There are 1722 total results for your 居 search. I have created 18 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...101112131415161718>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
居熊井沢 see styles |
orikumaizawa おりくまいざわ |
(place-name) Orikumaizawa |
居禮夫人 居礼夫人 see styles |
jū lǐ fū ren ju1 li3 fu1 ren5 chü li fu jen |
Maria Skłodowska-Curie or Marie Curie (1867-1934), Nobel laureate in both physics (1903) and chemistry (1911) |
居続ける see styles |
itsuzukeru いつづける |
(Ichidan verb) to stay on (e.g. at one's friends house); to remain in the same neighborhood |
居辺大橋 see styles |
ibeoohashi いべおおはし |
(place-name) Ibeoohashi |
居里夫人 see styles |
jū lǐ fū ren ju1 li3 fu1 ren5 chü li fu jen |
see 居禮夫人|居礼夫人[Ju1 li3 Fu1 ren5] |
居高不下 see styles |
jū gāo bù xià ju1 gao1 bu4 xia4 chü kao pu hsia |
(of prices, rates etc) to remain high |
居高臨下 居高临下 see styles |
jū gāo lín xià ju1 gao1 lin2 xia4 chü kao lin hsia |
lit. to be in a high location, overlooking the scene below (idiom); fig. to occupy a commanding position; to assume a haughty attitude |
居麻布川 see styles |
orumappugawa おるまっぷがわ |
(place-name) Orumappugawa |
一の鳥居 see styles |
ichinotorii / ichinotori いちのとりい |
(exp,n) (See 鳥居) first torii gate of a shrine; (place-name) Ichinotorii |
一人芝居 see styles |
hitorishibai ひとりしばい |
(noun/participle) one-person show; one-woman show; one-man show; performing solo; monodrama |
一言居士 see styles |
ichigenkoji; ichigonkoji いちげんこじ; いちごんこじ |
(yoji) person who is ready to comment on every subject; ready critic |
三柱鳥居 see styles |
mitsubashiratorii; mitsuhashiratorii / mitsubashiratori; mitsuhashiratori みつばしらとりい; みつはしらとりい |
(See 鳥居) triangular three-pillar torii |
上ノ土居 see styles |
kaminodoi かみのどい |
(place-name) Kaminodoi |
上中居町 see styles |
kaminakaimachi かみなかいまち |
(place-name) Kaminakaimachi |
上冨居新 see styles |
kamifugoshin かみふごしん |
(place-name) Kamifugoshin |
上条新居 see styles |
kamijouarai / kamijoarai かみじょうあらい |
(place-name) Kamijōarai |
上桂東居 see styles |
kamikatsurahigashii / kamikatsurahigashi かみかつらひがしい |
(place-name) Kamikatsurahigashii |
上桂西居 see styles |
kamikatsuranishii / kamikatsuranishi かみかつらにしい |
(place-name) Kamikatsuranishii |
下中居町 see styles |
shimonakaimachi しもなかいまち |
(place-name) Shimonakaimachi |
下大鳥居 see styles |
shimooodorii / shimooodori しもおおどりい |
(place-name) Shimooodorii |
下居田町 see styles |
shimoidamachi しもいだまち |
(place-name) Shimoidamachi |
下居神社 see styles |
shimoijinja しもいじんじゃ |
(place-name) Shimoi Shrine |
下居辺西 see styles |
shimooribenishi しもおりべにし |
(place-name) Shimooribenishi |
並み居る see styles |
namiiru / namiru なみいる |
(v1,vi) to sit in a row; to be present (and lined up) |
中居平山 see styles |
nakaihirayama なかいひらやま |
(place-name) Nakaihirayama |
中居正広 see styles |
nakaimasahiro なかいまさひろ |
(person) Nakai Masahiro (1972.8.18-) |
中居田町 see styles |
nakaidamachi なかいだまち |
(place-name) Nakaidamachi |
九有情居 see styles |
jiǔ yǒu qíng jū jiu3 you3 qing2 ju1 chiu yu ch`ing chü chiu yu ching chü ku ujō ko |
(or 九有情處), 九衆生居, 九居, 九門, see also 九有, 九地, 九禪 and 九定; the nine happy abodes or states of sentient beings of the 長阿含經 9; they are the 七識住seven abodes or stages of perception or consciousness to which are added the fifth and ninth below: (1) 欲界之人天 the world and the six deva-heavens of desire in which there is variety of bodies (or personalities) and thinking (or ideas); (2) 梵衆天the three brahma heavens where bodies differ but thinking is the same, the first dhyāna heaven; (3) 極光淨天 the three bright and pure heavens where bodies are identical but thinking diners, the second dhyāna heaven; (4) 遍淨天the three universally pure heavens where bodies and thinking are the same, the third dhyāna heaven; (5) 無想天 the no-thinking or no-thought heaven, the highest of the four dhyāna heavens; (6) 空無邊處 limitless space, the first of the formless realms; (7) 識無邊處 limitless percepton, the second ditto; (8) 無所有處 nothingness, the place beyond things, the third ditto; and (9) 非想非非想beyond thought or non-thought, the fourth ditto. |
