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There are 1687 total results for your search. I have created 17 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
dà zhǔn tí tuó luó ní jīng
    da4 zhun3 ti2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ta chun t`i t`o lo ni ching
    ta chun ti to lo ni ching
 Dai shundai darani kyō
Da zhunti tuoluoni jing



see styles
dà wēi dé tuó luó ní jīng
    da4 wei1 de2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ta wei te t`o lo ni ching
    ta wei te to lo ni ching
 Dai itoku daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Greatly Powerful One



see styles
dà ài dào bǐ qiū ní jīng
    da4 ai4 dao4 bi3 qiu1 ni2 jing1
ta ai tao pi ch`iu ni ching
    ta ai tao pi chiu ni ching
 Daiaidō bikuni kyō
Daaidao biqiuni jing



see styles
dà mó lǐ zhī pú sà jīng
    da4 mo2 li3 zhi1 pu2 sa4 jing1
ta mo li chih p`u sa ching
    ta mo li chih pu sa ching
 Dai marishibosatsu kyō
Sūtra of Great Mārīcī, the Bodhisattva



see styles
dà fāng guǎng fó huá yán jīng
    da4 fang1 guang3 fo2 hua2 yan2 jing1
ta fang kuang fo hua yen ching
 Daihōkō butsu kegon kyō
Avatamsaka sutra of the Huayan school; also called Buddhavatamsaka-mahavaipulya Sutra, the Flower adornment sutra or the Garland sutra
Buddhāvataṃsaka-mahāvaipulya-sūtra ; the Avataṃsaka, Hua-yen, or Kegon sutra ; tr. by Buddhabhadra and others A.D. 418-420. The various translations are in 60, 80, and 40 chuan, v. 華嚴.



see styles
dà fāng guǎng rú lái zàng jīng
    da4 fang1 guang3 ru2 lai2 zang4 jing1
ta fang kuang ju lai tsang ching
 Daihōkō nyorai zō kyō



see styles
dà fāng děng rú lái zàng jīng
    da4 fang1 deng3 ru2 lai2 zang4 jing1
ta fang teng ju lai tsang ching
 Daihōdō nyorai zō kyō



see styles
dà fāng děng tuó luó ní jīng
    da4 fang1 deng3 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ta fang teng t`o lo ni ching
    ta fang teng to lo ni ching
 Dai hōdō darani kyō
Da fangdeng tuoluoni jing



see styles
dà fāng děng dǐng wáng shuō jīng
    da4 fang1 deng3 ding3 wang2 shuo1 jing1
ta fang teng ting wang shuo ching
 Daihōdō chōōsetsu kyō


see styles
dà fāng děng dǐng wáng shuō jīng
    da4 fang1 deng3 ding3 wang2 shuo1 jing1
ta fang teng ting wang shuo ching
Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa-sūtra, tr. by Dharmarakṣa A.D.265―316.



see styles
dà zhèng xīn xiū dà zàng jīng
    da4 zheng4 xin1 xiu1 da4 zang4 jing1
ta cheng hsin hsiu ta tsang ching
 Daishō shinshū daizō kyō
Daishō shinshū daizō kyō



see styles
dà fǎ jù tuó luó ní jīng
    da4 fa3 ju4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ta fa chü t`o lo ni ching
    ta fa chü to lo ni ching
 Daihō ko darani kyō
Dhāraṇī of the Lamp of Dharma



see styles
dà bān niè pán jīng hòu fēn
    da4 ban1 nie4 pan2 jing1 hou4 fen1
ta pan nieh p`an ching hou fen
    ta pan nieh pan ching hou fen
 Dai han nehan kyōgofun
The Latter Portion of the Sūtra on the Great Decease



see styles
dà bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    da4 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
ta po je po lo mi ching
 Dai hannya haramitsu kyō



