There are 1465 total results for your 品 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...101112131415>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
オーダー品 see styles |
oodaahin / oodahin オーダーひん |
made-to-order product; custom-made item |
コピー商品 see styles |
kopiishouhin / kopishohin コピーしょうひん |
knockoff; imitation product; counterfeit product |
コピー食品 see styles |
kopiishokuhin / kopishokuhin コピーしょくひん |
artificial food (fabricated to resemble rare or expensive foods) |
サービス品 see styles |
saabisuhin / sabisuhin サービスひん |
article offered at a bargain price |
ジャンク品 see styles |
jankuhin ジャンクひん |
(possibly) defective item; as-is item; item sold as-is |
スキー用品 see styles |
sukiiyouhin / sukiyohin スキーようひん |
skiing equipment; ski gear |
スペア部品 see styles |
supeabuhin スペアぶひん |
spare part |
チップ部品 see styles |
chippubuhin チップぶひん |
{engr} (See 表面実装部品) surface-mount device; SMD |
ヒット商品 see styles |
hittoshouhin / hittoshohin ヒットしょうひん |
hit product; bestseller |
ブランド品 see styles |
burandohin ブランドひん |
(See ブランド商品) brand items; brand-name goods |
ベビー用品 see styles |
bebiiyouhin / bebiyohin ベビーようひん |
baby goods |
メーカー品 see styles |
meekaahin / meekahin メーカーひん |
name-brand item; name-brand goods; product made by a well-known company |
三十七道品 see styles |
sān shí qī dào pǐn san1 shi2 qi1 dao4 pin3 san shih ch`i tao p`in san shih chi tao pin sanjūnana dōhon |
三十七分法, 三十七菩提分法, 三十七品 The thirty-seven conditions leading to bodhi, or Buddhahood, i. e. 四念處 smṛtyupasthāna, four states of memory, or subjects of reflection; 四正勤 samyakprahāṇa, four proper lines of exertion; 四如意足 ṛddhipāda, four steps towards supernatural power; 五根 pañca indriyāṇi, five spiritual faculties; 五力pañca balāni, their five powers; 七覺支 sapta bodhyaṅga, seven degrees of enlightenment, or intelligence; and 八正道 aṣṭa-mārga, the eightfold noble path. |
不輕菩薩品 不轻菩萨品 see styles |
bù qīng pú sà pǐn bu4 qing1 pu2 sa4 pin3 pu ch`ing p`u sa p`in pu ching pu sa pin Fukyō bosatsu bon |
Chapter of the Bodhisattva Never Despising (Lotus Sūtra) |
並行輸入品 see styles |
heikouyunyuuhin / hekoyunyuhin へいこうゆにゅうひん |
parallel import; grey import; gray import |
九品往生圖 九品往生图 see styles |
jiǔ pǐn wǎng shēng tú jiu3 pin3 wang3 sheng1 tu2 chiu p`in wang sheng t`u chiu pin wang sheng tu kuhon ōjō zu |
diagram of the nine levels of going to be born in the heaven of total bliss |
五品弟子位 see styles |
wǔ pǐn dì zǐ wèi wu3 pin3 di4 zi3 wei4 wu p`in ti tzu wei wu pin ti tzu wei gohon deshi i |
five preliminary grades of the disciple |
交換機製品 see styles |
koukankiseihin / kokankisehin こうかんきせいひん |
{comp} switching product |
仕掛かり品 see styles |
shikakarihin しかかりひん |
work in progress; WIP; goods in process |
伝統工芸品 see styles |
dentoukougeihin / dentokogehin でんとうこうげいひん |
traditional handicraft |
倶品一分轉 倶品一分转 see styles |
jù pǐn yī fēn zhuǎn ju4 pin3 yi1 fen1 zhuan3 chü p`in i fen chuan chü pin i fen chuan kuhon ichibun ten |
both-partial |
健康補助品 see styles |
kenkouhojohin / kenkohojohin けんこうほじょひん |
health supplement; dietary supplement |
元宇品口駅 see styles |
motoujinaeki / motojinaeki もとうじなえき |
(st) Motoujina Station |
先発医薬品 see styles |
senpatsuiyakuhin せんぱついやくひん |
original drug; originator drug |
入替え部品 see styles |
irekaebuhin いれかえぶひん |
replacement parts |
兼斷九品惑 兼断九品惑 see styles |
