There are 2730 total results for your 事 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
取付工事 see styles |
toritsukekouji / toritsukekoji とりつけこうじ |
installation |
受託事業 see styles |
jutakujigyou / jutakujigyo じゅたくじぎょう |
{bus} entrusted business; contractor; outsourcing business |
古事来歴 see styles |
kojiraireki こじらいれき |
(irregular kanji usage) (yoji) origin and history; particulars |
古事記伝 see styles |
kojikiden こじきでん |
(work) Commentary on the Kojiki (by Motoori Norinaga, 1798); Commentary on Records of Ancient Matters; (wk) Commentary on the Kojiki (by Motoori Norinaga, 1798); Commentary on Records of Ancient Matters |
台所事情 see styles |
daidokorojijou / daidokorojijo だいどころじじょう |
(idiom) financial situation |
合同事業 see styles |
goudoujigyou / godojigyo ごうどうじぎょう |
joint undertaking |
合弁事業 see styles |
goubenjigyou / gobenjigyo ごうべんじぎょう |
joint venture |
吉非吉事 see styles |
jí fēi jí shì ji2 fei1 ji2 shi4 chi fei chi shih kichi hikichi ji |
auspicious and inauspicious circumstances |
同事攝事 同事摄事 see styles |
tóng shì shè shì tong2 shi4 she4 shi4 t`ung shih she shih tung shih she shih dōji shōji |
cooperation with others to lead them into the truth |
名誉領事 see styles |
meiyoryouji / meyoryoji めいよりょうじ |
honorary consul; honourary consul |
咄咄怪事 see styles |
duō duō - guài shì duo1 duo1 - guai4 shi4 to to - kuai shih |
(idiom) extraordinary occurrence; bizarre event |
唯一大事 see styles |
wéi yī dà shì wei2 yi1 da4 shi4 wei i ta shih yui ichi daiji |
only one great matter |
商事会社 see styles |
shoujigaisha / shojigaisha しょうじがいしゃ |
commercial company |
問四事經 问四事经 see styles |
wèn sì shì jīng wen4 si4 shi4 jing1 wen ssu shih ching Mon shiji kyō |
Sūtra of Questions on Four Matters |
善修事業 善修事业 see styles |
shàn xiū shì yè shan4 xiu1 shi4 ye4 shan hsiu shih yeh zenshu jigō |
accomplishment of good works |
営利事業 see styles |
eirijigyou / erijigyo えいりじぎょう |
profit-making enterprise |
四事不護 四事不护 see styles |
sì shì bù hù si4 shi4 bu4 hu4 ssu shih pu hu shiji fugo |
four kinds of non-guards |
四事供養 四事供养 see styles |
sì shì gōng yǎng si4 shi4 gong1 yang3 ssu shih kung yang shiji kuyō |
The four offerings or provisions for a monk. There is a sutra, the 四事經, or 阿難四事經. |
四事法門 四事法门 see styles |
sì shì fǎ mén si4 shi4 fa3 men2 ssu shih fa men shiji hōmon |
Four methods of a bodhisattva's preparation for preaching the Law— entry into meditation: into wisdom; into complete moral self-control; and into clear discernment, or reasoning, 辯才門. |
四種攝事 四种摄事 see styles |
sì zhǒng shè shì si4 zhong3 she4 shi4 ssu chung she shih shi shushōji |
four methods for making amicable association |
因人成事 see styles |
yīn rén chéng shì yin1 ren2 cheng2 shi4 yin jen ch`eng shih yin jen cheng shih |
to get things done relying on others (idiom); with a little help from his friends |
困った事 see styles |
komattakoto こまったこと |
(exp,n) trouble; problem; mess; difficulty; nuisance |
囲み記事 see styles |
kakomikiji かこみきじ |
(newspaper) column |
国事行為 see styles |
kokujikoui / kokujikoi こくじこうい |
constitutional functions (of the emperor) |
国内事情 see styles |
kokunaijijou / kokunaijijo こくないじじょう |
internal (domestic) affairs |
国家多事 see styles |
kokkataji こっかたじ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) eventful times for the nation; the nation being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land |
國事訪問 国事访问 see styles |
guó shì fǎng wèn guo2 shi4 fang3 wen4 kuo shih fang wen |
state visit |
土木工事 see styles |
dobokukouji / dobokukoji どぼくこうじ |
public works |
地区検事 see styles |
chikukenji ちくけんじ |
district attorney (US) |
坑内事故 see styles |
kounaijiko / konaijiko こうないじこ |
mine accident |
基礎工事 see styles |
kisokouji / kisokoji きそこうじ |
foundation works |
報復人事 see styles |
houfukujinji / hofukujinji ほうふくじんじ |
retaliatory personnel decision (demotion, sacking, etc.) |
墜落事故 see styles |
tsuirakujiko ついらくじこ |
plane crash |
外交事務 外交事务 see styles |
wài jiāo shì wù wai4 jiao1 shi4 wu4 wai chiao shih wu |
foreign affairs |