see styles
dà suí qiú tuó luó ní jīng
    da4 sui2 qiu2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ta sui ch`iu t`o lo ni ching
    ta sui chiu to lo ni ching
 Daizuigu darani kyō
Da suiqiu tuoluoni jing



see styles
rú yì bǎo zǒng chí wáng jīng
    ru2 yi4 bao3 zong3 chi2 wang2 jing1
ju i pao tsung ch`ih wang ching
    ju i pao tsung chih wang ching
 Nyoihō sōji ō kyō
Ruyibao zongchi wang jing



see styles
rú yì lún tuó luó ní jīng
    ru2 yi4 lun2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ju i lun t`o lo ni ching
    ju i lun to lo ni ching
 Nyoirin daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel



see styles
miào huì tóng nǚ suǒ wèn jīng
    miao4 hui4 tong2 nv3 suo3 wen4 jing1
miao hui t`ung nü so wen ching
    miao hui tung nü so wen ching
 Myōe dōnyo shomon kyō



see styles
miào fǎ lián huá jīng wén jù
    miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2 jing1 wen2 ju4
miao fa lien hua ching wen chü
 Myōhō renge kyō mongu
Miaofalianhuajing wenju



see styles
miào fǎ lián huá jīng xuán yì
    miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2 jing1 xuan2 yi4
miao fa lien hua ching hsüan i
 Myōhō renge kyō gengi
Profound Meaning of the Sūtra on the Lotus of the Marvelous Dharma



see styles
miào fǎ lián huá jīng yì shū
    miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2 jing1 yi4 shu1
miao fa lien hua ching i shu
 Myōhō renge kyō gisho
Miaofa lianhua jing yishu



see styles
miào fǎ lián huá jīng yì jì
    miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2 jing1 yi4 ji4
miao fa lien hua ching i chi
 Myōhō renge kyōgiki
Miaofa lianhua jing yiji



see styles
shǒu hù dà qiān guó tǔ jīng
    shou3 hu4 da4 qian1 guo2 tu3 jing1
shou hu ta ch`ien kuo t`u ching
    shou hu ta chien kuo tu ching
 Shugo daisenkokudo kyō
Sūtra of the Great Thousand [Destructions, Defender of the Land]



see styles
ān zhái tuó luó ní zhòu jīng
    an1 zhai2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 zhou4 jing1
an chai t`o lo ni chou ching
    an chai to lo ni chou ching
 Antaku daraniju kyō
Anzhai tuoluonizhou jing



see styles
mì jī jīn gāng lì shì jīng
    mi4 ji1 jin1 gang1 li4 shi4 jing1
mi chi chin kang li shih ching
 Misshaku kongō rikishi kyō
Sūtra on the Secret Teachings of the Adamantine Warriors



see styles
bǎo qiè yìn tuó luó ní jīng
    bao3 qie4 yin4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
pao ch`ieh yin t`o lo ni ching
    pao chieh yin to lo ni ching
 Hōkyōin darani kyō
Baoqieyin tuoluoni jing



see styles
yán mìng shí jù guān yīn jīng
    yan2 ming4 shi2 ju4 guan1 yin1 jing1
yen ming shih chü kuan yin ching
 Enmyō jūku Kannon kyō
Life-Extending Ten-Line Avalokitêśvara Sūtra



see styles
mí lè shàng shēng jīng zōng yào
    mi2 le4 shang4 sheng1 jing1 zong1 yao4
mi le shang sheng ching tsung yao
 Miroku jōshō kyō shūyō
Doctrinal Essentials of the Sūtra on the Ascension of Maitreya



see styles
sī yì fàn tiān suǒ wèn jīng
    si1 yi4 fan4 tian1 suo3 wen4 jing1
ssu i fan t`ien so wen ching
    ssu i fan tien so wen ching
 Shieki Bonten sho mon kyō
Sūtra of the Questions of Viśeṣa-cinti-brahma



