There are 2273 total results for your 六 search. I have created 23 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
六到彼岸 see styles |
liù dào bǐ àn liu4 dao4 bi3 an4 liu tao pi an roku tō higan |
The six things that ferry one to the other shore, i. e. the six pāramitās, v. 六度. |
六助溜池 see styles |
rokusuketameike / rokusuketameke ろくすけためいけ |
(place-name) Rokusuketameike |
六十二見 六十二见 see styles |
liù shí èr jiàn liu4 shi2 er4 jian4 liu shih erh chien rokujūni ken |
The sixty-two 見 or views, of which three groups are given: The 大品般若經 in the 佛母品 takes each of the five skandhas under four considerations of 常 time, considered as time past, whether each of the five has had permanence, impermanence, both, neither, 5 x 4 = 20; again as to their space, or extension, considered as present time, whether each is finite, infinite, both, neither =20; again as to their destination, i. e. future, as to whether each goes on, or does not, both, neither (e. g. continued personality) = 20, or in all 60; add the two ideas whether body and mind 神 are a unity or different = 62. The Tiantai School takes 我見, or personality, as its basis and considers each of the five skandhas under four aspects, e. g (1) rūpa, the organized body, as the ego; (2) the ego as apart from the rūpa; (3) rūpa as the greater, the ego the smaller or inferior, and the ego as dwelling in the rūpa; (4) the ego as the greater, rupa the inferior, and the rupa in the ego. Consider these twenty in the past, present, and future = 60, and add 斷 and 常 impermanence and permanence as fundamentals = 62. There is also a third group. |
六十人町 see styles |
rokujuuninmachi / rokujuninmachi ろくじゅうにんまち |
(place-name) Rokujuuninmachi |
六十余州 see styles |
rokujuuyoshuu / rokujuyoshu ろくじゅうよしゅう |
66-odd provinces of old Japan; 60-odd states |
六十六部 see styles |
rokujuurokubu / rokujurokubu ろくじゅうろくぶ |
Buddhist pilgrim (carrying 66 copies of the Lotus Sutra to be left at sites across Japan) |
六十四卦 see styles |
liù shí sì guà liu4 shi2 si4 gua4 liu shih ssu kua rokujuushike / rokujushike ろくじゅうしけ |
the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (I Ching or Yi Jing) 易經|易经 the 64 hexagrams (of the Book of Changes) |
六十四書 六十四书 see styles |
liù shí sì shū liu4 shi2 si4 shu1 liu shih ssu shu rokujūshi sho |
The sixty-four classes of Indian writing or literature, Brahmi, Kharosthi, etc. |
六十四眼 see styles |
liù shí sì yǎn liu4 shi2 si4 yan3 liu shih ssu yen rokujūshi gen |
Eighteen lictors in the avīci hell each with sixty-four eyes. |
六十尋滝 see styles |
musohirotaki むそひろたき |
(place-name) Musohirotaki |
六十干支 see styles |
rokujikkanshi ろくじっかんし |
(See 干支・1) sexagenary cycle |
六十年代 see styles |
liù shí nián dài liu4 shi2 nian2 dai4 liu shih nien tai |
the sixties; the 1960s |
六十次郎 see styles |
musojirou / musojiro むそじろう |
(male given name) Musojirō |
六十華嚴 六十华严 see styles |
liù shí huā yán liu4 shi2 hua1 yan2 liu shih hua yen Rokujū Kegon |
Sixty-Fascicle [Translation] of the Flower Ornament Sūtra |
六十谷橋 see styles |
musotabashi むそたばし |
(place-name) Musotabashi |
六十谷駅 see styles |
musotaeki むそたえき |
(st) Musota Station |
六十進法 see styles |
rokujisshinhou / rokujisshinho ろくじっしんほう |
{math} sexagesimal; base 60 |
六十里山 see styles |
rokujuuriyama / rokujuriyama ろくじゅうりやま |
(place-name) Rokujuuriyama |
