There are 2598 total results for your 空 search. I have created 26 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
空き屋敷 see styles |
akiyashiki あきやしき |
(1) empty residence; empty estate; (2) empty lot |
空き時間 see styles |
akijikan あきじかん |
free time; spare time |
空き状況 see styles |
akijoukyou / akijokyo あきじょうきょう |
availability (of rooms, parking, appointments, etc.) |
空き部屋 see styles |
akibeya あきべや |
available room (hotel); vacancy; room to let |
空っ下手 see styles |
karappeta からっぺた |
(noun or adjectival noun) (See 空下手) utterly lacking (in ability); hopeless; useless; poor |
空で歌う see styles |
soradeutau そらでうたう |
(exp,v5u) to sing from memory |
空で言う see styles |
soradeiu / soradeu そらでいう |
(exp,v5u) to speak from memory |
空で読む see styles |
soradeyomu そらでよむ |
(exp,v5m) recite from memory |
空にする see styles |
karanisuru からにする |
(exp,vs-i) to empty; to vacate; to evacuate |
空になる see styles |
karaninaru からになる |
(exp,v5r) to become empty; to be emptied |
空の玄関 see styles |
soranogenkan そらのげんかん |
(exp,n) (See 空港) airport |
空ふかし see styles |
karafukashi からふかし |
idling (of an engine) |
空を使う see styles |
soraotsukau そらをつかう |
(exp,v5u) (1) (See 空とぼける) to pretend not to know; to feign ignorance; (exp,v5u) (2) to tell a lie; to lie |
空を切る see styles |
kuuokiru / kuokiru くうをきる |
(exp,v5r) (1) to fly through the air; to hurtle through the air; (exp,v5r) (2) to strike at something and miss; to fan the air |
空を掴む see styles |
kuuotsukamu / kuotsukamu くうをつかむ |
(exp,v5m) to grasp at the air |
空を蓋う see styles |
soraooou / soraooo そらをおおう |
(exp,v5u) to cover up the sky (e.g. smoke) |
空を覆う see styles |
soraooou / soraooo そらをおおう |
(exp,v5u) to cover up the sky (e.g. smoke) |
空を飛ぶ see styles |
soraotobu そらをとぶ |
(exp,v5b) to fly in the air |
空メール see styles |
karameeru からメール |
blank email (e.g. for signing up to an email list) |
空一切處 空一切处 see styles |
kōng yī qiè chù kong1 yi1 qie4 chu4 k`ung i ch`ieh ch`u kung i chieh chu kū issai sho |
Universal emptiness, or space; the samādhi which removes all limitations of space; also 空徧處. |
空三摩地 see styles |
kōng sān mó dì kong1 san1 mo2 di4 k`ung san mo ti kung san mo ti kū sanmachi |
emptiness absorption |
空不異色 空不异色 see styles |
kōng bù yì sè kong1 bu4 yi4 se4 k`ung pu i se kung pu i se kū fui shiki |
emptiness does not differ from form |
空中写真 see styles |
kuuchuushashin / kuchushashin くうちゅうしゃしん |
aerial photograph |
空中分列 see styles |
kōng zhōng fēn liè kong1 zhong1 fen1 lie4 k`ung chung fen lieh kung chung fen lieh |
(military) flyover |
空中分解 see styles |
kuuchuubunkai / kuchubunkai くうちゅうぶんかい |
(n,vs,vi) mid-air breakage; mid-air disintegration |
空中劫持 see styles |
kōng zhōng jié chí kong1 zhong1 jie2 chi2 k`ung chung chieh ch`ih kung chung chieh chih |
to hijack (a plane); aircraft hijacking; skyjacking |
空中客車 空中客车 see styles |
kōng zhōng kè chē kong1 zhong1 ke4 che1 k`ung chung k`o ch`e kung chung ko che |
Airbus (aerospace company) |
