There are 1687 total results for your 經 search. I have created 17 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
最妙勝定經 最妙胜定经 see styles |
zuì miào shèng dìng jīng zui4 miao4 sheng4 ding4 jing1 tsui miao sheng ting ching Saimyōshō jōgyō |
Most Excellent Concentration Sūtra |
月光童子經 月光童子经 see styles |
yuè guāng tóng zǐ jīng yue4 guang1 tong2 zi3 jing1 yüeh kuang t`ung tzu ching yüeh kuang tung tzu ching Gakkō dōshi kyō |
Sūtra on Prince Moonlight |
月燈三昧經 月灯三昧经 see styles |
yuè dēng sān mèi jīng yue4 deng1 san1 mei4 jing1 yüeh teng san mei ching Gattō zammai kyō |
King of Samādhi |
棺歛葬送經 棺歛葬送经 see styles |
guān hān zàng sòng jīng guan1 han1 zang4 song4 jing1 kuan han tsang sung ching Kankan sōsō kyō |
Sūtra of Carrying the Coffin to the Grave After the Death of the Buddha |
楞伽阿跋經 楞伽阿跋经 see styles |
lèng qié ā bá jīng leng4 qie2 a1 ba2 jing1 leng ch`ieh a pa ching leng chieh a pa ching Ryōga aba kyō |
Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra |
正法念處經 正法念处经 see styles |
zhèng fǎ niàn chù jīng zheng4 fa3 nian4 chu4 jing1 cheng fa nien ch`u ching cheng fa nien chu ching Shōbōnen sho kyō |
Saddharma-smṛty-upasthāna-sūtra |
毘婆尸佛經 毘婆尸佛经 see styles |
pí pó shī fó jīng pi2 po2 shi1 fo2 jing1 p`i p`o shih fo ching pi po shih fo ching Bibashibutsu kyō |
Sūtra of Vipaśyin Buddha |
治病合藥經 治病合药经 see styles |
zhì bìng hé yào jīng zhi4 bing4 he2 yao4 jing1 chih ping ho yao ching Jibyō gōyaku kyō |
Zhibing heyao jing |
法句本末經 法句本末经 see styles |
fǎ jù běn mò jīng fa3 ju4 ben3 mo4 jing1 fa chü pen mo ching Hokku honmatsu kyō |
Dharmapāda |
法句譬喩經 法句譬喩经 see styles |
fǎ jù pì yù jīng fa3 ju4 pi4 yu4 jing1 fa chü p`i yü ching fa chü pi yü ching Hokku hiyu kyō |
Dharmapāda |
法華三昧經 法华三昧经 see styles |
fǎ huā sān mèi jīng fa3 hua1 san1 mei4 jing1 fa hua san mei ching Hōke zanmai kyō |
Lotus Absorption Sūtra |
法華三部經 法华三部经 see styles |
fǎ huá sān bù jīng fa3 hua2 san1 bu4 jing1 fa hua san pu ching hokke sanbu kyō |
Three-part Lotus Sūtra |
法華經傳記 法华经传记 see styles |
fǎ huā jīng zhuàn jì fa3 hua1 jing1 zhuan4 ji4 fa hua ching chuan chi Hokkekyō denki |
Fahua jing chuan ji |
法華經玄義 法华经玄义 see styles |
fǎ huā jīng xuán yì fa3 hua1 jing1 xuan2 yi4 fa hua ching hsüan i Hokke kyō gengi |
Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sūtra |
法華經義疏 法华经义疏 see styles |
fǎ huā jīng yì shū fa3 hua1 jing1 yi4 shu1 fa hua ching i shu Hokke kyō gisho |
Fahua jing yishu |
法華經義記 法华经义记 see styles |
fǎ huā jīng yì jì fa3 hua1 jing1 yi4 ji4 fa hua ching i chi Hōke kyō giki |
Fahua jing yiji |
法集要頌經 法集要颂经 see styles |
fǎ jí yào sòng jīng fa3 ji2 yao4 song4 jing1 fa chi yao sung ching Hōshū yōshō kyō |
Faji yaosong jing |
涅槃經後分 涅槃经后分 see styles |
