There are 1465 total results for your 品 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...101112131415>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
食品成分表 see styles |
shokuhinseibunhyou / shokuhinsebunhyo しょくひんせいぶんひょう |
(abbreviation) (See 日本食品標準成分表) standard tables of food composition in Japan |
食品添加物 see styles |
shokuhintenkabutsu しょくひんてんかぶつ |
food additive |
食品研究所 see styles |
shokuhinkenkyuujo / shokuhinkenkyujo しょくひんけんきゅうじょ |
(place-name) Shokuhinkenkyūjo |
食品衛生法 see styles |
shokuhineiseihou / shokuhineseho しょくひんえいせいほう |
{law} Food Sanitation Act |
食肉加工品 see styles |
shokunikukakouhin / shokunikukakohin しょくにくかこうひん |
processed meat product |
高収量品種 see styles |
koushuuryouhinshu / koshuryohinshu こうしゅうりょうひんしゅ |
high-yield variety (crop, etc.) |
Variations: |
shinagaki しながき |
catalog; catalogue; inventory; menu |
品川ゴルフ場 see styles |
shinagawagorufujou / shinagawagorufujo しながわゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Shinagawa golf links |
品川トンネル see styles |
shinagawatonneru しながわトンネル |
(place-name) Shinagawa Tunnel |
品質を落とす see styles |
hinshitsuootosu ひんしつをおとす |
(exp,v5s) to lower the quality |
品質チェック see styles |
hinshitsuchekku ひんしつチェック |
(See 品質検査) quality check; quality inspection; quality assurance |
品質保持期限 see styles |
hinshitsuhojikigen ひんしつほじきげん |
freshness assured through this date |
品質保証協会 see styles |
hinshitsuhoshoukyoukai / hinshitsuhoshokyokai ひんしつほしょうきょうかい |
(org) Society of Quality Assurance; SQA; (o) Society of Quality Assurance; SQA |
オリジナル品 see styles |
orijinaruhin オリジナルひん |
custom-made item; made-to-order article |
ガリバー商品 see styles |
garibaashouhin / garibashohin ガリバーしょうひん |
outstanding product; market leader |
キッチン用品 see styles |
kicchinyouhin / kicchinyohin キッチンようひん |
kitchenware; kitchen utensils |
キャリー商品 see styles |
kyariishouhin / kyarishohin キャリーしょうひん |
leftover stock; carry-over stock |
サービス品質 see styles |
saabisuhinshitsu / sabisuhinshitsu サービスひんしつ |
{comp} quality of service; QOS |
システム商品 see styles |
shisutemushouhin / shisutemushohin システムしょうひん |
system goods |
デジタル遺品 see styles |
dejitaruihin デジタルいひん |
digital estate |
データの品質 see styles |
deetanohinshitsu データのひんしつ |
{comp} data quality |
ブランド商品 see styles |
burandoshouhin / burandoshohin ブランドしょうひん |
brand items |
レトルト食品 see styles |
retorutoshokuhin レトルトしょくひん |
packed and sterilised food; retort food |
一村一品運動 see styles |
issonippinundou / issonippinundo いっそんいっぴんうんどう |
One Village One Product movement; OVOP; campaign to boost the countryside by promoting the special products of local areas |
一般用医薬品 see styles |
ippanyouiyakuhin / ippanyoiyakuhin いっぱんよういやくひん |
non-prescription drug; over-the-counter drug |
三十七助道品 see styles |
sān shí qī zhù dào pǐn san1 shi2 qi1 zhu4 dao4 pin3 san shih ch`i chu tao p`in san shih chi chu tao pin sanjūshichi jodō hon |
thirty-seven aids to enlightenment |
九地九品思惑 see styles |
jiǔ dì jiǔ pǐn sī huò jiu3 di4 jiu3 pin3 si1 huo4 chiu ti chiu p`in ssu huo chiu ti chiu pin ssu huo kuji kuhon shiwaku |
v. 八十一品思惑. |
伝統的工芸品 see styles |
dentoutekikougeihin / dentotekikogehin でんとうてきこうげいひん |
traditional handicraft |
佛說普門品經 佛说普门品经 see styles |
