There are 1333 total results for your 計 search. I have created 14 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
遍計所執相 遍计所执相 see styles |
biàn jì suǒ zhí xiàng bian4 ji4 suo3 zhi2 xiang4 pien chi so chih hsiang henge shoshū sō |
to form that are pervasively discriminated [and attached to] |
遠隔計測器 see styles |
enkakukeisokuki / enkakukesokuki えんかくけいそくき |
(rare) (See テレメーター) telemeter |
都市計画法 see styles |
toshikeikakuhou / toshikekakuho としけいかくほう |
{law} City Planning Act |
都市計画税 see styles |
toshikeikakuzei / toshikekakuze としけいかくぜい |
city planning tax |
阿波羅計劃 阿波罗计划 see styles |
ā bō luó jì huà a1 bo1 luo2 ji4 hua4 a po lo chi hua |
the Apollo project (1961-1975), the NASA moon landing project |
電子計算機 电子计算机 see styles |
diàn zǐ jì suàn jī dian4 zi3 ji4 suan4 ji1 tien tzu chi suan chi denshikeisanki / denshikesanki でんしけいさんき |
electronic computer (See コンピュータ) computer |
電気抵抗計 see styles |
denkiteikoukei / denkitekoke でんきていこうけい |
ohmmeter; electrical resistance meter |
電波高度計 see styles |
denpakoudokei / denpakodoke でんぱこうどけい |
radio altimeter |
露点湿度計 see styles |
rotenshitsudokei / rotenshitsudoke ろてんしつどけい |
(rare) (See 露点計) dew point hygrometer |
髮型設計師 发型设计师 see styles |
fà xíng shè jì shī fa4 xing2 she4 ji4 shi1 fa hsing she chi shih |
hairstylist |
計りにかける see styles |
hakarinikakeru はかりにかける |
(irregular kanji usage) (exp,v1) (1) to weigh on a scale; (2) to weigh up options; to compare pros and cons |
計り知れない see styles |
hakarishirenai はかりしれない |
(exp,adj-i) unfathomable; inestimable; immeasurable |
計器着陸装置 see styles |
keikichakurikusouchi / kekichakurikusochi けいきちゃくりくそうち |
instrument landing system; ILS |
計度末底山王 计度末底山王 see styles |
jì dù mò dǐ shān wáng ji4 du4 mo4 di3 shan1 wang2 chi tu mo ti shan wang Keitomatsuteisen ō |
Ketumatī |
計数抽象操作 see styles |
keisuuchuushousousa / kesuchushososa けいすうちゅうしょうそうさ |
{comp} Summarize abstract-operation |
計測プロセス see styles |
keisokupurosesu / kesokupurosesu けいそくプロセス |
{comp} measure process |
計画をたてる see styles |
keikakuotateru / kekakuotateru けいかくをたてる |
(exp,v1) to make plans |
計画を立てる see styles |
keikakuotateru / kekakuotateru けいかくをたてる |
(exp,v1) to make plans |
計画を進める see styles |
keikakuosusumeru / kekakuosusumeru けいかくをすすめる |
(exp,v1) to carry a plan forward |
計画幹部協会 see styles |
keikakukanbukyoukai / kekakukanbukyokai けいかくかんぶきょうかい |
(o) Planning Executive Institute |
計画的陳腐化 see styles |
keikakutekichinpuka / kekakutekichinpuka けいかくてきちんぷか |
planned obsolescence |
計算に入れる see styles |
keisanniireru / kesannireru けいさんにいれる |
(exp,v1) to factor in; to take into account; to include in one's considerations |
計算の複雑性 see styles |
keisannofukuzatsusei / kesannofukuzatsuse けいさんのふくざつせい |
{comp} computational complexity |
計算機科学者 see styles |
keisankikagakusha / kesankikagakusha けいさんきかがくしゃ |
computer scientist |
計算機科學家 计算机科学家 see styles |