niè pán jīng hòu fēn nie4 pan2 jing1 hou4 fen1 nieh p`an ching hou fen nieh pan ching hou fen Nehan kyō gobun |
Latter Portion of the Sūtra on the Great Decease |
消伏毒害經 消伏毒害经 see styles |
xiāo fú dú hài jīng xiao1 fu2 du2 hai4 jing1 hsiao fu tu hai ching Shōfuku dokugai kyō |
Xiaofu duhai jing |
淨土三昧經 淨土三昧经 see styles |
jìng tǔ sān mèi jīng jing4 tu3 san1 mei4 jing1 ching t`u san mei ching ching tu san mei ching Jōdo zanmai kyō |
Samādhi-sūtra on Liberation through Purification Spoken by the Buddha |
淨土三部經 淨土三部经 see styles |
jìng tǔ sān bù jīng jing4 tu3 san1 bu4 jing1 ching t`u san pu ching ching tu san pu ching Jōdo sanbu kyō |
three principal texts of the Pure Land tradition |
淨度三昧經 淨度三昧经 see styles |
jìng dù sān mèi jīng jing4 du4 san1 mei4 jing1 ching tu san mei ching Jōdo zanmai kyō |
Samādhi-sūtra on Liberation through Purification Spoken by the Buddha |
淨影大經疏 淨影大经疏 see styles |
jìng yǐng dà jīng shū jing4 ying3 da4 jing1 shu1 ching ying ta ching shu Jōyō dai kyōsho |
Jingying's Great Commentary on the Sūtra of Immeasurable Life |
深密解脫經 深密解脱经 see styles |
shēn mì jiě tuō jīng shen1 mi4 jie3 tuo1 jing1 shen mi chieh t`o ching shen mi chieh to ching Shinmitsu gedatsu kyō |
Shenmi jietuo jing |
淸淨法行經 淸淨法行经 see styles |
qīng jìng fǎ xíng jīng qing1 jing4 fa3 xing2 jing1 ch`ing ching fa hsing ching ching ching fa hsing ching Shōjō hōgyō kyō |
Sūtra of the Pure Dharma Conduct Spoken by the Buddha |
添品法華經 添品法华经 see styles |
tiān pǐn fǎ huā jīng tian1 pin3 fa3 hua1 jing1 t`ien p`in fa hua ching tien pin fa hua ching Tenponhoke kyō |
Lotus Sūtra |
無垢淨光經 无垢淨光经 see styles |
wú gòu jìng guāng jīng wu2 gou4 jing4 guang1 jing1 wu kou ching kuang ching Muku jōkō kyō |
Wúgòujìngguāng dàtuóluóní jīng |
無字寶篋經 无字宝箧经 see styles |
wú zì bǎo qiè jīng wu2 zi4 bao3 qie4 jing1 wu tzu pao ch`ieh ching wu tzu pao chieh ching Muji hōkyō kyō |
Wuzi baoqie jing |
無字法門經 无字法门经 see styles |
wú zì fǎ mén jīng wu2 zi4 fa3 men2 jing1 wu tzu fa men ching Muji hōmon kyō |
Wuzi famen jing |
無量壽經疏 无量寿经疏 see styles |
wú liáng shòu jīng shū wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 shu1 wu liang shou ching shu Muryō ju kyōsho |
Commentary on the Sūtra of Immeasurable Life |
無量壽經論 无量寿经论 see styles |
wú liáng shòu jīng lùn wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 lun4 wu liang shou ching lun Muryōjukyō ron |
Treatise on the Sūtra of Limitless Life |
無量淸浄經 无量淸浄经 see styles |
wú liáng qīng jìng jīng wu2 liang2 qing1 jing4 jing1 wu liang ch`ing ching ching wu liang ching ching ching Muryō shōjō kyō |
Sūtra of Immeasurable Life |
王法正理經 王法正理经 see styles |
wáng fǎ zhèng lǐ jīng wang2 fa3 zheng4 li3 jing1 wang fa cheng li ching Ōhō shōri kyō |
Sūtra of [Maitreya's] Correct Principles of Royal Rule |
現在佛名經 现在佛名经 see styles |
