There are 1687 total results for your 經 search. I have created 17 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
雜阿毘曇經 杂阿毘昙经 see styles |
zá ā pí tán jīng za2 a1 pi2 tan2 jing1 tsa a p`i t`an ching tsa a pi tan ching Zō abidon kyō |
Saṃyuktābhidharma-hṛdaya-śāstra |
須摩提女經 see styles |
xū mó tí nǚ jīng xu1 mo2 ti2 nv3 jing1 hsü mo t`i nü ching hsü mo ti nü ching |
*Sumāgadhâvadāna-sūtra |
須眞天子經 see styles |
xū zhēn tiān zǐ jīng xu1 zhen1 tian1 zi3 jing1 hsü chen t`ien tzu ching hsü chen tien tzu ching |
Sūtra of the Questions of Suvikrāntacinti-devaputra |
馬有三相經 see styles |
mǎ yǒu sān xiàng jīng ma3 you3 san1 xiang4 jing1 ma yu san hsiang ching |
Sūtra on the Three Marks of a Horse |
高王觀音經 see styles |
gāo wáng guān yīn jīng gao1 wang2 guan1 yin1 jing1 kao wang kuan yin ching |
The Avalokitêśvara Sūtra of King Gao |
高麗大藏經 高丽大藏经 see styles |
gāo lí dà zàng jīng gao1 li2 da4 zang4 jing1 kao li ta tsang ching Kōrai daizō kyō |
Tripitaka Koreana, Buddhist scriptures carved on 81,340 wooden tablets and housed in the Haein Temple 海印寺[Hai3 yin4 si4] in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea Grand Tripiṭaka of the Goryeo |
鼓音聲王經 see styles |
gǔ yīn shēng wáng jīng gu3 yin1 sheng1 wang2 jing1 ku yin sheng wang ching |
Dhāraṇī Sūtra the King of Sound of the Drum |
經三無數大劫 经三无数大劫 see styles |
jīng sān wú shǔ dà jié jing1 san1 wu2 shu3 da4 jie2 ching san wu shu ta chieh kyōsan mushu daikō |
passing through three great incalculable eons |
經典動力系統 经典动力系统 see styles |
jīng diǎn dòng lì xì tǒng jing1 dian3 dong4 li4 xi4 tong3 ching tien tung li hsi t`ung ching tien tung li hsi tung |
classical dynamical system (physics) |
經絲彩色顯花 经丝彩色显花 see styles |
jīng sī cǎi sè xiǎn huā jing1 si1 cai3 se4 xian3 hua1 ching ssu ts`ai se hsien hua ching ssu tsai se hsien hua |
warp brocade; woven fabric with single woof but colored warp |
一字頂輪王經 一字顶轮王经 see styles |
yī zì dǐng lún wáng jīng yi1 zi4 ding3 lun2 wang2 jing1 i tzu ting lun wang ching Ichijichō rin'ō kyō |
Yiziding lunwang jing |
三十二相經願 三十二相经愿 see styles |
sān shí èr xiāng jīng yuàn san1 shi2 er4 xiang1 jing1 yuan4 san shih erh hsiang ching yüan sanjūnisō kyō gan |
vow of the Sūtra on the Thirty-two Marks |
上海財經大學 上海财经大学 see styles |
shàng hǎi cái jīng dà xué shang4 hai3 cai2 jing1 da4 xue2 shang hai ts`ai ching ta hsüeh shang hai tsai ching ta hsüeh |
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) |
不增不減經疏 不增不减经疏 see styles |
bù zēng bù jiǎn jīng shū bu4 zeng1 bu4 jian3 jing1 shu1 pu tseng pu chien ching shu Fuzō fugen kyōsho |
Commentary on the Sūtra of Neither Increase nor Decrease |
不思議境界經 不思议境界经 see styles |
bù sī yì jìng jiè jīng bu4 si1 yi4 jing4 jie4 jing1 pu ssu i ching chieh ching Fushigi kyōgai kyō |
Sūtra on the Tathāgata's Inconceivable State |
不思議解脫經 不思议解脱经 see styles |
