There are 2273 total results for your 六 search. I have created 23 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
六本木駅 see styles |
roppongieki ろっぽんぎえき |
(st) Roppongi Station |
六本杉山 see styles |
ropponsugiyama ろっぽんすぎやま |
(personal name) Ropponsugiyama |
六本松山 see styles |
ropponmatsuyama ろっぽんまつやま |
(place-name) Ropponmatsuyama |
六本松峠 see styles |
ropponmatsutouge / ropponmatsutoge ろっぽんまつとうげ |
(place-name) Ropponmatsutōge |
六本松駅 see styles |
ropponmatsueki ろっぽんまつえき |
(st) Ropponmatsu Station |
六条大溝 see styles |
rokujouoomizo / rokujooomizo ろくじょうおおみぞ |
(place-name) Rokujōoomizo |
六条天皇 see styles |
rokujoutennou / rokujotenno ろくじょうてんのう |
(person) Emperor Rokujō; Rokujō Tenno (1164-1176 CE, reigning: 1165-1168 CE) |
六条江東 see styles |
rokujouehigashi / rokujoehigashi ろくじょうえひがし |
(place-name) Rokujōehigashi |
六条片田 see styles |
rokujoukatada / rokujokatada ろくじょうかただ |
(place-name) Rokujōkatada |
六条福寿 see styles |
rokujoufukuju / rokujofukuju ろくじょうふくじゅ |
(place-name) Rokujōfukuju |
六条緑町 see styles |
rokujoumidorimachi / rokujomidorimachi ろくじょうみどりまち |
(place-name) Rokujōmidorimachi |
六条院中 see styles |
rokujouinnaka / rokujoinnaka ろくじょういんなか |
(place-name) Rokujōinnaka |
六条院東 see styles |
rokujouinhigashi / rokujoinhigashi ろくじょういんひがし |
(place-name) Rokujōinhigashi |
六条院西 see styles |
rokujouinnishi / rokujoinnishi ろくじょういんにし |
(place-name) Rokujōinnishi |
六枚橋川 see styles |
rokumaibashigawa ろくまいばしがわ |
(place-name) Rokumaibashigawa |
六枝特區 六枝特区 see styles |
lù zhī tè qū lu4 zhi1 te4 qu1 lu chih t`e ch`ü lu chih te chü |
Luzhi special economic area in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水, west Guizhou |
六根五用 see styles |
liù gēn wǔ yòng liu4 gen1 wu3 yong4 liu ken wu yung rokkon goyō |
Substitution of one organ for another, or use of one organ to do the work of all the others, which is a Buddha's power. |
六根功德 see styles |
liù gēn gōng dé liu4 gen1 gong1 de2 liu ken kung te rokkon kudoku |
The powers of the six senses, i. e. the achievement by purification of their interchange of function. |
六根懺悔 六根忏悔 see styles |
liù gēn chàn huǐ liu4 gen1 chan4 hui3 liu ken ch`an hui liu ken chan hui rokkon sange |
A penitential service over the sins of the six senses. |
六根淸淨 六根淸净 see styles |
liù gēn qīng jìng liu4 gen1 qing1 jing4 liu ken ch`ing ching liu ken ching ching rokkon shōjō |
The six organs and their purification in order to develop their unlimited power and interchange, as in the case of a Buddha. This full development enables e. g. the eye to see everything in a great chiliocosm from its highest heaven down to its lowest hells and all the beings past, present, and future, with all the karma of each. |
六根清浄 see styles |
rokkonshoujou / rokkonshojo ろっこんしょうじょう |
(yoji) {Buddh} purification of the six roots of perception |
六條新田 see styles |
rokujoushinden / rokujoshinden ろくじょうしんでん |
(place-name) Rokujōshinden |
六欲四禪 六欲四禅 see styles |
liù yù sì chán liu4 yu4 si4 chan2 liu yü ssu ch`an liu yü ssu chan rokuyoku shizen |
the six heavens where sexual desire continues, and the four dhyāna heavens of purity above them free from such desire. |
六欲天主 see styles |
liù yù tiān zhǔ liu4 yu4 tian1 zhu3 liu yü t`ien chu liu yü tien chu roku yokuten shu |
king of [one of] the six heavens |
六歳臼歯 see styles |
rokusaikyuushi / rokusaikyushi ろくさいきゅうし |
six-year molar |
六氟化硫 see styles |
liù fú huà liú liu4 fu2 hua4 liu2 liu fu hua liu |
sulfur hexafluoride |
六氟化鈾 六氟化铀 see styles |
liù fú huà yóu liu4 fu2 hua4 you2 liu fu hua yu |