jì suàn jī kē xué jiā ji4 suan4 ji1 ke1 xue2 jia1 chi suan chi k`o hsüeh chia chi suan chi ko hsüeh chia |
computer scientist |
計量テンソル see styles |
keiryoutensoru / keryotensoru けいりょうテンソル |
{physics} metric tensor |
計量国語学会 see styles |
keiryoukokugogakkai / keryokokugogakkai けいりょうこくごがっかい |
(org) Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan; (o) Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan |
Variations: |
tageri; tageri たげり; タゲリ |
(kana only) northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus); green plover; pewit; peewit |
からくり時計 see styles |
karakuridokei / karakuridoke からくりどけい karakuritokei / karakuritoke からくりとけい |
automaton clock; marionette clock |
ぼんぼん時計 see styles |
bonbondokei / bonbondoke ぼんぼんどけい |
striking clock; wall clock; pendulum clock |
よきに計らえ see styles |
yokinihakarae よきにはからえ |
(expression) (kana only) take care of it; I'll leave it up to you; do as you see fit |
アドレス計算 see styles |
adoresukeisan / adoresukesan アドレスけいさん |
{comp} address computation |
アナログ時計 see styles |
anarogudokei / anarogudoke アナログどけい |
analogue watch; analogue clock |
カナダ統計局 see styles |
kanadatoukeikyoku / kanadatokekyoku カナダとうけいきょく |
(org) Statistics Canada (Canadian federal department issuing statistics related to Canada); (o) Statistics Canada (Canadian federal department issuing statistics related to Canada) |
カロリー計算 see styles |
karoriikeisan / karorikesan カロリーけいさん |
calorie counting; calorie calculation |
システム設計 see styles |
shisutemusekkei / shisutemusekke システムせっけい |
{comp} system design |
テーブル会計 see styles |
teeburukaikei / teeburukaike テーブルかいけい |
paying at the table (at a restaurant) |
デジタル時計 see styles |
dejitarudokei / dejitarudoke デジタルどけい |
digital watch; digital clock |
ハッシュ合計 see styles |
hasshugoukei / hasshugoke ハッシュごうけい |
{comp} hash total |
パタパタ時計 see styles |
patapatadokei / patapatadoke パタパタどけい |
flip clock; flap clock |
パリティ計算 see styles |
paritikeisan / paritikesan パリティけいさん |
parity account |
ホスト計算機 see styles |
hosutokeisanki / hosutokesanki ホストけいさんき |
{comp} host computer |
メッシュ統計 see styles |
messhutoukei / messhutoke メッシュとうけい |
mesh statistics |
一般会計予算 see styles |
ippankaikeiyosan / ippankaikeyosan いっぱんかいけいよさん |
general account budget |
一般会計歳出 see styles |
ippankaikeisaishutsu / ippankaikesaishutsu いっぱんかいけいさいしゅつ |
general account expenditure |
一計を案じる see styles |
ikkeioanjiru / ikkeoanjiru いっけいをあんじる |
(exp,v1) (See 一計) to devise a plan; to work out a plan |
上賀茂石計町 see styles |
kamigamoishikazuchou / kamigamoishikazucho かみがもいしかずちょう |
(place-name) Kamigamoishikazuchō |
不定計量空間 see styles |
futeikeiryoukuukan / futekeryokukan ふていけいりょうくうかん |
{math} indefinite metric space |
不正会計処理 see styles |
fuseikaikeishori / fusekaikeshori ふせいかいけいしょり |
improper bookkeeping |
世界終末時計 see styles |
sekaishuumatsutokei / sekaishumatsutoke せかいしゅうまつとけい |
(See 終末時計・しゅうまつどけい) doomsday clock |
世界食糧計画 see styles |
sekaishokuryoukeikaku / sekaishokuryokekaku せかいしょくりょうけいかく |
