There are 2598 total results for your 空 search. I have created 26 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
空気入れ see styles |
kuukiire / kukire くうきいれ |
air pump; bicycle pump |
空気冷却 see styles |
kuukireikyaku / kukirekyaku くうきれいきゃく |
(n,adj-f) air cooling |
空気力学 see styles |
kuukirikigaku / kukirikigaku くうきりきがく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) aerodynamics |
空気感染 see styles |
kuukikansen / kukikansen くうきかんせん |
(n,vs,vi) airborne infection |
空気扱い see styles |
kuukiatsukai / kukiatsukai くうきあつかい |
(noun/participle) (colloquialism) treating (someone) like they are air; ignoring (someone) |
空気抜き see styles |
kuukinuki / kukinuki くうきぬき |
ventilator |
空気抵抗 see styles |
kuukiteikou / kukiteko くうきていこう |
air resistance |
空気機械 see styles |
kuukikikai / kukikikai くうききかい |
pneumatic machinery |
空気汚染 see styles |
kuukiosen / kukiosen くうきおせん |
air pollution |
空気発条 see styles |
kuukibane / kukibane くうきばね |
air suspension; air spring |
空気調和 see styles |
kuukichouwa / kukichowa くうきちょうわ |
air conditioning |
空気調整 see styles |
kuukichousei / kukichose くうきちょうせい |
(See 空気調節) air conditioning |
空気調節 see styles |
kuukichousetsu / kukichosetsu くうきちょうせつ |
air conditioning |
空気酸化 see styles |
kuukisanka / kukisanka くうきさんか |
(noun/participle) atmospheric oxidation; oxidation upon exposure to the air; air oxidation; smoothering |
空気電池 see styles |
kuukidenchi / kukidenchi くうきでんち |
air cell; air battery |
空氣劑量 空气剂量 see styles |
kōng qì jì liàng kong1 qi4 ji4 liang4 k`ung ch`i chi liang kung chi chi liang |
air dose |
空氣動力 空气动力 see styles |
kōng qì dòng lì kong1 qi4 dong4 li4 k`ung ch`i tung li kung chi tung li |
aerodynamic force |
空氣取樣 空气取样 see styles |
kōng qì qǔ yàng kong1 qi4 qu3 yang4 k`ung ch`i ch`ü yang kung chi chü yang |
air sampling |
空氣污染 空气污染 see styles |
kōng qì wū rǎn kong1 qi4 wu1 ran3 k`ung ch`i wu jan kung chi wu jan |
air pollution |
空氣流通 空气流通 see styles |
kōng qì liú tōng kong1 qi4 liu2 tong1 k`ung ch`i liu t`ung kung chi liu tung |
ventilation; air circulation |
空氣炸鍋 空气炸锅 see styles |
kōng qì zhá guō kong1 qi4 zha2 guo1 k`ung ch`i cha kuo kung chi cha kuo |
air fryer |
空氣調節 空气调节 see styles |
kōng qì tiáo jié kong1 qi4 tiao2 jie2 k`ung ch`i t`iao chieh kung chi tiao chieh |
air conditioning |
空氣阻力 空气阻力 see styles |
kōng qì zǔ lì kong1 qi4 zu3 li4 k`ung ch`i tsu li kung chi tsu li |
atmospheric drag |
空氣鳳梨 空气凤梨 see styles |
kōng qì fèng lí kong1 qi4 feng4 li2 k`ung ch`i feng li kung chi feng li |
air plant (genus Tillandsia 鐵蘭屬|铁兰属[tie3lan2shu3]) |
空沼小屋 see styles |
soranumagoya そらぬまごや |
(place-name) Soranumagoya |
空沼沢川 see styles |
soranumasawagawa そらぬまさわがわ |
(place-name) Soranumasawagawa |
空洞無物 空洞无物 see styles |
kōng dòng wú wù kong1 dong4 wu2 wu4 k`ung tung wu wu kung tung wu wu |
empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance; nothing new to show |
空港公園 see styles |
kuukoukouen / kukokoen くうこうこうえん |
(place-name) Airport Park |
空港南町 see styles |
kuukouminamimachi / kukominamimachi くうこうみなみまち |
(place-name) Kuukouminamimachi |
空港大橋 see styles |
kuukouoohashi / kukooohashi くうこうおおはし |
