There are 6395 total results for your 石 search. I have created 64 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
異石 see styles |
iishi / ishi いいし |
(surname) Iishi |
畳石 see styles |
tatamiishi / tatamishi たたみいし |
(place-name) Tatamiishi |
疎石 see styles |
soseki そせき |
(personal name) Soseki |
疣石 see styles |
iboishi いぼいし |
(surname) Iboishi |
登石 see styles |
toishi といし |
(surname) Toishi |
白石 see styles |
hakuseki はくせき |
(1) (See 黒石) white stone; (2) white (go pieces); (surname) Hakuseki |
百石 see styles |
momoishi ももいし |
(place-name, surname) Momoishi |
皂石 see styles |
zào shí zao4 shi2 tsao shih |
soapstone |
的石 see styles |
matoishi まといし |
(place-name, surname) Matoishi |
盆石 see styles |
bonseki ぼんせき |
tray-landscape foundation stone |
盛石 see styles |
moriishi / morishi もりいし |
(surname) Moriishi |
盤石 盘石 see styles |
pán shí pan2 shi2 p`an shih pan shih banjaku ばんじゃく |
variant of 磐石[pan2 shi2] (1) huge rock; (n,adj-no,adj-na) (2) firmness; solidity; (surname) Banjaku |
目石 see styles |
meishi / meshi めいし |
(surname) Meishi |
盾石 see styles |
tateishi / tateshi たていし |
(surname) Tateishi |
眞石 see styles |
maishi まいし |
(surname) Maishi |
真石 see styles |
maishi まいし |
(surname) Maishi |
矢石 see styles |
shǐ shí shi3 shi2 shih shih yaishi やいし |
belemnite; (surname) Yaishi Arrow and rock are two incompatibles, for an arrow cannot pierce a rock. |
知石 see styles |
chiseki ちせき |
(given name) Chiseki |
矸石 see styles |
gān shí gan1 shi2 kan shih |
(mining) gangue |
砂石 see styles |
shā shí sha1 shi2 sha shih sazaraishi さざらいし |
sandstone; sand and stone; aggregate sand and stone; pebble; (surname) Sazaraishi |
砒石 see styles |
hiseki ひせき |
{geol} arsenic mineral; arsenious anhydride |
研石 see styles |
togiishi / togishi とぎいし |
(surname) Togiishi |
砕石 see styles |
wareishi / wareshi われいし |
(1) crushed stone; macadam; (noun, transitive verb) (2) (rare) crushing (rock); (place-name) Wareishi |
砥石 see styles |
toishi といし |
whetstone; grindstone; (surname) Toishi |
砭石 see styles |
biān shí bian1 shi2 pien shih |
stone needle used in acupuncture |
破石 see styles |
haseki はせき |
(surname) Haseki |
硅石 see styles |
guī shí gui1 shi2 kuei shih keiseki / keseki けいせき |
siliceous rock silica |
硝石 see styles |
xiāo shí xiao1 shi2 hsiao shih shouseki / shoseki しょうせき |
niter; saltpeter; potassium nitrate KNO3 (See 硝酸カリウム) saltpeter; saltpetre; niter; nitre; potassium nitrate |
硯石 砚石 see styles |
yàn shí yan4 shi2 yen shih suzuriishi / suzurishi すずりいし |
ink stone; ink slab (1) (See 硯) inkstone; (2) stone used to make an inkstone; (place-name, surname) Suzuriishi |
硲石 see styles |
sakoishi さこいし |
(surname) Sakoishi |
碁石 see styles |
goishi ごいし |
(See 囲碁) go stone; go piece; (place-name, surname) Goishi |
碇石 see styles |
ikariishi / ikarishi いかりいし |
(place-name, surname) Ikariishi |
碎石 see styles |
suì shí sui4 shi2 sui shih |
gravel; crushed rock; rock debris |
碑石 see styles |
bēi shí bei1 shi2 pei shih hiseki ひせき |
stele; vertical stone tablet for carved inscriptions stone monument a stele |
碣石 see styles |
tateishi / tateshi たていし |
(surname) Tateishi |
碧石 see styles |
hekiseki へきせき |
(given name) Hekiseki |
磁石 see styles |
cí shí ci2 shi2 tz`u shih tzu shih jishaku(p); jiseki じしゃく(P); じせき |