bù sī yì jiě tuō jīng bu4 si1 yi4 jie3 tuo1 jing1 pu ssu i chieh t`o ching pu ssu i chieh to ching Fushigi gedatsu kyō |
The 華嚴經 Huayan sutra. |
不退轉法輪經 不退转法轮经 see styles |
bù tuì zhuǎn fǎ lún jīng bu4 tui4 zhuan3 fa3 lun2 jing1 pu t`ui chuan fa lun ching pu tui chuan fa lun ching Fu tai tenbōrin kyō |
Bu tuizhuan falun jing |
世界經濟論壇 世界经济论坛 see styles |
shì jiè jīng jì lùn tán shi4 jie4 jing1 ji4 lun4 tan2 shih chieh ching chi lun t`an shih chieh ching chi lun tan |
World Economic Forum |
中央財經大學 中央财经大学 see styles |
zhōng yāng cái jīng dà xué zhong1 yang1 cai2 jing1 da4 xue2 chung yang ts`ai ching ta hsüeh chung yang tsai ching ta hsüeh |
Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing |
中樞神經系統 中枢神经系统 see styles |
zhōng shū shén jīng xì tǒng zhong1 shu1 shen2 jing1 xi4 tong3 chung shu shen ching hsi t`ung chung shu shen ching hsi tung |
central nervous system, CNS |
亞太經合組織 亚太经合组织 see styles |
yà tài jīng hé zǔ zhī ya4 tai4 jing1 he2 zu3 zhi1 ya t`ai ching ho tsu chih ya tai ching ho tsu chih |
APEC (organization) |
仁王般若經疏 仁王般若经疏 see styles |
rén wáng bō rě jīng shū ren2 wang2 bo1 re3 jing1 shu1 jen wang po je ching shu Jinō hannyakyō so |
Renwang banruo jing shou |
佛境界智嚴經 佛境界智严经 see styles |
fó jìng jiè zhì yán jīng fo2 jing4 jie4 zhi4 yan2 jing1 fo ching chieh chih yen ching Butsu kyōgai chigon kyō |
Sarva-buddha-viṣayâvatāra-jñānâlokâlaṃkāra-sūtra |
佛所行讚經傳 佛所行讚经传 see styles |
fó suǒ xíng zàn jīng zhuàn fo2 suo3 xing2 zan4 jing1 zhuan4 fo so hsing tsan ching chuan Butsu shogyō sangyō den |
Buddhacarita |
佛說佛十力經 佛说佛十力经 see styles |
fó shuō fó shí lì jīng fo2 shuo1 fo2 shi2 li4 jing1 fo shuo fo shih li ching Bussetsu butsu jūriki kyō |
Scripture on the Ten Powers |
佛說優填王經 佛说优填王经 see styles |
fó shuō yōu tián wáng jīng fo2 shuo1 you1 tian2 wang2 jing1 fo shuo yu t`ien wang ching fo shuo yu tien wang ching Bussetsu utenō kyō |
Udayanavatsarājaparipṛcchā(sūtra) |
佛說八正道經 佛说八正道经 see styles |
fó shuō bā zhèng dào jīng fo2 shuo1 ba1 zheng4 dao4 jing1 fo shuo pa cheng tao ching Bussetsu hasshōdō kyō |
Sūtra on the Eightfold Noble Path |
佛說十二遊經 佛说十二遊经 see styles |
fó shuō shí èr yóu jīng fo2 shuo1 shi2 er4 you2 jing1 fo shuo shih erh yu ching Bussetsu jūniyu kyō |
Sūtra of the Life of Śākyamuni to His Twelfth Year |
佛說普門品經 佛说普门品经 see styles |
fó shuō pǔ mén pǐn jīng fo2 shuo1 pu3 men2 pin3 jing1 fo shuo p`u men p`in ching fo shuo pu men pin ching Bussetsu fumon hon kyō |
Samanta-mukha-parivarto nāmâvalokitêśvara-vikurvaṇa-nirdeśa |
佛說月上女經 佛说月上女经 see styles |
fó shuō yuè shàng nǚ jīng fo2 shuo1 yue4 shang4 nv3 jing1 fo shuo yüeh shang nü ching Bussetsu getsujōnyo kyō |
Foshuo yueshangnv jing |
佛說末羅王經 佛说末罗王经 see styles |
fó shuō mò luó wáng jīng fo2 shuo1 mo4 luo2 wang2 jing1 fo shuo mo lo wang ching Bussetsu māō kyō |
Sūtra of King Malla |