(place-name) Kuukouoohashi |
空無一人 空无一人 see styles |
kōng wú yī rén kong1 wu2 yi1 ren2 k`ung wu i jen kung wu i jen |
not a soul in sight (idiom) |
空無我聲 空无我声 see styles |
kōng wú wǒ shēng kong1 wu2 wo3 sheng1 k`ung wu wo sheng kung wu wo sheng kūmuga shō |
sound of selflessness of person |
空無所有 空无所有 see styles |
kōng wú suǒ yǒu kong1 wu2 suo3 you3 k`ung wu so yu kung wu so yu kū mu shou |
having nothing (idiom); utterly destitute; without two sticks to rub together empty, with nothing whatsoever |
空無辺処 see styles |
kuumuhensho / kumuhensho くうむへんしょ |
{Buddh} (See 無色界・むしきかい) Kumuhensho; lowest heaven of Mushikikai; realm of non-form |
空無邊處 空无边处 see styles |
kōng wú biān chù kong1 wu2 bian1 chu4 k`ung wu pien ch`u kung wu pien chu kū muhen sho |
the sphere of the infinity of space |
空理空論 see styles |
kuurikuuron / kurikuron くうりくうろん |
(yoji) impractical theory; academic discussion; doctrinairism |
空生身子 see styles |
kōng shēng shēn zǐ kong1 sheng1 shen1 zi3 k`ung sheng shen tzu kung sheng shen tzu Kūshō Shinshi |
Subhūti and Śāriputra |
空白支票 see styles |
kòng bái zhī piào kong4 bai2 zhi1 piao4 k`ung pai chih p`iao kung pai chih piao |
blank check |
空白文字 see styles |
kuuhakumoji / kuhakumoji くうはくもじ |
{comp} space character; whitespace character; blank character |
空白時間 see styles |
kuuhakujikan / kuhakujikan くうはくじかん |
idle time; down time; window period |
空白期間 see styles |
kuuhakukikan / kuhakukikan くうはくきかん |
blank period; window period; interregnum |
空知大橋 see styles |
sorachioohashi そらちおおはし |
(place-name) Sorachioohashi |
空知太東 see styles |
sorachibutohigashi そらちぶとひがし |
(place-name) Sorachibutohigashi |
空知太西 see styles |
sorachibutonishi そらちぶとにし |
(place-name) Sorachibutonishi |
空知川橋 see styles |
sorachigawabashi そらちがわばし |
(place-name) Sorachigawabashi |
空知支庁 see styles |
sorachishichou / sorachishicho そらちしちょう |
(place-name) Sorachishichō |
空知英秋 see styles |
sorachihideaki そらちひであき |
(person) Sorachi Hideaki (1979.5.25-) |
空穴來風 空穴来风 see styles |
kōng xué lái fēng kong1 xue2 lai2 feng1 k`ung hsüeh lai feng kung hsüeh lai feng |
lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom); fig. unfounded (story); baseless (claim) |
空空しい see styles |
sorazorashii / sorazorashi そらぞらしい |
(adjective) false; hypocritical |
空空如也 see styles |
kōng kōng rú yě kong1 kong1 ru2 ye3 k`ung k`ung ju yeh kung kung ju yeh |
as empty as anything (idiom); completely bereft; to have nothing; vacuous; hollow; empty (argument, head etc) |
空空寂寂 see styles |
kōng kōng jí jí kong1 kong1 ji2 ji2 k`ung k`ung chi chi kung kung chi chi kūkū jakujaku くうくうじゃくじゃく |
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) deserted and lonesome; quiet and alone; innocent and nonattached; All is void Void and silent, i.e. everything in the universe, with form or without form, is unreal and not to be considered as real. |
空空導彈 空空导弹 see styles |
kōng kōng dǎo dàn kong1 kong1 dao3 dan4 k`ung k`ung tao tan kung kung tao tan |
air-to-air missile |
空空洞洞 see styles |
kōng kōng dòng dòng kong1 kong1 dong4 dong4 k`ung k`ung tung tung kung kung tung tung |
