There are 1333 total results for your 計 search. I have created 14 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
経過計時機構 see styles |
keikakeijikikou / kekakejikiko けいかけいじきこう |
{comp} elapsed timer |
統計多重処理 see styles |
toukeitajuushori / toketajushori とうけいたじゅうしょり |
{comp} statistical multiplexing |
総務省統計局 see styles |
soumushoutoukeikyoku / somushotokekyoku そうむしょうとうけいきょく |
Statistics Bureau of Japan; SBJ; Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications |
翻訳用計算機 see styles |
honyakuyoukeisanki / honyakuyokesanki ほんやくようけいさんき |
{comp} source-computer |
良きに計らえ see styles |
yokinihakarae よきにはからえ |
(expression) (kana only) take care of it; I'll leave it up to you; do as you see fit |
表示式計算器 see styles |
hyoujishikikeisanki / hyojishikikesanki ひょうじしきけいさんき |
{comp} display calculator |
表計算ソフト see styles |
hyoukeisansofuto / hyokesansofuto ひょうけいさんソフト |
spreadsheet program |
見計らい送本 see styles |
mihakaraisouhon / mihakaraisohon みはからいそうほん |
{comp} sending on approval; sending on approbation |
財務会計協会 see styles |
zaimukaikeikyoukai / zaimukaikekyokai ざいむかいけいきょうかい |
(o) Financial Accounting Foundation |
財政均衡計画 see styles |
zaiseikinkoukeikaku / zaisekinkokekaku ざいせいきんこうけいかく |
balanced budget plan |
資金調達計画 see styles |
shikinchoutatsukeikaku / shikinchotatsukekaku しきんちょうたつけいかく |
financing plan |
質流れの時計 see styles |
shichinagarenotokei / shichinagarenotoke しちながれのとけい |
unredeemed (pawned) watch |
超並列計算機 see styles |
chouheiretsukeisanki / choheretsukesanki ちょうへいれつけいさんき |
{comp} massively parallel computer |
農村計画学会 see styles |
nousonkeikakugakkai / nosonkekakugakkai のうそんけいかくがっかい |
(org) Association of Rural Planning; ARP; (o) Association of Rural Planning; ARP |
通産統計協会 see styles |
tsuusantoukeikyoukai / tsusantokekyokai つうさんとうけいきょうかい |
(org) International Trade and Industry Statistics Association; (o) International Trade and Industry Statistics Association |
遍計所執自性 遍计所执自性 see styles |
biàn jì suǒ zhí zì xìng bian4 ji4 suo3 zhi2 zi4 xing4 pien chi so chih tzu hsing henge shoshū jishō |
the imagined nature |
都市計画区域 see styles |
toshikeikakukuiki / toshikekakukuiki としけいかくくいき |
{law} city-planning area; urban planning area; urban zoning district |
間隔計時機構 see styles |
kankakukeijikikou / kankakukejikiko かんかくけいじきこう |
{comp} interval timer |
電池式計算器 see styles |
denchishikikeisanki / denchishikikesanki でんちしきけいさんき |
{comp} battery-powered calculator |
電腦輔助設計 电脑辅助设计 see styles |
diàn nǎo fǔ zhù shè jì dian4 nao3 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4 tien nao fu chu she chi |
computer-aided design |
非線形計画法 see styles |
hisenkeikeikakuhou / hisenkekekakuho ひせんけいけいかくほう |
{comp} non-linear programming |
音圧レベル計 see styles |
onatsureberukei / onatsureberuke おんあつレベルけい |
sound-level meter; sound pressure meter |
Variations: |
keirishi / kerishi けいりし |
public accountant |
Variations: |
keisanki / kesanki けいさんき |
(1) calculator; (2) (abbreviation) (See 電子計算機) computer |
計画を実行する see styles |
keikakuojikkousuru / kekakuojikkosuru けいかくをじっこうする |
(exp,vs-i) to carry out a scheme |
計算機システム see styles |
keisankishisutemu / kesankishisutemu けいさんきシステム |
{comp} data processing system; computer system; computing system |