佛說法滅盡經 佛说法灭尽经 see styles |
fó shuō fǎ miè jìn jīng fo2 shuo1 fa3 mie4 jin4 jing1 fo shuo fa mieh chin ching Bussetsu hō metsujin kyō |
Sūtra on the Annihilation of the Dharma Spoken by the Buddha |
佛說淨業障經 佛说淨业障经 see styles |
fó shuō jìng yè zhàng jīng fo2 shuo1 jing4 ye4 zhang4 jing1 fo shuo ching yeh chang ching Bussetsu jōgyōshō kyō |
Foshuo jing yezhangjing |
佛說阿彌陀經 佛说阿弥陀经 see styles |
fó shuō ā mí tuó jīng fo2 shuo1 a1 mi2 tuo2 jing1 fo shuo a mi t`o ching fo shuo a mi to ching Bussetsu amidakyō |
Amitâbha Sūtra |
信報財經新聞 信报财经新闻 see styles |
xìn bào cái jīng xīn wén xin4 bao4 cai2 jing1 xin1 wen2 hsin pao ts`ai ching hsin wen hsin pao tsai ching hsin wen |
Hong Kong Economic Journal |
修行方便禪經 修行方便禅经 see styles |
xiū xíng fāng biàn chán jīng xiu1 xing2 fang1 bian4 chan2 jing1 hsiu hsing fang pien ch`an ching hsiu hsing fang pien chan ching Shugyō hōben zen kyō |
Sūtra of the Cultivation of Expedient Meditations |
兩卷無量壽經 两卷无量寿经 see styles |
liǎng juǎn wú liáng shòu jīng liang3 juan3 wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 liang chüan wu liang shou ching Ryōkan muryōju kyō |
Two-fascicle Sūtra of Immeasurable Life |
六字神呪王經 六字神呪王经 see styles |
liù zì shén zhòu wáng jīng liu4 zi4 shen2 zhou4 wang2 jing1 liu tzu shen chou wang ching Rokuji shinju ō kyō |
Six Syllable Incantation |
六門陀羅尼經 六门陀罗尼经 see styles |
liù mén tuó luó ní jīng liu4 men2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 liu men t`o lo ni ching liu men to lo ni ching Rokumon daranikyō |
Dhāraṇī of the Six Gates |
准提陀羅尼經 准提陀罗尼经 see styles |
zhǔn tí tuó luó ní jīng zhun3 ti2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 chun t`i t`o lo ni ching chun ti to lo ni ching Shundai darani kyō |
Zhunti tuoluoni jing |
別譯雜阿含經 别译杂阿含经 see styles |
bié yì zá ā hán jīng bie2 yi4 za2 a1 han2 jing1 pieh i tsa a han ching Betsuyaku zō agon kyō |
Bieyi za ahan jing |
勝天王般若經 胜天王般若经 see styles |
shèng tiān wáng bō rě jīng sheng4 tian1 wang2 bo1 re3 jing1 sheng t`ien wang po je ching sheng tien wang po je ching Shōtenō hannya kyō |
Pravara-deva-rāja-paripṛcchā |
匯業財經集團 汇业财经集团 see styles |
huì yè cái jīng jí tuán hui4 ye4 cai2 jing1 ji2 tuan2 hui yeh ts`ai ching chi t`uan hui yeh tsai ching chi tuan |
Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau) |
古今譯經圖紀 古今译经图纪 see styles |
gǔ jīn yì jīng tú jì gu3 jin1 yi4 jing1 tu2 ji4 ku chin i ching t`u chi ku chin i ching tu chi Ko kon yakkyō zuki |
An Illustrated Record of Translated Scriptures Past and Present |
合部金光明經 合部金光明经 see styles |
hé bù jīn guāng míng jīng he2 bu4 jin1 guang1 ming2 jing1 ho pu chin kuang ming ching Gōbu konkōmyō kyō |
Sūtra of Golden Light |
善馬有三相經 善马有三相经 see styles |
shàn mǎ yǒu sān xiàng jīng shan4 ma3 you3 san1 xiang4 jing1 shan ma yu san hsiang ching Zenma u sansō kyō |
Sūtra on the Three Marks of a Good Horse |
