There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
鑑定人 see styles |
kanteinin / kantenin かんていにん |
judge; appraiser |
鑑定士 see styles |
kanteishi / kanteshi かんていし |
appraiser |
鑑定官 see styles |
kanteikan / kantekan かんていかん |
appraiser; assessor |
鑑定家 see styles |
kanteika / kanteka かんていか |
judge; appraiser |
鑑定料 see styles |
kanteiryou / kanteryo かんていりょう |
expert's fee |
鑑定書 see styles |
kanteisho / kantesho かんていしょ |
expert's written opinion or report |
阿部定 see styles |
abesada あべさだ |
(person) Abe Sada (1905.5.28-) |
限定品 see styles |
genteihin / gentehin げんていひん |
limited edition items; limited edition |
限定子 see styles |
genteishi / genteshi げんていし |
{comp} qualifier |
限定版 see styles |
genteiban / genteban げんていばん |
limited edition |
限定的 see styles |
genteiteki / genteteki げんていてき |
(adjectival noun) limited; limiting; restrictive |
限定詞 限定词 see styles |
xiàn dìng cí xian4 ding4 ci2 hsien ting tz`u hsien ting tzu genteishi / genteshi げんていし |
determiner (in grammar, i.e. article, demonstrative, possessive pronoun, noun genitive etc) {gramm} determiner; qualifier; determinative |
非定型 see styles |
hiteikei / hiteke ひていけい |
(can act as adjective) (1) free (e.g. verse); (can act as adjective) (2) atypical |
非想定 see styles |
fēi xiǎng dìng fei1 xiang3 ding4 fei hsiang ting |
concentration of no thought |
非決定 see styles |
fēi jué dìng fei1 jue2 ding4 fei chüeh ting |
uncertain |
非法定 see styles |
fēi fǎ dìng fei1 fa3 ding4 fei fa ting |
non-statutory; non-governmental |
預定義 预定义 see styles |
yù dìng yì yu4 ding4 yi4 yü ting i |
predefined |
額定值 额定值 see styles |
é dìng zhí e2 ding4 zhi2 o ting chih |
rating (for power output, flame resistance etc) |
F検定 see styles |
efukentei / efukente エフけんてい |
{math} F-test |
G検定 see styles |
jiikentei / jikente ジーけんてい |
{math} G-test |
T定規 see styles |
tiijougi / tijogi ティーじょうぎ |
T-square (technical drawing instrument) |
X指定 see styles |
ekkusushitei / ekkusushite エックスしてい |
(adj-no,n) (See 18禁・じゅうはちきん) X-rated; X-rating |
Z検定 see styles |
zettokentei / zettokente ゼットけんてい |
{math} Z-test |
t検定 see styles |
tiikentei / tikente ティーけんてい |
{math} t-test |
定めない see styles |
sadamenai さだめない |
(adjective) uncertain; transient; changeable |
定めの松 see styles |
sadamenomatsu さだめのまつ |
(place-name) Sadamenomatsu |
定め無い see styles |
sadamenai さだめない |
(adjective) uncertain; transient; changeable |
定之段川 see styles |
jounodangawa / jonodangawa じょうのだんがわ |
(place-name) Jōnodangawa |
定五郎橋 see styles |
sadagoroubashi / sadagorobashi さだごろうばし |
(place-name) Sadagoroubashi |
定住人口 see styles |
teijuujinkou / tejujinko ていじゅうじんこう |
resident population |
定例閣議 see styles |
teireikakugi / terekakugi ていれいかくぎ |
ordinary meeting of the Cabinet |
定光寺川 see styles |
joukoujigawa / jokojigawa じょうこうじがわ |
(place-name) Jōkoujigawa |
定光寺町 see styles |
joukoujichou / jokojicho じょうこうじちょう |
(place-name) Jōkoujichō |
定光寺駅 see styles |
joukoujieki / jokojieki じょうこうじえき |
(st) Jōkouji Station |
定刻通り see styles |
teikokudoori / tekokudoori ていこくどおり |
on schedule; on time |
定向培育 see styles |
dìng xiàng péi yù ding4 xiang4 pei2 yu4 ting hsiang p`ei yü ting hsiang pei yü |
directed breeding |
定向越野 see styles |
dìng xiàng yuè yě ding4 xiang4 yue4 ye3 ting hsiang yüeh yeh |
cross-country orienteering |
定向進化 see styles |
teikoushinka / tekoshinka ていこうしんか |
(n,vs,adj-no) orthogenesis |