jiān duàn jiǔ pǐn huò jian1 duan4 jiu3 pin3 huo4 chien tuan chiu p`in huo chien tuan chiu pin huo ken dankuhon waku |
cutting off the nine classes of affliction together |
兼行六度品 see styles |
jiān xíng liù dù pǐn jian1 xing2 liu4 du4 pin3 chien hsing liu tu p`in chien hsing liu tu pin kengyō rokudo hon |
(preliminary) stage of practice of the six perfections while practicing contemplation |
医薬品各条 see styles |
iyakuhinkakujou / iyakuhinkakujo いやくひんかくじょう |
drug monograph |
医薬品開発 see styles |
iyakuhinkaihatsu いやくひんかいはつ |
drug development |
医薬部外品 see styles |
iyakubugaihin いやくぶがいひん |
quasi-drug; medicated products; quasi-medicine; product with relatively mild medicinal effect, sold in general stores as well as pharmacies |
十二品無明 十二品无明 see styles |
shí èr pǐn wú míng shi2 er4 pin3 wu2 ming2 shih erh p`in wu ming shih erh pin wu ming jūnihon mumyō |
twelve classes of nescience |
同品定有性 see styles |
tóng pǐn dìng yǒu xìng tong2 pin3 ding4 you3 xing4 t`ung p`in ting yu hsing tung pin ting yu hsing dōhon jōu shō |
the reason must definitely have same qualities as the proposition |
同品有非有 see styles |
tóng pǐn yǒu fēi yǒu tong2 pin3 you3 fei1 you3 t`ung p`in yu fei yu tung pin yu fei yu dōhon uhiu |
the properties of the positive example are not consistently applicable |
商品取引所 see styles |
shouhintorihikijo / shohintorihikijo しょうひんとりひきじょ |
commodity exchange |
商品回転率 see styles |
shouhinkaitenritsu / shohinkaitenritsu しょうひんかいてんりつ |
stock turnover |
囑累阿難品 嘱累阿难品 see styles |
zhǔ lěi ān án pǐn zhu3 lei3 an1 an2 pin3 chu lei an an p`in chu lei an an pin shokurui anan hon |
chapter on the entrustment to Ānanda |
地理的品種 see styles |
chiritekihinshu ちりてきひんしゅ |
{biol} geographic race; geographic variety; geographic subspecies |
基礎化粧品 see styles |
kisokeshouhin / kisokeshohin きそけしょうひん |
skin-care products |
大品般若經 大品般若经 see styles |
dà pǐn bō rě jīng da4 pin3 bo1 re3 jing1 ta p`in po je ching ta pin po je ching Daihon hannya kyō |
摩訶般若波羅蜜經 The Mahāprajñāpāramitā-sūtra as tr. by Kumārajīva in 27 chuan, in contrast with the 10 chuan edition. |
如來壽量品 如来寿量品 see styles |
rú lái shòu liáng pǐn ru2 lai2 shou4 liang2 pin3 ju lai shou liang p`in ju lai shou liang pin Nyorai juryō bon |
Chapter on the Longevity of the Tathāgata |
如來神力品 如来神力品 see styles |
rú lái shén lì pǐn ru2 lai2 shen2 li4 pin3 ju lai shen li p`in ju lai shen li pin nyorai jinriki bon |
如來壽量品 Chapters in the Lotus Sutra on Tathāgata powers and eternity. |
宇品三丁目 see styles |
ujinasanchoume / ujinasanchome うじなさんちょうめ |
(personal name) Ujinasanchōme |
宇品二丁目 see styles |
ujinanichoume / ujinanichome うじなにちょうめ |
(personal name) Ujinanichōme |
宇品五丁目 see styles |
ujinagochoume / ujinagochome うじなごちょうめ |
(personal name) Ujinagochōme |
宇品四丁目 see styles |
ujinayonchoume / ujinayonchome うじなよんちょうめ |
(personal name) Ujinayonchōme |
宇品港桟橋 see styles |
ushinakousanbashi / ushinakosanbashi うしなこうさんばし |
(personal name) Ushinakousanbashi |
専売特許品 see styles |
senbaitokkyohin せんばいとっきょひん |
patented article |
差し押え品 see styles |
sashiosaehin さしおさえひん |
seized property |
広電阿品駅 see styles |
hirodenajinaeki ひろでんあじなえき |
(st) Hiroden'ajina Station |
廃品回収業 see styles |
haihinkaishuugyou / haihinkaishugyo はいひんかいしゅうぎょう |
waste management industry; garbage collection industry |
廢品收購站 废品收购站 see styles |
fèi pǐn shōu gòu zhàn fei4 pin3 shou1 gou4 zhan4 fei p`in shou kou chan fei pin shou kou chan |