World Food Program; WFP |
中期経営計画 see styles |
chuukikeieikeikaku / chukikeekekaku ちゅうきけいえいけいかく |
medium-term management plan; mid-term business plan |
乾湿球湿度計 see styles |
kanshitsukyuushitsudokei / kanshitsukyushitsudoke かんしつきゅうしつどけい |
wet and dry-bulb thermometer |
事業継続計画 see styles |
jigyoukeizokukeikaku / jigyokezokukekaku じぎょうけいぞくけいかく |
business continuity plan; BCP |
交差合計検査 see styles |
kousagoukeikensa / kosagokekensa こうさごうけいけんさ |
{comp} crossfooting |
人口動態統計 see styles |
jinkoudoutaitoukei / jinkodotaitoke じんこうどうたいとうけい |
demographic statistics |
人口統計学者 see styles |
jinkoutoukeigakusha / jinkotokegakusha じんこうとうけいがくしゃ |
demographer |
企業会計原則 see styles |
kigyoukaikeigensoku / kigyokaikegensoku きぎょうかいけいげんそく |
corporate accounting principles |
企業資源計画 see styles |
kigyoushigenkeikaku / kigyoshigenkekaku きぎょうしげんけいかく |
enterprise resource planning; ERP |
会計検査院法 see styles |
kaikeikensainhou / kaikekensainho かいけいけんさいんほう |
{law} The Board of Audit Act |
余計なお世話 see styles |
yokeinaosewa / yokenaosewa よけいなおせわ |
More info & calligraphy: Mind Your Own Business |
余計な御世話 see styles |
yokeinaosewa / yokenaosewa よけいなおせわ |
(expression) it's none of your business; it's not your concern |
入札設計図書 see styles |
nyuusatsusekkeizusho / nyusatsusekkezusho にゅうさつせっけいずしょ |
design specifications (for public tender); drawings and specifications |
全国計画協会 see styles |
zenkokukeikakukyoukai / zenkokukekakukyokai ぜんこくけいかくきょうかい |
(o) National Planning Association |
公認会計士法 see styles |
kouninkaikeishihou / koninkaikeshiho こうにんかいけいしほう |
{law} Certified Public Accountants Act |
印字式計算器 see styles |
injishikikeisanki / injishikikesanki いんじしきけいさんき |
{comp} printing calculator |
合計カウンタ see styles |
goukeikaunta / gokekaunta ごうけいカウンタ |
{comp} sum counter |
国家百年の計 see styles |
kokkahyakunennokei / kokkahyakunennoke こっかひゃくねんのけい |
permanent national policy |
国民保護計画 see styles |
kokuminhogokeikaku / kokuminhogokekaku こくみんほごけいかく |
Civil Protection Plan |
国連環境計画 see styles |
kokurenkankyoukeikaku / kokurenkankyokekaku こくれんかんきょうけいかく |
United Nations Environment Programme (Program); UNEP |
国連開発計画 see styles |
kokurenkaihatsukeikaku / kokurenkaihatsukekaku こくれんかいはつけいかく |
United Nations Development Program; UNDP |
国際計測協会 see styles |
kokusaikeisokukyoukai / kokusaikesokukyokai こくさいけいそくきょうかい |
(o) Internationale Messtichnische Konfoderation |
宇宙開発計画 see styles |
uchuukaihatsukeikaku / uchukaihatsukekaku うちゅうかいはつけいかく |
space development project (program, programme) |
安全設計要件 see styles |
anzensekkeiyouken / anzensekkeyoken あんぜんせっけいようけん |
{comp} safety design requirement |
実行用計算機 see styles |
jikkouyoukeisanki / jikkoyokesanki じっこうようけいさんき |
{comp} object-computer |
家計を締める see styles |
kakeioshimeru / kakeoshimeru かけいをしめる |
(exp,v1) (rare) (See 締める・しめる・5) to economize in the household (economise) |
山県郡加計町 see styles |
yamagatagunkakechou / yamagatagunkakecho やまがたぐんかけちょう |