xiàn zài fó míng jīng xian4 zai4 fo2 ming2 jing1 hsien tsai fo ming ching Genzai butsumyō kyō |
Sūtra on the Merit [Acquired by] Praising the Buddha |
瓔珞本業經 璎珞本业经 see styles |
yīng luò běn yè jīng ying1 luo4 ben3 ye4 jing1 ying lo pen yeh ching Yōraku hongō kyō |
Yingluo benye jing |
略出念誦經 略出念诵经 see styles |
lüè chū niàn sòng jīng lve4 chu1 nian4 song4 jing1 lve ch`u nien sung ching lve chu nien sung ching Ryakujutsu nenshō kyō |
Lvechu niansong jing |
略說教誡經 略说教诫经 see styles |
lüè shuō jiào jiè jīng lve4 shuo1 jiao4 jie4 jing1 lve shuo chiao chieh ching Ryakusetsu kyōkai kyō |
Sūtra of the Deathbed Injunction |
百句譬喩經 百句譬喩经 see styles |
bǎi jù pì yú jīng bai3 ju4 pi4 yu2 jing1 pai chü p`i yü ching pai chü pi yü ching Hyakuku hiyu kyō |
Scripture of the 100 Parables |
盂蘭盆經疏 盂兰盆经疏 see styles |
yú lán pén jīng shū yu2 lan2 pen2 jing1 shu1 yü lan p`en ching shu yü lan pen ching shu Urabonkyōso |
Yulanpen jing shou |
相續解脫經 相续解脱经 see styles |
xiāng xù jiě tuō jīng xiang1 xu4 jie3 tuo1 jing1 hsiang hsü chieh t`o ching hsiang hsü chieh to ching Sōzoku gedatsu kyō |
Sūtra of Continued Liberation |
神經官能症 神经官能症 see styles |
shén jīng guān néng zhèng shen2 jing1 guan1 neng2 zheng4 shen ching kuan neng cheng |
neurosis |
神經性毒劑 神经性毒剂 see styles |
shén jīng xìng dú jì shen2 jing1 xing4 du2 ji4 shen ching hsing tu chi |
nerve agent; nerve gas |
神經氨酸酶 神经氨酸酶 see styles |
shén jīng ān suān méi shen2 jing1 an1 suan1 mei2 shen ching an suan mei |
neuraminidase (the N of virus such as bird flu H5N1) |
神經生物學 神经生物学 see styles |
shén jīng shēng wù xué shen2 jing1 sheng1 wu4 xue2 shen ching sheng wu hsüeh |
neurobiology |
神經纖維瘤 神经纤维瘤 see styles |
shén jīng xiān wéi liú shen2 jing1 xian1 wei2 liu2 shen ching hsien wei liu |
neurofibroma |
神農本草經 神农本草经 see styles |
shén nóng běn cǎo jīng shen2 nong2 ben3 cao3 jing1 shen nung pen ts`ao ching shen nung pen tsao ching |
Shennong's Compendium of Materia Medica, a Han dynasty pharmacological compendium, 3 scrolls |
神通遊戲經 神通遊戏经 see styles |
shén tōng yóu xì jīng shen2 tong1 you2 xi4 jing1 shen t`ung yu hsi ching shen tung yu hsi ching Jintsū yuki kyō |
Shentong youxi jing |
稱揚諸佛經 称扬诸佛经 see styles |
chēng yáng zhū fó jīng cheng1 yang2 zhu1 fo2 jing1 ch`eng yang chu fo ching cheng yang chu fo ching Shōyō shobutsu kyō |
Sūtra on the Merit [Acquired by] Praising the Buddha |
究竟大悲經 究竟大悲经 see styles |
jiū jìng dà bēi jīng jiu1 jing4 da4 bei1 jing1 chiu ching ta pei ching Kyūkyō daihi kyō |
Sūtra on Ultimate Great Compassion |
維摩經文疏 维摩经文疏 see styles |
wéi mó jīng wén shū wei2 mo2 jing1 wen2 shu1 wei mo ching wen shu Yuimagyōbunso |
Commentary on the Passages of the Vimalakīrti Sūtra |
維摩經玄疏 维摩经玄疏 see styles |
wéi mó jīng xuán shū wei2 mo2 jing1 xuan2 shu1 wei mo ching hsüan shu Yuimagyō genso |
