There are 2727 total results for your 定 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
清水定 see styles |
shimizusadamu しみずさだむ |
(person) Shimizu Sadamu |
測定値 see styles |
sokuteichi / sokutechi そくていち |
measured value |
測定器 see styles |
sokuteiki / sokuteki そくていき |
measuring instrument |
測定法 see styles |
sokuteihou / sokuteho そくていほう |
method of measurement |
準否定 see styles |
junhitei / junhite じゅんひてい |
(rare) {ling} quasi-negation (e.g. use of words like 'hardly', 'seldom', 'barely'); weak negation |
準安定 see styles |
junantei / junante じゅんあんてい |
(noun or adjectival noun) {physics;chem} metastability |
滅心定 灭心定 see styles |
miè xīn dìng mie4 xin1 ding4 mieh hsin ting metsushin jō |
meditative absorption with complete extinction of thought |
滅盡定 灭尽定 see styles |
miè jìn dìng mie4 jin4 ding4 mieh chin ting metsujin jō |
idem 滅受想定, also called 滅定 and 滅盡三昧. |
滴定管 see styles |
dī dìng guǎn di1 ding4 guan3 ti ting kuan |
burette |
滴定量 see styles |
tekiteiryou / tekiteryo てきていりょう |
titer; titre |
瀘定橋 泸定桥 see styles |
lú dìng qiáo lu2 ding4 qiao2 lu ting ch`iao lu ting chiao |
Luding Bridge over Dadu river 大渡河[Da4 du4 he2] in Sichuan, built by Kangxi in 1706, linking Luding county Sichuan Luding county 瀘定縣|泸定县[Lu2 ding4 xian4] with Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州|甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] |
瀘定縣 泸定县 see styles |
lú dìng xiàn lu2 ding4 xian4 lu ting hsien |
Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet) |
火光定 see styles |
huǒ guāng dìng huo3 guang1 ding4 huo kuang ting kakō jō |
The flame dhyāna by which the body is self-immolated. |
火界定 see styles |
huǒ jiè dìng huo3 jie4 ding4 huo chieh ting kakai jō |
agni-dhātu-samādhi; the meditation on the final destruction of the world by fire. |
無不定 无不定 see styles |
wú bù dìng wu2 bu4 ding4 wu pu ting mu fujō |
not inconclusive |
無定形 see styles |
muteikei / muteke むていけい |
(noun or adjectival noun) amorphous; shapeless |
無定性 无定性 see styles |
wú dìng xìng wu2 ding4 xing4 wu ting hsing mu jōshō |
lacking a determined nature |
無定法 无定法 see styles |
wú dìng fǎ wu2 ding4 fa3 wu ting fa mu jōhō |
absence of a set doctrine |
無定見 see styles |
muteiken / muteken むていけん |
(noun or adjectival noun) lacking fixed principles; inconsistent; fickle |
無心定 无心定 see styles |
wú xīn dìng wu2 xin1 ding4 wu hsin ting mushin jō |
thought-free concentration |
無想定 无想定 see styles |
wú xiǎng dìng wu2 xiang3 ding4 wu hsiang ting musō jō |
The concentration in which all thinking ceases, in the desire to enter Avṛha, v. 無想天; such entry is into 無想果. |
無漏定 无漏定 see styles |
wú lòu dìng wu2 lou4 ding4 wu lou ting muro jō |
untainted absorption |
無相定 无相定 see styles |
wú xiàng dìng wu2 xiang4 ding4 wu hsiang ting musō jō |
the markless concentration |
無色定 无色定 see styles |
wú sè dìng wu2 se4 ding4 wu se ting mu shiki jō |
concentrations of the formless realm |
無間定 无间定 see styles |
wú jiān dìng wu2 jian1 ding4 wu chien ting mugen jō |
concentration of no-separation |
無限定 see styles |
mugentei / mugente むげんてい |
(adj-na,adj-no) all-encompassing; unqualified (e.g. opinion) |
照約定 照约定 see styles |
zhào yuē dìng zhao4 yue1 ding4 chao yüeh ting |
according to agreement; as arranged; as stipulated |
熱固定 see styles |
netsukotei / netsukote ねつこてい |
heat fixing; heat setting |
爲定量 为定量 see styles |
wéi dìng liáng wei2 ding4 liang2 wei ting liang i jōryō |
to serve as a standard inference |
牟定縣 牟定县 see styles |
móu dìng xiàn mou2 ding4 xian4 mou ting hsien |
Mouding County in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan |
牧定忠 see styles |
makisadanori まきさだのり |
(person) Maki Sadanori |
特定厨 see styles |
tokuteichuu / tokutechu とくていちゅう |