fó shuō pǔ mén pǐn jīng fo2 shuo1 pu3 men2 pin3 jing1 fo shuo p`u men p`in ching fo shuo pu men pin ching Bussetsu fumon hon kyō |
Samanta-mukha-parivarto nāmâvalokitêśvara-vikurvaṇa-nirdeśa |
保健機能食品 see styles |
hokenkinoushokuhin / hokenkinoshokuhin ほけんきのうしょくひん |
health-promoting food |
信貸衍生產品 信贷衍生产品 see styles |
xìn dài yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn xin4 dai4 yan3 sheng1 chan3 pin3 hsin tai yen sheng ch`an p`in hsin tai yen sheng chan pin |
credit derivative (in finance) |
健康補助食品 see styles |
kenkouhojoshokuhin / kenkohojoshokuhin けんこうほじょしょくひん |
dietary supplement |
偽ブランド品 see styles |
niseburandohin にせブランドひん |
counterfeit (branded) product; fake brand-name goods |
八十一品思惑 see styles |
bā shí yī pǐn sī huò ba1 shi2 yi1 pin3 si1 huo4 pa shih i p`in ssu huo pa shih i pin ssu huo hachijūippon (no) shiwaku |
The eighty-one kinds of illusion, or misleading thoughts, arising out of desire, anger, foolishness, and pride - nine grades in each of the nine realms of desire, of form and beyond form. |
再商品化料金 see styles |
saishouhinkaryoukin / saishohinkaryokin さいしょうひんかりょうきん |
(See リサイクル料金) recycling fee |
利根郡片品村 see styles |
tonegunkatashinamura とねぐんかたしなむら |
(place-name) Tonegunkatashinamura |
加熱食肉製品 see styles |
kanetsushokunikuseihin / kanetsushokunikusehin かねつしょくにくせいひん |
{food} heat sterilized meat product |
動物性生産品 see styles |
doubutsuseiseisanhin / dobutsusesesanhin どうぶつせいせいさんひん |
animal product |
化粧品専門店 see styles |
keshouhinsenmonten / keshohinsenmonten けしょうひんせんもんてん |
cosmetics store |
医療用医薬品 see styles |
iryouyouiyakuhin / iryoyoiyakuhin いりょうよういやくひん |
ethical pharmaceuticals; prescription drugs |
同品有異品有 同品有异品有 see styles |
tóng pǐn yǒu yì pǐn yǒu tong2 pin3 you3 yi4 pin3 you3 t`ung p`in yu i p`in yu tung pin yu i pin yu dōhon u ihon u |
presence in similar instances and presence in dissimilar instances |
商品ファンド see styles |
shouhinfando / shohinfando しょうひんファンド |
{finc} commodity fund |
商品先物取引 see styles |
shouhinsakimonotorihiki / shohinsakimonotorihiki しょうひんさきものとりひき |
{finc} commodity futures trading |
四十二品無明 四十二品无明 see styles |
sì shí èr pǐn wú míng si4 shi2 er4 pin3 wu2 ming2 ssu shih erh p`in wu ming ssu shih erh pin wu ming shijūnihon mumyō |
The forty-two species of ignorance which, according to Tiantai, are to be cut off seriatim in the above forty-two stages. |
在肉所知障品 see styles |
zài ròu suǒ zhī zhàng pǐn zai4 rou4 suo3 zhi1 zhang4 pin3 tsai jou so chih chang p`in tsai jou so chih chang pin zainiku shochishō hon |
internally resident hindrance of the cognitive type |
基本構成部品 see styles |
kihonkouseibuhin / kihonkosebuhin きほんこうせいぶひん |
{comp} basic component |
宇品三丁目駅 see styles |
ujinasanchoumeeki / ujinasanchomeeki うじなさんちょうめえき |
(st) Ujinasanchōme Station |
宇品二丁目駅 see styles |
ujinanichoumeeki / ujinanichomeeki うじなにちょうめえき |
(st) Ujinanichōme Station |
宇品五丁目駅 see styles |
ujinagochoumeeki / ujinagochomeeki うじなごちょうめえき |
(st) Ujinagochōme Station |
宇品四丁目駅 see styles |
ujinayonchoumeeki / ujinayonchomeeki うじなよんちょうめえき |
(st) Ujinayonchōme Station |
家電製品協会 see styles |
kadenseihinkyoukai / kadensehinkyokai かでんせいひんきょうかい |
