There are 2157 total results for your 赤 search. I have created 22 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
小赤見 see styles |
koakami こあかみ |
(place-name) Koakami |
小赤谷 see styles |
koakadan こあかだん |
(place-name) Koakadan |
平赤井 see styles |
tairaakai / tairakai たいらあかい |
(place-name) Tairaakai |
引赤薬 see styles |
insekiyaku いんせきやく |
(rare) rubefacient (substance that causes redness of skin) |
打赤腳 打赤脚 see styles |
dǎ chì jiǎo da3 chi4 jiao3 ta ch`ih chiao ta chih chiao |
to bare the feet |
打赤膊 see styles |
dǎ chì bó da3 chi4 bo2 ta ch`ih po ta chih po |
to bare one's chest; bare-chested |
新赤倉 see styles |
shinakakura しんあかくら |
(place-name) Shin'akakura |
新赤坂 see styles |
shinakasaka しんあかさか |
(place-name) Shin'akasaka |
新赤川 see styles |
shinakagawa しんあかがわ |
(place-name) Shin'akagawa |
新赤道 see styles |
shinakamichi しんあかみち |
(place-name) Shin'akamichi |
日赤町 see styles |
nissekichou / nissekicho にっせきちょう |
(place-name) Nissekichō |
明赤色 see styles |
meisekishoku / mesekishoku めいせきしょく |
(adjectival noun) bright red |
暗赤色 see styles |
ansekishoku あんせきしょく |
dark red |
朝赤龍 see styles |
asasekiryuu / asasekiryu あさせきりゅう |
(surname) Asasekiryū |
東赤倉 see styles |
higashiakakura ひがしあかくら |
(place-name) Higashiakakura |
東赤坂 see styles |
higashiakasaka ひがしあかさか |
(place-name) Higashiakasaka |
東赤塚 see styles |
higashiakatsuka ひがしあかつか |
(place-name) Higashiakatsuka |
東赤尾 see styles |
higashiakao ひがしあかお |
(place-name) Higashiakao |
東赤江 see styles |
higashiakae ひがしあかえ |
(place-name) Higashiakae |
東赤沢 see styles |
higashiakasawa ひがしあかさわ |
(place-name) Higashiakasawa |
東赤沼 see styles |
higashiakanuma ひがしあかぬま |
(place-name) Higashiakanuma |
東赤田 see styles |
higashiakada ひがしあかだ |
(place-name) Higashiakada |
東赤目 see styles |
higashiakame ひがしあかめ |
(place-name) Higashiakame |
東赤石 see styles |
higashiakaishi ひがしあかいし |
(place-name) Higashiakaishi |
東赤砂 see styles |
higashiakasuna ひがしあかすな |
(place-name) Higashiakasuna |
東赤谷 see styles |
higashiakadani ひがしあかだに |
(place-name) Higashiakadani |
東赤重 see styles |
higashiakashige ひがしあかしげ |
(place-name) Higashiakashige |
東赤野 see styles |
higashiakano ひがしあかの |
(place-name) Higashiakano |
栃赤城 see styles |
tochiakagi とちあかぎ |
(surname) Tochiakagi |
橙赤色 see styles |
tousekishoku / tosekishoku とうせきしょく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) orange-red; reddish orange; fire red |
灰赤楊 灰赤杨 see styles |
huī chì yáng hui1 chi4 yang2 hui ch`ih yang hui chih yang |
gray alder (Alnus incana); speckled alder |
発赤薬 see styles |
hassekiyaku はっせきやく |
(rare) (See 引赤薬) rubefacient (substance that causes redness of skin) |
真っ赤 see styles |
makka まっか |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) bright red; deep red; flushed (of face); (adjectival noun) (2) downright (e.g. lie); complete; utter |
笯赤建 see styles |
nú chì jiàn nu2 chi4 jian4 nu ch`ih chien nu chih chien Nusekken |
Nujkend, or Nujketh in Turkestan, between Taras and Khojend. |
綠赤楊 绿赤杨 see styles |
lǜ chì yáng lu:4 chi4 yang2 lü ch`ih yang lü chih yang |
green alder (Alnus viridis) |
胸赤鶸 see styles |
muneakahiwa; muneakahiwa むねあかひわ; ムネアカヒワ |
(kana only) Eurasian linnet (Carduelis cannabina) |
腰赤燕 see styles |
koshiakatsubame こしあかつばめ |
(1) red-rumped swallow (Hirundo daurica); (2) striated swallow (Hirundo striolata) |
西赤坂 see styles |
nishiakasaka にしあかさか |
(place-name) Nishiakasaka |
西赤尾 see styles |
nishiakao にしあかお |
(place-name) Nishiakao |
西赤木 see styles |
nishiakagi にしあかぎ |
(place-name) Nishiakagi |
西赤江 see styles |
nishiakae にしあかえ |
(place-name) Nishiakae |
西赤沢 see styles |
nishiakasawa にしあかさわ |
(place-name) Nishiakasawa |
西赤沼 see styles |
nishiakanuma にしあかぬま |
(place-name) Nishiakanuma |
西赤田 see styles |
nishiakada にしあかだ |
(place-name) Nishiakada |
西赤目 see styles |
nishiakame にしあかめ |
(place-name) Nishiakame |
西赤砂 see styles |
nishiakasuna にしあかすな |
(place-name) Nishiakasuna |
西赤谷 see styles |
nishiakatani にしあかたに |
(place-name) Nishiakatani |
辻赤塚 see styles |
tsujiakatsuka つじあかつか |
(place-name) Tsujiakatsuka |
近赤外 see styles |
kinsekigai きんせきがい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) near infrared; NIR |
遠赤外 see styles |
ensekigai えんせきがい |
(noun or adjectival noun) far infrared |
金赤色 see styles |