Profound Commentary on the Vimalakīrti Sūtra |
維摩經略疏 维摩经略疏 see styles |
wéi mó jīng lüè shū wei2 mo2 jing1 lve4 shu1 wei mo ching lve shu Yuimagyō ryakuso |
Weimo jing lue shou |
緣起聖道經 缘起圣道经 see styles |
yuán qǐ shèng dào jīng yuan2 qi3 sheng4 dao4 jing1 yüan ch`i sheng tao ching yüan chi sheng tao ching Engi shōdō kyō |
Sūtra of Ārya Teachings on Conditioned Arising |
總體經濟學 总体经济学 see styles |
zǒng tǐ jīng jì xué zong3 ti3 jing1 ji4 xue2 tsung t`i ching chi hsüeh tsung ti ching chi hsüeh |
(Tw) macroeconomics |
老子化胡經 老子化胡经 see styles |
lǎo zǐ huà hú jīng lao3 zi3 hua4 hu2 jing1 lao tzu hua hu ching Rōshi keko kyō |
Sūtra on the Conversion of the Barbarians |
能斷金剛經 能断金刚经 see styles |
néng duàn jīn gāng jīng neng2 duan4 jin1 gang1 jing1 neng tuan chin kang ching Nōdan kongō kyō |
Vajracchedikā Sutra, the 'Diamond Sutra', translated by Xuanzang, an extract from the Prajñāpāramitā Sutra. |
興顯如幻經 兴显如幻经 see styles |
xīng xiǎn rú huàn jīng xing1 xian3 ru2 huan4 jing1 hsing hsien ju huan ching Kōken nyogen kyō |
Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra) |
舊譯華嚴經 旧译华严经 see styles |
jiù yì huā yán jīng jiu4 yi4 hua1 yan2 jing1 chiu i hua yen ching Guyaku Kegon kyō |
Earlier Translation of the Flower Ornament Sūtra |
般舟三昧經 般舟三昧经 see styles |
bān zhōu sān mèi jīng ban1 zhou1 san1 mei4 jing1 pan chou san mei ching Hanju zanmai kyō |
Banzhou sanmei jing |
般若理趣經 般若理趣经 see styles |
bō rě lǐ qù jīng bo1 re3 li3 qu4 jing1 po je li ch`ü ching po je li chü ching Hannya rishu kyō |
Scripture that Transcends the Principle |
花嚴經儀軌 花严经仪轨 see styles |
huā yán jīng yí guǐ hua1 yan2 jing1 yi2 gui3 hua yen ching i kuei Kegonkyōgiki |
Huayanjing yigui |
菩提場所經 菩提场所经 see styles |
pú tí cháng suǒ jīng pu2 ti2 chang2 suo3 jing1 p`u t`i ch`ang so ching pu ti chang so ching Bodaijōsho kyō |
Putichangsuo jing |
菩提神呪經 菩提神呪经 see styles |
pú tí shén zhòu jīng pu2 ti2 shen2 zhou4 jing1 p`u t`i shen chou ching pu ti shen chou ching Bodai shinju kyō |
Puti shenzhou jing |
菩薩十住經 菩萨十住经 see styles |
pú sà shí zhù jīng pu2 sa4 shi2 zhu4 jing1 p`u sa shih chu ching pu sa shih chu ching Bosatsu jūjū kyō |
Sūtra on the Ten Stages |
菩薩善戒經 菩萨善戒经 see styles |
bú sà shàn jiè jīng bu2 sa4 shan4 jie4 jing1 pu sa shan chieh ching Bosatsu zenkai kyō |
Wholesome Morality of the Bodhisattvas |
菩薩地持經 菩萨地持经 see styles |
pú sà dì chí jīng pu2 sa4 di4 chi2 jing1 p`u sa ti ch`ih ching pu sa ti chih ching Bosatsu jiji kyō |
Bodhisattvabhūmi-sūtra |
菩薩戒經疏 菩萨戒经疏 see styles |
pú sà jiè jīng shū pu2 sa4 jie4 jing1 shu1 p`u sa chieh ching shu pu sa chieh ching shu Bosatsukaikyō sho |
Commentary on the Sūtra of Bodhisattva Precepts |
菩薩本業經 菩萨本业经 see styles |