空中小姐 see styles |
kōng zhōng xiǎo jiě kong1 zhong1 xiao3 jie3 k`ung chung hsiao chieh kung chung hsiao chieh |
stewardess; air hostess |
空中少爺 空中少爷 see styles |
kōng zhōng shào ye kong1 zhong1 shao4 ye5 k`ung chung shao yeh kung chung shao yeh |
airline steward |
空中店舗 see styles |
kuuchuutenpo / kuchutenpo くうちゅうてんぽ |
shop on the second floor or higher; non-ground-floor shop |
空中庭園 see styles |
kuuchuuteien / kuchuteen くうちゅうていえん |
hanging garden; hanging gardens |
空中投下 see styles |
kuuchuutouka / kuchutoka くうちゅうとうか |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) airdrop; air drop |
空中接力 see styles |
kōng zhōng jiē lì kong1 zhong1 jie1 li4 k`ung chung chieh li kung chung chieh li |
alley-oop (basketball) |
空中散歩 see styles |
kuuchuusanpo / kuchusanpo くうちゅうさんぽ |
stroll in the air (e.g. leisurely helicopter, airplane ride) |
空中査察 see styles |
kuuchuusasatsu / kuchusasatsu くうちゅうささつ |
aerial inspection |
空中格鬥 空中格斗 see styles |
kōng zhōng gé dòu kong1 zhong1 ge2 dou4 k`ung chung ko tou kung chung ko tou |
dogfight (of planes) |
空中楼閣 see styles |
kuuchuuroukaku / kuchurokaku くうちゅうろうかく |
(yoji) castle in the air |
空中樓閣 空中楼阁 see styles |
kōng zhōng lóu gé kong1 zhong1 lou2 ge2 k`ung chung lou ko kung chung lou ko |
pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian construction; castles in Spain; imaginary future plans |
空中機動 see styles |
kuuchuukidou / kuchukido くうちゅうきどう |
air mobile |
空中浮揚 see styles |
kuuchuufuyou / kuchufuyo くうちゅうふよう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) levitation |
空中浮遊 see styles |
kuuchuufuyuu / kuchufuyu くうちゅうふゆう |
(1) levitation; floating on air; (can act as adjective) (2) airborne (e.g. bacteria); aero- |
空中滑走 see styles |
kuuchuukassou / kuchukasso くうちゅうかっそう |
gliding |
空中爆撃 see styles |
kuuchuubakugeki / kuchubakugeki くうちゅうばくげき |
air-raid |
空中砲艦 空中炮舰 see styles |
kōng zhōng pào jiàn kong1 zhong1 pao4 jian4 k`ung chung p`ao chien kung chung pao chien |
gunship (aircraft) |
空中細菌 see styles |
kuuchuusaikin / kuchusaikin くうちゅうさいきん |
air-borne bacteria |
空中給油 see styles |
kuuchuukyuuyu / kuchukyuyu くうちゅうきゅうゆ |
aerial refueling; in-flight refueling |
空中花園 空中花园 see styles |
kōng zhōng huā yuán kong1 zhong1 hua1 yuan2 k`ung chung hua yüan kung chung hua yüan |
hanging gardens (Babylon etc); rooftop garden |
空中落下 see styles |
kuuchuurakka / kuchurakka くうちゅうらっか |
(noun/participle) air pluviation; pluviate |
空中衝突 see styles |
kuuchuushoutotsu / kuchushototsu くうちゅうしょうとつ |
midair collision |
空中輸送 see styles |
kuuchuuyusou / kuchuyuso くうちゅうゆそう |
(See 航空輸送) air transportation; air transport; transport by air |
空中電気 see styles |
kuuchuudenki / kuchudenki くうちゅうでんき |
atmospheric electricity |
空中飄浮 空中飘浮 see styles |
kōng zhōng piāo fú kong1 zhong1 piao1 fu2 k`ung chung p`iao fu kung chung piao fu |
to float in the air |
空中飛人 空中飞人 see styles |
kōng zhōng fēi rén kong1 zhong1 fei1 ren2 k`ung chung fei jen kung chung fei jen |