九衆生居 九众生居 see styles |
jiǔ zhòng shēng jū jiu3 zhong4 sheng1 ju1 chiu chung sheng chü ku shushō kyo |
v. 九有情居. |
二居ダム see styles |
futaidamu ふたいダム |
(place-name) Futai Dam |
二居大橋 see styles |
futaioohashi ふたいおおはし |
(place-name) Futaioohashi |
五乘居天 see styles |
wǔ shèng jū tiān wu3 sheng4 ju1 tian1 wu sheng chü t`ien wu sheng chü tien go jō kyoten |
celestials of the five vehicles |
五乘居衆 五乘居众 see styles |
wǔ shèng jū zhòng wu3 sheng4 ju1 zhong4 wu sheng chü chung go jō kyoshu |
five celestials |
五淨居天 五净居天 see styles |
wǔ jìng jū tiān wu3 jing4 ju1 tian1 wu ching chü t`ien wu ching chü tien go jō go ten |
五不還天 Cf. 色界. The five pure-dwelling heavens in the fourth dhyāna heaven, into which arhats are finally born: 無煩天 Avṛhās, the heaven free from all trouble; 無熱天 Atapās, of no heat or distress; 善現天 Sudṛsās, of beautiful presentation; 善見天 Sudarśanās, beautiful; and 色究竟天 Akaniṣṭhās, the highest heaven of the form-realm. |
人形芝居 see styles |
ningyoushibai / ningyoshibai にんぎょうしばい |
puppet show |
伊勢居地 see styles |
iseiji / iseji いせいじ |
(place-name) Iseiji |
住居手当 see styles |
juukyoteate / jukyoteate じゅうきょてあて |
rent allowance |
住居表示 see styles |
juukyohyouji / jukyohyoji じゅうきょひょうじ |
(1) Japanese addressing system (district-block-lot); (2) {comp} displayed address |
住居谷池 see styles |
sumiidaniike / sumidanike すみいだにいけ |
(place-name) Sumiidaniike |
住居附川 see styles |
sumaizukugawa すまいづくがわ |
(place-name) Sumaizukugawa |
借屋住居 see styles |
shakuyazumai しゃくやずまい |
living in rented quarters |
入居案内 see styles |
nyuukyoannai / nyukyoannai にゅうきょあんない |
tenant guide |
円居総一 see styles |
enkyosouichi / enkyosoichi えんきょそういち |
(person) Enkyo Souichi |
冨居栄町 see styles |
fugosakaemachi ふごさかえまち |
(place-name) Fugosakaemachi |
分段同居 see styles |
fēn duàn tóng jū fen1 duan4 tong2 ju1 fen tuan t`ung chü fen tuan tung chü bundan dōgo |
Those of the same lot, or incarnation, dwelling together, e. g. saints and sinners in this world. |
別居期間 see styles |
bekkyokikan べっきょきかん |
period of separation; time living apart |
別居結婚 see styles |
bekkyokekkon べっきょけっこん |
commuter marriage |
功成不居 see styles |
gōng chéng bù jū gong1 cheng2 bu4 ju1 kung ch`eng pu chü kung cheng pu chü |
not to claim personal credit for achievement (idiom) |
北上居辺 see styles |
kitakamioribe きたかみおりべ |
(place-name) Kitakamioribe |
北四ッ居 see styles |
kitayotsui きたよつい |
(place-name) Kitayotsui |
北土居町 see styles |
kitadoimachi きたどいまち |
(place-name) Kitadoimachi |
北沢山居 see styles |
kitazawasankyo きたざわさんきょ |
(place-name) Kitazawasankyo |
千住中居 see styles |
senjunakai せんじゅなかい |
(place-name) Senjunakai |
千居遺跡 see styles |
sengoiseki せんごいせき |
(place-name) Sengo Ruins |
千本鳥居 see styles |
senbontorii; senbondorii / senbontori; senbondori せんぼんとりい; せんぼんどりい |
rows of torii gates (e.g. at Kyoto's Fushimi Inari shrine); torii corridor |
半田土居 see styles |
handadoi はんだどい |
(place-name) Handadoi |
南四ッ居 see styles |
minamiyotsui みなみよつい |
(place-name) Minamiyotsui |
南土居町 see styles |
minamidoimachi みなみどいまち |
(place-name) Minamidoimachi |
即入居可 see styles |
sokunyuukyoka / sokunyukyoka そくにゅうきょか |
(expression) available for immediate move-in |
卸鳥居島 see styles |