empty; hollow; lacking in substance |
空空漠漠 see styles |
kuukuubakubaku / kukubakubaku くうくうばくばく |
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) vast; boundless; empty; vague |
空空盪盪 空空荡荡 see styles |
kōng kōng dàng dàng kong1 kong1 dang4 dang4 k`ung k`ung tang tang kung kung tang tang |
deserted |
空空蕩蕩 空空荡荡 see styles |
kōng kōng dàng dàng kong1 kong1 dang4 dang4 k`ung k`ung tang tang kung kung tang tang |
absolutely empty (space); complete vacuum |
空腹高心 see styles |
kōng fù gāo xīn kong1 fu4 gao1 xin1 k`ung fu kao hsin kung fu kao hsin |
ambitious despite a lack of talent (idiom) |
空色朝顔 see styles |
sorairoasagao; sorairoasagao そらいろあさがお; ソライロアサガオ |
(kana only) grannyvine (species of morning glory, Ipomoea tricolor) |
空襲警報 see styles |
kuushuukeihou / kushukeho くうしゅうけいほう |
air-raid alarm |
空解脫門 空解脱门 see styles |
kōng jiě tuō mén kong1 jie3 tuo1 men2 k`ung chieh t`o men kung chieh to men kū gedatsu mon |
The gate of salvation or deliverance by the realization of the immaterial, i.e. that the ego and things are formed of elements and have no reality in themselves; one of the three deliverances. |
空話連篇 空话连篇 see styles |
kōng huà lián piān kong1 hua4 lian2 pian1 k`ung hua lien p`ien kung hua lien pien |
long-winded empty talk |
空調設備 see styles |
kuuchousetsubi / kuchosetsubi くうちょうせつび |
air conditioner |
空谷足音 see styles |
kōng gǔ zú yīn kong1 gu3 zu2 yin1 k`ung ku tsu yin kung ku tsu yin |
lit. the sound of footsteps in a deserted valley (idiom); fig. something hard to come by; something wonderful and rare |
空走時間 see styles |
kuusoujikan / kusojikan くうそうじかん |
brake lag |
空走距離 see styles |
kuusoukyori / kusokyori くうそうきょり |
(See 制動距離,停止距離) brake reaction distance; brake lag distance |
空跑一趟 see styles |
kōng pǎo yī tàng kong1 pao3 yi1 tang4 k`ung p`ao i t`ang kung pao i tang |
to make a journey for nothing |
空軍一號 空军一号 see styles |
kōng jun yī hào kong1 jun1 yi1 hao4 k`ung chün i hao kung chün i hao |
Air Force One, US presidential jet |
空軍協会 see styles |
kuugunkyoukai / kugunkyokai くうぐんきょうかい |
(org) Air Force Association; AFA; (o) Air Force Association; AFA |
空軍司令 空军司令 see styles |
kōng jun sī lìng kong1 jun1 si1 ling4 k`ung chün ssu ling kung chün ssu ling |
air commodore; top commander of air force |
空軍基地 空军基地 see styles |
kōng jun jī dì kong1 jun1 ji1 di4 k`ung chün chi ti kung chün chi ti kuugunkichi / kugunkichi くうぐんきち |
air base air (force) base |
空軍大尉 see styles |
kuuguntaii / kuguntai くうぐんたいい |
air force captain |
空転国会 see styles |
kuutenkokkai / kutenkokkai くうてんこっかい |
stalled session of the Diet (Japanese Parliament) |
空輸貨物 see styles |
kuuyukamotsu / kuyukamotsu くうゆかもつ |
air freight; airborne cargo |
空輸軍団 see styles |
kuuyugundan / kuyugundan くうゆぐんだん |
(org) Military Airlift Command; (o) Military Airlift Command |
空野佳弘 see styles |
soranoyoshihiro そらのよしひろ |
(person) Sorano Yoshihiro |
空間充填 see styles |
kuukanjuuten / kukanjuten くうかんじゅうてん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {math} space-filling |
空間勾配 see styles |
kuukankoubai / kukankobai くうかんこうばい |
spatial gradient |
空間干渉 see styles |
