo period) |
Variations: |
kurimawasu くりまわす |
(transitive verb) to roll over (debt) |
Variations: |
tsukigamawaru(付kiga回ru, tsukiga回ru); tsukigamawaru(tsukiga回ru) つきがまわる(付きが回る, つきが回る); ツキがまわる(ツキが回る) |
(exp,v5r) to have fortune come your way; to become lucky |
Variations: |
aisatsumawari あいさつまわり |
courtesy call; going around to say hello (or goodbye) to everybody; making the rounds |
Variations: |
kaitenzushi(回転寿司, 回転zushi, 回転鮨); kaitensushi(回転寿司, 回転sushi, 回転鮨) かいてんずし(回転寿司, 回転ずし, 回転鮨); かいてんすし(回転寿司, 回転すし, 回転鮨) |
conveyor belt sushi; sushi-go-round; sushi train; kaiten-zushi |
Variations: |
nejimawashi ねじまわし |
(See ドライバー・2) screwdriver |
Variations: |
tachimawaru たちまわる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to walk about; to walk around; (v5r,vi) (2) to conduct oneself; to act; to maneuver (in a way that benefits oneself); to play one's cards (well); (v5r,vi) (3) to stop by (somewhere; esp. of a criminal on the run); to drop by; to turn up (at); to show up (at); (v5r,vi) (4) to enact a fighting scene; to brawl (in a play, film, etc.) |
Variations: |
arukimawaru あるきまわる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to walk about; to walk to and fro; to pace around |
Variations: |
minomawari みのまわり |
(exp,n) one's personal belongings; one's vicinity; one's daily life; everyday necessities |
Variations: |
kanehatenkanomawarimono かねはてんかのまわりもの |
(expression) (proverb) money comes and goes; money goes around and around |
Variations: |
kaifuku かいふく |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) restoration; recovery; rehabilitation; return; improvement; (n,vs,vi) (2) (also written as 快復) recovery (from an illness); recuperation; convalescence |
Variations: |
himawari(gikun); himawari ひまわり(gikun); ヒマワリ |
(kana only) sunflower (Helianthus annuus) |
Variations: |
uwamawaru うわまわる |
(transitive verb) (See 下回る) to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than |
Variations: |
demawaru でまわる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to appear on the market; to be in season (e.g. of fruit); (v5r,vi) (2) to circulate widely; to make the rounds; to go around; to float around |
Variations: |
mimawasu みまわす |
(transitive verb) to look around; to survey |
Variations: |
meguru めぐる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to go around; to make a circle around; (v5r,vi) (2) to surround; to circle; to enclose; (v5r,vi) (3) to come around (of a season, anniversary, turn, etc.); to return; to repeat; to circulate (of blood, money, etc.); (v5r,vi) (4) to travel around; to make a tour of; (v5r,vi) (5) (kana only) (See をめぐって) to concern (a matter); to surround |
Variations: |
uwamawaru うわまわる |
(transitive verb) (See 下回る) to exceed (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to surpass; to be more than; to be better than |
Variations: |
yakumawari やくまわり |
role; part; job; assignment |
Variations: |
karamawari からまわり |
(n,vs,vi) (1) racing (of an engine); idling; spinning (without grabbing; of wheels); (n,vs,vi) (2) going round in circles (of an argument, discussion, etc.); going nowhere; being fruitless |
Variations: |
norimawasu のりまわす |
(transitive verb) to drive (a car) around; to ride (a bicycle) around |
Variations: |
tsukaimawashi つかいまわし |
(noun, transitive verb) using for multiple purposes; reuse |
Variations: |
abaremawaru あばれまわる |
(v5r,vi) to rampage; to run riot |
Variations: |
asobimawaru あそびまわる |
(v5r,vi) to play around; to gallivant about |
Variations: |
hitomawari ひとまわり |