kinakairo きんあかいろ |
bronze-red (colour, color) |
麿赤児 see styles |
maroakaji まろあかじ |
(person) Maro Akaji (1943.2.23-) |
黃赤色 黄赤色 see styles |
huáng chì sè huang2 chi4 se4 huang ch`ih se huang chih se |
golden colored; yellow red See: 黄赤色 |
黄赤色 see styles |
ousekishoku / osekishoku おうせきしょく |
yellowish red; poppy red |
赤いほお see styles |
akaihoo あかいほお |
(exp,n) red cheeks; apple cheeks |
赤い旅団 see styles |
akairyodan あかいりょだん |
Red Brigades |
赤い羽根 see styles |
akaihane あかいはね |
(org) Akaihane (fund-raising organisation for welfare services); Red Feather; (o) Akaihane (fund-raising organisation for welfare services); Red Feather |
赤かび病 see styles |
akakabibyou / akakabibyo あかかびびょう |
(med) Fusarium ear blight; Fusarium head blight; scab |
赤がかる see styles |
akagakaru あかがかる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) (obscure) to be tinged red; to be reddish |
赤こっこ see styles |
akakokko; akakokko あかこっこ; アカコッコ |
Izu thrush (Turdus celaenops) |
赤すぐり see styles |
akasuguri あかすぐり |
redcurrant (Ribes rubrum); red currant |
赤ずきん see styles |
akazukin あかずきん |
(work) Little Red Riding Hood; (wk) Little Red Riding Hood |
赤ちゃん see styles |
akachan あかちゃん |
baby; infant |
赤っぽい see styles |
akappoi あかっぽい |
(adjective) reddish |
赤とんぼ see styles |
akatonbo あかとんぼ |
(1) (kana only) (small) red dragonfly; (2) darter (dragonfly of genus Sympetrum, esp. the autumn darter, Sympetrum frequens) |
赤の他人 see styles |
akanotanin あかのたにん |
(exp,n) complete stranger; total stranger |
赤の広場 see styles |
akanohiroba あかのひろば |
(place-name) Red Square (Moscow) |
赤よろし see styles |
akayoroshi; anoyoroshi(ik) あかよろし; あのよろし(ik) |
(kana only) {hanaf} (See 出来役) scoring combination consisting of the January, February and March 5-point cards |
赤らめる see styles |
akarameru あからめる |
(transitive verb) to blush; to redden |
赤らんだ see styles |
akaranda あからんだ |
(can act as adjective) florid; ruddy |
赤ダレ谷 see styles |
akadaredani あかダレだに |
(place-name) Akadaredani |
赤ハエ鼻 see styles |
akabaehana あかバエはな |
(personal name) Akabaehana |
赤パン黴 see styles |
akapankabi; akapankabi あかパンかび; アカパンカビ |
(kana only) Neurospora crassa (species of red bread mould) |
赤ランプ see styles |
akaranpu あかランプ |
red light; stop light; danger signal |
赤レンガ see styles |
akarenga あかレンガ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) red brick |
赤ワイン see styles |
akawain あかワイン |
red wine |
赤久奈山 see styles |
akakunayama あかくなやま |
(place-name) Akakunayama |
赤久縄山 see styles |
akagunayama あかぐなやま |
(personal name) Akagunayama |
赤井伸郎 see styles |
akainobuo あかいのぶお |
(person) Akai Nobuo |
赤井厚雄 see styles |
akaiatsuo あかいあつお |
(person) Akai Atsuo |
赤井士郎 see styles |
akaishirou / akaishiro あかいしろう |
(person) Akai Shirou (1933.8.11-) |
赤井孝美 see styles |
akaitakami あかいたかみ |
(person) Akai Takami (1961.11.21-) |
赤井川村 see styles |
akaigawamura あかいがわむら |
(place-name) Akaigawamura |
赤井川駅 see styles |
akaigawaeki あかいがわえき |
(st) Akaigawa Station |
赤井紀男 see styles |
akainorio あかいのりお |
(person) Akai Norio (1940.11.29-) |
赤井英和 see styles |
akaihidekazu あかいひでかず |
(person) Akai Hidekazu (1959.8-) |
赤井谷地 see styles |
akaiyachi あかいやち |
(place-name) Akaiyachi |
赤井邦彦 see styles |
akaikunihiko あかいくにひこ |
(person) Akai Kunihiko |
赤仁井田 see styles |
akaniida / akanida あかにいだ |
(place-name) Akaniida |
赤仁田川 see styles |
akanitagawa あかにたがわ |
(place-name) Akanitagawa |
赤仁田森 see styles |
akanitamori あかにたもり |
(place-name) Akanitamori |
赤佐古町 see styles |
akasakomachi あかさこまち |
(place-name) Akasakomachi |
赤保木町 see styles |
akahokimachi あかほきまち |
(place-name) Akahokimachi |
赤倉温泉 see styles |
akakuraonsen あかくらおんせん |
(place-name) Akakuraonsen |
赤勘兵衛 see styles |
sekikanbee せきかんべえ |
(person) Seki Kanbee |
赤十字山 see styles |
sekijuujiyama / sekijujiyama せきじゅうじやま |
(place-name) Sekijuujiyama |
赤十字社 see styles |
sekijuujisha / sekijujisha せきじゅうじしゃ |
Red Cross (Society); (o) Red Cross (Society) |
赤向坂川 see styles |
akouzakagawa / akozakagawa あこうざかがわ |
(place-name) Akouzakagawa |
赤和瀬川 see styles |
akawasegawa あかわせがわ |
(place-name) Akawasegawa |
赤咲伶奈 see styles |
akasakirena あかさきれな |
(person) Akasaki Rena (1987.10.18-) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "赤" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.