uranium hexafluoride (UF6) |
六沢溜池 see styles |
musawatameike / musawatameke むさわためいけ |
(place-name) Musawatameike |
六泉寺町 see styles |
rokusenjichou / rokusenjicho ろくせんじちょう |
(place-name) Rokusenjichō |
六法全書 see styles |
roppouzensho / roppozensho ろっぽうぜんしょ |
(yoji) compendium of laws; statute books; complete book of the Six Codes |
六波羅蜜 六波罗蜜 see styles |
liù pō luó mì liu4 po1 luo2 mi4 liu p`o lo mi liu po lo mi rokuharamitsu; ropparamitsu ろくはらみつ; ろっぱらみつ |
the six virtues (perfections) a Buddha elect practices to attain supreme enlightenment six perfections |
六波羅野 see styles |
rokuharano ろくはらの |
(place-name) Rokuharano |
六派哲学 see styles |
roppatetsugaku ろっぱてつがく |
six schools of classical Indian philosophy |
六派哲學 六派哲学 see styles |
liù pài zhé xué liu4 pai4 zhe2 xue2 liu p`ai che hsüeh liu pai che hsüeh roppa tetsugaku |
six systems of classical Indian philosophy |
六渡寺駅 see styles |
rokudoujieki / rokudojieki ろくどうじえき |
(st) Rokudouji Station |
六湛寺町 see styles |
rokutanjichou / rokutanjicho ろくたんじちょう |
(place-name) Rokutanjichō |
六牙白象 see styles |
liù yá bái xiàng liu4 ya2 bai2 xiang4 liu ya pai hsiang roku ge no byakuzō |
six tusked white elephant |
六甲台町 see styles |
rokkoudaichou / rokkodaicho ろっこうだいちょう |
(place-name) Rokkoudaichō |
六甲大橋 see styles |
rokkouoohashi / rokkooohashi ろっこうおおはし |
(place-name) Rokkouoohashi |
六甲山地 see styles |
rokkousanchi / rokkosanchi ろっこうさんち |
(personal name) Rokkousanchi |
六甲山町 see styles |
rokkousanchou / rokkosancho ろっこうさんちょう |
(place-name) Rokkousanchō |
六甲道駅 see styles |
rokkoumichieki / rokkomichieki ろっこうみちえき |
(st) Rokkoumichi Station |
六甲隧道 see styles |
rokkouzuidou / rokkozuido ろっこうずいどう |
(place-name) Rokkouzuidō |
六町新開 see styles |
mutsumachishingai むつまちしんがい |
(place-name) Mutsumachishingai |
六番町駅 see styles |
rokubanchoueki / rokubanchoeki ろくばんちょうえき |
(st) Rokubanchō Station |
六百六号 see styles |
roppyakurokugou / roppyakurokugo ろっぴゃくろくごう |
arsphenamine; compound 606; salvarsan |
六百目町 see styles |
roppyakumechou / roppyakumecho ろっぴゃくめちょう |
(place-name) Roppyakumechō |
六盤水市 六盘水市 see styles |
liù pán shuǐ shì liu4 pan2 shui3 shi4 liu p`an shui shih liu pan shui shih |
Liupanshui, prefecture-level city in Guizhou Province 貴州省|贵州省[Gui4zhou1 Sheng3] |
六相圓融 六相圆融 see styles |
liù xiàng uan róng liu4 xiang4 uan2 rong2 liu hsiang uan jung rokusō enyū |
six characteristics of conditioned phenomena |
六祖壇経 see styles |
rokusodankyou / rokusodankyo ろくそだんきょう |
{Buddh} Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch; Platform Sutra |
六祖壇經 六祖坛经 see styles |
liù zǔ dà shī fǎ bǎo tán jīng // liù zǔ tán jīng liu4 zu3 da4 shi1 fa3 bao3 tan2 jing1 // liu4 zu3 tan2 jing1 liu tsu ta shih fa pao t`an ching // liu tsu t`an liu tsu ta shih fa pao tan ching // liu tsu tan Rokuso daishi hōbō dan kyō |
Dharma Jewel Platform Sūtra of the Great Master the Sixth Patriarch; Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch |
六神無主 六神无主 see styles |
liù shén wú zhǔ liu4 shen2 wu2 zhu3 liu shen wu chu |
out of one's wits (idiom); distracted; stunned |
六種外道 六种外道 see styles |
liù zhǒng wài dào liu4 zhong3 wai4 dao4 liu chung wai tao roku shu gedō |
The six kinds of ascetics; also 六種苦行外道; 六術; v. 六行. |
六種意樂 六种意乐 see styles |
liù zhǒng yì yào liu4 zhong3 yi4 yao4 liu chung i yao roku shu igyō |
six kinds of intentions (concerning liberation) |
六種攝受 六种摄受 see styles |
liù zhǒng shè shòu liu4 zhong3 she4 shou4 liu chung she shou roku shu shōju |
six kinds of taking in [of sentient beings] |
