There are 2983 total results for your 那 search. I have created 30 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
寧那恵 see styles |
nanae ななえ |
(personal name) Nanae |
小那木 see styles |
onagi おなぎ |
(surname) Onagi |
小那未 see styles |
konami こなみ |
(female given name) Konami |
小那比 see styles |
onabi おなび |
(place-name) Onabi |
小那田 see styles |
konada こなだ |
(place-name) Konada |
小那覇 see styles |
konawa こなわ |
(surname) Konawa |
小那谷 see styles |
onaya おなや |
(surname) Onaya |
尸棄那 尸弃那 see styles |
shī qìn à shi1 qin4 a4 shih ch`in a shih chin a Shikina |
Śikhin |
尼陀那 see styles |
ní tuó nà ni2 tuo2 na4 ni t`o na ni to na nidana |
nidāna, a band, bond, link, primary cause. I. The 十二因緣 twelve causes or links in the chain of existence: (1) jarā-maraṇa 老死 old age and death. (2) jāti 生 (re) birth. (3) bhava 有 existence. (4) upādāna 取 laying hold of, grasping. (5) tṛṣṇā 愛 love, thirst, desire. (6) vedana 受 receiving, perceiving, sensation. (7) sparśa 觸 touch, contact, feeling. (8) ṣaḍ-āyatana, 六入 the six senses. (9) nāma-rūpa 名色 name and form, individuality (of things). (10) vijñāna 六識 the six forms of perception, awareness or discernment. (11) saṃskāra 行 action, moral conduct. (12) avidyā 無明 unenlightenment, 'ignorance which mistakes the illusory phenomena of this world for realities. ' Eitel. These twelve links are stated also in Hīnayāna in reverse order, beginning with avidyā and ending with jarā-maraṇa. The Fanyimingyi says the whole series arises from 無明 ignorance, and if this can be got rid of the whole process of 生死 births and deaths (or reincarnations) comes to an end. II. Applied to the purpose and occasion of writing sutras, nidāna means (1) those written because of a request or query; (2) because certain precepts were violated; (3) because of certain events. |
屈浪那 see styles |
qū làng nà qu1 lang4 na4 ch`ü lang na chü lang na Kurōna |
(or 屈浪拏) Kūrān, anciently a kingdom Tokhara, 'the modern Garana, with mines of lapis lazuli (Lat. 36°28 N., Long. 71° 2 E. ).' Eitel. |
屋那瀬 see styles |
yanase やなせ |
(place-name) Yanase |
川那子 see styles |
kawanago かわなご |
(surname) Kawanago |
川那辺 see styles |
kawanabe かわなべ |
(surname) Kawanabe |
川那部 see styles |
kawanabe かわなべ |
(surname) Kawanabe |
左那恵 see styles |
sanae さなえ |
(personal name) Sanae |
左那枝 see styles |
sanae さなえ |
(personal name) Sanae |
左那江 see styles |
sanae さなえ |
(personal name) Sanae |
左那絵 see styles |
sanae さなえ |
(personal name) Sanae |
巳那子 see styles |
minako みなこ |
(given name) Minako |
巴瑠那 see styles |
haruna はるな |
(female given name) Haruna |
巴那世 see styles |
hanayo はなよ |
(female given name) Hanayo |
巴那子 see styles |
hanako はなこ |
(female given name) Hanako |
巴那玲 see styles |
hadare はだれ |
(personal name) Hadare |
布單那 布单那 see styles |
bù dān nà bu4 dan1 na4 pu tan na futanna |
(Skt. pūtanā) |
布怛那 see styles |
bù dán à bu4 dan2 a4 pu tan a futanna |
pūtanā, 布單那; 富多那 (or 富單那 or 富陀那) a female demon poisoning or the cause of wasting in a child; interpreted as a stinking hungry demon, and the most successful of demons. |
布美那 see styles |
fumina ふみな |
(female given name) Fumina |
帆那未 see styles |
honami ほなみ |
(given name) Honami |
帆那美 see styles |
honami ほなみ |
(female given name) Honami |
希世那 see styles |
kiyona きよな |
(female given name) Kiyona |
希衣那 see styles |
kiina / kina きいな |
(female given name) Kiina |
希那乃 see styles |
kinano きなの |
(female given name) Kinano |
師器那 see styles |
shikina しきな |
(female given name) Shikina |
帯那山 see styles |
obinayama おびなやま |
(personal name) Obinayama |
帯那川 see styles |
obinagawa おびながわ |
(place-name) Obinagawa |
常那美 see styles |
tonami となみ |
(personal name) Tonami |
干闍那 干阇那 see styles |
gān shén à gan1 shen2 a4 kan shen a kanjana |
建折那 kāñcana, golden; i. e. a tree, a shrub of the same type, with golden hue, described as of the leguminous order; perhaps the Kunjara. Wrongly written 于 (or 那) 于闍羅 and 千闍那. |
床那部 see styles |
tokonabe とこなべ |
(surname) Tokonabe |
廬舍那 庐舍那 see styles |
lú shèn à lu2 shen4 a4 lu shen a Roshana |
locana; illuminating; one of the forms of the trikāya, similar to the saṃbhogakayā. Also used for Vairocana, v. 毘. |
建折那 see styles |
jiàn zhén à jian4 zhen2 a4 chien chen a kensetsuna |