see styles
huì lín yī qiè jīng yīn yì
    hui4 lin2 yi1 qie4 jing1 yin1 yi4
hui lin i ch`ieh ching yin i
    hui lin i chieh ching yin i
 Erin issai kyō on gi
Huilin's Sounds and Meanings [of all the words in] the Scriptures



see styles
mó hē bō rě fàng guāng jīng
    mo2 he1 bo1 re3 fang4 guang1 jing1
mo ho po je fang kuang ching
 Maka hannya hōkō kyō



see styles
jiù liáo xiǎo ér jí bìng jīng
    jiu4 liao2 xiao3 er2 ji2 bing4 jing1
chiu liao hsiao erh chi ping ching
 Kyūryō shōji shitsubyō kyō
Jiuliao xiaoer jibing jing



see styles
wén shū shī lì xún xíng jīng
    wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 xun2 xing2 jing1
wen shu shih li hsün hsing ching
 Monjushiri jungyō kyō
Sūtra of Mañjuśrī's Tour



see styles
duàn zhū fǎ hú yí fǎ jīng
    duan4 zhu1 fa3 hu2 yi2 fa3 jing1
tuan chu fa hu i fa ching
 Danshohōkogi hō kyō
Sūtra of the Dharma of Severing Doubts of the Dharma



see styles
fāng děng wú xiàng dà yún jīng
    fang1 deng3 wu2 xiang4 da4 yun2 jing1
fang teng wu hsiang ta yün ching
 Hōtō musō daiun kyō



see styles
fàn wǎng liù shí èr jiàn jīng
    fan4 wang3 liu4 shi2 er4 jian4 jing1
fan wang liu shih erh chien ching
 Bonmō rokujūni ken kyō
Sūtra on the Brahma's Net of Sixty-two Views



see styles
bǐ qiū sān qiān wēi yí jīng
    bi3 qiu1 san1 qian1 wei1 yi2 jing1
pi ch`iu san ch`ien wei i ching
    pi chiu san chien wei i ching
 Biku sanzen igi kyō
Sūtra of the Three Thousand Regulations for Bhikṣus



see styles
zhì chán bìng mì yào fǎ jīng
    zhi4 chan2 bing4 mi4 yao4 fa3 jing1
chih ch`an ping mi yao fa ching
    chih chan ping mi yao fa ching
 Ji zenbyō hiyōhō kyō
Secret Essentials for Healing the Maladies of Meditation



see styles
yáng pǔ jīng jì kāi fā qū
    yang2 pu3 jing1 ji4 kai1 fa1 qu1
yang p`u ching chi k`ai fa ch`ü
    yang pu ching chi kai fa chü
Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Hainan



see styles
tiān pǐn miào fǎ lián huá jīng
    tian1 pin3 miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2 jing1
t`ien p`in miao fa lien hua ching
    tien pin miao fa lien hua ching
 Tenbon myōhō renge kyō
Appended Lotus Sūtra



see styles
wú liáng mén wēi mì chí jīng
    wu2 liang2 men2 wei1 mi4 chi2 jing1
wu liang men wei mi ch`ih ching
    wu liang men wei mi chih ching
 Muryō mon mimitsuji kyō
Wuliang men weimi chi jing



see styles
gān lù jīng tuó luó ní zhòu
    gan1 lu4 jing1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 zhou4
kan lu ching t`o lo ni chou
    kan lu ching to lo ni chou
 Kanrokyō darani ju
Ambrosia Dhāraṇī



see styles
chēng yáng zhū fó gōng dé jīng
    cheng1 yang2 zhu1 fo2 gong1 de2 jing1
ch`eng yang chu fo kung te ching
    cheng yang chu fo kung te ching
 Shōyō shobutsu kudoku kyō
Sūtra on the Merit [Acquired by] Praising the Buddha