trapeze artist; frequent flyer |
空中魚雷 see styles |
kuuchuugyorai / kuchugyorai くうちゅうぎょらい |
aerial torpedo |
空似言葉 see styles |
soranikotoba そらにことば |
{ling} false friend |
空前絕後 空前绝后 see styles |
kōng qián jué hòu kong1 qian2 jue2 hou4 k`ung ch`ien chüeh hou kung chien chüeh hou |
unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique |
空前絶後 see styles |
kuuzenzetsugo / kuzenzetsugo くうぜんぜつご |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) (so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first and probably the last |
空力性能 see styles |
kuurikiseinou / kurikiseno くうりきせいのう |
aerodynamic performance |
空加地川 see styles |
sorakajigawa そらかじがわ |
(place-name) Sorakajigawa |
空即是色 see styles |
kuusokuzeshiki / kusokuzeshiki くうそくぜしき |
(yoji) {Buddh} (See 色即是空) emptiness is form; illusion of the reality of matter |
空卽是色 see styles |
kōng jí shì sè kong1 ji2 shi4 se4 k`ung chi shih se kung chi shih se kū sokuze shiki |
The immaterial is the material, śūnya is rūpa, and vice versa, 色不異空. |
空口無憑 空口无凭 see styles |
kōng kǒu wú píng kong1 kou3 wu2 ping2 k`ung k`ou wu p`ing kung kou wu ping |
mere verbal statement cannot be taken as proof (idiom) |
空口白話 空口白话 see styles |
kōng kǒu bái huà kong1 kou3 bai2 hua4 k`ung k`ou pai hua kung kou pai hua |
empty promises |
空吹かし see styles |
karabukashi からぶかし karafukashi からふかし |
idling (of an engine) |
空地導彈 空地导弹 see styles |
kōng dì dǎo dàn kong1 di4 dao3 dan4 k`ung ti tao tan kung ti tao tan |
air-to-surface missile |
空域管理 see styles |
kuuikikanri / kuikikanri くういきかんり |
airspace management |
空塔速度 see styles |
kuutousokudo / kutosokudo くうとうそくど |
{engr} superficial velocity; superficial flow velocity |
空如來藏 空如来藏 see styles |
kōng rú lái zàng kong1 ru2 lai2 zang4 k`ung ju lai tsang kung ju lai tsang kū nyoraizō |
The bhūtatathatā in its purity, or absoluteness. |
空威張り see styles |
karaibari からいばり |
(noun/participle) bluffing; bluster; bravado |
空客公司 see styles |
kōng kè gōng sī kong1 ke4 gong1 si1 k`ung k`o kung ssu kung ko kung ssu |
Airbus (European corporation) |
空室あり see styles |
kuushitsuari / kushitsuari くうしつあり |
(expression) vacant rooms available |
空室有り see styles |
kuushitsuari / kushitsuari くうしつあり |
(expression) vacant rooms available |
空室清野 see styles |
kōng shì qīng yě kong1 shi4 qing1 ye3 k`ung shih ch`ing yeh kung shih ching yeh |
empty room, clean field (idiom); clean out everything to leave nothing for the enemy; scorched earth policy |
空寂靈知 空寂灵知 see styles |
kōng jí líng zhī kong1 ji2 ling2 zhi1 k`ung chi ling chih kung chi ling chih kūjaku ryōchi |
empty quiescence and spiritual awareness |
空対応表 see styles |
kuutaiouhyou / kutaiohyo くうたいおうひょう |
{comp} empty map |
空巣狙い see styles |
akisunerai あきすねらい |
prowler; sneak thief |
空席待ち see styles |
kuusekimachi / kusekimachi くうせきまち |
stand-by (on an airplane) |
空引き機 see styles |
sorabikibata そらびきばた |