(1) (net-sl) (derogatory term) person who identifies someone's private information (esp. through online research); doxxer; doxer; Internet sleuth; (2) (net-sl) (derogatory term) person who identifies real-life locations or items appearing in anime, video games, etc. |
特定子 see styles |
tokuteishi / tokuteshi とくていし |
{comp} designator |
猶未定 犹未定 see styles |
yóu wèi dìng you2 wei4 ding4 yu wei ting yumijō |
Still unsettled, uncertain. |
生得定 see styles |
shēng dé dìng sheng1 de2 ding4 sheng te ting shōtoku jō |
innately endowed meditative absorption (samādhi) |
町田定 see styles |
machidasadamu まちださだむ |
(person) Machida Sadamu |
直定数 see styles |
chokuteisuu / chokutesu ちょくていすう |
{comp} literal |
確定値 see styles |
kakuteichi / kakutechi かくていち |
definitive number; confirmed number; final figures |
確定力 see styles |
kakuteiryoku / kakuteryoku かくていりょく |
{law} power of finality (of a legal decision, e.g. when a case is dismissed with prejudice) |
確定性 确定性 see styles |
què dìng xìng que4 ding4 xing4 ch`üeh ting hsing chüeh ting hsing |
determinacy |
確定的 see styles |
kakuteiteki / kakuteteki かくていてき |
(adjectival noun) definite; certain; decided; fixed; settled |
確定石 see styles |
kakuteiseki / kakuteseki かくていせき |
stable disc (in Othello) |
禅定寺 see styles |
zenjouji / zenjoji ぜんじょうじ |
(place-name) Zenjōji |
福定町 see styles |
fukusadachou / fukusadacho ふくさだちょう |
(place-name) Fukusadachō |
禪定印 禅定印 see styles |
chán dìng yìn chan2 ding4 yin4 ch`an ting yin chan ting yin zenjō in |
meditation mudrā |
禪定境 禅定境 see styles |
chán dìng jìng chan2 ding4 jing4 ch`an ting ching chan ting ching zenjōkyō |
meditation itself as an object (of contemplation) |
禪定門 禅定门 see styles |
chán dìng mén chan2 ding4 men2 ch`an ting men chan ting men zenjō mon |
aspect of meditation |
穩定塘 稳定塘 see styles |
wěn dìng táng wen3 ding4 tang2 wen ting t`ang wen ting tang |
waste stabilization pond |
穩定度 稳定度 see styles |
wěn dìng dù wen3 ding4 du4 wen ting tu |
degree of stability |
穩定性 稳定性 see styles |
wěn dìng xìng wen3 ding4 xing4 wen ting hsing |
stability |
空處定 空处定 see styles |
kōng chù dìng kong1 chu4 ding4 k`ung ch`u ting kung chu ting kūsho jō |
(or 空無邊處定) The dhyāna, or meditation connected with the above, in which all thought of form is suppressed. |
紀ノ定 see styles |
kinosada きのさだ |
(surname) Kinosada |
紀之定 see styles |
kinosada きのさだ |
(surname) Kinosada |
約定書 see styles |
yakujousho / yakujosho やくじょうしょ |
written contract |
総勘定 see styles |
soukanjou / sokanjo そうかんじょう |
final settlement |
縁定め see styles |
ensadame えんさだめ |
marriage contract |
羅定咲 see styles |
rateぃーsa らてぃーさ |
(female given name) Rati-sa |
羅定市 罗定市 see styles |
luó dìng shì luo2 ding4 shi4 lo ting shih |
Luoding, county-level city in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong |
肯定句 see styles |
kěn dìng jù ken3 ding4 ju4 k`en ting chü ken ting chü |
affirmative sentence |
肯定文 see styles |
kouteibun / kotebun こうていぶん |
{gramm} (ant: 否定文) affirmative sentence |
肯定的 see styles |
kouteiteki / koteteki こうていてき |
(adjectival noun) affirmative |
自定義 自定义 see styles |
zì dìng yì zi4 ding4 yi4 tzu ting i |
custom; user-defined |
色指定 see styles |
iroshitei / iroshite いろしてい |
colour coordination |
色界定 see styles |
sè jiè dìng se4 jie4 ding4 se chieh ting shikikai jō |
concentrations in (the realm of) form |
花定野 see styles |
kejouno / kejono けじょうの |
(place-name) Kejōno |
薛定諤 薛定谔 see styles |
xuē dìng è xue1 ding4 e4 hsüeh ting o |
Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961), Austrian physicist |
藤原定 see styles |
fujiwarasadamu ふじわらさだむ |
(person) Fujiwara Sadamu |
處定心 处定心 see styles |
chù dìng xīn chu4 ding4 xin1 ch`u ting hsin chu ting hsin sho jōshin |