see styles
chēng zàn dà shèng gōng dé jīng
    cheng1 zan4 da4 sheng4 gong1 de2 jing1
ch`eng tsan ta sheng kung te ching
    cheng tsan ta sheng kung te ching
 Shōsan daijō kudoku kyō
Sūtra on the Merit of Extolling Mahāyāna



see styles
xù gǔ jīn yì jīng tú jì
    xu4 gu3 jin1 yi4 jing1 tu2 ji4
hsü ku chin i ching t`u chi
    hsü ku chin i ching tu chi
 Zoku kogon yakukyō zuki
Xu gujin yijing tuji tu-chi



see styles
shèng chí shì tuó luó ní jīng
    sheng4 chi2 shi4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
sheng ch`ih shih t`o lo ni ching
    sheng chih shih to lo ni ching
 Shō jise daranikyō



see styles
shèng yào mǔ tuó luó ní jīng
    sheng4 yao4 mu3 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
sheng yao mu t`o lo ni ching
    sheng yao mu to lo ni ching
 Shō yōmo darani kyō
Dhāraṇī of the Sacred Planet Mothers



see styles
shèng zuì shèng tuó luó ní jīng
    sheng4 zui4 sheng4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
sheng tsui sheng t`o lo ni ching
    sheng tsui sheng to lo ni ching
 Shō saiShō daranikyō
Sūtra of the Sagely and Most Excellent Dhāraṇī



see styles
shèng zhuāng yán tuó luó ní jīng
    sheng4 zhuang1 yan2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
sheng chuang yen t`o lo ni ching
    sheng chuang yen to lo ni ching
 Shō shōgon darani kyō
Dhāraṇī of the Sacred Adornment



see styles
bō rě bō luó mì duō jīng
    bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 jing1
po je po lo mi to ching
 Hannya haramitta kyō
Sūtra on the Perfection of Wisdom



see styles
huā jù tuó luó ní zhòu jīng
    hua1 ju4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 zhou4 jing1
hua chü t`o lo ni chou ching
    hua chü to lo ni chou ching
 Keshu daraniju kyō
Huaju tuoluonizhou jing



see styles
pú sà běn yè yīng luò jīng
    pu2 sa4 ben3 ye4 ying1 luo4 jing1
p`u sa pen yeh ying lo ching
    pu sa pen yeh ying lo ching
 Bosatsu hongō yōraku kyō
Pusa benye yingluojing



see styles
pú sà yīng luò běn yè jīng
    pu2 sa4 ying1 luo4 ben3 ye4 jing1
p`u sa ying lo pen yeh ching
    pu sa ying lo pen yeh ching
 Bosatsu yōraku hongō kyō
Pusa yingluo benye jing



see styles
huā yán jīng rù fǎ jiè pǐn
    hua1 yan2 jing1 ru4 fa3 jie4 pin3
hua yen ching ju fa chieh p`in
    hua yen ching ju fa chieh pin
 Kegon kyō nyū hokkai bon



see styles
huā yán jīng xīn tuó luó ní
    hua1 yan2 jing1 xin1 tuo2 luo2 ni2
hua yen ching hsin t`o lo ni
    hua yen ching hsin to lo ni
 Kegonkyō shin darani
Dhāraṇī of the Essence of the Avataṃsaka-sūtra



see styles
huā yán jīng yì hǎi bó mén
    hua1 yan2 jing1 yi4 hai3 bo2 men2
hua yen ching i hai po men
 Kegonkyō gikai hyakumon
Huayanjing yihai bomen



see styles
lián huá yǎn tuó luó ní jīng
    lian2 hua2 yan3 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
lien hua yen t`o lo ni ching
    lien hua yen to lo ni ching
 Renge gen darani kyō
Dhāraṇī of the Lotus Eye



see styles
yào shī rú lái běn yuàn jīng
    yao4 shi1 ru2 lai2 ben3 yuan4 jing1
yao shih ju lai pen yüan ching
 Yakushi nyorai hongan kyō
Scripture on the Original Vows of the Medicine Tathāgata