六十里越 see styles |
rokujuurigoe / rokujurigoe ろくじゅうりごえ |
(place-name) Rokujuurigoe |
六反一仁 see styles |
rokutankazuhito ろくたんかずひと |
(person) Rokutan Kazuhito |
六反地駅 see styles |
rokutanjieki ろくたんじえき |
(st) Rokutanji Station |
六反田名 see styles |
rokutandamyou / rokutandamyo ろくたんだみょう |
(place-name) Rokutandamyou |
六反田町 see styles |
rokutandachou / rokutandacho ろくたんだちょう |
(place-name) Rokutandachō |
六反震動 六反震动 see styles |
liù fǎn zhèn dòng liu4 fan3 zhen4 dong4 liu fan chen tung rokuho nshindō |
six earthquakes |
六右衛門 see styles |
rokuemon ろくえもん |
(given name) Rokuemon |
六号記事 see styles |
rokugoukiji / rokugokiji ろくごうきじ |
fill-in (in magazines, newspapers, etc.); (space) filler |
六合八法 see styles |
liù hé bā fǎ liu4 he2 ba1 fa3 liu ho pa fa |
Liuhe Bafa - "Six Harmonies, Eight Methods" - Martial Art |
六名新町 see styles |
mutsunashinmachi むつなしんまち |
(place-name) Mutsunashinmachi |
六名本町 see styles |
mutsunahonmachi むつなほんまち |
(place-name) Mutsunahonmachi |
六名東町 see styles |
mutsunahigashimachi むつなひがしまち |
(place-name) Mutsunahigashimachi |
六呂場山 see styles |
rokurobayama ろくろばやま |
(personal name) Rokurobayama |
六呂木川 see styles |
rokurogigawa ろくろぎがわ |
(place-name) Rokurogigawa |
六呂木町 see styles |
rokurogichou / rokurogicho ろくろぎちょう |
(place-name) Rokurogichō |
六四事件 see styles |
liù sì shì jiàn liu4 si4 shi4 jian4 liu ssu shih chien |
Tiananmen Incident of June 4, 1989 |
六国見山 see styles |
rokkokukenzan ろっこくけんざん |
(place-name) Rokkokukenzan |
六土開正 see styles |
rokudoharuyoshi ろくどはるよし |
(person) Rokudo Haruyoshi (1955.10.1-) |
六地蔵堂 see styles |
rokujizoudou / rokujizodo ろくじぞうどう |
(place-name) Rokujizoudou |
六地蔵寺 see styles |
rokujizoudera / rokujizodera ろくじぞうでら |
(place-name) Rokujizoudera |
六地蔵峠 see styles |
rokujizoutouge / rokujizotoge ろくじぞうとうげ |
(personal name) Rokujizoutōge |
六地蔵町 see styles |
rokujizouchou / rokujizocho ろくじぞうちょう |
(place-name) Rokujizouchō |
六地蔵越 see styles |
rokujizougoe / rokujizogoe ろくじぞうごえ |
(personal name) Rokujizougoe |
六地蔵駅 see styles |
rokujizoueki / rokujizoeki ろくじぞうえき |
(st) Rokujizou Station |
六坊北町 see styles |
rokuboukitamachi / rokubokitamachi ろくぼうきたまち |
(place-name) Rokuboukitamachi |
六坊南町 see styles |
rokubouminamimachi / rokubominamimachi ろくぼうみなみまち |
(place-name) Rokubouminamimachi |
六塊腹肌 六块腹肌 see styles |
liù kuài fù jī liu4 kuai4 fu4 ji1 liu k`uai fu chi liu kuai fu chi |
six-pack (abs) |
六塵境界 六尘境界 see styles |
liù chén jìng jiè liu4 chen2 jing4 jie4 liu ch`en ching chieh liu chen ching chieh roku jin kyōgai |
six objective realms |
六大法性 see styles |
liù dà fǎ xìng liu4 da4 fa3 xing4 liu ta fa hsing rokudai hosshō |
The unity in variety of the six elements and their products; ordinary eyes see only the differentiated forms or appearances, the sage or philosopher sees the unity. |
六大無礙 六大无碍 see styles |
liù dà wú ài liu4 da4 wu2 ai4 liu ta wu ai rokudai muge |
The six elements unimpeded, or interactive; or 六大體大 the six elements in their greater substance, or whole. The doctrine of the esoteric cult of tran-substantiation, or the free interchangeability of the six Buddha elements with the human, like with like, whereby yoga becomes possible, i. e. the Buddha elements entering into and possessing the human elements, for both are of the same elemental nature. |
六大煩惱 六大烦恼 see styles |