外食事業 see styles |
gaishokujigyou / gaishokujigyo がいしょくじぎょう |
restaurant industry; dining-out industry |
多事之秋 see styles |
duō shì zhī qiū duo1 shi4 zhi1 qiu1 to shih chih ch`iu to shih chih chiu |
(idiom) troubled times; eventful period |
多事多端 see styles |
tajitatan たじたたん |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) eventfulness; pressure of business |
多事多難 see styles |
tajitanan たじたなん |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) various difficulties |
多大點事 多大点事 see styles |
duō dà diǎn shì duo1 da4 dian3 shi4 to ta tien shih |
trivial matter; Big deal! |
多管閒事 多管闲事 see styles |
duō guǎn xián shì duo1 guan3 xian2 shi4 to kuan hsien shih |
meddling in other people's business |
多重事故 see styles |
tajuujiko / tajujiko たじゅうじこ |
multi-vehicle accident |
大事因緣 大事因缘 see styles |
dà shì yīn yuán da4 shi4 yin1 yuan2 ta shih yin yüan daiji innen |
causes and conditions of the great matter |
大工仕事 see styles |
daikushigoto だいくしごと |
carpentry; woodworking; woodwork |
大逆事件 see styles |
daigyakujiken; taigyakujiken だいぎゃくじけん; たいぎゃくじけん |
(hist) High Treason Incident (socialist-anarchist plot to assassinate Emperor Meiji in 1910) |
大阪事件 see styles |
oosakajiken おおさかじけん |
(hist) Osaka Incident (plot by Oi Kentaro and the Liberal Party to support a Korean uprising; 1885) |
天下多事 see styles |
tenkataji てんかたじ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) eventful times for the nation (world); the nation (world) being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land |
太平無事 see styles |
taiheibuji / taihebuji たいへいぶじ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful |
好事之徒 see styles |
hào shì zhī tú hao4 shi4 zhi1 tu2 hao shih chih t`u hao shih chih tu |
busybody |
好事多磨 see styles |
hǎo shì duō mó hao3 shi4 duo1 mo2 hao shih to mo |
the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks (idiom) |
好事多魔 see styles |
koujitama / kojitama こうじたま |
(expression) (yoji) happy events are often accompanied by difficulties; unsullied joy is rare |
好人好事 see styles |
hǎo rén hǎo shì hao3 ren2 hao3 shi4 hao jen hao shih |
admirable people and exemplary deeds |
如來事業 如来事业 see styles |
rú lái shì yè ru2 lai2 shi4 ye4 ju lai shih yeh nyorai jigō |
activities of a tathāgata |
如來十事 如来十事 see styles |
rú lái shí shì ru2 lai2 shi2 shi4 ju lai shih shih nyorai jūji |
ten buddha-works |
如是等事 see styles |
rú shì děng shì ru2 shi4 deng3 shi4 ju shih teng shih nyoze tō ji |
this kind of matter |
学校行事 see styles |
gakkougyouji / gakkogyoji がっこうぎょうじ |
school event |
安全無事 安全无事 see styles |
ān quán wú shì an1 quan2 wu2 shi4 an ch`üan wu shih an chüan wu shih |
safe and sound |
安穏無事 see styles |
annonbuji あんのんぶじ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful |
完事大吉 see styles |
wán shì - dà jí wan2 shi4 - da4 ji2 wan shih - ta chi |
(idiom) (usu. after 就[jiu4]) (having done such-and-such) everything is now fine; that's the end of the matter; (one is) all set |
実事求是 see styles |
jitsujikyuuze / jitsujikyuze じつじきゅうぜ |
(yoji) (See 実事・1) practical search for the truth |
宣伝記事 see styles |
sendenkiji せんでんきじ |
publicity article |
宮越商事 see styles |
miyakoshishouji / miyakoshishoji みやこししょうじ |
(org) Miyakoshi Corporation; (o) Miyakoshi Corporation |
家事一切 see styles |
kajiissai / kajissai かじいっさい |
all the domestic (housekeeping) chores |
家事代行 see styles |
kajidaikou / kajidaiko かじだいこう |
housekeeping (service); domestic help; homemaking |
家事労働 see styles |
kajiroudou / kajirodo かじろうどう |
housework |
家事審判 see styles |
kajishinpan かじしんぱん |
{law} family court adjudication |
家事見習 see styles |
kajiminarai かじみならい |
(yoji) apprenticeship in the running of a household; prospective bride who undertakes an apprenticeship to learn housekeeping |
家事調停 see styles |
kajichoutei / kajichote かじちょうてい |
{law} mediation or conciliation by a family court |
家事都合 see styles |
kajitsugou / kajitsugo かじつごう |
family reasons; personal reasons |
實事求是 实事求是 see styles |