定員割れ see styles |
teiinware / tenware ていいんわれ |
falling below quota; not reaching capacity (e.g. a school having fewer applicants for entrance exams than its quota) |
定岡卓摩 see styles |
sadaokatakuma さだおかたくま |
(person) Sadaoka Takuma (1986.10.17-) |
定岡智秋 see styles |
sadaokachiaki さだおかちあき |
(person) Sadaoka Chiaki (1953.6.17-) |
定岡正二 see styles |
sadaokashouji / sadaokashoji さだおかしょうじ |
(person) Sadaoka Shouji (1956.11.29-) |
定川戸川 see styles |
joukawatogawa / jokawatogawa じょうかわとがわ |
(place-name) Jōkawatogawa |
定左衛門 see styles |
jouzaemon / jozaemon じょうざえもん |
(male given name) Jōzaemon |
定常状態 see styles |
teijoujoutai / tejojotai ていじょうじょうたい |
steady state |
定年制度 see styles |
teinenseido / tenensedo ていねんせいど |
(See 定年制) mandatory retirement age (system) |
定年帰農 see styles |
teinenkinou / tenenkino ていねんきのう |
post-retirement return to one's home town and carrying out agricultural pursuits |
定年退職 see styles |
teinentaishoku / tenentaishoku ていねんたいしょく |
(compulsory) retirement (e.g. on reaching the age of 60); mandatory retirement; reaching retirement age |
定年離婚 see styles |
teinenrikon / tenenrikon ていねんりこん |
(colloquialism) divorce of a couple who have been married for a long time (brought on by retirement of the husband) |
定延利之 see styles |
sadanobutoshiyuki さだのぶとしゆき |
(person) Sadanobu Toshiyuki |
定形動詞 see styles |
teikeidoushi / tekedoshi ていけいどうし |
{gramm} finite verb |
定心三昧 see styles |
dìng xīn sān mèi ding4 xin1 san1 mei4 ting hsin san mei jōshin zanmai |
A fixed mind samādhi, i. e. fixed on the Pure Land and its glories. |
定性二乘 see styles |
dìng xìng èr shèng ding4 xing4 er4 sheng4 ting hsing erh sheng jōshō nijō |
the two vehicles of fixed nature |
定性分析 see styles |
dìng xìng fēn xī ding4 xing4 fen1 xi1 ting hsing fen hsi teiseibunseki / tesebunseki ていせいぶんせき |
qualitative inorganic analysis qualitative analysis |
定性理論 定性理论 see styles |
dìng xìng lǐ lùn ding4 xing4 li3 lun4 ting hsing li lun |
qualitative theory |
定性緣覺 定性缘觉 see styles |
dìng xìng yuán jué ding4 xing4 yuan2 jue2 ting hsing yüan chüeh jōshō no engaku |
nature determined for solitary realizer's attainment |
定性聲聞 定性声闻 see styles |
dìng xìng shēng wén ding4 xing4 sheng1 wen2 ting hsing sheng wen jōshō shōmon |
nature determined for śrāvaka attainment |
定性菩薩 定性菩萨 see styles |
dìng xìng pú sà ding4 xing4 pu2 sa4 ting hsing p`u sa ting hsing pu sa jōshō no bosatsu |
predisposed for bodhisattvahood |
定慧均等 see styles |
dìng huì jun děng ding4 hui4 jun1 deng3 ting hui chün teng jōe kintō |
the balance of concentration and wisdom |
定散二善 see styles |
dìng sàn èr shàn ding4 san4 er4 shan4 ting san erh shan jousannizen / josannizen じょうさんにぜん |
{Buddh} wholesomeness while meditating and in one's daily affairs Both a definite subject for meditation and an undefined field are considered as valuable. |
定数是正 see styles |
teisuuzesei / tesuzese ていすうぜせい |
reapportionment (of Diet seats) |
定数機能 see styles |
teisuukinou / tesukino ていすうきのう |
{comp} constant function |
定数表現 see styles |
teisuuhyougen / tesuhyogen ていすうひょうげん |
{comp} literal constant |
定方正毅 see styles |
sadakatamasayoshi さだかたまさよし |
(person) Sadakata Masayoshi |
定於一尊 定于一尊 see styles |
dìng yú yī zūn ding4 yu2 yi1 zun1 ting yü i tsun |
(idiom) to rely on a single authority to determine what is correct; to regard a source (or entity or individual) as the ultimate authority |