計算機センター see styles |
keisankisentaa / kesankisenta けいさんきセンター |
{comp} computer center |
計算機依存言語 see styles |
keisankiizongengo / kesankizongengo けいさんきいぞんげんご |
{comp} computer-dependent language |
計算機図形処理 see styles |
keisankizukeishori / kesankizukeshori けいさんきずけいしょり |
{comp} computer graphics; CG |
計算機設計言語 see styles |
keisankisekkeigengo / kesankisekkegengo けいさんきせっけいげんご |
{comp} CDL; Computer Design Language |
計算機輔助設計 计算机辅助设计 see styles |
jì suàn jī fǔ zhù shè jì ji4 suan4 ji1 fu3 zhu4 she4 ji4 chi suan chi fu chu she chi |
CAD computer-aided design |
計算機集成制造 计算机集成制造 see styles |
jì suàn jī jí chéng zhì zào ji4 suan4 ji1 ji2 cheng2 zhi4 zao4 chi suan chi chi ch`eng chih tsao chi suan chi chi cheng chih tsao |
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) |
計算機集成製造 计算机集成制造 see styles |
jì suàn jī jí chéng zhì zào ji4 suan4 ji1 ji2 cheng2 zhi4 zao4 chi suan chi chi ch`eng chih tsao chi suan chi chi cheng chih tsao |
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) |
Variations: |
haka はか |
(kana only) progress |
Variations: |
okaikei / okaike おかいけい |
bill (at a restaurant); check |
Variations: |
tokeishi / tokeshi とけいし |
watchmaker; clockmaker |
アナログ計算機 see styles |
anarogukeisanki / anarogukesanki アナログけいさんき |
{comp} analog computer |
アルテミス計画 see styles |
arutemisukeikaku / arutemisukekaku アルテミスけいかく |
Artemis program (crewed spaceflight program) |
イリジウム計画 see styles |
irijiumukeikaku / irijiumukekaku イリジウムけいかく |
{comp} IRIDIUM project |
ガイガー計数管 see styles |
gaigaakeisuukan / gaigakesukan ガイガーけいすうかん |
Geiger counter |
デジタル計算機 see styles |
dejitarukeisanki / dejitarukesanki デジタルけいさんき |
{comp} digital computer |
ヒトゲノム計画 see styles |
hitogenomukeikaku / hitogenomukekaku ヒトゲノムけいかく |
Human Genome Project |
プロトン磁力計 see styles |
purotonjiryokukei / purotonjiryokuke プロトンじりょくけい |
proton magnetometer |
ポケット計算器 see styles |
pokettokeisanki / pokettokesanki ポケットけいさんき |
{comp} pocket calculator; hand-held calculator |
ミリアンペア計 see styles |
mirianpeakei / mirianpeake ミリアンペアけい |
milliammeter |
リズム時計工場 see styles |
rizumudokeikoujou / rizumudokekojo リズムどけいこうじょう |
(place-name) Rizumudokei Factory |
ロボット雨量計 see styles |
robottouryoukei / robottoryoke ロボットうりょうけい |
robot rain gauge |
一年之計在於春 一年之计在于春 see styles |
yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn yi1 nian2 zhi1 ji4 zai4 yu2 chun1 i nien chih chi tsai yü ch`un i nien chih chi tsai yü chun |
the whole year must be planned for in the spring (idiom); early planning is the key to success |
一日之計在於晨 一日之计在于晨 see styles |
yī rì zhī jì zài yú chén yi1 ri4 zhi1 ji4 zai4 yu2 chen2 i jih chih chi tsai yü ch`en i jih chih chi tsai yü chen |
make your day's plan early in the morning (idiom); early morning is the golden time of the day |
三宮花時計前駅 see styles |
sannomiyahanadokeimaeeki / sannomiyahanadokemaeeki さんのみやはなどけいまええき |
(st) Sannomiya.Hanadokeimae Station |
人類基因組計劃 人类基因组计划 see styles |
rén lèi jī yīn zǔ jì huà ren2 lei4 ji1 yin1 zu3 ji4 hua4 jen lei chi yin tsu chi hua |
Human Genome Project |
会計を済ませる see styles |
kaikeiosumaseru / kaikeosumaseru かいけいをすませる |
(exp,v1) to pay the bill; to settle an account |