六種染心 六种染心 see styles |
liù zhǒng rǎn xīn liu4 zhong3 ran3 xin1 liu chung jan hsin rokushu zenshin |
six kinds of defiled thought |
六種正行 六种正行 see styles |
liù zhǒng zhèng xíng liu4 zhong3 zheng4 xing2 liu chung cheng hsing rokushu shōgyō |
The fifth of the 五種正行 q. v. is expanded into six kinds of proper practice: reading and intoning, studying, worshipping, invoking, praising, and making offerings. |
六種殺生 六种杀生 see styles |
liù zhǒng shā shēng liu4 zhong3 sha1 sheng1 liu chung sha sheng rokushu sesshō |
six kinds of circumstances related to killing |
六種決定 六种决定 see styles |
liù zhǒng jué dìng liu4 zhong3 jue2 ding4 liu chung chüeh ting roku shu ketsujō |
The six kinds of certainty resulting from observance of the six pāramitās: 財成決定 the certainty of wealth; 生勝決定 of rebirth in honorable families; 不退決定 of no retrogression (to lower conditions); 修習決定 of progress in practice; 定業決定 of unfailingly good karma; 無功用決定 of effortless abode in truth and wisdom. 大乘莊嚴論 12. |
六種神通 六种神通 see styles |
liù zhǒng shén tōng liu4 zhong3 shen2 tong1 liu chung shen t`ung liu chung shen tung rokushu jinzū |
six kinds of supernormal powers |
六種隨好 六种随好 see styles |
liù zhǒng suí hǎo liu4 zhong3 sui2 hao3 liu chung sui hao roku shu zuikō |
six minor marks |
六種震動 六种震动 see styles |
liù zhǒng zhèn dòng liu4 zhong3 zhen4 dong4 liu chung chen tung rokushu shindō |
The six earthquakes, or earth-shakings, also 六種動相, of which there are three different categories. I, Those at the Buddha's conception, birth, enlightenment, first preaching, when Māra besought him to live, and at his nirvana; some omit the fifth and after 'birth' add 'leaving home '. II. The six different kinds of shaking of the chiliocosm, or universe, when the Buddha entered into the samādhi of joyful wandering, see 大品般若經 1, i. e. east rose and west sank, and so on with w. e., n. s., s. n., middle and borders, borders and middle. III. Another group is shaking, rising, waving, reverberating, roaring, arousing, the first three referring to motion, the last three to sounds; see the above 般若經; which in later translations gives shaking, rising, reverberating, beating, roaring, crackling. |
六窗一猿 see styles |
liù chuāng yī yuán liu4 chuang1 yi1 yuan2 liu ch`uang i yüan liu chuang i yüan rokusō ichien |
Six windows and one monkey (climbing in and out), i. e. the six organs of sense and the active mind. |
六箇山谷 see styles |
mutsukayamatani むつかやまたに |
(place-name) Mutsukayamatani |
六箇用水 see styles |
rokkeyousui / rokkeyosui ろっけようすい |
(place-name) Rokkeyousui |
六級士官 六级士官 see styles |
liù jí shì guān liu4 ji2 shi4 guan1 liu chi shih kuan |
sergeant major |
六線星形 see styles |
rokusenhoshigata ろくせんほしがた |
(See ヘキサグラム) hexagram |
六群比丘 see styles |
liù qún bǐ qiū liu4 qun2 bi3 qiu1 liu ch`ün pi ch`iu liu chün pi chiu rokugun biku |
The six common-herd bhikṣus, to whose improper or evil conduct is attributed the laying down of many of the laws by Śākyamuni; also 六衆; different lists of names are given, the generally accepted list indicating Nanda, Upananda, Aśvaka, Punarvasu, Chanda, and Udāyin. Udāyin is probably Kalodayin, a name given in other lists. |
六者会合 see styles |
rokushakaigou / rokushakaigo ろくしゃかいごう |
(ev) six-party talks (regarding the North Korean nuclear weapons program); (ev) six-party talks (regarding the North Korean nuclear weapons program) |
六者協議 see styles |
rokushakyougi / rokushakyogi ろくしゃきょうぎ |
