There are 1755 total results for your 國 search. I have created 18 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...101112131415161718>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
中國致公黨 中国致公党 see styles |
zhōng guó zhì gōng dǎng zhong1 guo2 zhi4 gong1 dang3 chung kuo chih kung tang |
(PRC) China Zhi Gong Party, one of the eight legally recognized minor political parties following the direction of the CCP |
中國航海日 中国航海日 see styles |
zhōng guó háng hǎi rì zhong1 guo2 hang2 hai3 ri4 chung kuo hang hai jih |
Maritime Day (July 11th) commemorating the first voyage of Zheng He 鄭和|郑和[Zheng4 He2] in 1405 AD |
中國證券報 中国证券报 see styles |
zhōng guó zhèng quàn bào zhong1 guo2 zheng4 quan4 bao4 chung kuo cheng ch`üan pao chung kuo cheng chüan pao |
China Securities Journal |
中國證監會 中国证监会 see styles |
zhōng guó zhèng jiān huì zhong1 guo2 zheng4 jian1 hui4 chung kuo cheng chien hui |
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) (abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会[Zhong1guo2 Zheng4quan4 Jian1du1 Guan3li3 Wei3yuan2hui4]) |
中國青年報 中国青年报 see styles |
zhōng guó qīng nián bào zhong1 guo2 qing1 nian2 bao4 chung kuo ch`ing nien pao chung kuo ching nien pao |
China Youth Daily, |
中非共和國 中非共和国 see styles |
zhōng fēi gòng hé guó zhong1 fei1 gong4 he2 guo2 chung fei kung ho kuo |
More info & calligraphy: Central African Republic |
五胡十六國 五胡十六国 see styles |
wǔ hú shí liù guó wu3 hu2 shi2 liu4 guo2 wu hu shih liu kuo |
Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han people (ruling most of China 304-439) See: 五胡十六国 |
佐格比國際 佐格比国际 see styles |
zuǒ gé bì guó jì zuo3 ge2 bi4 guo2 ji4 tso ko pi kuo chi |
Zogby International (polling company) |
俄羅斯帝國 俄罗斯帝国 see styles |
é luó sī dì guó e2 luo2 si1 di4 guo2 o lo ssu ti kuo |
Russian empire (1546-1917) |
全國大會黨 全国大会党 see styles |
quán guó dà huì dǎng quan2 guo2 da4 hui4 dang3 ch`üan kuo ta hui tang chüan kuo ta hui tang |
National Congress Party (Sudan) |
全國運動會 全国运动会 see styles |
quán guó yùn dòng huì quan2 guo2 yun4 dong4 hui4 ch`üan kuo yün tung hui chüan kuo yün tung hui |
National Games, Chinese athletics competition, organized every four years since 1959 |
十六國春秋 十六国春秋 see styles |
shí liù guó chūn qiū shi2 liu4 guo2 chun1 qiu1 shih liu kuo ch`un ch`iu shih liu kuo chun chiu |
history of the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 by Cui Hong 崔鴻|崔鸿, written towards the end of Wei of the Northern Dynasties 北魏, 100 scrolls |
印度國大黨 印度国大党 see styles |
yìn dù guó dà dǎng yin4 du4 guo2 da4 dang3 yin tu kuo ta tang |
Indian Congress party |
合眾國際社 合众国际社 see styles |
hé zhòng guó jì shè he2 zhong4 guo2 ji4 she4 ho chung kuo chi she |
United Press International (UPI) |
向國王禮拜 向国王礼拜 see styles |
xiàng guó wáng lǐ bài xiang4 guo2 wang2 li3 bai4 hsiang kuo wang li pai kō kokuō raihai |
paying homage to the king |
哈里發帝國 哈里发帝国 see styles |
hā lǐ fā dì guó ha1 li3 fa1 di4 guo2 ha li fa ti kuo |
Caliphate (Islamic empire formed after the death of the Prophet Muhammad 穆罕默德[Mu4han3mo4de2] in 632) |
外國投資者 外国投资者 see styles |
wài guó tóu zī zhě wai4 guo2 tou2 zi1 zhe3 wai kuo t`ou tzu che wai kuo tou tzu che |