shí shì qiú shì shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4 shih shih ch`iu shih shih shih chiu shih |
lit. to seek truth from facts (idiom); fig. to be practical and realistic |
審慎行事 审慎行事 see styles |
shěn shèn xíng shì shen3 shen4 xing2 shi4 shen shen hsing shih |
to act prudently; steering a cautious course |
専務理事 see styles |
senmuriji せんむりじ |
managing director |
専売事業 see styles |
senbaijigyou / senbaijigyo せんばいじぎょう |
(hist) monopoly enterprise |
専権事項 see styles |
senkenjikou / senkenjiko せんけんじこう |
sole prerogative; exclusive prerogative |
尋事生非 寻事生非 see styles |
xún shì shēng fēi xun2 shi4 sheng1 fei1 hsün shih sheng fei |
to look for trouble |
小事一樁 小事一桩 see styles |
xiǎo shì yī zhuāng xiao3 shi4 yi1 zhuang1 hsiao shih i chuang |
trivial matter; a piece of cake |
少不更事 see styles |
shào bù gēng shì shao4 bu4 geng1 shi4 shao pu keng shih |
(idiom) young and inexperienced; wet behind the ears |
少不經事 少不经事 see styles |
shào bù jīng shì shao4 bu4 jing1 shi4 shao pu ching shih |
see 少不更事[shao4bu4geng1shi4] |
少年事件 see styles |
shounenjiken / shonenjiken しょうねんじけん |
incident (e.g. crime) involving a minor (between the ages of 14 and 19) |
少管閒事 少管闲事 see styles |
shǎo guǎn xián shì shao3 guan3 xian2 shi4 shao kuan hsien shih |
Mind your own business!; Don't interfere! |
就事論事 就事论事 see styles |
jiù shì lùn shì jiu4 shi4 lun4 shi4 chiu shih lun shih |
to discuss something on its own merits; to judge the matter as it stands |
展事投機 展事投机 see styles |
zhǎn shì tóu jī zhan3 shi4 tou2 ji1 chan shih t`ou chi chan shih tou chi tenji tōki |
reveal the understanding of one's own phenomenal situation |
川鉄商事 see styles |
kawatetsushouji / kawatetsushoji かわてつしょうじ |
(company) Kawasho Corporation; (c) Kawasho Corporation |
工事現場 see styles |
koujigenba / kojigenba こうじげんば |
construction site |
工事車両 see styles |
koujisharyou / kojisharyo こうじしゃりょう |
construction vehicle (bulldozer, backhoe, loader, etc.) |
市参事会 see styles |
shisanjikai しさんじかい |
city council |
帝銀事件 see styles |
teiginjiken / teginjiken ていぎんじけん |
(hist) Tengin Bank robbery (in which 12 people died of cyanide poisoning; 1948) |
常任理事 see styles |
jouninriji / joninriji じょうにんりじ |
executive director |
常務理事 常务理事 see styles |
cháng wù lǐ shì chang2 wu4 li3 shi4 ch`ang wu li shih chang wu li shih |
permanent member of council |
平安無事 平安无事 see styles |
píng ān wú shì ping2 an1 wu2 shi4 p`ing an wu shih ping an wu shih heianbuji / heanbuji へいあんぶじ |
More info & calligraphy: Safe and Sound(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful |
平穏無事 see styles |
heionbuji / heonbuji へいおんぶじ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) peaceful; quiet; uneventful |
年中行事 see styles |
nenchuugyouji; nenjuugyouji; nenjuugyouji / nenchugyoji; nenjugyoji; nenjugyoji ねんちゅうぎょうじ; ねんじゅうぎょうじ; ねんぢゅうぎょうじ |
(yoji) annual function; annual event |
年事已高 see styles |
nián shì yǐ gāo nian2 shi4 yi3 gao1 nien shih i kao |
old in years |
床笫之事 see styles |
chuáng zǐ zhī shì chuang2 zi3 zhi1 shi4 ch`uang tzu chih shih chuang tzu chih shih |
bedroom matters; sexual intercourse |
廃止事項 see styles |
haishijikou / haishijiko はいしじこう |
{comp} deleted feature |
建築主事 see styles |
kenchikushuji けんちくしゅじ |
building officer (responsible for issuing building certifications, etc.) |
建設工事 see styles |
kensetsukouji / kensetsukoji けんせつこうじ |
construction work |
強盗事件 see styles |
goutoujiken / gotojiken ごうとうじけん |
robbery; robbery case; burglary |
当事務所 see styles |
toujimusho / tojimusho とうじむしょ |
this office |
当事者性 see styles |
toujishasei / tojishase とうじしゃせい |
being an involved party; degree to which one is involved (in a matter); degree to which one is affected (by an issue); (degree of) involvement; (degree of) connectedness; relevancy (to one) |
当然の事 see styles |
touzennokoto / tozennokoto とうぜんのこと |
(expression) a matter of course; what is to be expected; par for the course |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "事" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.