(1) (archaism) type of loom used in olden times; (2) loom; traditional loom |
空心老大 see styles |
kōng xīn lǎo dà kong1 xin1 lao3 da4 k`ung hsin lao ta kung hsin lao ta |
pretentious and vacuous person |
空心蘿蔔 空心萝卜 see styles |
kōng xīn luó bo kong1 xin1 luo2 bo5 k`ung hsin lo po kung hsin lo po |
useless person |
空性相應 空性相应 see styles |
kōng xìng xiāng yìng kong1 xing4 xiang1 ying4 k`ung hsing hsiang ying kung hsing hsiang ying kūshō sōō |
concomitant with emptiness |
空惚ける see styles |
soratobokeru そらとぼける |
(v1,vi) to feign ignorance; to play dumb |
空手の型 see styles |
karatenokata からてのかた |
kata (in karate) |
空手而歸 空手而归 see styles |
kōng shǒu ér guī kong1 shou3 er2 gui1 k`ung shou erh kuei kung shou erh kuei |
to return empty-handed; to fail to win anything |
空手還鄕 空手还鄕 see styles |
kōng shǒu huán xiāng kong1 shou3 huan2 xiang1 k`ung shou huan hsiang kung shou huan hsiang kūshu genkyō |
to return home empty-handed |
空挺作戦 see styles |
kuuteisakusen / kutesakusen くうていさくせん |
aerial tactics |
空挺師団 see styles |
kuuteishidan / kuteshidan くうていしだん |
Airborne Division |
空挺旅団 see styles |
kuuteiryodan / kuteryodan くうていりょだん |
Airborne Brigade |
空挺部隊 see styles |
kuuteibutai / kutebutai くうていぶたい |
airborne troops |
空挺隊員 see styles |
kuuteitaiin / kutetain くうていたいいん |
paratroopers |
空文字列 see styles |
kuumojiretsu; karamojiretsu / kumojiretsu; karamojiretsu くうもじれつ; からもじれつ |
{comp} empty string; null string |
空有二執 空有二执 see styles |
kōng yǒu èr zhí kong1 you3 er4 zhi2 k`ung yu erh chih kung yu erh chih kūu nishū |
(or 空有二見). The two (false) tenets, or views, that karma and nirvana are not real, and that the ego and phenomena are real; these wrong views are overcome by the 空有二觀 meditating on the unreality of the ego and phenomena, and the reality of karma and nirvana. |
空有二宗 see styles |
kōng yǒu èr zōng kong1 you3 er4 zong1 k`ung yu erh tsung kung yu erh tsung kūu nishū |
The two schools 空and 有 in Hīnayāna are given as 倶舍 Kośa for 有 in 成實 Satyasiddhi for 空, in Mahāyāna 法相 for 有 and 三論 for 空. |
空有二論 空有二论 see styles |
kōng yǒu èr lùn kong1 you3 er4 lun4 k`ung yu erh lun kung yu erh lun kūu niron |
debate regarding emptness and existence |
空有諍論 空有诤论 see styles |
kōng yǒu zhēng lùn kong1 you3 zheng1 lun4 k`ung yu cheng lun kung yu cheng lun kūu no sōron |
debate regarding emptness and existence |
空格子点 see styles |
kuukoushiten / kukoshiten くうこうしてん |
{cryst} lattice vacancy |
空殼公司 空壳公司 see styles |
kōng ké gōng sī kong1 ke2 gong1 si1 k`ung k`o kung ssu kung ko kung ssu |
shell company; shell corporation |
空気ばね see styles |
kuukibane / kukibane くうきばね |
air suspension; air spring |
空気ガス see styles |
kuukigasu / kukigasu くうきガス |
{chem} mixture of air and hydrocarbon gas or vapour |
空気伝染 see styles |
kuukidensen / kukidensen くうきでんせん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) air-borne infection |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "空" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.