四月八日灌經 四月八日灌经 see styles |
sì yuè bā rì guàn jīng si4 yue4 ba1 ri4 guan4 jing1 ssu yüeh pa jih kuan ching Shigatsu hachinichi kan kyō |
Sūtra on the Consecration of the Eighth Day of the Fourth Month |
四童子三昧經 四童子三昧经 see styles |
sì tóng zǐ sān mèi jīng si4 tong2 zi3 san1 mei4 jing1 ssu t`ung tzu san mei ching ssu tung tzu san mei ching Shi dōshi zanmai kyō |
Sūtra of the Four Children Absorption |
圓覺經大疏鈔 圆觉经大疏钞 see styles |
yuán jué jīng dà shū chāo yuan2 jue2 jing1 da4 shu1 chao1 yüan chüeh ching ta shu ch`ao yüan chüeh ching ta shu chao Engakukyō daisho shō |
Subcommentary to the Great commentary on the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment |
圓覺經慶讚疏 圆觉经庆讚疏 see styles |
yuán jué jīng qìng zàn shū yuan2 jue2 jing1 qing4 zan4 shu1 yüan chüeh ching ch`ing tsan shu yüan chüeh ching ching tsan shu Engakukyō keisan so |
Wongak gyeong gyeongchan so |
圓覺經略疏科 圆觉经略疏科 see styles |
yuán jué jīng lüè shū kē yuan2 jue2 jing1 lve4 shu1 ke1 yüan chüeh ching lve shu k`o yüan chüeh ching lve shu ko Engakukyō ryakushoka |
Outline of the Abridged Commentary on the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment |
圓覺經略疏註 圆觉经略疏注 see styles |
yuán jué jīng lüè shū zhù yuan2 jue2 jing1 lve4 shu1 zhu4 yüan chüeh ching lve shu chu Engakukyō ryakusho chū |
Abridged commentary to the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment |
圓覺經略疏鈔 圆觉经略疏钞 see styles |
yuán jué jīng lüè shū chāo yuan2 jue2 jing1 lve4 shu1 chao1 yüan chüeh ching lve shu ch`ao yüan chüeh ching lve shu chao Engakukyō ryakusho shō |
Abridged Subcommentary to the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment |
增一阿含經疏 增一阿含经疏 see styles |
zēng yī ā hán jīng shū zeng1 yi1 a1 han2 jing1 shu1 tseng i a han ching shu Zōichi agon kyō sho |
Fenbie gongde lun |
大乘入楞伽經 大乘入楞伽经 see styles |
dà shèng rù lèng qié jīng da4 sheng4 ru4 leng4 qie2 jing1 ta sheng ju leng ch`ieh ching ta sheng ju leng chieh ching Daijō nyūryōga kyō |
Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra |
大乘方等經典 大乘方等经典 see styles |
dà shèng fāng děng jīng diǎn da4 sheng4 fang1 deng3 jing1 dian3 ta sheng fang teng ching tien daijō hōtō kyōten |
The sutra and scriptures of the Mahāyāna, their doctrines being 方正 square and correct and 平等 for all equally, or universal. |
大乘無量壽經 大乘无量寿经 see styles |
dà shèng wú liàng shòu jīng da4 sheng4 wu2 liang4 shou4 jing1 ta sheng wu liang shou ching Daijō muryōju kyō |
Great Vehicle Sūtra of Immeasurable Longevity |
大乘莊嚴經論 大乘庄严经论 see styles |
dà shéng zhuāng yán jīng lùn da4 sheng2 zhuang1 yan2 jing1 lun4 ta sheng chuang yen ching lun Daijō sōgon kyō ron |
Mahāyānasūtra-laṃkāra-ṭīkā. An exposition of the teachings of the Vijñāna-vāda School, by Asaṅga, tr. A.D. 630-3 by Prabhākaramitra. 13 chuan. |
大唐衆經音義 大唐众经音义 see styles |