see styles
yào shī běn yuàn gōng dé jīng
    yao4 shi1 ben3 yuan4 gong1 de2 jing1
yao shih pen yüan kung te ching
 Yakushi hongan kudoku kyō
Yaoshi benyuan gongde jing



see styles
zhòng xǔ mó hē dì shì jīng
    zhong4 xu3 mo2 he1 di4 shi4 jing1
chung hsü mo ho ti shih ching
 Shukomaka taishaku kyō



see styles
guān wú liáng shòu fó jīng shū
    guan1 wu2 liang2 shou4 fo2 jing1 shu1
kuan wu liang shou fo ching shu
 Kammuryō ju butsu kyō sho
Commentary on the Sūtra on Contemplation of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life:



see styles
guān wú liàng shòu jīng yì shū
    guan1 wu2 liang4 shou4 jing1 yi4 shu1
kuan wu liang shou ching i shu
 Kammuryōju kyō gisho
Commentary to the Sūtra of the Contemplation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life



see styles
guān zì zài shuō pǔ xián jīng
    guan1 zi4 zai4 shuo1 pu3 xian2 jing1
kuan tzu tsai shuo p`u hsien ching
    kuan tzu tsai shuo pu hsien ching
 Kanjizai setsu fugen kyō
Guanzizai shuo puxian jing



see styles
rèn zhī shén jīng xīn lǐ xué
    ren4 zhi1 shen2 jing1 xin1 li3 xue2
jen chih shen ching hsin li hsüeh
cognitive neuropsychology



see styles
zhū fó xīn tuó luó ní jīng
    zhu1 fo2 xin1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
chu fo hsin t`o lo ni ching
    chu fo hsin to lo ni ching
 Sho busshin daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Essence of the Buddhas



see styles
zhū xīng mǔ tuó luó ní jīng
    zhu1 xing1 mu3 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
chu hsing mu t`o lo ni ching
    chu hsing mu to lo ni ching
 Shoshōmo darani kyō
Dhāraṇī of the Planet Mothers



see styles
hù mìng fǎ mén shén zhòu jīng
    hu4 ming4 fa3 men2 shen2 zhou4 jing1
hu ming fa men shen chou ching
 Gomyō hōmon jinju kyō
Huming famen shenzhou jing



see styles
biàn zhào dà lì míng wáng jīng
    bian4 zhao4 da4 li4 ming2 wang2 jing1
pien chao ta li ming wang ching
 Henshō dairiki myōō kyō
Bianzhao dali mingwang jing



see styles
guō qù xiàn zài yīn guǒ jīng
    guo1 qu4 xian4 zai4 yin1 guo3 jing1
kuo ch`ü hsien tsai yin kuo ching
    kuo chü hsien tsai yin kuo ching
 Kako genzai inga kyō
Scripture on Past and Present Causes and Effects



see styles
jīn guāng míng zuì shèng wáng jīng
    jin1 guang1 ming2 zui4 sheng4 wang2 jing1
chin kuang ming tsui sheng wang ching
 Konkōmyō saishō ō kyō
Jinguangming zuishengwang jing



see styles
jīn gāng cháng tuó luó ní jīng
    jin1 gang1 chang2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
chin kang ch`ang t`o lo ni ching
    chin kang chang to lo ni ching
 Kongōjō darani kyō
Jingangchang tuoluoni jing



see styles
jīn gāng jīng shū lùn zuǎn yào
    jin1 gang1 jing1 shu1 lun4 zuan3 yao4
chin kang ching shu lun tsuan yao
 Kongōkyō soron sanyō
Jingang jing shoulun zuanyao



see styles
jīn gāng bō rě jīng lái sòng
    jin1 gang1 bo1 re3 jing1 lai2 song4
chin kang po je ching lai sung
 Kongō hannyakyō raiju
Verses on the Diamond Sūtra