salvage station; recycling center |
後発医薬品 see styles |
kouhatsuiyakuhin / kohatsuiyakuhin こうはついやくひん |
generic drug |
心意識相品 心意识相品 see styles |
xīn yì shì xiàng pǐn xin1 yi4 shi4 xiang4 pin3 hsin i shih hsiang p`in hsin i shih hsiang pin shinishiki sō hon |
Chapter on the Characteristics of Mind, Mentation, and Cognition |
思い出の品 see styles |
omoidenoshina おもいでのしな |
(exp,n) keepsake; memorabilia; memento |
戦時禁制品 see styles |
senjikinseihin / senjikinsehin せんじきんせいひん |
contraband of war |
払い下げ品 see styles |
haraisagehin はらいさげひん |
articles disposed of or sold off by the government |
投げ売り品 see styles |
nageurihin なげうりひん |
distressed goods |
整備済製品 see styles |
seibisaiseihin / sebisaisehin せいびさいせいひん |
refurbished item |
文殊法一品 see styles |
wén shū fǎ yī pǐn wen2 shu1 fa3 yi1 pin3 wen shu fa i p`in wen shu fa i pin Bunshu hō ippon |
Wenshu fa yipin |
新製品開発 see styles |
shinseihinkaihatsu / shinsehinkaihatsu しんせいひんかいはつ |
new product development |
普賢行願品 普贤行愿品 see styles |
pǔ xián xíng yuàn pǐn pu3 xian2 xing2 yuan4 pin3 p`u hsien hsing yüan p`in pu hsien hsing yüan pin Fugen gyōgan bon |
Chapter on the Vows of Samantabhadra |
景品交換所 see styles |
keihinkoukanjo / kehinkokanjo けいひんこうかんじょ |
(See 三店方式) pachinko prize exchange shop; shop where pachinko prizes are exchanged for money |
景品表示法 see styles |
keihinhyoujihou / kehinhyojiho けいひんひょうじほう |
{law} Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations; Law for Preventing Unjustifiable Extra or Unexpected Benefit and Misleading Representation |
有地品之允 see styles |
arichishinanojou / arichishinanojo ありちしなのじょう |
(person) Arichi Shinanojō (1843-1919) |
期間限定品 see styles |
kikangenteihin / kikangentehin きかんげんていひん |
product only available for a limited time |
機能性食品 see styles |
kinouseishokuhin / kinoseshokuhin きのうせいしょくひん |
functional food |
正行六度品 see styles |
zhèng xíng liù dù pǐn zheng4 xing2 liu4 du4 pin3 cheng hsing liu tu p`in cheng hsing liu tu pin shōgyō rokudo hon |
level of the direct practice of the six perfections |
母乳代用品 see styles |
mǔ rǔ dài yòng pǐn mu3 ru3 dai4 yong4 pin3 mu ju tai yung p`in mu ju tai yung pin |
breast milk substitute |
気品がある see styles |
kihingaaru / kihingaru きひんがある |
(exp,v5r-i) (See 気品のある) to be elegant; to be graceful; to be refined |
気品のある see styles |
kihinnoaru きひんのある |
(exp,adj-f) (See 気品がある) elegant; graceful; refined |
水産加工品 see styles |
suisankakouhin / suisankakohin すいさんかこうひん |
processed marine products |
法智品見道 法智品见道 see styles |
fǎ zhì pǐn jiàn dào fa3 zhi4 pin3 jian4 dao4 fa chih p`in chien tao fa chih pin chien tao hōchi hon kendō |
qualities of understanding of phenomena in the path of seeing (?) |
添品法華經 添品法华经 see styles |
tiān pǐn fǎ huā jīng tian1 pin3 fa3 hua1 jing1 t`ien p`in fa hua ching tien pin fa hua ching Tenponhoke kyō |
Lotus Sūtra |
生活必需品 see styles |
shēng huó bì xū pǐn sheng1 huo2 bi4 xu1 pin3 sheng huo pi hsü p`in sheng huo pi hsü pin seikatsuhitsujuhin / sekatsuhitsujuhin せいかつひつじゅひん |
life's necessities daily (living) necessities; necessities; essentials for life |
生産終了品 see styles |
seisanshuuryouhin / sesanshuryohin せいさんしゅうりょうひん |
article out of production; discontinued product; phased-out item |
生鮮食料品 see styles |
seisenshokuryouhin / sesenshokuryohin せいせんしょくりょうひん |
perishable food; perishables |