(n,vs,vi) (1) one round; one turn; a circuit (of); (n,adv) (2) one size (larger or smaller); (3) one cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac |
Variations: |
arukimawaru あるきまわる |
(v5r,vi) to walk about; to walk around; to walk to and fro; to pace around; to wander |
Variations: |
minomawari みのまわり |
(exp,n,adj-no) one's personal belongings; one's vicinity; one's daily life; everyday necessities |
Variations: |
kuchigamawaru くちがまわる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) to speak fluently; to be a good talker |
Variations: |
mawaridourou / mawaridoro まわりどうろう |
revolving lantern |
Variations: |
tsukegamawaru; tsukegamawaru(sk) つけがまわる; ツケがまわる(sk) |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) (See ツケが回ってくる) you'll have to pay for it; the bill will come due; there's no escaping |
Variations: |
mawaremigi まわれみぎ |
(n,vs,vi) right about-face |
Variations: |
doudoumeguri / dodomeguri どうどうめぐり |
(noun/participle) (1) going around in circles; (noun/participle) (2) circling a temple; (noun/participle) (3) roll-call vote |
Variations: |
megurasu めぐらす |
(transitive verb) (1) to enclose (with); to surround (with); to encircle; (transitive verb) (2) to turn (one's head, heel, etc.); (transitive verb) (3) to think over; to work out; to consider; to ponder; to devise; to plan; (transitive verb) (4) (archaism) to notify (orally or in writing) |
Variations: |
hashirimawaru はしりまわる |
(v5r,vi) to run around |
Variations: |
torimawashi とりまわし |
(1) (ease of) handling; operation; maneuverability; (2) arrangement (of pipes, wires, etc.); layout; routing (of cables); wiring; (3) {sumo} wrestler's belt used in a bout |
Variations: |
hikizurimawasu ひきずりまわす |
(transitive verb) to drag around; to pull about; to lead around (by the nose) |
Variations: |
meguriai めぐりあい |
(kana only) chance meeting; fortuitous encounter |
Variations: |
himawari(gikun); himawari ひまわり(gikun); ヒマワリ |
(kana only) sunflower (Helianthus annuus) |
Variations: |
toomawari とおまわり |
detour; roundabout way |
Variations: |
dosamawari どさまわり |
(1) touring (of a theatrical company, entertainer, etc.); being on the road; road show; (2) local hoodlum |
Variations: |
mawarimichi まわりみち |
(noun/participle) detour; diversion |
Variations: |
chouchoudaikiboshuusekikairo / chochodaikiboshusekikairo ちょうちょうだいきぼしゅうせきかいろ |
{comp} ultra large-scale integration; ULSI |
Variations: |
komawarigakiku こまわりがきく |
(exp,v5k) (1) to have a short turning radius (e.g. car); (exp,v5k) (2) to be adaptable; to be quick to respond to shifting circumstances |
Variations: |
hikkakimawasu ひっかきまわす |
(transitive verb) (1) to rummage through; to ransack (e.g. a drawer); (transitive verb) (2) to throw into confusion; to disrupt; to upset; to meddle in |
Variations: |
kakezurimawaru かけずりまわる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to run around (wildly); to rush about all over the place; (v5r,vi) (2) to make every effort (to do); to do everything one can |
Variations: |
ohachigamawaru おはちがまわる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) (See お鉢が回ってくる) one's turn comes around |
Variations: |
kakimawasu かきまわす |
(transitive verb) (1) to stir; to churn; to poke (a fire); to disturb (water); (transitive verb) (2) to rummage around; (transitive verb) (3) to throw into confusion; to throw into chaos; to disturb |
Variations: |
yakigamawaru やきがまわる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) to become senile; to show signs of decline; to lose one's edge; to lose one's touch; to lose one's astuteness |
Variations: |
kakemawaru かけまわる |
(v5r,vi) to run around; to bustle about |
Variations: |
omawari おまわり |
