There are 2491 total results for your 外 search. I have created 25 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
外交の才 see styles |
gaikounosai / gaikonosai がいこうのさい |
diplomatic talent |
外交事務 外交事务 see styles |
wài jiāo shì wù wai4 jiao1 shi4 wu4 wai chiao shih wu |
foreign affairs |
外交交渉 see styles |
gaikoukoushou / gaikokosho がいこうこうしょう |
diplomatic negotiations; negotiations through diplomatic channels |
外交体制 see styles |
gaikoutaisei / gaikotaise がいこうたいせい |
diplomatic structure |
外交使節 see styles |
gaikoushisetsu / gaikoshisetsu がいこうしせつ |
diplomat |
外交公電 see styles |
gaikoukouden / gaikokoden がいこうこうでん |
diplomatic cable; diplomatic telegram |
外交努力 see styles |
gaikoudoryoku / gaikodoryoku がいこうどりょく |
diplomatic efforts |
外交問題 see styles |
gaikoumondai / gaikomondai がいこうもんだい |
diplomatic issue |
外交大臣 see styles |
wài jiāo dà chén wai4 jiao1 da4 chen2 wai chiao ta ch`en wai chiao ta chen |
Foreign Secretary; (UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs |
外交學院 外交学院 see styles |
wài jiāo xué yuàn wai4 jiao1 xue2 yuan4 wai chiao hsüeh yüan |
China Foreign Affairs University |
外交官補 see styles |
gaikoukanho / gaikokanho がいこうかんほ |
probationary diplomat |
外交庇護 外交庇护 see styles |
wài jiāo bì hù wai4 jiao1 bi4 hu4 wai chiao pi hu |
diplomatic asylum |
外交弱勢 see styles |
gaikoujakusei / gaikojakuse がいこうじゃくせい |
(rare) outbreeding depression |
外交手腕 see styles |
wài jiāo shǒu wàn wai4 jiao1 shou3 wan4 wai chiao shou wan gaikoushuwan / gaikoshuwan がいこうしゅわん |
diplomatic skills diplomatic finesse; skill(surname) in diplomacy |
外交政策 see styles |
wài jiāo zhèng cè wai4 jiao1 zheng4 ce4 wai chiao cheng ts`e wai chiao cheng tse gaikouseisaku / gaikosesaku がいこうせいさく |
foreign policy foreign policy |
外交文書 see styles |
gaikoubunsho / gaikobunsho がいこうぶんしょ |
diplomatic papers or documents |
外交旅券 see styles |
gaikouryoken / gaikoryoken がいこうりょけん |
diplomatic passport |
外交機関 see styles |
gaikoukikan / gaikokikan がいこうきかん |
diplomatic institution |
外交活動 see styles |
gaikoukatsudou / gaikokatsudo がいこうかつどう |
diplomatic activity |
外交特権 see styles |
gaikoutokken / gaikotokken がいこうとっけん |
diplomatic immunity |
外交特權 外交特权 see styles |
wài jiāo tè quán wai4 jiao1 te4 quan2 wai chiao t`e ch`üan wai chiao te chüan |
diplomatic immunity |
外交行嚢 see styles |
gaikoukounou / gaikokono がいこうこうのう |
diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch |
外交販売 see styles |
gaikouhanbai / gaikohanbai がいこうはんばい |
traveling sales |
外交辞令 see styles |
gaikoujirei / gaikojire がいこうじれい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) diplomatic turn of phrase; diplomatic language; tactful way of expressing something |
外交部長 外交部长 see styles |
wài jiāo bù zhǎng wai4 jiao1 bu4 zhang3 wai chiao pu chang |
minister of foreign affairs |
外交関係 see styles |
gaikoukankei / gaikokanke がいこうかんけい |
diplomatic relations |
外交關係 外交关系 see styles |
wài jiāo guān xì wai4 jiao1 guan1 xi4 wai chiao kuan hsi |
foreign relations; diplomatic relations |
外交風波 外交风波 see styles |
wài jiāo fēng bō wai4 jiao1 feng1 bo1 wai chiao feng po |
diplomatic crisis |
外人向け see styles |
gaijinmuke がいじんむけ |
for foreigners |
外人墓地 see styles |
gaijinbochi がいじんぼち |
foreign cemetery (in Japan); cemetery for Westerners; (place-name) Gaijin Cemetery |
外人記者 see styles |
gaijinkisha がいじんきしゃ |
foreign correspondent |
外人選手 see styles |
gaijinsenshu がいじんせんしゅ |
foreign athlete |
外人部隊 see styles |