golden |
引那岐 see styles |
hikinagi ひきなぎ |
(place-name) Hikinagi |
弥唯那 see styles |
miyuna みゆな |
(female given name) Miyuna |
弥那子 see styles |
minako みなこ |
(female given name) Minako |
弥那斗 see styles |
minato みなと |
(given name) Minato |
弥那瀬 see styles |
minase みなせ |
(female given name) Minase |
弥那美 see styles |
minami みなみ |
(female given name) Minami |
弥那雄 see styles |
minao みなお |
(personal name) Minao |
彗流那 see styles |
eruna えるな |
(female given name) Eruna |
彩桜那 see styles |
aona あおな |
(female given name) Aona |
彩衣那 see styles |
seina / sena せいな |
(female given name) Seina |
彩那乃 see styles |
sanano さなの |
(female given name) Sanano |
彬馬那 彬马那 see styles |
bīn mǎ nà bin1 ma3 na4 pin ma na |
Pyinmana, town in central Myanmar |
征那子 see styles |
sonako そなこ |
(female given name) Sonako |
後刹那 后刹那 see styles |
hòu chàn à hou4 chan4 a4 hou ch`an a hou chan a go setsuna |
final instant |
御那実 see styles |
minami みなみ |
(female given name) Minami |
御那美 see styles |
minami みなみ |
(female given name) Minami |
心刹那 see styles |
xīn chàn à xin1 chan4 a4 hsin ch`an a hsin chan a shin setsuna |
thought-moment |
志瑞那 see styles |
shizuna しずな |
(female given name) Shizuna |
志那中 see styles |
shinanaka しななか |
(place-name) Shinanaka |
志那人 see styles |
shinajin しなじん |
(given name) Shinajin |
志那子 see styles |
shinako しなこ |
(female given name) Shinako |
志那町 see styles |
shinachou / shinacho しなちょう |
(place-name) Shinachō |
忽那山 see styles |
kutsunayama くつなやま |
(place-name) Kutsunayama |
怛刹那 see styles |
dá chàn à da2 chan4 a4 ta ch`an a ta chan a tansetsuna |
? tṛṇa, a length of time consisting of 120 kṣaṇa, or moments; or 'a wink', the time for twenty thoughts. |
怛缽那 怛钵那 see styles |
dá bō nà da2 bo1 na4 ta po na tapana |
porridge |
怛鉢那 怛钵那 see styles |
dàn bō nà dan4 bo1 na4 tan po na tahana |
tapana, an ego, or self, personal, permanent existence, both 人我 and 法我 q. v. |
怜来那 see styles |
rekuna れくな |
(female given name) Rekuna |
恵利那 see styles |
erina えりな |
(female given name) Erina |
恵夢那 see styles |
emuna えむな |
(female given name) Emuna |
恵李那 see styles |
erina えりな |
(given name) Erina |
恵玲那 see styles |
erena えれな |
(female given name) Erena |
恵理那 see styles |
erina えりな |
(female given name) Erina |
恵璃那 see styles |
erina えりな |
(female given name) Erina |
恵那代 see styles |
enayo えなよ |
(personal name) Enayo |
恵那子 see styles |
enako えなこ |
(female given name) Enako |
恵那山 see styles |
enasan えなさん |
(personal name) Enasan |
恵那峡 see styles |
enakyou / enakyo えなきょう |
(place-name) Enakyō |
恵那市 see styles |
enashi えなし |
(place-name) Ena (city) |
恵那桜 see styles |
enazakura えなざくら |
(surname) Enazakura |
恵那櫻 see styles |
enazakura えなざくら |
(surname) Enazakura |
恵那美 see styles |
enami えなみ |
(personal name) Enami |
恵那郡 see styles |
enagun えなぐん |
(place-name) Enagun |
恵那駅 see styles |
enaeki えなえき |
(st) Ena Station |
恵里那 see styles |
erina えりな |
(female given name) Erina |
悠凜那 see styles |
yurina ゆりな |
(female given name) Yurina |
悠利那 see styles |
yurina ゆりな |
(female given name) Yurina |
悠吏那 see styles |
yurina ゆりな |
(female given name) Yurina |
悠梨那 see styles |
yurina ゆりな |
(female given name) Yurina |
悠爽那 see styles |
yusana ゆさな |
(female given name) Yusana |
悠理那 see styles |
yurina ゆりな |
(female given name) Yurina |
悠璃那 see styles |
yurina ゆりな |
(female given name) Yurina |
悠莉那 see styles |
yurina ゆりな |
(female given name) Yurina |
悠麗那 see styles |
yurina ゆりな |
(female given name) Yurina |
惟沙那 see styles |
isana いさな |
(female given name) Isana |
惟玖那 see styles |
ikuna いくな |
(female given name) Ikuna |
惟那子 see styles |
inako いなこ |
(female given name) Inako |
惡察那 恶察那 see styles |
è chán à e4 chan2 a4 o ch`an a o chan a akusatsuna |
(or 惡察羅) akṣara; imperishable, unalterable; a syllable; words; intp. as unchanging word, a root word, or word-root. Also 惡刹羅; 阿乞史羅. |
想那子 see styles |
sonako そなこ |
(female given name) Sonako |
意世那 see styles |
iyona いよな |
(female given name) Iyona |
意代那 see styles |
iyona いよな |
(female given name) Iyona |
意那子 see styles |
inako いなこ |
(female given name) Inako |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "那" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.