(1) (kana only) (esp. お巡り) (See お巡りさん) policeman; cop; (2) (esp. お回り) walking in a circle (dog trick); (3) (archaism) rounds (doctor, police beat, etc.); (4) (kana only) (archaism) (See おかず・1,女房言葉) vegetables that accompany rice (secret language of court ladies) |
Variations: |
doudoumeguri / dodomeguri どうどうめぐり |
(n,vs,vi) (1) going around in circles; (n,vs,vi) (2) circling a temple; (n,vs,vi) (3) roll-call vote |
Variations: |
serifumawashi(台詞回shi, 台詞mawashi, serifu回shi); serifumawashi(serifu回shi) せりふまわし(台詞回し, 台詞まわし, せりふ回し); セリフまわし(セリフ回し) |
theatrical elocution |
Variations: |
hikimawasu ひきまわす |
(transitive verb) (1) to draw around (e.g. a curtain); to drag around; (transitive verb) (2) to take (someone) around; to parade around; (transitive verb) (3) to order about; to lead; to guide |
Variations: |
minomawari みのまわり |
(exp,n,adj-no) one's personal belongings; one's vicinity; one's daily life; everyday necessities |
Variations: |
meguriai めぐりあい |
(kana only) chance meeting; fortuitous encounter |
Variations: |
kagimawaru かぎまわる |
(transitive verb) (1) to sniff around; (transitive verb) (2) to snoop around; to nose about |
Variations: |
konekurimawasu こねくりまわす |
(transitive verb) to knead; to turn |
Variations: |
abaremawaru あばれまわる |
(v5r,vi) to rampage; to run riot |
キャリア検知多重アクセス衝突回避ネットワーク see styles |
kyariakenchitajuuakusesushoutotsukaihinettowaaku / kyariakenchitajuakusesushototsukaihinettowaku キャリアけんちたじゅうアクセスしょうとつかいひネットワーク |
{comp} carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance network; CSMA; CA network |
Variations: |
iimawashi / imawashi いいまわし |
expression; phraseology |
Variations: |
haimawaru はいまわる |
(v5r,vi) to creep about; to crawl around |
Variations: |
mawarimichi まわりみち |
(noun/participle) detour; circuitous route; diversion |
Variations: |
shichuuhikimawashi / shichuhikimawashi しちゅうひきまわし |
(hist) (See 引廻し・3) parading a criminal through town before their execution (Edo period) |
Variations: |
sagashimawaru さがしまわる |
(transitive verb) to search about for; to hunt around for; to look high and low for; to look everywhere for |
Variations: |
namemawasu なめまわす |
(transitive verb) to lick all over; to run one's tongue over |
Variations: |
omawari おまわり |
(1) (kana only) (colloquialism) (esp. お巡り) (See おまわりさん) police officer; cop; (2) (esp. お回り) walking in a circle (dog trick); (3) (archaism) (secret language of court ladies) (See 女房言葉) side dish (eaten with rice) |
Variations: |
mawarikudoi まわりくどい |
(adjective) circuitous; roundabout; indirect |
Variations: |
ijikurimawasu いじくりまわす |
(transitive verb) (kana only) (See いじり回す) to fiddle with; to monkey around with |
Variations: |
oootokosouminichiegamawarikane / oootokosominichiegamawarikane おおおとこそうみにちえがまわりかね |
(expression) (proverb) big heads have little wit |
Variations: |
yakigamawaru; yakigamawaru(sk) やきがまわる; ヤキがまわる(sk) |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) to become senile; to show signs of decline; to lose one's edge; to lose one's touch; to lose one's astuteness |
Variations: |
yakigamawaru; yakigamawaru やきがまわる; ヤキがまわる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) to become senile; to show signs of decline; to lose one's edge; to lose one's touch; to lose one's astuteness |
Variations: |
oikakemawasu おいかけまわす |
(transitive verb) to chase around |
Variations: |
dejitaruanaroguhenkankairo デジタルアナログへんかんかいろ |
digital-to-analog converter |
Variations: |
ushiromawashigeri うしろまわしげり |
{MA} (See 回し蹴り) spin kick |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "回" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.