異品有非有 异品有非有 see styles |
yì pǐn yǒu fēi yǒu yi4 pin3 you3 fei1 you3 i p`in yu fei yu i pin yu fei yu ihon u hiu |
the properties of the negative example are not consistently applicable |
異品遍無性 异品遍无性 see styles |
yì pǐn biàn wú xìng yi4 pin3 bian4 wu2 xing4 i p`in pien wu hsing i pin pien wu hsing ihon henmu shō |
the properties of the negative example are completely absent in the proposition |
石製模造品 see styles |
sekiseimozouhin / sekisemozohin せきせいもぞうひん |
{archeol} miniature stone copies of agricultural implements, mirrors, effigies, weapons, etc., used for funerary or ceremonial purposes in the Kofun period |
精密化学品 see styles |
seimitsukagakuhin / semitsukagakuhin せいみつかがくひん |
fine chemical (high precision chemicals, typically used in pharmaceutical products) |
續入法界品 续入法界品 see styles |
xù rù fǎ jiè pǐn xu4 ru4 fa3 jie4 pin3 hsü ju fa chieh p`in hsü ju fa chieh pin Zoku nyū hokkai bon |
Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra |
美術工芸品 see styles |
bijutsukougeihin / bijutsukogehin びじゅつこうげいひん |
art works, traditional artifacts and antiques; artistic handicrafts; decorative art |
自動車部品 see styles |
jidoushabuhin / jidoshabuhin じどうしゃぶひん |
automobile component; automobile part |
菩薩心地品 菩萨心地品 see styles |
pú sà xīn dì pǐn pu2 sa4 xin1 di4 pin3 p`u sa hsin ti p`in pu sa hsin ti pin Bosatsu shinchi hon |
Chapter of the Bodhisattvas' Mental States |
製品ライン see styles |
seihinrain / sehinrain せいひんライン |
product line |
製品差別化 see styles |
seihinsabetsuka / sehinsabetsuka せいひんさべつか |
(noun/participle) product differentiation |
觀行五品位 观行五品位 see styles |
guān xíng wǔ pǐn wèi guan1 xing2 wu3 pin3 wei4 kuan hsing wu p`in wei kuan hsing wu pin wei kangyō gohon i |
stage in which one engages in the five practices |
解脫知見品 解脱知见品 see styles |
jiě tuō zhī jiàn pǐn jie3 tuo1 zhi1 jian4 pin3 chieh t`o chih chien p`in chieh to chih chien pin gedatsu chiken hon |
cluster that has full awareness of the state of liberation |
訳あり商品 see styles |
wakearishouhin / wakearishohin わけありしょうひん |
imperfect product |
訳有り商品 see styles |
wakearishouhin / wakearishohin わけありしょうひん |
imperfect product |
超加工食品 see styles |
choukakoushokuhin / chokakoshokuhin ちょうかこうしょくひん |
{food} ultra-processed food; UPF |
身の回り品 see styles |
minomawarihin みのまわりひん |
(exp,n) personal effects |
轉基因食品 转基因食品 see styles |
zhuǎn jī yīn shí pǐn zhuan3 ji1 yin1 shi2 pin3 chuan chi yin shih p`in chuan chi yin shih pin |
genetically modified (GM) food |
通信品位法 see styles |
tsuushinhinihou / tsushinhiniho つうしんひんいほう |
{comp} Communications Decency Act; CDA |
鉱工業製品 see styles |
koukougyouseihin / kokogyosehin こうこうぎょうせいひん |
industrial product |
阿蘇品照美 see styles |
asoshinaterumi あそしなてるみ |
(person) Asoshina Terumi (1982.8.2-) |
阿蘇品牧場 see styles |
asoshinabokujou / asoshinabokujo あそしなぼくじょう |
(place-name) Asoshinabokujō |
食品加工業 see styles |
shokuhinkakougyou / shokuhinkakogyo しょくひんかこうぎょう |
food industry |
食品加工機 食品加工机 see styles |
shí pǐn jiā gōng jī shi2 pin3 jia1 gong1 ji1 shih p`in chia kung chi shih pin chia kung chi |
food processor |
食品基準庁 see styles |
shokuhinkijunchou / shokuhinkijuncho しょくひんきじゅんちょう |
(org) Food Standards Agency (UK); FSA; (o) Food Standards Agency (UK); FSA |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "品" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.