There are 1605 total results for your 好 search. I have created 17 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
奉承討好 奉承讨好 see styles |
fèng cheng tǎo hǎo feng4 cheng5 tao3 hao3 feng ch`eng t`ao hao feng cheng tao hao |
to curry favor; to get the desired outcome by flattery |
如其所好 see styles |
rú qí suǒ hào ru2 qi2 suo3 hao4 ju ch`i so hao ju chi so hao |
as one pleases (idiom) |
如是相好 see styles |
rú shì xiàng hǎo ru2 shi4 xiang4 hao3 ju shih hsiang hao nyoze sōkō |
these major and minor marks [that are under discussion] |
子供好き see styles |
kodomozuki こどもずき |
being fond of children; person fond of children |
完好如初 see styles |
wán hǎo rú chū wan2 hao3 ru2 chu1 wan hao ju ch`u wan hao ju chu |
intact; untouched; as good as before |
完好無損 完好无损 see styles |
wán hǎo wú sǔn wan2 hao3 wu2 sun3 wan hao wu sun |
in good condition; undamaged; intact |
完好無缺 完好无缺 see styles |
wán hǎo wú quē wan2 hao3 wu2 que1 wan hao wu ch`üeh wan hao wu chüeh |
in perfect condition; without any defect |
富好新田 see styles |
tomiyoshishinden とみよししんでん |
(place-name) Tomiyoshishinden |
實好礼忠 see styles |
saneyoshinoritada さねよしのりただ |
(person) Saneyoshi Noritada (1972.10.19-) |
寺村好司 see styles |
teramurakouji / teramurakoji てらむらこうじ |
(person) Teramura Kōji |
小森好彦 see styles |
komoriyoshihiko こもりよしひこ |
(person) Komori Yoshihiko |
小野好古 see styles |
onoyoshifuru おのよしふる |
(person) Ono Yoshifuru |
屍体愛好 see styles |
shitaiaikou / shitaiaiko したいあいこう |
necrophilia |
岡本好央 see styles |
okamotoyoshio おかもとよしお |
(person) Okamoto Yoshio |
岡沢和好 see styles |
okazawakazuyoshi おかざわかずよし |
(person) Okazawa Kazuyoshi |
岩渕勝好 see styles |
iwabuchikatsuyoshi いわぶちかつよし |
(person) Iwabuchi Katsuyoshi |
川島喜好 see styles |
kawashimakiyoshi かわしまきよし |
(person) Kawashima Kiyoshi (1928.2.1-) |
川森好蔵 see styles |
kawamoriyoshizou / kawamoriyoshizo かわもりよしぞう |
(person) Kawamori Yoshizou |
度会好一 see styles |
wataraiyoshiichi / wataraiyoshichi わたらいよしいち |
(person) Watarai Yoshiichi |
往返和好 see styles |
wǎng fǎn hé hǎo wang3 fan3 he2 hao3 wang fan ho hao ōhen wakō |
responds gently |
御好み焼 see styles |
okonomiyaki おこのみやき |
okonomiyaki; savoury pancake containing meat or seafood and vegetables |
徳川好敏 see styles |
tokugawayoshitoshi とくがわよしとし |
(person) Tokugawa Yoshitoshi (1884.7.24-1963.4.17) |
心地好い see styles |
kokochiyoi ここちよい |
(adjective) comfortable; pleasant |
心地好げ see styles |
kokochiyoge ここちよげ |
(adjectival noun) looking like one is in a good mood |
急公好義 急公好义 see styles |
jí gōng hào yì ji2 gong1 hao4 yi4 chi kung hao i |
public-spirited |
性的嗜好 see styles |
seitekishikou / setekishiko せいてきしこう |
sexual preference; sexual predilection |
恰も好し see styles |
atakamoyoshi あたかもよし |
(adverb) luckily; fortunately |
恰到好處 恰到好处 see styles |
qià dào hǎo chù qia4 dao4 hao3 chu4 ch`ia tao hao ch`u chia tao hao chu |
it's just perfect; it's just right |
悪戯好き see styles |
itazurazuki いたずらずき |
(adj-na,adj-no) mischievous |
感度良好 see styles |
kandoryoukou / kandoryoko かんどりょうこう |
(expression) (coming through) loud and clear |
投其所好 see styles |
tóu qí suǒ hào tou2 qi2 suo3 hao4 t`ou ch`i so hao tou chi so hao |
to adapt to sb's taste; to fit sb's fancy |
折り好く see styles |
oriyoku おりよく |
(adverb) fortunately; luckily |
拼命討好 拼命讨好 see styles |
pīn mìng tǎo hǎo pin1 ming4 tao3 hao3 p`in ming t`ao hao pin ming tao hao |
to throw oneself at sb or something; to bend over backwards to help |
拿手好戲 拿手好戏 see styles |
ná shǒu hǎo xì na2 shou3 hao3 xi4 na shou hao hsi |
the role an actor plays best (idiom); (fig.) one's specialty; one's forte |
斎藤伯好 see styles |
saitouhakukou / saitohakuko さいとうはくこう |