保険計理士協会 see styles |
hokenkeirishikyoukai / hokenkerishikyokai ほけんけいりしきょうかい |
(o) Society of Actuaries |
加計東トンネル see styles |
kakehigashitonneru かけひがしトンネル |
(place-name) Kakehigashi Tunnel |
加計西トンネル see styles |
kakenishitonneru かけにしトンネル |
(place-name) Kakenishi Tunnel |
合計特殊出生率 see styles |
goukeitokushushusshouritsu / goketokushushusshoritsu ごうけいとくしゅしゅっしょうりつ |
total fertility rate; TFR |
君子不計小人過 君子不计小人过 see styles |
jun zǐ bù jì xiǎo rén guò jun1 zi3 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4 chün tzu pu chi hsiao jen kuo |
see 大人不記小人過|大人不记小人过[da4 ren2 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4] |
商事会計士協会 see styles |
shoujikaikeishikyoukai / shojikaikeshikyokai しょうじかいけいしきょうかい |
(o) Society of Commercial Accountants |
国土利用計画法 see styles |
kokudoriyoukeikakuhou / kokudoriyokekakuho こくどりようけいかくほう |
{law} National Land Use Planning Act |
国際会計士連盟 see styles |
kokusaikaikeishirenmei / kokusaikaikeshirenme こくさいかいけいしれんめい |
(org) International Federation of Accountants; IFAC; (o) International Federation of Accountants; IFAC |
國家計劃委員會 国家计划委员会 see styles |
guó jiā jì huà wěi yuán huì guo2 jia1 ji4 hua4 wei3 yuan2 hui4 kuo chia chi hua wei yüan hui |
PRC State Planning Committee, set up in 1952, replaced in 1998 by State Development and Planning Committee 國家發展計劃委員會|国家发展计划委员会[Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 Ji4 hua4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] then in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会[Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 he2 Gai3 ge2 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] |
局所線形計画法 see styles |
kyokushosenkeikeikakuhou / kyokushosenkekekakuho きょくしょせんけいけいかくほう |
{comp} local linear programming |
建築設計事務所 see styles |
kenchikusekkeijimusho / kenchikusekkejimusho けんちくせっけいじむしょ |
architectural firm; architectural company |
所要時間を計る see styles |
shoyoujikanohakaru / shoyojikanohakaru しょようじかんをはかる |
(exp,v5r) to calculate the time required |
會計準則理事會 会计准则理事会 see styles |
kuài jì zhǔn zé lǐ shì huì kuai4 ji4 zhun3 ze2 li3 shi4 hui4 k`uai chi chun tse li shih hui kuai chi chun tse li shih hui |
accounting standards council |
概率和數理統計 概率和数理统计 see styles |
gài lǜ hé shù lǐ tǒng jì gai4 lu:4 he2 shu4 li3 tong3 ji4 kai lü ho shu li t`ung chi kai lü ho shu li tung chi |
probability and mathematical statistics |
治験実施計画書 see styles |
chikenjisshikeikakusho / chikenjisshikekakusho ちけんじっしけいかくしょ |
trial implementation protocol |
法人会計士協会 see styles |
houjinkaikeishikyoukai / hojinkaikeshikyokai ほうじんかいけいしきょうかい |
(o) Society of Incorporated Accountants |
準都市計画区域 see styles |
juntoshikeikakukuiki / juntoshikekakukuiki じゅんとしけいかくくいき |
{law} quasi-city planning area; zoning district in which special permission from the local governor or mayor is required for large-scale construction |
砂時計ポインタ see styles |
sunadokeipointa / sunadokepointa すなどけいポインタ |
{comp} hourglass pointer |
米国会計士協会 see styles |
beikokukaikeishikyoukai / bekokukaikeshikyokai べいこくかいけいしきょうかい |
(o) American Institute of Accountants |
統計上の不突合 see styles |
toukeijounofutotsugou / tokejonofutotsugo とうけいじょうのふとつごう |
statistical discrepancy |