foreign investor |
外國旅遊者 外国旅游者 see styles |
wài guó lǚ yóu zhě wai4 guo2 lu:3 you2 zhe3 wai kuo lü yu che |
foreign traveler |
多民族國家 多民族国家 see styles |
duō mín zú guó jiā duo1 min2 zu2 guo2 jia1 to min tsu kuo chia |
multiethnic state See: 多民族国家 |
多米尼克國 多米尼克国 see styles |
duō mǐ ní kè guó duo1 mi3 ni2 ke4 guo2 to mi ni k`o kuo to mi ni ko kuo |
Commonwealth of Dominica |
天台韶國師 天台韶国师 see styles |
tiān tái sháo guó shī tian1 tai2 shao2 guo2 shi1 t`ien t`ai shao kuo shih tien tai shao kuo shih Tentai Shō Kokushi |
Tiantai Shao guoshi, a Chekiang priest who revived the Tiantai sect by journeying to Korea, where the only copy of Zhiyi's works existed, copied them, and returned to revive the Tiantai school. 錢俶 Qianshu (A. D. 960 -997), ruler of 吳越 Wuyue, whose capital was at Hangchow, entitled him Imperial Teacher. |
奔吒跋多國 奔咤跋多国 see styles |
bēn zhà bá duō guó ben1 zha4 ba2 duo1 guo2 pen cha pa to kuo Hontabata koku |
Puṇyavardhana |
奧斯曼帝國 奥斯曼帝国 see styles |
ào sī màn dì guó ao4 si1 man4 di4 guo2 ao ssu man ti kuo |
the Ottoman Empire |
威瑪共和國 威玛共和国 see styles |
wēi mǎ gòng hé guó wei1 ma3 gong4 he2 guo2 wei ma kung ho kuo |
Weimar Republic (German Reich, 1919-1933) |
守護國界章 守护国界章 see styles |
shǒu hù guó jiè zhāng shou3 hu4 guo2 jie4 zhang1 shou hu kuo chieh chang Shugo kokkai shō |
Shugo kokkai shō |
尼泊爾王國 尼泊尔王国 see styles |
ní bó ěr wáng guó ni2 bo2 er3 wang2 guo2 ni po erh wang kuo |
Kingdom of Nepal |
島國動作片 岛国动作片 see styles |
dǎo guó dòng zuò piàn dao3 guo2 dong4 zuo4 pian4 tao kuo tung tso p`ien tao kuo tung tso pien |
euphemism for Japanese porn movie |
工業化國家 工业化国家 see styles |
gōng yè huà guó jiā gong1 ye4 hua4 guo2 jia1 kung yeh hua kuo chia |
industrialized country |
常任理事國 常任理事国 see styles |
cháng rèn lǐ shì guó chang2 ren4 li3 shi4 guo2 ch`ang jen li shih kuo chang jen li shih kuo |
permanent member state (of the UN Security Council) See: 常任理事国 |
按立憲治國 按立宪治国 see styles |
àn lì xiàn zhì guó an4 li4 xian4 zhi4 guo2 an li hsien chih kuo |
to rule a country according to the constitution |
捷克共和國 捷克共和国 see styles |
jié kè gòng hé guó jie2 ke4 gong4 he2 guo2 chieh k`o kung ho kuo chieh ko kung ho kuo |
Czech Republic |
提婆跋多國 提婆跋多国 see styles |
tí pó bá duō guó ti2 po2 ba2 duo1 guo2 t`i p`o pa to kuo ti po pa to kuo Daibahata koku |
Devātāra |
日本國憲法 see styles |
nihonkokukenpou / nihonkokukenpo にほんこくけんぽう |
constitution of Japan; Japanese constitution |
最惠國待遇 最惠国待遇 see styles |
zuì huì guó dài yù zui4 hui4 guo2 dai4 yu4 tsui hui kuo tai yü |
most favored nation |
東南亞國協 东南亚国协 see styles |
dōng nán yà guó - xié dong1 nan2 ya4 guo2 - xie2 tung nan ya kuo - hsieh |
(Tw) ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) |
東羅馬帝國 东罗马帝国 see styles |
dōng luó mǎ dì guó dong1 luo2 ma3 di4 guo2 tung lo ma ti kuo |
Eastern Roman empire or Byzantium (395-1453) |
民用核國家 民用核国家 see styles |
mín yòng hé guó jiā min2 yong4 he2 guo2 jia1 min yung ho kuo chia |
civil nuclear power |
法國大革命 法国大革命 see styles |
fǎ guó dà gé mìng fa3 guo2 da4 ge2 ming4 fa kuo ta ko ming |
French Revolution (1789-1799) |
港區國安法 港区国安法 see styles |
gǎng qū guó ān fǎ gang3 qu1 guo2 an1 fa3 kang ch`ü kuo an fa kang chü kuo an fa |