(person) Saitou Hakukou |
早坂好恵 see styles |
hayasakayoshie はやさかよしえ |
(person) Hayasaka Yoshie (1975.9.25-) |
星野好男 see styles |
hoshinoyoshio ほしのよしお |
(person) Hoshino Yoshio (1950.11.2-) |
時好時壞 时好时坏 see styles |
shí hǎo shí huài shi2 hao3 shi2 huai4 shih hao shih huai |
sometimes good, sometimes bad |
時間選好 see styles |
jikansenkou / jikansenko じかんせんこう |
time preference |
晴好雨奇 see styles |
seikouuki / sekouki せいこううき |
(yoji) the scenery being beautiful in both sunny and rainy weather |
曽根好忠 see styles |
soneyoshitada そねよしただ |
(person) Sone Yoshitada (Poet of the Heian period, included in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu) |
曽祢好忠 see styles |
soneyoshitada そねよしただ |
(person) Sone Yoshitada |
曾禰好忠 see styles |
sonenoyoshitada そねのよしただ |
(personal name) Sonenoyoshitada |
有好奇心 see styles |
yǒu hào qí xīn you3 hao4 qi2 xin1 yu hao ch`i hsin yu hao chi hsin |
curious |
有好從桜 see styles |
ariyoshikozakura ありよしこざくら |
(person) Ariyoshi Kozakura |
服部好江 see styles |
hattoriyoshie はっとりよしえ |
(person) Hattori Yoshie |
木下盛好 see styles |
kinoshitashigeyoshi きのしたしげよし |
(person) Kinoshita Shigeyoshi (1949-) |
木村好夫 see styles |
kimurayoshio きむらよしお |
(person) Kimura Yoshio |
本多孝好 see styles |
hondatakayoshi ほんだたかよし |
(person) Honda Takayoshi (1971.3.8-) |
村田好夫 see styles |
muratayoshio むらたよしお |
(person) Murata Yoshio (1946.1.20-) |
東三好橋 see styles |
higashimiyoshibashi ひがしみよしばし |
(place-name) Higashimiyoshibashi |
松尾好員 see styles |
matsuoyoshikazu まつおよしかず |
(person) Matsuo Yoshikazu |
松崎好孝 see styles |
matsuzakiyoshitaka まつざきよしたか |
(person) Matsuzaki Yoshitaka (1949.11.1-) |
松田好旦 see styles |
matsudayoshiaki まつだよしあき |
(person) Matsuda Yoshiaki (1948.3.3-) |
柴木好子 see styles |
shibakiyoshiko しばきよしこ |
(person) Shibaki Yoshiko (1914.5.7-1991.8.25) |
格好いい see styles |
kakkoii(p); kakkouii(ik); kakkoii(p); kakkoii(p) / kakkoi(p); kakkoi(ik); kakkoi(p); kakkoi(p) かっこいい(P); かっこういい(ik); カッコイイ(P); カッコいい(P) |
(adj-ix) (kana only) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
格好よい see styles |
kakkouyoi / kakkoyoi かっこよい |
(adjective) (kana only) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
格好悪い see styles |
kakkouwarui / kakkowarui かっこわるい |
(adjective) unattractive; ugly; unstylish; uncool |
格好良い see styles |
kakkouyoi / kakkoyoi かっこよい |
(adjective) (kana only) attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy |
桜井好実 see styles |
sakuraiyoshimi さくらいよしみ |
(person) Sakurai Yoshimi (1984.10.31-) |
梁山好漢 梁山好汉 see styles |
liáng shān hǎo hàn liang2 shan1 hao3 han4 liang shan hao han |
the heroes of Liangshan Marsh (in the novel "Water Margin" 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4]) |
梅津正好 see styles |
umezumasayoshi うめづまさよし |
(person) Umezu Masayoshi |
樂善好施 乐善好施 see styles |
lè shàn hào shī le4 shan4 hao4 shi1 le shan hao shih |
kind and charitable |
水谷好宏 see styles |
mizutaniyoshihiro みずたによしひろ |
(person) Mizutani Yoshihiro |
求好心切 see styles |
qiú hǎo xīn qiè qiu2 hao3 xin1 qie4 ch`iu hao hsin ch`ieh chiu hao hsin chieh |
to demand the highest standards of sb (or oneself) (idiom); to strive to achieve the best possible results; to be a perfectionist |
池田好運 see styles |
ikedakouun / ikedakoun いけだこううん |
(person) Ikeda Kōun |
河島喜好 see styles |
kawashimakiyoshi かわしまきよし |
(person) Kawashima Kiyoshi |
河盛好蔵 see styles |
kawamoriyoshizou / kawamoriyoshizo かわもりよしぞう |
(person) Kawamori Yoshizou (1902.10-) |
派手好き see styles |
hadezuki はでずき |
(adjectival noun) (See 派手好み) flamboyant; extravagant; showy; attention-seeking |
派手好み see styles |
hadegonomi はでごのみ |