dà táng zhòng jīng yīn yì da4 tang2 zhong4 jing1 yin1 yi4 ta t`ang chung ching yin i ta tang chung ching yin i Dai tōshu kyō ongi |
The Tang Lexicon of All the Scriptures |
大安般守意經 大安般守意经 see styles |
dà ān bān shǒu yì jīng da4 an1 ban1 shou3 yi4 jing1 ta an pan shou i ching Dai anpan shui kyō |
Great Sūtra on Mindfulness of Inhalation and Exhalation |
大慧度經宗要 大慧度经宗要 see styles |
dà huì dù jīng zōng yào da4 hui4 du4 jing1 zong1 yao4 ta hui tu ching tsung yao Daiedo kyō shūyō |
Doctrinal Essentials of the Mahāprajñāpāramitā-sūtra |
大方廣十輪經 大方广十轮经 see styles |
dà fāng guǎng shí lún jīng da4 fang1 guang3 shi2 lun2 jing1 ta fang kuang shih lun ching Daihōkō jūrin kyō |
Daśacakra-kṣitigarbha(sūtra) |
大方廣圓覺經 大方广圆觉经 see styles |
dà fāng guǎng yuán jué jīng da4 fang1 guang3 yuan2 jue2 jing1 ta fang kuang yüan chüeh ching Daihōkō engaku kyō |
Great Corrective Vast Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment |
大方廣大集經 大方广大集经 see styles |
dà fāng guǎng dà jí jīng da4 fang1 guang3 da4 ji2 jing1 ta fang kuang ta chi ching Daihōkō daishū kyō |
Dafangguang daji jing |
大方等大集經 大方等大集经 see styles |
dà fāng děng dà jí jīng da4 fang1 deng3 da4 ji2 jing1 ta fang teng ta chi ching Dai hōdō daijikkyō |
Mahāvaipulya-mahāsaṃnipāta-sūtra, tr. A.D. 397―439, said to have been preached by the Buddha "from the age of 45 to 49 Buddhas and bodhisattvas assembled from every region, by a great staircase made between the world of desire and that of form". B.N. Another version was made by Jñānagupta and others in A.D. 594 called 大方等大集賢護經. |
大方等無想經 大方等无想经 see styles |
dà fāng děng wú xiǎng jīng da4 fang1 deng3 wu2 xiang3 jing1 ta fang teng wu hsiang ching Dai hōtō musō kyō |
*Mahāmegha-sūtra |
大明度無極經 大明度无极经 see styles |
dà míng dù wú jí jīng da4 ming2 du4 wu2 ji2 jing1 ta ming tu wu chi ching Daimyōdo mugoku kyō |
Damingdu jing |
大涅槃經集解 大涅槃经集解 see styles |
dà niè pán jīng jí jiě da4 nie4 pan2 jing1 ji2 jie3 ta nieh p`an ching chi chieh ta nieh pan ching chi chieh Dainehangyō shūkai |
Da banniepan jing jijie |
大無量壽經疏 大无量寿经疏 see styles |
dà wú liáng shòu jīng shū da4 wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 shu1 ta wu liang shou ching shu Dai muryōju kyō sho |
Commentary on the Sūtra of Immeasurable Life |
大華嚴經略策 大华严经略策 see styles |
dà huā yán jīng lüè cè da4 hua1 yan2 jing1 lve4 ce4 ta hua yen ching lve ts`e ta hua yen ching lve tse Dai kegonkyō ryakusaku |
Da huayan jing luece |
契經調伏本母 契经调伏本母 see styles |
qì jīng tiáo fú běn mǔ qi4 jing1 tiao2 fu2 ben3 mu3 ch`i ching t`iao fu pen mu chi ching tiao fu pen mu kaikyō jōfuku honmo |
scriptures, Vinaya, and treatises |
如來善巧呪經 如来善巧呪经 see styles |
rú lái shàn qiǎo zhòu jīng ru2 lai2 shan4 qiao3 zhou4 jing1 ju lai shan ch`iao chou ching ju lai shan chiao chou ching Nyorai zenkōju kyō |
Rulai shanqiaozhou jing |
妙吉祥大教經 妙吉祥大教经 see styles |