(org) Association for Electric Home Appliances; AEHA; (o) Association for Electric Home Appliances; AEHA |
常不輕菩薩品 常不轻菩萨品 see styles |
cháng bù qīng pú sà pǐn chang2 bu4 qing1 pu2 sa4 pin3 ch`ang pu ch`ing p`u sa p`in chang pu ching pu sa pin Jō Fukyō Bosatsu hon |
Chapter of the Bodhisattva Never Despising (Lotus Sūtra) |
廃品回収業者 see styles |
haihinkaishuugyousha / haihinkaishugyosha はいひんかいしゅうぎょうしゃ |
garbage man; garbage collector |
抵当流れの品 see styles |
teitounagarenohin / tetonagarenohin ていとうながれのひん |
unredeemed article |
擬阿拖品藥物 拟阿拖品药物 see styles |
nǐ ā tuō pǐn yào wù ni3 a1 tuo1 pin3 yao4 wu4 ni a t`o p`in yao wu ni a to pin yao wu |
atropinemimetic drug |
新產品推介會 新产品推介会 see styles |
xīn chǎn pǐn tuī jiè huì xin1 chan3 pin3 tui1 jie4 hui4 hsin ch`an p`in t`ui chieh hui hsin chan pin tui chieh hui |
product launch event |
日東食品工場 see styles |
nittoushokuhinkoujou / nittoshokuhinkojo にっとうしょくひんこうじょう |
(place-name) Nittoushokuhin Factory |
有異品無異品 有异品无异品 see styles |
yǒu yì pǐn wú yì pǐn you3 yi4 pin3 wu2 yi4 pin3 yu i p`in wu i p`in yu i pin wu i pin uihon muihon |
lit. same(ness) and different (difference) |
栄養機能食品 see styles |
eiyoukinoushokuhin / eyokinoshokuhin えいようきのうしょくひん |
functional nutritional food |
栄養補助食品 see styles |
eiyouhojoshokuhin / eyohojoshokuhin えいようほじょしょくひん |
nutritional supplement; dietary supplement |
極め付きの品 see styles |
kiwametsukinoshina きわめつきのしな |
article of certified genuineness |
武田薬品工場 see styles |
takedayakuhinkoujou / takedayakuhinkojo たけだやくひんこうじょう |
(place-name) Takedayakuhin Factory |
武田薬品工業 see styles |
takedayakuhinkougyou / takedayakuhinkogyo たけだやくひんこうぎょう |
(company) Takeda Pharmaceutical; (c) Takeda Pharmaceutical |
武田薬品農場 see styles |
takedayakuhinnoujou / takedayakuhinnojo たけだやくひんのうじょう |
(place-name) Takedayakuhinnōjō |
浜名部品工場 see styles |
hamanabuhinkoujou / hamanabuhinkojo はまなぶひんこうじょう |
(place-name) Hamanabuhin Factory |
生品神社境内 see styles |
ikushinajinjakeidai / ikushinajinjakedai いくしなじんじゃけいだい |
(place-name) Ikushinajinjakeidai |
矢崎部品工場 see styles |
yazakibuhinkoujou / yazakibuhinkojo やざきぶひんこうじょう |
(place-name) Yazakibuhin Factory |
石油化学製品 see styles |
sekiyukagakuseihin / sekiyukagakusehin せきゆかがくせいひん |
petrochemicals |
般若道行品經 般若道行品经 see styles |
bō rě dào xíng pǐn jīng bo1 re3 dao4 xing2 pin3 jing1 po je tao hsing p`in ching po je tao hsing pin ching Hannya dōgyō hon kyō |
Wisdom Scripture of Practicing Enlightenment |
芦品郡新市町 see styles |
ashinagunshinichichou / ashinagunshinichicho あしなぐんしんいちちょう |
(place-name) Ashinagunshin'ichichō |
藤沢薬品工場 see styles |
fujisawayakuhinkoujou / fujisawayakuhinkojo ふじさわやくひんこうじょう |
(place-name) Fujisawayakuhin Factory |
表面実装部品 see styles |
hyoumenjissoubuhin / hyomenjissobuhin ひょうめんじっそうぶひん |
{engr} surface-mount device; SMD |
製品安全協会 see styles |
seihinanzenkyoukai / sehinanzenkyokai せいひんあんぜんきょうかい |
(org) Consumer Product Safety Association; (o) Consumer Product Safety Association |
複合構成部品 see styles |
fukugoukouseibuhin / fukugokosebuhin ふくごうこうせいぶひん |
{comp} composite component |
觀音經普門品 观音经普门品 see styles |
guān yīn jīng pǔ mén pǐn guan1 yin1 jing1 pu3 men2 pin3 kuan yin ching p`u men p`in kuan yin ching pu men pin Kan'non kyō fumon hon |