(adjectival noun) (See 派手好き・はでずき) flamboyant; extravagant; showy; attention-seeking |
浅田好未 see styles |
asadayoshimi あさだよしみ |
(person) Asada Yoshimi (1979.8.26-) |
浦部和好 see styles |
urabekazuyoshi うらべかずよし |
(person) Urabe Kazuyoshi |
渡辺好明 see styles |
watanabeyoshiaki わたなべよしあき |
(person) Watanabe Yoshiaki |
渡辺孝好 see styles |
watanabetakayoshi わたなべたかよし |
(person) Watanabe Takayoshi (1955.4-) |
渡邊孝好 see styles |
watanabetakayoshi わたなべたかよし |
(person) Watanabe Takayoshi |
準備好了 准备好了 see styles |
zhǔn bèi hǎo le zhun3 bei4 hao3 le5 chun pei hao le |
to be ready |
潔身自好 洁身自好 see styles |
jié shēn zì hào jie2 shen1 zi4 hao4 chieh shen tzu hao |
clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality; to shun evil influence; to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble; to keep one's hands clean |
無相好佛 无相好佛 see styles |
wú xiàng hǎo fó wu2 xiang4 hao3 fo2 wu hsiang hao fo musōgō butsu |
See無相佛, Upagupta, the fourth patriarch. |
爭強好勝 争强好胜 see styles |
zhēng qiáng hào shèng zheng1 qiang2 hao4 sheng4 cheng ch`iang hao sheng cheng chiang hao sheng |
competitive; ambitious and aggressive; to desire to beat others |
生方正好 see styles |
ubukatamasayoshi うぶかたまさよし |
(person) Ubukata Masayoshi |
田中好子 see styles |
tanakayoshiko たなかよしこ |
(person) Tanaka Yoshiko (1956.4-) |
畠田好章 see styles |
hatakedayoshiaki はたけだよしあき |
(person) Hatakeda Yoshiaki |
發好人卡 发好人卡 see styles |
fā hǎo rén kǎ fa1 hao3 ren2 ka3 fa hao jen k`a fa hao jen ka |
(slang) to reject sb (by labeling them a "nice guy") |
百年好合 see styles |
bǎi nián hǎo hé bai3 nian2 hao3 he2 pai nien hao ho |
More info & calligraphy: 100 Years of Happy Marriage |
相好光明 see styles |
xiàng hǎo guāng míng xiang4 hao3 guang1 ming2 hsiang hao kuang ming sōkō kōmyō |
light emanating from excellent bodily characteristics |
相好莊嚴 相好庄严 see styles |
xiāng hǎo zhuāng yán xiang1 hao3 zhuang1 yan2 hsiang hao chuang yen sōgōshōgon |
adorned by excellent characteristics |
相澤好則 see styles |
aizawayoshinori あいざわよしのり |
(person) Aizawa Yoshinori |
眼神不好 see styles |
yǎn shén bù hǎo yan3 shen2 bu4 hao3 yen shen pu hao |
to have poor eyesight |
石井好博 see styles |
ishiiyoshihiro / ishiyoshihiro いしいよしひろ |
(person) Ishii Yoshihiro (1949.4.3-) |
石井好子 see styles |
ishiiyoshiko / ishiyoshiko いしいよしこ |
(person) Ishii Yoshiko (1922.8-) |
福田晴好 see styles |
fukudaharuyoshi ふくだはるよし |
(person) Fukuda Haruyoshi |
秋好中宮 see styles |
akikonomuchuuguu / akikonomuchugu あきこのむちゅうぐう |
(person) Akikonomuchuuguu (Genji Monogatari) |
秋山好古 see styles |
akiyamayoshifuru あきやまよしふる |
(person) Akiyama Yoshifuru (1859.2.9-1930.11.4) |
篤信好學 笃信好学 see styles |
dǔ xìn hào xué du3 xin4 hao4 xue2 tu hsin hao hsüeh |
sincere belief and diligent study |
綠林好漢 绿林好汉 see styles |
lù lín - hǎo hàn lu4 lin2 - hao3 han4 lu lin - hao han |
(idiom) chivalrous hero, often one who combats injustice or fights for a noble cause (originally referred to a group of outlaws who assembled in 綠林|绿林[Lu4lin2]) |
綺麗好き see styles |
kireizuki / kirezuki きれいずき |
(noun or adjectival noun) love of cleanliness; liking to keep things clean; tidiness (of people); neatness |
総好かん see styles |
sousukan / sosukan そうすかん |
(colloquialism) being hated by everyone |
總角之好 总角之好 see styles |
zǒng jiǎo zhī hǎo zong3 jiao3 zhi1 hao3 tsung chiao chih hao |
(idiom) childhood friend |
脇山好晴 see styles |
wakiyamayoshiharu わきやまよしはる |
(person) Wakiyama Yoshiharu (1932.4-) |
芝居好き see styles |
shibaizuki しばいずき |
theatergoer; someone who likes plays |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "好" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.