pú sà běn yè jīng pu2 sa4 ben3 ye4 jing1 p`u sa pen yeh ching pu sa pen yeh ching Bosatsu hongōkyō |
Pusa benye jing |
菩薩瓔珞經 菩萨璎珞经 see styles |
pú sà yīng luò jīng pu2 sa4 ying1 luo4 jing1 p`u sa ying lo ching pu sa ying lo ching Bosatsu yōraku kyō |
Pusa yingluo jing |
華嚴經傳記 华严经传记 see styles |
huā yán jīng zhuàn jì hua1 yan2 jing1 zhuan4 ji4 hua yen ching chuan chi Kegon kyō denki |
Huayan jing zhuanji |
華嚴經宗要 华严经宗要 see styles |
huā yán jīng zōng yào hua1 yan2 jing1 zong1 yao4 hua yen ching tsung yao Kegon kyō shūyō |
Doctrinal Essentials of the Flower Ornament Sūtra |
要略念誦經 要略念诵经 see styles |
yào lüè niàn sòng jīng yao4 lve4 nian4 song4 jing1 yao lve nien sung ching Yōryaku nenshō kyō |
Sūtra abridged for Recitation |
視神經乳頭 视神经乳头 see styles |
shì shén jīng rǔ tóu shi4 shen2 jing1 ru3 tou2 shih shen ching ju t`ou shih shen ching ju tou |
optic disk (terminal of the optic nerve on the retina) |
觀無量壽經 观无量寿经 see styles |
guān wú liáng shòu jīng guan1 wu2 liang2 shou4 jing1 kuan wu liang shou ching Kammuryōju kyō |
An important sūtra relating to Amitayus' or Amitābha, and his Pure Land, known also as 佛說觀無量壽佛經. There are numerous commentaries on it. The title is commonly abbreviated to 觀經. |
觀音經玄義 观音经玄义 see styles |
guān yīn jīng xuán yì guan1 yin1 jing1 xuan2 yi4 kuan yin ching hsüan i Kan'nonkyō gengi |
Profound Meaning of [the] Avalokitêśvara [Chapter] |
解深密經疏 解深密经疏 see styles |
jiě shēn mì jīng shū jie3 shen1 mi4 jing1 shu1 chieh shen mi ching shu Ge jinmikkyō so |
Commentary on the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra: |
解脫戒本經 解脱戒本经 see styles |
jiě tuō jiè běn jīng jie3 tuo1 jie4 ben3 jing1 chieh t`o chieh pen ching chieh to chieh pen ching Gedatsu kaihon kyō |
Sūtra of the Liberating Precepts |
說無垢稱經 说无垢称经 see styles |
shuō wú gòu chēng jīng shuo1 wu2 gou4 cheng1 jing1 shuo wu kou ch`eng ching shuo wu kou cheng ching Setsu mukushō kyō |
Shuo wugoucheng jing |
請觀世音經 请观世音经 see styles |
qǐng guān shì yīn jīng qing3 guan1 shi4 yin1 jing1 ch`ing kuan shih yin ching ching kuan shih yin ching Shō kanzeion kyō |
Qing guanshiyin jing |
諸法無行經 诸法无行经 see styles |
zhū fǎ wú xíng jīng zhu1 fa3 wu2 xing2 jing1 chu fa wu hsing ching Shohō mugyō kyō |
Sarvadharmapravṛttinirdeśa(sūtra) |
證券經紀人 证券经纪人 see styles |
zhèng quàn jīng jì rén zheng4 quan4 jing1 ji4 ren2 cheng ch`üan ching chi jen cheng chüan ching chi jen |
stockbroker |
轉大般若經 转大般若经 see styles |
zhuǎn dà bō rě jīng zhuan3 da4 bo1 re3 jing1 chuan ta po je ching ten Daihannya kyō |
To turn over the leaves of and scan (for acquiring merit) the 600 juan of the complete prajñā-pāramitā; cf. 轉經. |
辟除諸惡經 辟除诸恶经 see styles |
bì chú zhū è jīng bi4 chu2 zhu1 e4 jing1 pi ch`u chu o ching pi chu chu o ching Byakujo shoaku kyō |
Bichu zhue jing |