Samanta-mukha-parivarto nāmâvalokitêśvara-vikurvaṇa-nirdeśa |
軟中上品方便 软中上品方便 see styles |
ruǎn zhōng shàng pǐn fāng biàn ruan3 zhong1 shang4 pin3 fang1 bian4 juan chung shang p`in fang pien juan chung shang pin fang pien nan chū jōhon hōben |
inferior, middling, and superior classes of expedient means |
輕質石油產品 轻质石油产品 see styles |
qīng zhì shí yóu chǎn pǐn qing1 zhi4 shi2 you2 chan3 pin3 ch`ing chih shih yu ch`an p`in ching chih shih yu chan pin |
light petroleum product (i.e. gasoline and diesel oil) |
金融商品仲介 see styles |
kinyuushouhinchuukai / kinyushohinchukai きんゆうしょうひんちゅうかい |
{finc} financial instruments intermediary |
金融派生商品 see styles |
kinyuuhaseishouhin / kinyuhaseshohin きんゆうはせいしょうひん |
{finc} financial derivative; derivative |
金融衍生產品 金融衍生产品 see styles |
jīn róng yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn jin1 rong2 yan3 sheng1 chan3 pin3 chin jung yen sheng ch`an p`in chin jung yen sheng chan pin |
financial derivative |
阿品台山の手 see styles |
ajinadaiyamanote あじなだいやまのて |
(place-name) Ajinadaiyamanote |
食品サンプル see styles |
shokuhinsanpuru しょくひんサンプル |
plastic food models used by restaurants |
食品メーカー see styles |
shokuhinmeekaa / shokuhinmeeka しょくひんメーカー |
(See 食品会社) food company |
食品医薬品局 see styles |
shokuhiniyakuhinkyoku しょくひんいやくひんきょく |
(org) Food and Drug Administration (US); FDA; (o) Food and Drug Administration (US); FDA |
食品工業団地 see styles |
shokuhinkougyoudanchi / shokuhinkogyodanchi しょくひんこうぎょうだんち |
(place-name) Shokuhin Industrial Park |
高品位テレビ see styles |
kouhiniterebi / kohiniterebi こうひんいテレビ |
high-definition television; HDTV |
Variations: |
hinyoku ひんよく |
(adverb) properly; in a good manner; sophisticatedly; seemly; in a dignified way |
品川白煉瓦工場 see styles |
shinagawashirorengakoujou / shinagawashirorengakojo しながわしろれんがこうじょう |
(place-name) Shinagawashirorenga Factory |
品物が納まった see styles |
shinamonogaosamatta しなものがおさまった |
(expression) commodities have been delivered |
品野台ゴルフ場 see styles |
shinanodaigorufujou / shinanodaigorufujo しなのだいゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Shinanodai Golf Links |
Variations: |
fuzokuhin ふぞくひん |
accessory; fittings; appurtenances |
Variations: |
kishouhin / kishohin きしょうひん |
rare article; rare item; rarity |
アイディア商品 see styles |
aidiashouhin / aidiashohin アイディアしょうひん |
novelty (wasei: idea product) |
アウトレット品 see styles |
autorettohin アウトレットひん |
outlet product; outlet item |
アルカリ性食品 see styles |
arukariseishokuhin / arukariseshokuhin アルカリせいしょくひん |
alkaline food |
オリジナル作品 see styles |
orijinarusakuhin オリジナルさくひん |
original work |
オリジナル商品 see styles |
orijinarushouhin / orijinarushohin オリジナルしょうひん |
custom-made product; own-brand product |
ゲノム編集食品 see styles |
genomuhenshuushokuhin / genomuhenshushokuhin ゲノムへんしゅうしょくひん |
(See ゲノム編集・ゲノムへんしゅう) genetically modified foods; genetically engineered foods |
ジェネリック品 see styles |
jenerikkuhin ジェネリックひん |
generic product |
スズキ部品工場 see styles |
suzukibuhinkoujou / suzukibuhinkojo スズキぶひんこうじょう |
(place-name) Suzukibuhin Factory |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "品" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.