ootoriijima / ootorijima おおとりいじま |
(place-name) Ootoriijima |
受用居處 受用居处 see styles |
shòu yòng jū chù shou4 yong4 ju1 chu4 shou yung chü ch`u shou yung chü chu juyō kyosho |
enjoying and abiding in |
合居北沢 see styles |
kakkyokitasawa かっきょきたさわ |
(place-name) Kakkyokitasawa |
合居大谷 see styles |
kakkyoootani かっきょおおたに |
(place-name) Kakkyoootani |
名場居川 see styles |
nabaigawa なばいがわ |
(place-name) Nabaigawa |
唐津土居 see styles |
karatsudoi からつどい |
(surname) Karatsudoi |
団子新居 see styles |
dangoarai だんごあらい |
(place-name) Dangoarai |
囤積居奇 囤积居奇 see styles |
tún jī jū qí tun2 ji1 ju1 qi2 t`un chi chü ch`i tun chi chü chi |
to hoard and profiteer; to speculate |
土居の内 see styles |
doinouchi / doinochi どいのうち |
(surname) Doinouchi |
土居ノ谷 see styles |
doinotani どいのたに |
(place-name) Doinotani |
土居ヶ崎 see styles |
doigasaki どいがさき |
(place-name) Doigasaki |
土居丈朗 see styles |
doitakerou / doitakero どいたけろう |
(person) Doi Takerou |
土居之内 see styles |
doinouchi / doinochi どいのうち |
(place-name) Doinouchi |
土居伸光 see styles |
doinobumitsu どいのぶみつ |
(person) Doi Nobumitsu |
土居健郎 see styles |
doitakeo どいたけお |
(person) Doi Takeo (1920.3.17-) |
土居原町 see styles |
doiharamachi どいはらまち |
(place-name) Doiharamachi |
土居垣内 see styles |
doikakiuchi どいかきうち |
(place-name) Doikakiuchi |
土居安邦 see styles |
doiyasukuni どいやすくに |
(person) Doi Yasukuni (1943.8.24-) |
土居次義 see styles |
doitsugiyoshi どいつぎよし |
(person) Doi Tsugiyoshi |
土居正二 see styles |
doishouji / doishoji どいしょうじ |
(person) Doi Shouji (1948.1-) |
土居田町 see styles |
doidamachi どいだまち |
(place-name) Doidamachi |
土居田駅 see styles |
doidaeki どいだえき |
(st) Doida Station |
土居裕子 see styles |
doiyuuko / doiyuko どいゆうこ |
(person) Doi Yūko (1958.11-) |
土居輝彦 see styles |
doiteruhiko どいてるひこ |
(person) Doi Teruhiko |
土居通治 see styles |
doimichiharu どいみちはる |
(person) Doi Michiharu |
外土居町 see styles |
sotodoichou / sotodoicho そとどいちょう |
(place-name) Sotodoichō |
夢遊居士 see styles |
muyuukoji / muyukoji むゆうこじ |
(given name) Muyūkoji |
大宮土居 see styles |
oomiyadoi おおみやどい |
(place-name) Oomiyadoi |
大谷土居 see styles |
ootanidoi おおたにどい |
(place-name) Ootanidoi |
大鳥居町 see styles |
oodoriimachi / oodorimachi おおどりいまち |
(place-name) Oodoriimachi |
大鳥居駅 see styles |
ootoriieki / ootorieki おおとりいえき |
(st) Ootorii Station |
奇貨可居 奇货可居 see styles |
qí huò kě jū qi2 huo4 ke3 ju1 ch`i huo k`o chü chi huo ko chü kikakakyo きかかきょ kikaokubeshi きかおくべし |
rare commodity worth hoarding; object for profiteering (expression) (yoji) You must seize every golden opportunity; Strike while the iron is hot; When you find a rare good buy, seize upon it for a future sale at a much higher price |
女達居山 see styles |
metakkoyama めたっこやま |
(personal name) Metakkoyama |
安居土居 see styles |
yasuidoi やすいどい |
(place-name) Yasuidoi |
安居工程 see styles |
ān jū gōng chéng an1 ju1 gong1 cheng2 an chü kung ch`eng an chü kung cheng |
housing project for low-income urban residents |
安居東部 see styles |
agotoubu / agotobu あごとうぶ |
(place-name) Agotoubu |
安居樂業 安居乐业 see styles |
ān jū lè yè an1 ju1 le4 ye4 an chü le yeh |
More info & calligraphy: Live in Peace and Contentment |
安居渓谷 see styles |
yasuikeikoku / yasuikekoku やすいけいこく |
(place-name) Yasuikeikoku |
安居溪谷 see styles |
yasuikeikoku / yasuikekoku やすいけいこく |
(place-name) Yasuikeikoku |
安居祥策 see styles |
yasuishousaku / yasuishosaku やすいしょうさく |
(person) Yasui Shousaku (1935.1-) |
家居賣場 家居卖场 see styles |
jiā jū mài chǎng jia1 ju1 mai4 chang3 chia chü mai ch`ang chia chü mai chang |
furniture store; furniture mall |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "居" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.