(ev) six-party talks (regarding the North Korean nuclear weapons program); (ev) six-party talks (regarding the North Korean nuclear weapons program) |
六自在王 see styles |
liù zì zài wáng liu4 zi4 zai4 wang2 liu tzu tsai wang roku jizai ō |
The six sovereign rulers, i. e. the six senses, see 六根. |
六般神足 see styles |
liù pán shén zú liu4 pan2 shen2 zu2 liu p`an shen tsu liu pan shen tsu rokuhan jinsoku |
The six supernatural signs; idem 六瑞. |
六良木辻 see styles |
rokurogitsuji ろくろぎつじ |
(place-name) Rokurogitsuji |
六親不認 六亲不认 see styles |
liù qīn bù rèn liu4 qin1 bu4 ren4 liu ch`in pu jen liu chin pu jen |
not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives |
六親無靠 六亲无靠 see styles |
liù qīn wú kào liu4 qin1 wu2 kao4 liu ch`in wu k`ao liu chin wu kao |
orphaned of all one's immediate relatives (idiom); no one to rely on; left to one's own devices |
六親眷属 see styles |
rokushinkenzoku ろくしんけんぞく |
all of one's relatives by blood and by marriage; one's kith and kin |
六親眷屬 六亲眷属 see styles |
liù qīn juàn shǔ liu4 qin1 juan4 shu3 liu ch`in chüan shu liu chin chüan shu rokushin kenzoku |
sixth blood relative |
六觀世音 六观世音 see styles |
liù guān shì yīn liu4 guan1 shi4 yin1 liu kuan shih yin Roku Kanzeon |
six [incarnations of] Avalokitêśvara |
六角堂東 see styles |
rokkakudouhigashi / rokkakudohigashi ろっかくどうひがし |
(place-name) Rokkakudouhigashi |
六角堂西 see styles |
rokkakudounishi / rokkakudonishi ろっかくどうにし |
(place-name) Rokkakudounishi |
六角大宮 see styles |
rokkakuoomiya ろっかくおおみや |
(place-name) Rokkakuoomiya |
六角定頼 see styles |
rokkakusadayori ろっかくさだより |
(person) Rokkaku Sadayori |
六角慎司 see styles |
rokkakushinji ろっかくしんじ |
(person) Rokkaku Shinji (1972.6.27-) |
六角括號 六角括号 see styles |
liù jiǎo kuò hào liu4 jiao3 kuo4 hao4 liu chiao k`uo hao liu chiao kuo hao |
tortoise shell brackets 〔〕 |
六角氏頼 see styles |
rokkakuujiyori / rokkakujiyori ろっかくうじより |
(person) Rokkaku Ujiyori |
六角泰綱 see styles |
rokkakuyasutsuna ろっかくやすつな |
(person) Rokkaku Yasutsuna |
六角満孝 see styles |
rokkakumitsutaka ろっかくみつたか |
(person) Rokkaku Mitsutaka |
六角牛山 see styles |
rokkoushisan / rokkoshisan ろっこうしさん |
(personal name) Rokkoushisan |
六角牧場 see styles |
rokkakubokujou / rokkakubokujo ろっかくぼくじょう |
(place-name) Rokkakubokujō |
六角猪熊 see styles |
rokkakuinokuma ろっかくいのくま |
(place-name) Rokkakuinokuma |
六角穴付 see styles |
rokkakuanatsuki ろっかくあなつき |
hexagon socket head; allen socket head |
六角紫水 see styles |
rokkakushisui ろっかくしすい |
(person) Rokkaku Shisui (1867.4.24-1950.4.15) |
六角義弼 see styles |
rokkakuyoshisuke ろっかくよしすけ |
(person) Rokkaku Yoshisuke |
六角義賢 see styles |
rokkakuyoshikata ろっかくよしかた |
(person) Rokkaku Yoshikata |
六角螺帽 see styles |
liù jiǎo luó mào liu4 jiao3 luo2 mao4 liu chiao lo mao |
hexagonal nut |
六角高頼 see styles |
rokkakutakayori ろっかくたかより |
(person) Rokkaku Takayori |
六角鬼丈 see styles |
rokkakukijou / rokkakukijo ろっかくきじょう |
(person) Rokkaku Kijō |
六解一亡 see styles |
liù jiě yī wáng liu4 jie3 yi1 wang2 liu chieh i wang rokuge ichimō |
When the six knots are untied the unity disappears. ' The six knots represent the six organs 六根 causing mortality, the cloth or cord tied in a series of knots represents nirvana. This illustrates the interdependence of nirvana and mortality. Cf. 六結; v. 梯伽經 5. |
六變震動 六变震动 see styles |
liù biàn zhèn dòng liu4 bian4 zhen4 dong4 liu pien chen tung rokuhen shindō |
six kinds of earthquake |
六車卓也 see styles |
mugurumatakuya むぐるまたくや |
(person) Muguruma Takuya (1961.1.16-) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "六" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.