gaijinbutai がいじんぶたい |
Foreign Legion |
外來成語 外来成语 see styles |
wài lái chéng yǔ wai4 lai2 cheng2 yu3 wai lai ch`eng yü wai lai cheng yü |
loan idiom |
外來投資 外来投资 see styles |
wài lái tóu zī wai4 lai2 tou2 zi1 wai lai t`ou tzu wai lai tou tzu |
foreign investment |
外來物種 外来物种 see styles |
wài lái wù zhǒng wai4 lai2 wu4 zhong3 wai lai wu chung |
an introduced species |
外側広筋 see styles |
gaisokukoukin / gaisokukokin がいそくこうきん |
{anat} vastus lateralis muscle |
外側毛帯 see styles |
gaisokumoutai / gaisokumotai がいそくもうたい |
{anat} lateral lemniscus |
外傷体験 see styles |
gaishoutaiken / gaishotaiken がいしょうたいけん |
traumatic experience |
外八字腳 外八字脚 see styles |
wài bā zì jiǎo wai4 ba1 zi4 jiao3 wai pa tzu chiao |
splayed feet |
外八字腿 see styles |
wài bā zì tuǐ wai4 ba1 zi4 tui3 wai pa tzu t`ui wai pa tzu tui |
bow legs; bandy legs |
外八番江 see styles |
sotohachibane そとはちばんえ |
(place-name) Sotohachiban'e |
外六番江 see styles |
sotorokubane そとろくばんえ |
(place-name) Sotorokuban'e |
外典寫作 外典写作 see styles |
wài diǎn xiě zuò wai4 dian3 xie3 zuo4 wai tien hsieh tso |
apocryphal writings |
外凡內凡 外凡内凡 see styles |
wài fán nèi fán wai4 fan2 nei4 fan2 wai fan nei fan gebon naibon |
outer wordlings and inner worldlings |
外出嫌い see styles |
gaishutsugirai がいしゅつぎらい |
(noun or adjectival noun) homebody |
外出禁止 see styles |
gaishutsukinshi がいしゅつきんし |
curfew; lockdown; grounding |
外出自粛 see styles |
gaishutsujishuku がいしゅつじしゅく |
refraining from going outside; staying indoors |
外出訪問 外出访问 see styles |
wài chū fǎng wèn wai4 chu1 fang3 wen4 wai ch`u fang wen wai chu fang wen |
to make an official visit (often abroad) |
外出許可 see styles |
gaishutsukyoka がいしゅつきょか |
permission (for an inpatient, etc.) to leave |
外分泌腺 see styles |
wài fēn mì xiàn wai4 fen1 mi4 xian4 wai fen mi hsien gaibunpitsusen がいぶんぴつせん |
exocrine gland; gland producing external secretion (e.g. saliva) exocrine gland |
外剛內柔 外刚内柔 see styles |
wài gāng nèi róu wai4 gang1 nei4 rou2 wai kang nei jou |
soft on the inside despite one's hard shell; appearing tough on the outside as to mask one's inner vulnerability; also written 內柔外剛|内柔外刚[nei4 rou2 wai4 gang1] |
外剛内柔 see styles |
gaigounaijuu / gaigonaiju がいごうないじゅう |
(yoji) being tough on the outside but soft at heart; a faint-hearted person pretending to be brave |
外加附件 see styles |
wài jiā fù jiàn wai4 jia1 fu4 jian4 wai chia fu chien |
add-on (software); plug-in (software) |
外務大臣 see styles |
gaimudaijin がいむだいじん |
Minister for Foreign Affairs |
外匯儲備 外汇储备 see styles |
wài huì chǔ bèi wai4 hui4 chu3 bei4 wai hui ch`u pei wai hui chu pei |
foreign-exchange reserves |
外匯存底 外汇存底 see styles |
wài huì cún dǐ wai4 hui4 cun2 di3 wai hui ts`un ti wai hui tsun ti |
foreign exchange reserves (Tw) |
外反拇趾 see styles |
gaihanboshi がいはんぼし |
(med) hallux valgus; bunion |
外反母趾 see styles |
gaihanboshi がいはんぼし |
(med) hallux valgus; bunion |
外唐府沢 see styles |
sotokarafuzawa そとからふざわ |
(place-name) Sotokarafuzawa |
外喜三郎 see styles |
gekisaburou / gekisaburo げきさぶろう |
(male given name) Gekisaburō |
外喜二郎 see styles |
tokijirou / tokijiro ときじろう |
(male given name) Tokijirō |
外器世界 see styles |
wài qì shì jiè wai4 qi4 shi4 jie4 wai ch`i shih chieh wai chi shih chieh geki sekai |
the external natural world |
外器世間 外器世间 see styles |
wài qì shì jiān wai4 qi4 shi4 jian1 wai ch`i shih chien wai chi shih chien geki seken |
external container world |
外四番江 see styles |
sotoyonbane そとよんばんえ |