定時信管 定时信管 see styles |
dìng shí xìn guǎn ding4 shi2 xin4 guan3 ting shih hsin kuan |
timed detonator |
定時攝影 定时摄影 see styles |
dìng shí shè yǐng ding4 shi2 she4 ying3 ting shih she ying |
time-lapse photography |
定時炸彈 定时炸弹 see styles |
dìng shí zhà dàn ding4 shi2 zha4 dan4 ting shih cha tan |
time bomb |
定期バス see styles |
teikibasu / tekibasu ていきバス |
(See 路線バス) scheduled bus; fixed route bus |
定期保全 see styles |
teikihozen / tekihozen ていきほぜん |
{comp} scheduled maintenance |
定期保守 see styles |
teikihoshu / tekihoshu ていきほしゅ |
{comp} scheduled maintenance |
定期保険 see styles |
teikihoken / tekihoken ていきほけん |
(See 終身保険) term insurance |
定期借家 see styles |
teikishakuya / tekishakuya ていきしゃくや |
fixed-term house lease |
定期儲蓄 定期储蓄 see styles |
dìng qī chǔ xù ding4 qi1 chu3 xu4 ting ch`i ch`u hsü ting chi chu hsü |
fixed deposit (banking) |
定期入れ see styles |
teikiire / tekire ていきいれ |
commuter pass container; holder for a season ticket |
定期取引 see styles |
teikitorihiki / tekitorihiki ていきとりひき |
futures contracts |
定期存款 see styles |
dìng qī cún kuǎn ding4 qi1 cun2 kuan3 ting ch`i ts`un k`uan ting chi tsun kuan |
fixed deposit; time deposit; certificate of deposit (banking) |
定期昇給 see styles |
teikishoukyuu / tekishokyu ていきしょうきゅう |
regular (annual) pay raise |
定期検査 see styles |
teikikensa / tekikensa ていきけんさ |
(See 定期点検) periodic inspection; regular inspection |
定期検診 see styles |
teikikenshin / tekikenshin ていきけんしん |
periodic medical check-up (examination) |
定期業務 see styles |
teikigyoumu / tekigyomu ていきぎょうむ |
{comp} fixed task; scheduled task |
定期点検 see styles |
teikitenken / tekitenken ていきてんけん |
periodic check; periodic inspection; routine inspection |
定期試験 see styles |
teikishiken / tekishiken ていきしけん |
regular (periodic) examination |
定期購読 see styles |
teikikoudoku / tekikodoku ていきこうどく |
subscription (e.g. to a magazine) |
定期預金 see styles |
teikiyokin / tekiyokin ていきよきん |
term deposit; (fixed) time deposit |
定林寺跡 see styles |
jourinjiato / jorinjiato じょうりんじあと |
(place-name) Jōrinjiato |
定格荷重 see styles |
teikakukajuu / tekakukaju ていかくかじゅう |
rated capacity; net lifting load |
定格請負 see styles |
teikakuukeoi / tekakukeoi ていかくうけおい |
lump-sum contract |
定森恭司 see styles |
sadamorikyouji / sadamorikyoji さだもりきょうじ |
(person) Sadamori Kyōji |
定法寺町 see styles |
jouhoujichou / johojicho じょうほうじちょう |
(place-name) Jōhoujichō |
定海神針 定海神针 see styles |
dìng hǎi shén zhēn ding4 hai3 shen2 zhen1 ting hai shen chen |
another name for 金箍棒[jin1 gu1 bang4]; (fig.) stabilizing force |
定温動物 see styles |
teiondoubutsu / teondobutsu ていおんどうぶつ |
homeotherm |
定火消し see styles |
joubikeshi / jobikeshi じょうびけし |
fireman (in Edo) |
定点観測 see styles |
teitenkansoku / tetenkansoku ていてんかんそく |
fixed point observation |
定焦鏡頭 定焦镜头 see styles |
dìng jiāo jìng tóu ding4 jiao1 jing4 tou2 ting chiao ching t`ou ting chiao ching tou |
prime lens |
定禅寺通 see styles |
jouzenjidoori / jozenjidoori じょうぜんじどおり |
(place-name) Jōzenjidoori |
定置漁業 see styles |
teichigyogyou / techigyogyo ていちぎょぎょう |
fixed-net fishing |
定義可能 see styles |
teigikanou / tegikano ていぎかのう |
{comp} definable |
定義如来 see styles |
jouginyorai / joginyorai じょうぎにょらい |
(place-name) Jōginyorai |
定義済み see styles |
teigizumi / tegizumi ていぎずみ |
{comp} built-in; predefined |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.