miào jí xiáng dà jiào jīng miao4 ji2 xiang2 da4 jiao4 jing1 miao chi hsiang ta chiao ching Myōkitsu shōdaikyō kyō |
Miaojixiang dajiao ing |
妙法蓮花經疏 妙法莲花经疏 see styles |
miào fǎ lián huá jīng shū miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2 jing1 shu1 miao fa lien hua ching shu Myōhō renge kyō sho |
Miaofa lianhua jing shu |
妙法蓮華經論 妙法莲华经论 see styles |
miào fǎ lián huá jīng lùn miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2 jing1 lun4 miao fa lien hua ching lun Myōhō renge kyō ron |
Commentary on the Lotus Sūtra |
妙臂菩薩問經 妙臂菩萨问经 see styles |
miào bì pú sà wèn jīng miao4 bi4 pu2 sa4 wen4 jing1 miao pi p`u sa wen ching miao pi pu sa wen ching Myōbi bosatsu mon kyō |
Miaobi pusa wen jing |
妙色陀羅尼經 妙色陀罗尼经 see styles |
miào sè tuó luó ní jīng miao4 se4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 miao se t`o lo ni ching miao se to lo ni ching Myōshiki darani kyō |
Dhāraṇī of the Well-Formed One |
守護國界主經 守护国界主经 see styles |
shǒu hù guó jiè zhǔ jīng shou3 hu4 guo2 jie4 zhu3 jing1 shou hu kuo chieh chu ching Shugo kokkaisu kyō |
Shouhu guojiezhu jing |
寶帶陀羅尼經 宝带陀罗尼经 see styles |
bǎo dài tuó luó ní jīng bao3 dai4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 pao tai t`o lo ni ching pao tai to lo ni ching Hōtai daranikyō |
Dhāraṇī of the Precious Belt |
寶賢陀羅尼經 宝贤陀罗尼经 see styles |
bǎo xián tuó luó ní jīng bao3 xian2 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 pao hsien t`o lo ni ching pao hsien to lo ni ching Hōken daranikyō |
Auspicious Gem Dhāraṇī |
尼拘陀梵志經 尼拘陀梵志经 see styles |
ní jū tuó fàn zhì jīng ni2 ju1 tuo2 fan4 zhi4 jing1 ni chü t`o fan chih ching ni chü to fan chih ching Nikuda bonshi kyō |
*Nyagrodha-brāhmaṇa-sūtra |
山海慧菩薩經 山海慧菩萨经 see styles |
shān hǎi huì pú sà jīng shan1 hai3 hui4 pu2 sa4 jing1 shan hai hui p`u sa ching shan hai hui pu sa ching Sankaie bosatsu kyō |
Shanhaihui pusa jing |
川老金剛經註 川老金刚经注 see styles |
chuān lǎo jīn gāng jīng zhù chuan1 lao3 jin1 gang1 jing1 zhu4 ch`uan lao chin kang ching chu chuan lao chin kang ching chu Senrō Kongōkyō chū |
Commentary to the Diamond Sūtra by the Elder Chuan |
底哩三昧耶經 底哩三昧耶经 see styles |
dǐ lī sān mèi yé jīng di3 li1 san1 mei4 ye2 jing1 ti li san mei yeh ching Teiri sanmaiya kyō |
Dili sanmeiye jing |
彌蘭陀王問經 弥兰陀王问经 see styles |
mí lán tuó wáng wèn jīng mi2 lan2 tuo2 wang2 wen4 jing1 mi lan t`o wang wen ching mi lan to wang wen ching Mirandaō mon kyō |
Sūtra on The Questions of King Milinda |
思益梵天問經 思益梵天问经 see styles |
sī yì fàn tiān wèn jīng si1 yi4 fan4 tian1 wen4 jing1 ssu i fan t`ien wen ching ssu i fan tien wen ching Shieki Bonten mon kyō |
Sūtra of the Questions of Viśeṣa-cinti-brahma |
持世陀羅尼經 持世陀罗尼经 see styles |
chí shì tuó luó ní jīng chi2 shi4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 ch`ih shih t`o lo ni ching chih shih to lo ni ching Jise darani kyō |