liù dà fán nǎo liu4 da4 fan2 nao3 liu ta fan nao rokudai bonnō |
The six great kleśa, passions, or distressers: desire, resentment, stupidity, pride, doubt, and false views. |
六大體大 六大体大 see styles |
liù dà tǐ dà liu4 da4 ti3 da4 liu ta t`i ta liu ta ti ta rokudai tai dai |
the six elements in their greater whole |
六妙法門 六妙法门 see styles |
liù miào fǎ mén liu4 miao4 fa3 men2 liu miao fa men roku myō hōmon |
six mysterious dharma gates |
六字名号 see styles |
rokujimyougou / rokujimyogo ろくじみょうごう |
(See 六字の名号,南無阿弥陀仏・なむあみだぶつ) the six written characters of Buddha's name (used in prayer) |
六字名號 六字名号 see styles |
liù zì míng hào liu4 zi4 ming2 hao4 liu tzu ming hao roku ji myō gō |
a name for Mañjuśrī. See 六字文殊. |
六字文殊 see styles |
liù zì wén shū liu4 zi4 wen2 shu1 liu tzu wen shu rokuji monju |
The six-word dhāraṇī of Mañjuśrī 闇婆髻駄那麽 (or 闇婆計陀那麽) or 唵縛鷄淡納莫. There are also the esoteric (Shingon) six words connected with the six forms of Guanyin and the 六字法, 六字供, 六字河臨法, and六字護摩 ceremonials, some connected with Mañjuśrī, and all with Guanyin. There are several 六字 dhāraṇīs, e. g. the Ṣaḍakṣara-vidyāmantra. The six words generally associated with Guanyin are 安荼詈般茶詈 (or 安荼隸般茶詈). There is also the six word Lamaistic charm oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ 唵?呢叭 M061971 吽. |
六字真言 see styles |
liù zì zhēn yán liu4 zi4 zhen1 yan2 liu tzu chen yen |
the six-syllable Sanskrit mantra of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva (i.e. om mani padme hum) |
六安地區 六安地区 see styles |
lù ān dì qū lu4 an1 di4 qu1 lu an ti ch`ü lu an ti chü |
Lu'an prefecture, Anhui |
六家七宗 see styles |
liù jiā qī zōng liu4 jia1 qi1 zong1 liu chia ch`i tsung liu chia chi tsung rikka shichishū |
Six Houses and Seven Schools |
六左エ門 see styles |
rokuzaemon ろくざえもん |
(male given name) Rokuzaemon |
六左衛門 see styles |
rokuzaemon ろくざえもん |
(male given name) Rokuzaemon |
六師外道 六师外道 see styles |
liù shī wài dào liu4 shi1 wai4 dao4 liu shih wai tao rokushi gedō |
six non-Buddhist masters |
六師迦王 六师迦王 see styles |
liù shī jiā wáng liu4 shi1 jia1 wang2 liu shih chia wang Rokushika Ō |
Name of the king who, thirteen years after the destruction of the Jetavana vihāra. which had been rebuilt 'five centuries ' after the nirvana, again restored it. |
六平治谷 see styles |
roppeijiyatsu / roppejiyatsu ろっぺいじやつ |
(place-name) Roppeijiyatsu |
六平直政 see styles |
musakanaomasa むさかなおまさ |
(person) Musaka Naomasa (1954-) |
六年苦行 see styles |
liù nián kǔ xíng liu4 nian2 ku3 xing2 liu nien k`u hsing liu nien ku hsing rokunen kugyō |
The six years of Śākyamuni's austerities before his enlightenment. |
六府方区 see styles |
rofukataku ろふかたく |
(place-name) Rofukataku |
六度果報 六度果报 see styles |
liù dù guǒ bào liu4 du4 guo3 bao4 liu tu kuo pao rokudo kahō |
The reward s stimulated by the six pāramitās are 富 enrichment; 具色 all things, or perfection; 力 power; 壽 long life; 安 peace (or calmness); 辯 discrimination, or powers of exposition of the truth. |
六度無極 六度无极 see styles |
liù dù wú jí liu4 du4 wu2 ji2 liu tu wu chi rokudo mugoku |
The six infinite means of crossing the sea of mortality, i. e. the six pāramitās 六度. |
六度菩薩 六度菩萨 see styles |
liù dù pú sà liu4 du4 pu2 sa4 liu tu p`u sa liu tu pu sa rokudo bosatsu |
bodhisattva of the six perfections |
六度萬行 六度万行 see styles |