kuukankanshou / kukankansho くうかんかんしょう |
space manipulation (e.g. supernatural ability) |
空間感覚 see styles |
kuukankankaku / kukankankaku くうかんかんかく |
sense of space |
空間探測 空间探测 see styles |
kōng jiān tàn cè kong1 jian1 tan4 ce4 k`ung chien t`an ts`e kung chien tan tse |
space exploration |
空間格子 see styles |
kuukankoushi / kukankoshi くうかんこうし |
{cryst} space lattice |
空間線量 see styles |
kuukansenryou / kukansenryo くうかんせんりょう |
(See 空間線量率) air dose (esp. radioactivity) |
空間芸術 see styles |
kuukangeijutsu / kukangejutsu くうかんげいじゅつ |
spatial art; space art; plastic arts; formative arts |
空間認識 see styles |
kuukanninshiki / kukanninshiki くうかんにんしき |
space perception; spatial perception; spatial awareness |
空頭市場 空头市场 see styles |
kōng tóu shì chǎng kong1 tou2 shi4 chang3 k`ung t`ou shih ch`ang kung tou shih chang |
bear market |
空頭支票 空头支票 see styles |
kōng tóu zhī piào kong1 tou2 zhi1 piao4 k`ung t`ou chih p`iao kung tou chih piao |
bounced check; bad check; (idiom) empty promise |
うわの空 see styles |
uwanosora うわのそら |
(noun or adjectival noun) inattention; absent-mindedness |
がら空き see styles |
garasuki がらすき garaaki / garaki がらあき |
(noun or adjectival noun) virtually empty; quite empty; (noun or adjectival noun) (1) virtually empty; quite empty; (2) inadequately defended; defenseless; defenceless |
ゼロ空間 see styles |
zerokuukan / zerokukan ゼロくうかん |
(mathematics term) null space |
ハブ空港 see styles |
habukuukou / habukuko ハブくうこう |
(See 拠点空港・きょてんくうこう) hub airport |
一切法空 see styles |
yī qiè fǎ kōng yi1 qie4 fa3 kong1 i ch`ieh fa k`ung i chieh fa kung issaihō kū |
sarvadharma-śūnyatā, the emptiness or unreality of all things. |
一切皆空 see styles |
yī qiè jiē kōng yi1 qie4 jie1 kong1 i ch`ieh chieh k`ung i chieh chieh kung issaikaikuu / issaikaiku いっさいかいくう |
(expression) (yoji) matter is void; all is vanity all is empty |
一向不空 see styles |
yī xiàng bù kōng yi1 xiang4 bu4 kong1 i hsiang pu k`ung i hsiang pu kung ikkō fukū |
exclusively non-empty |
一掃而空 一扫而空 see styles |
yī sǎo ér kōng yi1 sao3 er2 kong1 i sao erh k`ung i sao erh kung |
(idiom) to make a clean sweep of; to clean out |
一紙空文 一纸空文 see styles |
yī zhǐ kōng wén yi1 zhi3 kong1 wen2 i chih k`ung wen i chih kung wen |
a worthless piece of paper (idiom) |
三空觀門 三空观门 see styles |
sān kōng guān mén san1 kong1 guan1 men2 san k`ung kuan men san kung kuan men san kū kanmon |
three approaches to emptiness |
三空門觀 三空门观 see styles |
sān kōng mén guān san1 kong1 men2 guan1 san k`ung men kuan san kung men kuan san kūmon kan |
three contemplations of the aspect of emptiness |
三維空間 三维空间 see styles |
sān wéi kōng jiān san1 wei2 kong1 jian1 san wei k`ung chien san wei kung chien |
three-dimensional space; 3D |
三輪空寂 三轮空寂 see styles |
sān lún kōng jí san1 lun2 kong1 ji2 san lun k`ung chi san lun kung chi sanrin kūjaku |
vacuity of the three wheels |
三輪體空 三轮体空 see styles |
sān lún tǐ kōng san1 lun2 ti3 kong1 san lun t`i k`ung san lun ti kung sanrin taikū |
non-substantiality of the three wheels |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "空" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.