Dhāraṇī of the World Upholder |
文殊大教王經 文殊大教王经 see styles |
wén shū dà jiào wáng jīng wen2 shu1 da4 jiao4 wang2 jing1 wen shu ta chiao wang ching Monju daikyōō kyō |
Wenshu dajiaowang jing |
文殊師利問經 文殊师利问经 see styles |
wén shū shī lì wèn jīng wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 wen4 jing1 wen shu shih li wen ching Monshushiri mongyō |
Sūtra of the Questions of Mañjuśrī |
新興經濟國家 新兴经济国家 see styles |
xīn xīng jīng jì guó jiā xin1 xing1 jing1 ji4 guo2 jia1 hsin hsing ching chi kuo chia |
developing economic state; developing nation |
新譯華嚴經疏 新译华严经疏 see styles |
xīn yì huā yán jīng shū xin1 yi4 hua1 yan2 jing1 shu1 hsin i hua yen ching shu Shinyaku kegonkyō so |
Sinyeok Hwaeomgyeong so |
方廣大莊嚴經 方广大庄严经 see styles |
fāng guǎng dà zhuāng yán jīng fang1 guang3 da4 zhuang1 yan2 jing1 fang kuang ta chuang yen ching Hōkō dai shōgon kyō |
A vaipulya sutra, the Lalita-vistara, in 12 chuan, giving an account of the Buddha in the Tuṣita heaven and his descent to earth as Śākyamuni: tr. by Divākara under the Tang dynasty; another tr. is the 普曜經. |
方等陀羅尼經 方等陀罗尼经 see styles |
fāng děng tuó luó ní jīng fang1 deng3 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 fang teng t`o lo ni ching fang teng to lo ni ching Hōtō darani kyō |
Pratyutpanna-buddha-sammukhāvasthita-samādhi-sūtra |
日本經濟新聞 日本经济新闻 see styles |
rì běn jīng jì xīn wén ri4 ben3 jing1 ji4 xin1 wen2 jih pen ching chi hsin wen |
Nikkei Shimbun, Japanese equivalent of Financial Times |
日經平均指數 日经平均指数 see styles |
rì jīng píng jun zhǐ shù ri4 jing1 ping2 jun1 zhi3 shu4 jih ching p`ing chün chih shu jih ching ping chün chih shu |
Nikkei 225 stock market index |
智炬陀羅尼經 智炬陀罗尼经 see styles |
zhì jù tuó luó ní jīng zhi4 ju4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1 chih chü t`o lo ni ching chih chü to lo ni ching Chiko darani kyō |
Dhāraṇī of the Lamp of Knowledge |
未曾有正法經 未曾有正法经 see styles |
wèi céng yǒu zhèng fǎ jīng wei4 ceng2 you3 zheng4 fa3 jing1 wei ts`eng yu cheng fa ching wei tseng yu cheng fa ching Misōu shōbō kyō |
A Sung translation of the 阿闍世王經 Ajātaśatru-kaukṛīyavinodana. |
本業瓔珞經疏 本业璎珞经疏 see styles |
běn yè yīng luò jīng shū ben3 ye4 ying1 luo4 jing1 shu1 pen yeh ying lo ching shu Hongyō yōraku kyō so |
Benye yingluo jing shou |
本生心地觀經 本生心地观经 see styles |
běn shēng xīn dì guān jīng ben3 sheng1 xin1 di4 guan1 jing1 pen sheng hsin ti kuan ching Honshō shinjikan gyō |
Sūtra of Contemplation of the Mind Ground in the Buddha's Life (?) |
治禪病祕要經 治禅病祕要经 see styles |
zhì chán bìng mì yào jīng zhi4 chan2 bing4 mi4 yao4 jing1 chih ch`an ping mi yao ching chih chan ping mi yao ching Ji zenbyō hiyō kyō |
Secret Essentials for Healing the Maladies of Meditation |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "經" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.