統計数理研究所 see styles |
toukeisuurikenkyuujo / tokesurikenkyujo とうけいすうりけんきゅうじょ |
(org) Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Minato, Tokyo); (o) Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Minato, Tokyo) |
統計的ばらつき see styles |
toukeitekibaratsuki / toketekibaratsuki とうけいてきばらつき |
{math} statistical dispersion; statistical variability |
資財所要量計画 see styles |
shizaishoyouryoukeikaku / shizaishoyoryokekaku しざいしょようりょうけいかく |
{comp} MRP; Material Requirement Planning |
超長距離干渉計 see styles |
chouchoukyorikanshoukei / chochokyorikanshoke ちょうちょうきょりかんしょうけい |
{astron} very long baseline interferometry; VLBI |
防衛計画の大綱 see styles |
boueikeikakunotaikou / boekekakunotaiko ぼうえいけいかくのたいこう |
National Defense Program Outline |
電子卓上計算機 see styles |
denshitakujoukeisanki / denshitakujokesanki でんしたくじょうけいさんき |
(obsolete) (See 電卓) electronic desk calculator |
計器飛行教員学校 see styles |
keikihikoukyouingakkou / kekihikokyoingakko けいきひこうきょういんがっこう |
(o) Instrument Flight Instructors School |
Variations: |
tokei(p); tokihakari(時計)(ok) / toke(p); tokihakari(時計)(ok) とけい(P); ときはかり(時計)(ok) |
clock; watch; timepiece |
Variations: |
tawamikei / tawamike たわみけい |
deflectometer |
Variations: |
kakedokei / kakedoke かけどけい |
wall clock |
Variations: |
tokeiza / tokeza とけいざ |
{astron} Horologium (constellation); the Pendulum Clock |
Variations: |
okidokei / okidoke おきどけい |
clock to be placed on tables, bookshelves, etc. (as opposed to a watch) |
アネロイド晴雨計 see styles |
aneroidoseiukei / aneroidoseuke アネロイドせいうけい |
(See アネロイド気圧計) aneroid barometer |
アネロイド気圧計 see styles |
aneroidokiatsukei / aneroidokiatsuke アネロイドきあつけい |
aneroid barometer |
アルコール温度計 see styles |
arukooruondokei / arukooruondoke アルコールおんどけい |
alcohol thermometer |
コネクション統計 see styles |
konekushontoukei / konekushontoke コネクションとうけい |
{comp} connection statistics |
システム概念設計 see styles |
shisutemugainensekkei / shisutemugainensekke システムがいねんせっけい |
{comp} conceptual system design |
シチズン時計工場 see styles |
shichizuntokeikoujou / shichizuntokekojo シチズンとけいこうじょう |
(place-name) Shichizuntokei Factory |
スペックル干渉計 see styles |
supekkurukanshoukei / supekkurukanshoke スペックルかんしょうけい |
speckle interferometer |
セシウム原子時計 see styles |
seshiumugenshidokei / seshiumugenshidoke セシウムげんしどけい |
cesium atomic clock |
ディジタル計数形 see styles |
dijitarukeisuugata / dijitarukesugata ディジタルけいすうがた |
{comp} digital |
トップダウン設計 see styles |
toppudaunsekkei / toppudaunsekke トップダウンせっけい |
{comp} top-down design |
ネットワーク計画 see styles |
nettowaakukeikaku / nettowakukekaku ネットワークけいかく |
{comp} network planning |
バイメタル温度計 see styles |
baimetaruondokei / baimetaruondoke バイメタルおんどけい |
bimetal thermometer |
プルサーマル計画 see styles |
purusaamarukeikaku / purusamarukekaku プルサーマルけいかく |
plutonium-thermal project |
プロジェクト計画 see styles |
purojekutokeikaku / purojekutokekaku プロジェクトけいかく |
{comp} project planning |
マンハッタン計画 see styles |
manhattankeikaku / manhattankekaku マンハッタンけいかく |
(hist) Manhattan Project |
モジュロN計数器 see styles |
mojuroenkeisuuki / mojuroenkesuki モジュロエンけいすうき |
{comp} modulo-n counter |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "計" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.