(place-name) Sotoyonban'e |
外国の方 see styles |
gaikokunokata がいこくのかた |
(exp,n) (polite language) foreigner; foreign person; non-national |
外国企業 see styles |
gaikokukigyou / gaikokukigyo がいこくきぎょう |
foreign business; foreign enterprise; foreign corporation |
外国会社 see styles |
gaikokugaisha がいこくがいしゃ |
foreign corporation; overseas company |
外国使節 see styles |
gaikokushisetsu がいこくしせつ |
foreign delegation; foreign mission; diplomatic envoy |
外国府間 see styles |
sotogouma / sotogoma そとごうま |
(place-name) Sotogouma |
外国投資 see styles |
gaikokutoushi / gaikokutoshi がいこくとうし |
foreign investment |
外国旅行 see styles |
gaikokuryokou / gaikokuryoko がいこくりょこう |
foreign travel; overseas trip |
外国映画 see styles |
gaikokueiga / gaikokuega がいこくえいが |
(1) foreign cinema; foreign film; (2) a foreign movie |
外国法人 see styles |
gaikokuhoujin / gaikokuhojin がいこくほうじん |
foreign corporation |
外国為替 see styles |
gaikokukawase がいこくかわせ |
foreign exchange |
外国生活 see styles |
gaikokuseikatsu / gaikokusekatsu がいこくせいかつ |
life in a foreign country; living abroad |
外国航路 see styles |
gaikokukouro / gaikokukoro がいこくこうろ |
(See 内国航路) foreign route; ocean route |
外国製品 see styles |
gaikokuseihin / gaikokusehin がいこくせいひん |
foreign good; foreign product |
外国貿易 see styles |
gaikokuboueki / gaikokuboeki がいこくぼうえき |
foreign trade; external trade |
外国資本 see styles |
gaikokushihon がいこくしほん |
{econ} foreign capital |
外国部隊 see styles |
gaikokubutai がいこくぶたい |
overseas (military forces) |
外国郵便 see styles |
gaikokuyuubin / gaikokuyubin がいこくゆうびん |
mail from abroad; foreign mail; overseas mail |
外國公司 外国公司 see styles |
wài guó gōng sī wai4 guo2 gong1 si1 wai kuo kung ssu |
foreign company |
外國媒體 外国媒体 see styles |
wài guó méi tǐ wai4 guo2 mei2 ti3 wai kuo mei t`i wai kuo mei ti |
foreign news media |
外國資本 外国资本 see styles |
wài guó zī běn wai4 guo2 zi1 ben3 wai kuo tzu pen |
foreign capital |
外圓內方 外圆内方 see styles |
wài yuán nèi fāng wai4 yuan2 nei4 fang1 wai yüan nei fang |
lit. outside-flexible, inside-firm (idiom); fig. velvet glove |
外土居町 see styles |
sotodoichou / sotodoicho そとどいちょう |
(place-name) Sotodoichō |
外在超越 see styles |
wài zài chāo yuè wai4 zai4 chao1 yue4 wai tsai ch`ao yüeh wai tsai chao yüeh |
outer transcendence (perfection through the agency of God) |
外城田川 see styles |
tokitagawa ときたがわ |
(personal name) Tokitagawa |
外城田駅 see styles |
tokidaeki ときだえき |
(st) Tokida Station |
外堀田原 see styles |
sotohoritabaru そとほりたばる |
(place-name) Sotohoritabaru |
外大久保 see styles |
sotoookubo そとおおくぼ |
(place-name) Sotoookubo |
外套細胞 see styles |
gaitousaibou / gaitosaibo がいとうさいぼう |
satellite cell (glial); amphicyte |
外字新聞 see styles |
gaijishinbun がいじしんぶん |
foreign-language newspaper |
外字番号 see styles |
gaijibangou / gaijibango がいじばんごう |
{comp} external character number |
外字符号 see styles |
gaijifugou / gaijifugo がいじふごう |
{comp} external character code |
外孫女兒 外孙女儿 see styles |
wài sūn nǚ r wai4 sun1 nu:3 r5 wai sun nü r |
granddaughter (one's daughter's daughter) |
外安孫沢 see styles |
sotoyasumagosawa そとやすまごさわ |
(place-name) Sotoyasumagosawa |
外宮神域 see styles |
geguushiniki / gegushiniki げぐうしんいき |
(place-name) Geguushin'iki |
外寬內忌 外宽内忌 see styles |
wài kuān nèi jì wai4 kuan1 nei4 ji4 wai k`uan nei chi wai kuan nei chi |
magnanimous on the outside, but hateful on the inside (idiom) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "外" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.