remaining in meditative concentration |
行定勲 see styles |
yukisadaisao ゆきさだいさお |
(person) Yukisada Isao (1968.8.3-) |
要定川 see styles |
youteigawa / yotegawa ようていがわ |
(place-name) Yōteigawa |
見定川 see styles |
kenjougawa / kenjogawa けんじょうがわ |
(place-name) Kenjōgawa |
規定値 see styles |
kiteichi / kitechi きていち |
control value; minimal required value |
規定度 see styles |
kiteido / kitedo きていど |
{chem} normality; equivalent concentration |
観定峠 see styles |
kanjoutouge / kanjotoge かんじょうとうげ |
(place-name) Kanjōtōge |
設定厨 see styles |
setteichuu / settechu せっていちゅう |
(derogatory term) (net-sl) would-be creator (esp. writer) who is overly preoccupied with the background setting of their story |
設定時 see styles |
setteiji / setteji せっていじ |
{comp} initialization time |
設定画 see styles |
setteiga / settega せっていが |
(annotated) model sheet; character sheet |
認定医 see styles |
ninteii / ninte にんていい |
certified physician |
認定証 see styles |
ninteishou / nintesho にんていしょう |
certificate |
語否定 see styles |
gohitei / gohite ごひてい |
{ling} constituent negation; word negation |
說不定 说不定 see styles |
shuō bu dìng shuo1 bu5 ding4 shuo pu ting |
can't say for sure; maybe |
調定地 调定地 see styles |
tiáo dìng dì tiao2 ding4 di4 t`iao ting ti tiao ting ti jōjō chi |
the stage of submission |
調直定 调直定 see styles |
tiáo zhí dìng tiao2 zhi2 ding4 t`iao chih ting tiao chih ting jōjikijō |
To harmonize the discords of the mind, to straighten its irregularities, and quiet its distractions, an explanation of samādhi given by Tiantai. |
識處定 识处定 see styles |
shì chù dìng shi4 chu4 ding4 shih ch`u ting shih chu ting shikisho jō |
The dhyāna, or abstract state, which corresponds to the above. |
議定書 议定书 see styles |
yì dìng shū yi4 ding4 shu1 i ting shu giteisho / gitesho ぎていしょ |
protocol; treaty protocol |
谷定川 see styles |
tanisadagawa たにさだがわ |
(place-name) Tanisadagawa |
貴定縣 贵定县 see styles |
guì dìng xiàn gui4 ding4 xian4 kuei ting hsien |
Guiding county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou |
逆定理 see styles |
nì dìng lǐ ni4 ding4 li3 ni ting li |
converse theorem (math.) |
邊際定 边际定 see styles |
biān jì dìng bian1 ji4 ding4 pien chi ting hensai jō |
apex of concentration |
邪定聚 see styles |
xié dìng jù xie2 ding4 ju4 hsieh ting chü jajōju |
beings predetermined for evil |
邪性定 see styles |
xié xìng dìng xie2 xing4 ding4 hsieh hsing ting jashō jō |
(邪性定聚) The accumulation (of suffering) to be endured in purgatory by one of heterodox nature; one of the three accumulations 三聚. |
重定向 see styles |
chóng dìng xiàng chong2 ding4 xiang4 ch`ung ting hsiang chung ting hsiang |
to redirect |
重定川 see styles |
shigesadagawa しげさだがわ |
(place-name) Shigesadagawa |
量不定 see styles |
liáng bù dìng liang2 bu4 ding4 liang pu ting ryōfujō |
no fixed amount |
金剛定 金刚定 see styles |
jīn gāng dìng jin1 gang1 ding4 chin kang ting kongō jō |
vajrasamādhi, 金剛喩定; 金剛三昧; 金剛滅定 diamond meditation, that of the last stage of the bodhisattva, characterized by firm, indestructible knowledge, penetrating all reality; attained after all remains of illusion have been cut off. |
金勘定 see styles |
kanekanjou / kanekanjo かねかんじょう |
counting money; calculating income and expenditure |
金定三 see styles |
kinteizou / kintezo きんていぞう |
(personal name) Kinteizou |
銭勘定 see styles |
zenikanjou / zenikanjo ぜにかんじょう |
counting the revenues and expenditures; counting the gains and losses |
鎮定劑 镇定剂 see styles |
zhèn dìng jì zhen4 ding4 ji4 chen ting chi |
tranquilizer; depressant; sedative |
鎮定藥 镇定药 see styles |
zhèn dìng yào zhen4 ding4 yao4 chen ting yao |
sedative drug |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "定" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.