造像量度經 造像量度经 see styles |
zào xiàng liàng dù jīng zao4 xiang4 liang4 du4 jing1 tsao hsiang liang tu ching Zōzō ryō do kyō |
Utterances on Image-making and Iconometry |
逮慧三昧經 逮慧三昧经 see styles |
dǎi huì sān mèi jīng dai3 hui4 san1 mei4 jing1 tai hui san mei ching Daie zammai kyō |
Daihui sanmei jing |
過度人道經 过度人道经 see styles |
guō dù rén dào jīng guo1 du4 ren2 dao4 jing1 kuo tu jen tao ching Kado nindō kyō |
Sūtra of Immeasurable Life |
過現因果經 过现因果经 see styles |
guō xiàn yīn guǒ jīng guo1 xian4 yin1 guo3 jing1 kuo hsien yin kuo ching Kagen inga kyō |
Sūtra on Past and Present Causes and Effects |
道行般若經 道行般若经 see styles |
dào xíng bō rě jīng dao4 xing2 bo1 re3 jing1 tao hsing po je ching Dōgyō hannya kyō |
Wisdom Scripture of Practicing Enlightenment |
那先比丘經 那先比丘经 see styles |
nà xiān bǐ qiū jīng na4 xian1 bi3 qiu1 jing1 na hsien pi ch`iu ching na hsien pi chiu ching Nasen biku kyō |
Sūtra on the Questions of King Miliṇḍa |
金剛三昧經 金刚三昧经 see styles |
jīn gāng sān mèi jīng jin1 gang1 san1 mei4 jing1 chin kang san mei ching Kongōsanmai kyō |
*Vajrasamādhi-sūtra |
金剛經提綱 金刚经提纲 see styles |
jīn gāng jīng tí gāng jin1 gang1 jing1 ti2 gang1 chin kang ching t`i kang chin kang ching ti kang Kongōkyō teikō |
Essentials of the Diamond Sūtra |
金剛經解義 金刚经解义 see styles |
jīn gāng jīng jiě yì jin1 gang1 jing1 jie3 yi4 chin kang ching chieh i Kongōkyō kaigi |
Jingang jing jieyi |
金剛經贊要 金刚经赞要 see styles |
jīn gāng jīng zàn yào jin1 gang1 jing1 zan4 yao4 chin kang ching tsan yao Kongō kyō sanyō |
Collected Essentials of the Treatises and Commentaries on the Diamond Sūtra |
金剛般若經 金刚般若经 see styles |
jīn gāng bō rě jīng jin1 gang1 bo1 re3 jing1 chin kang po je ching Kongō hannya kyō |
Diamond Sūtra |
金翅鳥王經 金翅鸟王经 see styles |
jīn chì niǎo wáng jīng jin1 chi4 niao3 wang2 jing1 chin ch`ih niao wang ching chin chih niao wang ching konjichōō kyō |
the Jinchiniaowang jing |
長江經濟帶 长江经济带 see styles |
cháng jiāng jīng jì dài chang2 jiang1 jing1 ji4 dai4 ch`ang chiang ching chi tai chang chiang ching chi tai |
Yangtze River Economic Belt |
阿彌陀經疏 阿弥陀经疏 see styles |
ā mí tuó jīng shū a1 mi2 tuo2 jing1 shu1 a mi t`o ching shu a mi to ching shu Amida kyō sho |
Commentary on the Amitâbha Sūtra |
阿難分別經 阿难分别经 see styles |
ān án fēn bié jīng an1 an2 fen1 bie2 jing1 an an fen pieh ching Anan funbetsu kyō |
Anan fenbie jing |
陀羅尼集經 陀罗尼集经 see styles |
tuó luó ní jí jīng tuo2 luo2 ni2 ji2 jing1 t`o lo ni chi ching to lo ni chi ching Darani jikkyō |
Dhāraṇī Collection Scripture |
陀鄰尼鉢經 陀邻尼钵经 see styles |
tuó lín ní bō jīng tuo2 lin2 ni2 bo1 jing1 t`o lin ni po ching to lin ni po ching Tarinni hatsu kyō |
Tuolinnibo jing |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "經" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.