Hong Kong National Security Law (from 30th June 2020) |
無國界料理 无国界料理 see styles |
wú guó jiè liào lǐ wu2 guo2 jie4 liao4 li3 wu kuo chieh liao li |
fusion cuisine (Tw) |
無國界記者 无国界记者 see styles |
wú guó jiè jì zhě wu2 guo2 jie4 ji4 zhe3 wu kuo chieh chi che |
Reporters Without Borders (pressure group) |
無國界醫生 无国界医生 see styles |
wú guó jiè yī shēng wu2 guo2 jie4 yi1 sheng1 wu kuo chieh i sheng |
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF charity); Doctors Without Borders |
王國聚會所 王国聚会所 see styles |
wáng guó jù huì suǒ wang2 guo2 ju4 hui4 suo3 wang kuo chü hui so |
Kingdom Hall (place of worship used by Jehovah's Witnesses) |
發展中國家 发展中国家 see styles |
fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā fa1 zhan3 zhong1 guo2 jia1 fa chan chung kuo chia |
developing country |
真三國無双 see styles |
shinsangokubusou / shinsangokubuso しんさんごくぶそう |
(wk) Dynasty Warriors (video game series) |
祖國光復會 祖国光复会 see styles |
zǔ guó guāng fù huì zu3 guo2 guang1 fu4 hui4 tsu kuo kuang fu hui |
movement to restore the fatherland |
秣底補羅國 秣底补罗国 see styles |
mò dǐ bǔ luó guó mo4 di3 bu3 luo2 guo2 mo ti pu lo kuo Mateihora koku |
Matipura |
紀伊國献三 see styles |
kiikunikenzou / kikunikenzo きいくにけんぞう |
(person) Kiikuni Kenzou |
美國參議院 美国参议院 see styles |
měi guó cān yì yuàn mei3 guo2 can1 yi4 yuan4 mei kuo ts`an i yüan mei kuo tsan i yüan |
United States Senate |
美國國務院 美国国务院 see styles |
měi guó guó wù yuàn mei3 guo2 guo2 wu4 yuan4 mei kuo kuo wu yüan |
US Department of State |
美國地質局 美国地质局 see styles |
měi guó dì zhì jú mei3 guo2 di4 zhi4 ju2 mei kuo ti chih chü |
United States Geological Survey (USGS) |
美國宇航局 美国宇航局 see styles |
měi guó yǔ háng jú mei3 guo2 yu3 hang2 ju2 mei kuo yü hang chü |
US National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NASA |
美國眾議院 美国众议院 see styles |
měi guó zhòng yì yuàn mei3 guo2 zhong4 yi4 yuan4 mei kuo chung i yüan |
United States House of Representatives |
美國能源部 美国能源部 see styles |
měi guó néng yuán bù mei3 guo2 neng2 yuan2 bu4 mei kuo neng yüan pu |
US Department of Energy (DOE) |
羯濕弭羅國 羯湿弭罗国 see styles |
jié shī mǐ luó guó jie2 shi1 mi3 luo2 guo2 chieh shih mi lo kuo Kashimira koku |
Kashmir |
聯合國大會 联合国大会 see styles |
lián hé guó dà huì lian2 he2 guo2 da4 hui4 lien ho kuo ta hui |
United Nations General Assembly |
聯合國憲章 联合国宪章 see styles |
lián hé guó xiàn zhāng lian2 he2 guo2 xian4 zhang1 lien ho kuo hsien chang |
United Nations charter |
興禪護國論 兴禅护国论 see styles |
xīng chán hù guó lùn xing1 chan2 hu4 guo2 lun4 hsing ch`an hu kuo lun hsing chan hu kuo lun Kōzen gokoku ron |
Introducing Zen to Protect the Nation |
英聯合王國 英联合王国 see styles |
yīng lián hé wáng guó ying1 lian2 he2 wang2 guo2 ying lien ho wang kuo |
United Kingdom |
萬國博覽會 万国博览会 see styles |
wàn guó bó lǎn huì wan4 guo2 bo2 lan3 hui4 wan kuo po lan hui |
universal exposition; world expo |
薩拉森帝國 萨拉森帝国 see styles |
sà lā sēn dì guó sa4 la1 sen1 di4 guo2 sa la sen ti kuo |
Saracen Empire (medieval European name for Arab empire) |
蘇維埃俄國 苏维埃俄国 see styles |
sū wéi āi é guó su1 wei2 ai1 e2 guo2 su wei ai o kuo |
Soviet Russia (1917-1991) |
記者無國界 记者无国界 see styles |