see styles
zhèn hù guó jiā sān bù jīng
    zhen4 hu4 guo2 jia1 san1 bu4 jing1
chen hu kuo chia san pu ching
 Chingo kokka sanbukyō
three state protecting scriptures



see styles
cháng ā hán shí bào fǎ jīng
    chang2 a1 han2 shi2 bao4 fa3 jing1
ch`ang a han shih pao fa ching
    chang a han shih pao fa ching
 Jō agon juppō hōkyō
Sūtra of Ten Doctrines of Retribution in the Dīrghāgama



see styles
ā pí dá mó dà shèng jīng
    a1 pi2 da2 mo2 da4 sheng4 jing1
a p`i ta mo ta sheng ching
    a pi ta mo ta sheng ching
 Abidatsuma daijō kyō


see styles
xū zhēn tiān zǐ suǒ wèn jīng
    xu1 zhen1 tian1 zi3 suo3 wen4 jing1
hsü chen t`ien tzu so wen ching
    hsü chen tien tzu so wen ching
Sūtra of the Questions of Suvikrāntacinti-devaputra


see styles
shǒu lèng yán yì shū zhù jīng
    shou3 leng4 yan2 yi4 shu1 zhu4 jing1
shou leng yen i shu chu ching
Shoulengyan yishu zhu jing


see styles
gāo wáng bái yī guān yīn jīng
    gao1 wang2 bai2 yi1 guan1 yin1 jing1
kao wang pai i kuan yin ching
The Avalokitêśvara Sūtra of King Gao



see styles
gāo lí bā wàn dà zàng jīng
    gao1 li2 ba1 wan4 da4 zang4 jing1
kao li pa wan ta tsang ching
Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in the Haein Temple 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea



see styles
huáng dì bā shí yī nàn jīng
    huang2 di4 ba1 shi2 yi1 nan4 jing1
huang ti pa shih i nan ching
The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Eighty-one Difficulties, medical text, c. 1st century AD


see styles
gǔ yīn wáng tuó luó ní jīng
    gu3 yin1 wang2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ku yin wang t`o lo ni ching
    ku yin wang to lo ni ching
Dhāraṇī Sūtra of the King of the Sound of the Drum


see styles
gǔ yīn shēng tuó luó ní jīng
    gu3 yin1 sheng1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
ku yin sheng t`o lo ni ching
    ku yin sheng to lo ni ching
Dhāraṇī Sūtra of the King of the Sound of Amitâbha's Drum


see styles
bín ài yé jiè yīn yuán jīng
    bin2 ai4 ye2 jie4 yin1 yuan2 jing1
pin ai yeh chieh yin yüan ching
Sūtra of the Causes and Conditions of the Vinaya



see styles
jīng lì bǐ bǐ rì yè děng wèi
    jing1 li4 bi3 bi3 ri4 ye4 deng3 wei4
ching li pi pi jih yeh teng wei
 kyōreki hihi nichiya tōi
days and nights pass one after the other



see styles
jīng jì xié lì kāi fā jī gòu
    jing1 ji4 xie2 li4 kai1 fa1 ji1 gou4
ching chi hsieh li k`ai fa chi kou
    ching chi hsieh li kai fa chi kou
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); also written 濟合作與發展組織|经济合作与发展组织[Jing1 ji4 He2 zuo4 yu3 Fa1 zhan3 Zu3 zhi1]



see styles
yī qiè gōng dé zhuāng yán wáng jīng
    yi1 qie4 gong1 de2 zhuang1 yan2 wang2 jing1
i ch`ieh kung te chuang yen wang ching
    i chieh kung te chuang yen wang ching
 Issai kudoku shōgonnō kyō
Yiqie gongde zhuangyanwang jing