(place-name) Yamagatagunkakechō |
応用統計学会 see styles |
ouyoutoukeigakkai / oyotokegakkai おうようとうけいがっかい |
(org) Japanese Society of Applied Statistics; JSAS; (o) Japanese Society of Applied Statistics; JSAS |
愛知時計工場 see styles |
aichitokeikoujou / aichitokekojo あいちとけいこうじょう |
(place-name) Aichitokei Factory |
戦闘支援計画 see styles |
sentoushienkeikaku / sentoshienkekaku せんとうしえんけいかく |
combat support plan |
挿入型流量計 see styles |
sounyuuryuuryoukei / sonyuryuryoke そうにゅうりゅうりょうけい |
insertion meter |
日本時計協会 see styles |
nihontokeikyoukai / nihontokekyokai にほんとけいきょうかい |
(org) Japan Clock & Watch Association; (o) Japan Clock & Watch Association |
日本統計学会 see styles |
nippontoukeigakkai / nippontokegakkai にっぽんとうけいがっかい |
(org) Japan Statistical Society; JSS; (o) Japan Statistical Society; JSS |
時価会計制度 see styles |
jikakaikeiseido / jikakaikesedo じかかいけいせいど |
mark-to-market accounting system |
時計メーカー see styles |
tokeimeekaa / tokemeeka とけいメーカー |
watchmaker; watchmaking company |
最大似然估計 最大似然估计 see styles |
zuì dà sì rán gū jì zui4 da4 si4 ran2 gu1 ji4 tsui ta ssu jan ku chi |
maximum-likelihood estimation (statistics) |
有統計學意義 有统计学意义 see styles |
yǒu tǒng jì xué yì yì you3 tong3 ji4 xue2 yi4 yi4 yu t`ung chi hsüeh i i yu tung chi hsüeh i i |
statistically significant |
火力支援計画 see styles |
karyokushienkeikaku / karyokushienkekaku かりょくしえんけいかく |
fire support plan |
生計をたてる see styles |
seikeiotateru / sekeotateru せいけいをたてる |
(exp,v1) to make a living |
生計を立てる see styles |
seikeiotateru / sekeotateru せいけいをたてる |
(exp,v1) to make a living |
男持ちの時計 see styles |
otokomochinotokei / otokomochinotoke おとこもちのとけい |
gentlemens watches |
目覚まし時計 see styles |
mezamashidokei / mezamashidoke めざましどけい mezamashitokei / mezamashitoke めざましとけい |
alarm clock |
矢崎計器工場 see styles |
yazakikeikikoujou / yazakikekikojo やざきけいきこうじょう |
(place-name) Yazakikeiki Factory |
科学技術計算 see styles |
kagakugijutsukeisan / kagakugijutsukesan かがくぎじゅつけいさん |
{comp} scientific computing |
筆記本計算機 笔记本计算机 see styles |
bǐ jì běn jì suàn jī bi3 ji4 ben3 ji4 suan4 ji1 pi chi pen chi suan chi |
laptop; notebook (computer) |
米国会計学会 see styles |
beikokukaikeigakkai / bekokukaikegakkai べいこくかいけいがっかい |
(org) American Accounting Association; (o) American Accounting Association |
米国時計協会 see styles |
beikokutokeikyoukai / bekokutokekyokai べいこくとけいきょうかい |
(o) American Watch Association |
米国統計協会 see styles |
beikokutoukeikyoukai / bekokutokekyokai べいこくとうけいきょうかい |
(o) American Statistical Association |
米州統計学会 see styles |
beishuutoukeigakkai / beshutokegakkai べいしゅうとうけいがっかい |
(o) Inter-American Statistical Institute |
経済統計学会 see styles |
keizaitoukeigakkai / kezaitokegakkai けいざいとうけいがっかい |
(org) Japan Society of Economic Statistics; JSES; (o) Japan Society of Economic Statistics; JSES |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "計" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.