liù dù wàn xíng liu4 du4 wan4 xing2 liu tu wan hsing rokudo mangyō |
myriad practices subsumed in the six perfections |
六度集經 六度集经 see styles |
liù dù jí jīng liu4 du4 ji2 jing1 liu tu chi ching Rokudojū kyō |
Sūtra on the Collection of the Six Perfections |
六弥太谷 see styles |
rokuyatadani ろくやただに |
(place-name) Rokuyatadani |
六志内川 see styles |
rokushinaigawa ろくしないがわ |
(place-name) Rokushinaigawa |
六志内橋 see styles |
rokushinaibashi ろくしないばし |
(place-name) Rokushinaibashi |
六放海綿 see styles |
roppoukaimen / roppokaimen ろっぽうかいめん |
hexactinellid sponge; glass sponge (any sponge of class Hexactinellida) |
六方ケ辻 see styles |
roppougatsuji / roppogatsuji ろっぽうがつじ |
(personal name) Roppougatsuji |
六方学国 see styles |
robougakuen / robogakuen ろぼうがくえん |
(place-name) Robougakuen |
六方昌沢 see styles |
roppoushouzawa / ropposhozawa ろっぽうしょうざわ |
(place-name) Roppoushouzawa |
六方晶系 see styles |
roppoushoukei / ropposhoke ろっぽうしょうけい |
{geol} hexagonal crystal system |
六方會談 六方会谈 see styles |
liù fāng huì tán liu4 fang1 hui4 tan2 liu fang hui t`an liu fang hui tan |
six-sided talks (on North Korea) |
六方沢橋 see styles |
roppouzawabashi / roppozawabashi ろっぽうざわばし |
(place-name) Roppouzawabashi |
六方禮經 六方礼经 see styles |
liù fāng lǐ jīng liu4 fang1 li3 jing1 liu fang li ching Roppō rai kyō |
Śṛgālavādasūtra |
六方護念 六方护念 see styles |
liù fāng hù niàn liu4 fang1 hu4 nian4 liu fang hu nien rokuhō gonen |
六方證明 (or 六方證誠) The praises of Amitābha proclaimed by the Buddhas of the six directions. |
六日市場 see styles |
muikaichiba むいかいちば |
(place-name) Muikaichiba |
六日市町 see styles |
muikaichimachi むいかいちまち |
(place-name) Muikaichimachi |
六日市谷 see styles |
muikaichidani むいかいちだに |
(place-name) Muikaichidani |
六日戦争 see styles |
muikasensou / muikasenso むいかせんそう |
(hist) (See 第三次中東戦争) Six-Day War (June 5-10, 1967); Third Arab-Israeli War |
六日戰爭 六日战争 see styles |
liù rì zhàn zhēng liu4 ri4 zhan4 zheng1 liu jih chan cheng |
the Six-Day War of June 1967 between Israel and its Arab neighbors |
六日町駅 see styles |
muikamachieki むいかまちえき |
(st) Muikamachi Station |
六時三昧 六时三昧 see styles |
liù shí sān mèi liu4 shi2 san1 mei4 liu shih san mei rokuji zanmai |
six daily periods of meditation. |
六時不斷 六时不断 see styles |
liù shí bù duàn liu4 shi2 bu4 duan4 liu shih pu tuan rokuji fudan |
six daily periods of unintermitting devotions. |
六時禮讚 六时礼讚 see styles |
liù shí lǐ zàn liu4 shi2 li3 zan4 liu shih li tsan rokuji raisan |
six daily periods of worship of ceremonial. |
六月一日 see styles |
uriwari うりわり |
(surname) Uriwari |
六月朔日 see styles |
watanuki わたぬき |
(surname) Watanuki |
六月田下 see styles |
rokugatsudashimo ろくがつだしも |
(place-name) Rokugatsudashimo |
六月田中 see styles |
rokugatsudanaka ろくがつだなか |
(place-name) Rokugatsudanaka |
六月田橋 see styles |
rokugatsudabashi ろくがつだばし |
(place-name) Rokugatsudabashi |
六月田町 see styles |
rokugatsudamachi ろくがつだまち |
(place-name) Rokugatsudamachi |
六朝時代 六朝时代 see styles |
liù cháo shí dài liu4 chao2 shi2 dai4 liu ch`ao shih tai liu chao shih tai |
the Six Dynasties period (222-589) between Han and Tang |
六本佳平 see styles |
rokumotokahei / rokumotokahe ろくもとかへい |
(person) Rokumoto Kahei (1939.3-) |
六本木川 see styles |
roppongigawa ろっぽんぎがわ |
(place-name) Roppongigawa |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "六" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.