see styles
bù kōng juàn suǒ shén zhòu xīn jīng
    bu4 kong1 juan4 suo3 shen2 zhou4 xin1 jing1
pu k`ung chüan so shen chou hsin ching
    pu kung chüan so shen chou hsin ching
 Fukū kensaku jinju shin kyō
Xuanzang's translation (in 659) of the Amoghapāśakalpa-hṛdayadhāraṇī 不空羂索呪心



see styles
yà tài jīng jì hé zuò zǔ zhī
    ya4 tai4 jing1 ji4 he2 zuo4 zu3 zhi1
ya t`ai ching chi ho tso tsu chih
    ya tai ching chi ho tso tsu chih
Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation organization; APEC



see styles
rén wáng bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    ren2 wang2 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
jen wang po je po lo mi ching
 Ninnō hanya haramitsu kyō
(out-dated kanji) (Buddhist term) Humane King Sutra
The Humane Kings Perfection of Wisdom Sūtra



see styles
fó lín niè pán jì fǎ zhù jīng
    fo2 lin2 nie4 pan2 ji4 fa3 zhu4 jing1
fo lin nieh p`an chi fa chu ching
    fo lin nieh pan chi fa chu ching
 Butsu rin nehan kihōjū kyō
Sūtra of the Abiding Dharma Recorded Just Prior to Buddha's Nirvāṇa



see styles
fó shuō zhuāng yán pú tí xīn jīng
    fo2 shuo1 zhuang1 yan2 pu2 ti2 xin1 jing1
fo shuo chuang yen p`u t`i hsin ching
    fo shuo chuang yen pu ti hsin ching
 Bussetsu shōgon bodai shin kyō
Sūtra of the Adorned Mind of Enlightenment



see styles
fó shuō zhòng xǔ mó hē dì jīng
    fo2 shuo1 zhong4 xu3 mo2 he1 di4 jing1
fo shuo chung hsü mo ho ti ching
 Bussetsu shukomakatai kyō



see styles
fó shuō guān shì yīn sān mèi jīng
    fo2 shuo1 guan1 shi4 yin1 san1 mei4 jing1
fo shuo kuan shih yin san mei ching
 Bussetsu Kanzeon sanmaikyō
Avalokitêśvara Samādhi Sūtra Spoken by the Buddha



see styles
fó shuō guān wú liáng shòu fó jīng
    fo2 shuo1 guan1 wu2 liang2 shou4 fo2 jing1
fo shuo kuan wu liang shou fo ching
 Bussetsu kan muryōju butsu kyō
Foshuo guan wuliangshou fo jing



see styles
fó kāi jiě fàn zhì ā bá jīng
    fo2 kai1 jie3 fan4 zhi4 a1 ba2 jing1
fo k`ai chieh fan chih a pa ching
    fo kai chieh fan chih a pa ching
 Butsu kaige bonshi Abatsu kyō
Sūtra on the Buddha's Enlightening of Ambaṭṭha



see styles
fó dǐng zūn shèng tuó luó ní jīng
    fo2 ding3 zun1 sheng4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
fo ting tsun sheng t`o lo ni ching
    fo ting tsun sheng to lo ni ching
 Bucchō sonshō daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Jubilant Corona



see styles
yōu tián wáng zuò fó xíng xiàng jīng
    you1 tian2 wang2 zuo4 fo2 xing2 xiang4 jing1
yu t`ien wang tso fo hsing hsiang ching
    yu tien wang tso fo hsing hsiang ching
 Udenō sabutsugyōzō kyō
Sūtra on the Production of Buddha Images



see styles
guāng zàn bō rě bō luó mì jīng
    guang1 zan4 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 jing1
kuang tsan po je po lo mi ching
 Kōsan hannya haramitsu kyō



see styles
liǎng juǎn wú liáng shòu jīng zōng zhǐ
    liang3 juan3 wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 zong1 zhi3
liang chüan wu liang shou ching tsung chih
 Ryōkan muryōju kyō shūshi
Doctrinal Essentials of the Two-fascicle Sūtra of Immeasurable Life

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "經" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary