There are 1906 total results for your 面 search. I have created 20 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
別開生面 别开生面 see styles |
bié kāi shēng miàn bie2 kai1 sheng1 mian4 pieh k`ai sheng mien pieh kai sheng mien |
to start something new or original (idiom); to break a new path; to break fresh ground |
前面展望 see styles |
zenmentenbou / zenmentenbo ぜんめんてんぼう |
{rail} front view; observation car view |
効果覿面 see styles |
koukatekimen / kokatekimen こうかてきめん |
(yoji) bring an immediate result on; have an instant effect on |
十二面体 see styles |
juunimentai / junimentai じゅうにめんたい |
{math} dodecahedron |
十二面體 十二面体 see styles |
shí èr miàn tǐ shi2 er4 mian4 ti3 shih erh mien t`i shih erh mien ti |
dodecahedron See: 十二面体 |
十日外面 see styles |
tookadomo とおかども |
(place-name) Tookadomo |
十面埋伏 see styles |
shí miàn mái fú shi2 mian4 mai2 fu2 shih mien mai fu |
Ambush from Ten Sides (pipa solo piece); House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋[Zhang1 Yi4 mou2]) |
南面利町 see styles |
namerichou / namericho なめりちょう |
(place-name) Namerichō |
南面白山 see styles |
minamiomoshiroyama みなみおもしろやま |
(personal name) Minamiomoshiroyama |
占地面積 占地面积 see styles |
zhàn dì miàn ji zhan4 di4 mian4 ji5 chan ti mien chi |
floor area; occupied area; footprint (of a building, piece of equipment etc) |
反面人物 see styles |
fǎn miàn rén wù fan3 mian4 ren2 wu4 fan mien jen wu |
negative character; bad guy (in a story) |
反面教員 反面教员 see styles |
fǎn miàn jiào yuán fan3 mian4 jiao4 yuan2 fan mien chiao yüan |
(PRC) teacher by negative example; sb from whom one can learn what not to do |
反面教師 see styles |
hanmenkyoushi / hanmenkyoshi はんめんきょうし |
(yoji) bad example from which one can learn; good example of what not to do (esp. how not to behave); negative example |
反面教材 see styles |
fǎn miàn jiào cái fan3 mian4 jiao4 cai2 fan mien chiao ts`ai fan mien chiao tsai |
negative example; something that teaches one what not to do |
另一方面 see styles |
lìng yī fāng miàn ling4 yi1 fang1 mian4 ling i fang mien |
on the other hand; another aspect |
可展曲面 see styles |
kě zhǎn qū miàn ke3 zhan3 qu1 mian4 k`o chan ch`ü mien ko chan chü mien |
(math.) a developable surface |
台面野井 see styles |
daiomonoi だいおものい |
(place-name) Daiomonoi |
合わせ面 see styles |
awasemen あわせめん |
matching surface; mating face |
同一平面 see styles |
douitsuheimen / doitsuhemen どういつへいめん |
(1) same plane; same level; (can be adjective with の) (2) flush (with); even (with) |
周面摩擦 see styles |
shuumenmasatsu / shumenmasatsu しゅうめんまさつ |
(See 周面) skin friction |
唾面自乾 唾面自干 see styles |
tuò miàn zì gān tuo4 mian4 zi4 gan1 t`o mien tzu kan to mien tzu kan |
to be spat on in the face and let it dry by itself, not wiping it off (idiom); to turn the other cheek; to drain the cup of humiliation |
喜色満面 see styles |
kishokumanmen きしょくまんめん |
(expression) (yoji) being all smiles with joy |
囘頭換面 囘头换面 see styles |
huí tóu huàn miàn hui2 tou2 huan4 mian4 hui t`ou huan mien hui tou huan mien etokanmen |
when you turn your head, your face turns |
四個全面 四个全面 see styles |
sì ge quán miàn si4 ge5 quan2 mian4 ssu ko ch`üan mien ssu ko chüan mien |
Four Comprehensives (political guidelines announced by President Xi Jinping, 2015) |
四方面山 see styles |
shihoumenyama / shihomenyama しほうめんやま |
(place-name) Shihoumenyama |
四角四面 see styles |
shikakushimen しかくしめん |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (yoji) square; formal; prim; stuffy |
四面八方 see styles |
sì miàn - bā fāng si4 mian4 - ba1 fang1 ssu mien - pa fang |
(idiom) all directions; all around |
四面楚歌 see styles |
sì miàn chǔ gē si4 mian4 chu3 ge1 ssu mien ch`u ko ssu mien chu ko shimensoka しめんそか |
lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom); fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help (noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) being surrounded by enemies on all sides; being betrayed (forsaken) by everybody |
因果覿面 see styles |
ingatekimen いんがてきめん |
(yoji) the swiftness of retributive justice |
圓形麵包 圆形面包 see styles |
yuán xíng miàn bāo yuan2 xing2 mian4 bao1 yüan hsing mien pao |
bun |
圖形界面 图形界面 see styles |
tú xíng jiè miàn tu2 xing2 jie4 mian4 t`u hsing chieh mien tu hsing chieh mien |
Graphical User Interface (GUI) (computing) |
土地面積 see styles |
tochimenseki とちめんせき |
{archit} (See 敷地面積) land area; lot area; site area |
圧迫面接 see styles |
appakumensetsu あっぱくめんせつ |
stress interview |
地下水面 see styles |
chikasuimen ちかすいめん |
{geol} water table; groundwater level |
地面効果 see styles |
jimenkouka / jimenkoka じめんこうか |
{aviat} ground effect |
地面控制 see styles |
dì miàn kòng zhì di4 mian4 kong4 zhi4 ti mien k`ung chih ti mien kung chih |
ground control (of airborne or space operation) |
地面氣壓 地面气压 see styles |
dì miàn qì yā di4 mian4 qi4 ya1 ti mien ch`i ya ti mien chi ya |
ground pressure |
地面灌溉 see styles |
dì miàn guàn gài di4 mian4 guan4 gai4 ti mien kuan kai |
surface irrigation |
地面部隊 地面部队 see styles |
dì miàn bù duì di4 mian4 bu4 dui4 ti mien pu tui |
ground troops |
地面零點 地面零点 see styles |
dì miàn líng diǎn di4 mian4 ling2 dian3 ti mien ling tien |
ground zero |
場面場面 see styles |
bamenbamen ばめんばめん |
(expression) (often as 場面場面で) (See 場面・1) (in) various settings; act to act; place to place |
場面緘黙 see styles |
bamenkanmoku ばめんかんもく |
(See 場面緘黙症) selective mutism |
場面転換 see styles |
bamentenkan ばめんてんかん |
(noun/participle) scene change; cutaway; cut |
壁面観音 see styles |
hekimenkannon へきめんかんのん |
(place-name) Hekimenkannon |
多方面に see styles |
tahoumenni / tahomenni たほうめんに |
(adverb) at many levels |
多種多面 see styles |
tashutamen たしゅためん |
(noun or adjectival noun) wide-ranging and diverse; multifarious |
多面待ち see styles |
tamenmachi ためんまち |
{mahj} many-sided wait (for one's last tile); complex wait; wait for three or more types of tiles which will finish one's hand |
大人面皰 see styles |
otonanikibi おとなにきび |
adult acne |
大真面目 see styles |
oomajime おおまじめ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) deadly serious |
天罰覿面 see styles |
tenbatsutekimen てんばつてきめん |
(yoji) the certainty of divine punishment; Swift is Heaven's vengeance |
太秦面影 see styles |
uzumasaomokage うずまさおもかげ |
(place-name) Uzumasaomokage |
委細面談 see styles |
isaimendan いさいめんだん |
(expression) details when I see you |
実際面で see styles |
jissaimende じっさいめんで |
(expression) in practical terms |
対面交通 see styles |
taimenkoutsuu / taimenkotsu たいめんこうつう |
walking so that one faces oncoming traffic |
対面授業 see styles |
taimenjugyou / taimenjugyo たいめんじゅぎょう |
face-to-face lesson; face-to-face class |
対面販売 see styles |
taimenhanbai たいめんはんばい |
counter selling; face-to-face selling; person-to-person selling |
専有面積 see styles |
senyuumenseki / senyumenseki せんゆうめんせき |
non-shared area (measurement) in an apartment or housing complex |
小面憎い see styles |
kozuranikui こづらにくい |
(adjective) (See 面憎い) cheeky; saucy; pert |
小面法線 see styles |
shoumenhousen / shomenhosen しょうめんほうせん |
{comp} facet normal |
小面除去 see styles |
shoumenjokyo / shomenjokyo しょうめんじょきょ |
{comp} facet culling |
局面一転 see styles |
kyokumenitten きょくめんいってん |
sudden reversal in the tide of events; the situation taking a new turn |
局面打開 see styles |
kyokumendakai きょくめんだかい |
(yoji) breakthrough in the situation; break in the deadlocked situation |
川面稜一 see styles |
kawamoryouichi / kawamoryoichi かわもりょういち |
(person) Kawamo Ryōichi (1914.1.5-2005.1.9) |
平面交差 see styles |
heimenkousa / hemenkosa へいめんこうさ |
grade crossing; level crossing |
平面充填 see styles |
heimenjuuten / hemenjuten へいめんじゅうてん |
{math} tessellation |
平面図形 see styles |
heimenzukei / hemenzuke へいめんずけい |
plane figure |
平面幾何 平面几何 see styles |
píng miàn jǐ hé ping2 mian4 ji3 he2 p`ing mien chi ho ping mien chi ho |
plane geometry |
平面曲線 平面曲线 see styles |
píng miàn qū xiàn ping2 mian4 qu1 xian4 p`ing mien ch`ü hsien ping mien chü hsien |
(math.) plane curve |
平面設計 see styles |
píng miàn shè jì ping2 mian4 she4 ji4 p`ing mien she chi ping mien she chi |
graphic design |
延床面積 see styles |
nobeyukamenseki のべゆかめんせき |
total floor space |
建物面積 see styles |
tatemonomenseki たてものめんせき |
{archit} (See 延べ床面積) total floor area |
建築面積 see styles |
kenchikumenseki けんちくめんせき |
{archit} building area |
強面談判 see styles |
kowamotedanpan こわもてだんぱん |
aggressive negotiations; hard-line bargaining |
当面の間 see styles |
toumennoaida / tomennoaida とうめんのあいだ |
(exp,adv) for the present; for the time being |
影響層面 影响层面 see styles |
yǐng xiǎng céng miàn ying3 xiang3 ceng2 mian4 ying hsiang ts`eng mien ying hsiang tseng mien |
impact; effect |
待受画面 see styles |
machiukegamen まちうけがめん |
standby screen; standby display |
得意満面 see styles |
tokuimanmen とくいまんめん |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (yoji) triumphant air; smugness |
御徒面子 see styles |
okachimenko; okachimenko おかちめんこ; オカチメンコ |
(kana only) (woman's) ugly or homely face; old bag |
怒容滿面 怒容满面 see styles |
nù róng mǎn miàn nu4 rong2 man3 mian4 nu jung man mien |
scowling in anger; rage written across one's face |
意大利麵 意大利面 see styles |
yì dà lì miàn yi4 da4 li4 mian4 i ta li mien |
spaghetti; pasta |
戸面原橋 see styles |
tozuraharabashi とづらはらばし |
(place-name) Tozuraharabashi |
技術面で see styles |
gijutsumende ぎじゅつめんで |
{comp} on a technical level |
投影面積 see styles |
toueimenseki / toemenseki とうえいめんせき |
projected area |
拋頭露面 抛头露面 see styles |
pāo tóu lù miàn pao1 tou2 lu4 mian4 p`ao t`ou lu mien pao tou lu mien |
to put oneself out in the public eye (said of sb for whom doing so is deemed unseemly) |
拖鞋麵包 拖鞋面包 see styles |
tuō xié miàn bāo tuo1 xie2 mian4 bao1 t`o hsieh mien pao to hsieh mien pao |
ciabatta (Tw) |
按照字面 see styles |
àn zhào zì miàn an4 zhao4 zi4 mian4 an chao tzu mien |
literally |
接触画面 see styles |
sesshokugamen せっしょくがめん |
{comp} touch sensitive screen; touch screen |
接触面積 see styles |
sesshokumenseki せっしょくめんせき |
{comp} contact area (of an electrical connection) |
掩面而泣 see styles |
yǎn miàn ér qì yan3 mian4 er2 qi4 yen mien erh ch`i yen mien erh chi |
to bury one's head in one's hands and weep (idiom) |
撲面而來 扑面而来 see styles |
pū miàn ér lái pu1 mian4 er2 lai2 p`u mien erh lai pu mien erh lai |
lit. something hits one in the face; directly in one's face; something assaults the senses; blatant (advertising); eye-catching; (a smell) assaults the nostrils |
改頭換面 改头换面 see styles |
gǎi tóu huàn miàn gai3 tou2 huan4 mian4 kai t`ou huan mien kai tou huan mien |
to change outwardly while remaining essentially the same (derog.) (idiom); (Tw) (non-derogatory) to change considerably; to undergo a transformation |
政治局面 see styles |
zhèng zhì jú miàn zheng4 zhi4 ju2 mian4 cheng chih chü mien |
political climate |
敷地面積 see styles |
shikichimenseki しきちめんせき |
{archit} lot area; site area; plottage; lot size |
數據介面 数据介面 see styles |
shù jù jiè miàn shu4 ju4 jie4 mian4 shu chü chieh mien |
data interface |
料額印面 see styles |
ryougakuinmen / ryogakuinmen りょうがくいんめん |
face value (of a stamp) |
新堂面橋 see styles |
shindoumenbashi / shindomenbashi しんどうめんばし |
(place-name) Shindoumenbashi |
方方面面 see styles |
fāng fāng miàn miàn fang1 fang1 mian4 mian4 fang fang mien mien |
all sides; all aspects; multifaceted |
旋轉曲面 旋转曲面 see styles |
xuán zhuǎn qū miàn xuan2 zhuan3 qu1 mian4 hsüan chuan ch`ü mien hsüan chuan chü mien |
a surface of revolution (math.) |
日面経過 see styles |
nichimenkeika / nichimenkeka にちめんけいか |
(See 太陽面通過・たいようめんつうか) transit (of a planet) over the Sun |
日面通過 see styles |
nichimentsuuka / nichimentsuka にちめんつうか |
(See 太陽面通過) transit of a planet over the solar disk; solar transit |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "面" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.