jì zhě wú guó jiè ji4 zhe3 wu2 guo2 jie4 chi che wu kuo chieh |
Reporters Without Borders (pressure group) |
赫特河公國 赫特河公国 see styles |
hè tè hé gōng guó he4 te4 he2 gong1 guo2 ho t`e ho kung kuo ho te ho kung kuo |
Principality of Hutt River (formerly Hutt River Province) |
軍事核大國 军事核大国 see styles |
jun shì hé dà guó jun1 shi4 he2 da4 guo2 chün shih ho ta kuo |
military nuclear power |
迦濕彌羅國 迦湿弥罗国 see styles |
jiā shī mí luó guó jia1 shi1 mi2 luo2 guo2 chia shih mi lo kuo Kashimira koku |
Kaśmīra |
迦葉彌羅國 迦叶弥罗国 see styles |
jiā shě mí luó guó jia1 she3 mi2 luo2 guo2 chia she mi lo kuo Kashōmira koku |
Kashmir |
鄂圖曼帝國 鄂图曼帝国 see styles |
è tú màn dì guó e4 tu2 man4 di4 guo2 o t`u man ti kuo o tu man ti kuo |
Ottoman Empire (Tw) |
閻摩那洲國 阎摩那洲国 see styles |
yán mó nà zhōu guó yan2 mo2 na4 zhou1 guo2 yen mo na chou kuo Enmana shū koku |
Yavana, Yamana, the island nation of Java, visited by Faxian and Xuanzang. |
阿比羅提國 阿比罗提国 see styles |
ā bǐ luó tí guó a1 bi3 luo2 ti2 guo2 a pi lo t`i kuo a pi lo ti kuo Abiradai koku |
Abhirata |
阿聯酋長國 阿联酋长国 see styles |
ā lián qiú zhǎng guó a1 lian2 qiu2 zhang3 guo2 a lien ch`iu chang kuo a lien chiu chang kuo |
United Arab Emirates (abbr. for 阿拉伯聯合酋長國|阿拉伯联合酋长国[A1 la1 bo2 Lian2 he2 Qiu2 zhang3 guo2]) |
顛覆國家罪 颠覆国家罪 see styles |
diān fù guó jiā zuì dian1 fu4 guo2 jia1 zui4 tien fu kuo chia tsui |
crime of incitement to overthrow the state; abbr. for 煽動顛覆國家政權|煽动颠覆国家政权[shan1 dong4 dian1 fu4 guo2 jia1 zheng4 quan2] |
國內生產總值 国内生产总值 see styles |
guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí guo2 nei4 sheng1 chan3 zong3 zhi2 kuo nei sheng ch`an tsung chih kuo nei sheng chan tsung chih |
gross domestic product (GDP) |
國務院法制局 国务院法制局 see styles |
guó wù yuàn fǎ zhì jú guo2 wu4 yuan4 fa3 zhi4 ju2 kuo wu yüan fa chih chü |
State Council Legislative Affairs Bureau (PRC) |
國家一級保護 国家一级保护 see styles |
guó jiā yī jí bǎo hù guo2 jia1 yi1 ji2 bao3 hu4 kuo chia i chi pao hu |
Grade One State protected (species) |
國家火山公園 国家火山公园 see styles |
guó jiā huǒ shān gōng yuán guo2 jia1 huo3 shan1 gong1 yuan2 kuo chia huo shan kung yüan |
Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii |
國家環保總局 国家环保总局 see styles |
guó jiā huán bǎo zǒng jú guo2 jia1 huan2 bao3 zong3 ju2 kuo chia huan pao tsung chü |
(PRC) State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), former incarnation (until 2008) of 環境保護部|环境保护部[Huan2 jing4 Bao3 hu4 bu4] |
國家社會主義 国家社会主义 see styles |
guó jiā shè huì zhǔ yì guo2 jia1 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4 kuo chia she hui chu i |
national socialism; Nazism |
國家航空公司 国家航空公司 see styles |
guó jiā háng kōng gōng sī guo2 jia1 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1 kuo chia hang k`ung kung ssu kuo chia hang kung kung ssu |
flag carrier |
國家重點學科 国家重点学科 see styles |
guó jiā zhòng diǎn xué kē guo2 jia1 zhong4 dian3 xue2 ke1 kuo chia chung tien hsüeh k`o kuo chia chung tien hsüeh ko |
National Key Disciplines (disciplines recognized as important and supported by PRC central government, including medicine, science, chemistry, engineering, commerce and law) |
國家開發銀行 国家开发银行 see styles |
guó jiā kāi fā yín háng guo2 jia1 kai1 fa1 yin2 hang2 kuo chia k`ai fa yin hang kuo chia kai fa yin hang |
China Development Bank |
國家電網公司 国家电网公司 see styles |
guó jiā diàn wǎng gōng sī guo2 jia1 dian4 wang3 gong1 si1 kuo chia tien wang kung ssu |
State Grid Corporation of China |
國府田マリ子 see styles |
koudamariko / kodamariko こうだマリこ |
(f,h) Kōda Mariko |
國民年金保險 国民年金保险 see styles |
guó mín nián jīn bǎo xiǎn guo2 min2 nian2 jin1 bao3 xian3 kuo min nien chin pao hsien |
(Tw) National Pension Insurance, a social security scheme in Taiwan |
國民生產總值 国民生产总值 see styles |
guó mín shēng chǎn zǒng zhí guo2 min2 sheng1 chan3 zong3 zhi2 kuo min sheng ch`an tsung chih kuo min sheng chan tsung chih |
gross national product (GNP) |
國立首爾大學 国立首尔大学 see styles |
guó lì shǒu ěr dà xué guo2 li4 shou3 er3 da4 xue2 kuo li shou erh ta hsüeh |
Seoul National University SNU |
國防語言學院 国防语言学院 see styles |
guó fáng yǔ yán xué yuàn guo2 fang2 yu3 yan2 xue2 yuan4 kuo fang yü yen hsüeh yüan |
US Defense Language Institute (founded 1941) |
國際互聯網絡 国际互联网络 see styles |
guó jì hù lián wǎng luò guo2 ji4 hu4 lian2 wang3 luo4 kuo chi hu lien wang lo |
Internet |
國際人權標準 国际人权标准 see styles |
guó jì rén quán biāo zhǔn guo2 ji4 ren2 quan2 biao1 zhun3 kuo chi jen ch`üan piao chun kuo chi jen chüan piao chun |
international human rights norms |
國際刑警組織 国际刑警组织 see styles |
guó jì xíng jǐng zǔ zhī guo2 ji4 xing2 jing3 zu3 zhi1 kuo chi hsing ching tsu chih |
Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) |
國際勞工組織 国际劳工组织 see styles |
guó jì láo gōng zǔ zhī guo2 ji4 lao2 gong1 zu3 zhi1 kuo chi lao kung tsu chih |
International Labor Organization |
國際商業機器 国际商业机器 see styles |
guó jì shāng yè jī qì guo2 ji4 shang1 ye4 ji1 qi4 kuo chi shang yeh chi ch`i kuo chi shang yeh chi chi |
International Business Machines; IBM |
國際數學聯盟 国际数学联盟 see styles |
guó jì shù xué lián méng guo2 ji4 shu4 xue2 lian2 meng2 kuo chi shu hsüeh lien meng |
International Mathematical Union |
國際民航組織 国际民航组织 see styles |
guó jì mín háng zǔ zhī guo2 ji4 min2 hang2 zu3 zhi1 kuo chi min hang tsu chih |
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) |
國際民間組織 国际民间组织 see styles |
guó jì mín jiān zǔ zhī guo2 ji4 min2 jian1 zu3 zhi1 kuo chi min chien tsu chih |
international humanitarian organization |
國際海事組織 国际海事组织 see styles |
guó jì hǎi shì zǔ zhī guo2 ji4 hai3 shi4 zu3 zhi1 kuo chi hai shih tsu chih |
International Maritime Organization |
國際清算銀行 国际清算银行 see styles |
guó jì qīng suàn yín háng guo2 ji4 qing1 suan4 yin2 hang2 kuo chi ch`ing suan yin hang kuo chi ching suan yin hang |
Bank for International Settlements |
國際特赦組織 国际特赦组织 see styles |
guó jì tè shè zǔ zhī guo2 ji4 te4 she4 zu3 zhi1 kuo chi t`e she tsu chih kuo chi te she tsu chih |
Amnesty International |
國際貨幣基金 国际货币基金 see styles |
guó jì huò bì jī jīn guo2 ji4 huo4 bi4 ji1 jin1 kuo chi huo pi chi chin |
International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
國際貨運代理 国际货运代理 see styles |
guó jì huò yùn dài lǐ guo2 ji4 huo4 yun4 dai4 li3 kuo chi huo yün tai li |
international transport agency |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "國" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.