magnet (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) magnet; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) compass A lodestone, magnet. |
磐石 see styles |
pán shí pan2 shi2 p`an shih pan shih banjaku ばんじゃく |
boulder (1) huge rock; (n,adj-no,adj-na) (2) firmness; solidity; (surname, given name) Banjaku large rock |
磚石 砖石 see styles |
zhuān shí zhuan1 shi2 chuan shih |
brick |
磨石 see styles |
mó shí mo2 shi2 mo shih togiishi / togishi とぎいし |
whetstone; millstone whetstone; grindstone large rock |
磯石 see styles |
isoishi いそいし |
(surname) Isoishi |
磷石 see styles |
lín shí lin2 shi2 lin shih |
muscovite, mica (used in TCM) |
礁石 see styles |
jiāo shí jiao1 shi2 chiao shih |
reef |
礇石 see styles |
sare され |
(place-name) Sare |
礌石 see styles |
léi shí lei2 shi2 lei shih |
(old) rocks that can be dropped from a height onto an attacking enemy |
礎石 see styles |
soseki そせき |
foundation stone; cornerstone |
礜石 see styles |
yù shí yu4 shi2 yü shih |
arsenic ore; arsenopiryte FeAsS |
礦石 矿石 see styles |
kuàng shí kuang4 shi2 k`uang shih kuang shih kouseki / koseki こうせき |
ore mineral; ore |
礫石 砾石 see styles |
lì shí li4 shi2 li shih tsubuteishi / tsubuteshi つぶていし |
gravel; pebbles (surname) Tsubuteishi |
祈石 see styles |
inuruishi いぬるいし |
(personal name) Inuruishi |
祐石 see styles |
yuuseki / yuseki ゆうせき |
(given name) Yūseki |
神石 see styles |
jinseki じんせき |
(place-name) Jinseki |
福石 see styles |
fukuishi ふくいし |
(surname) Fukuishi |
禿石 see styles |
kaburoishi かぶろいし |
(place-name) Kaburoishi |
秀石 see styles |
hideishi / hideshi ひでいし |
(surname) Hideishi |
秋石 see styles |
akiishi / akishi あきいし |
(surname) Akiishi |
種石 see styles |
taneishi / taneshi たねいし |
(1) small pieces of stone used to make terrazzo, etc.; (2) seed stone (othello); (surname) Taneishi |
稲石 see styles |
ineishi / ineshi いねいし |
(surname) Ineishi |
稻石 see styles |
ineishi / ineshi いねいし |
(surname) Ineishi |
穿石 see styles |
senseki せんせき |
(given name) Senseki |
立石 see styles |
dateishi / dateshi だていし |
(surname) Dateishi |
竜石 see styles |
ryuuseki / ryuseki りゅうせき |
(personal name) Ryūseki |
竪石 see styles |
tateishi / tateshi たていし |
(surname) Tateishi |
競石 see styles |
kurabeishi / kurabeshi くらべいし |
(place-name) Kurabeishi |
竹石 see styles |
chikuseki ちくせき |
(given name) Chikuseki |
笈石 see styles |
oishi おいし |
(place-name) Oishi |
笠石 see styles |
kasaishi かさいし |
copestone; cope; coping stone; capping stone; capstone; (place-name, surname) Kasaishi |
笹石 see styles |
sasaishi ささいし |
(surname) Sasaishi |
筆石 see styles |
fudeshi ふでし |
(kana only) graptolite (extinct Paleozoic-era invertebrate); (place-name) Fudeshi |
筒石 see styles |
tsutsuishi つついし |
(place-name) Tsutsuishi |
箕石 see styles |
miishi / mishi みいし |
(personal name) Miishi |
箱石 see styles |
hakozeki はこぜき |
(surname) Hakozeki |
篭石 see styles |
kagoishi かごいし |
(place-name) Kagoishi |
米石 see styles |
yoneishi / yoneshi よねいし |
(surname) Yoneishi |
糞石 粪石 see styles |
fèn shí fen4 shi2 fen shih funseki ふんせき |
coprolite (1) coproma (hardened feces inside the colon); fecaloma; stercoroma; (2) coprolite |
糸石 see styles |
itoishi いといし |
(place-name, surname) Itoishi |
紅石 see styles |
kouseki / koseki こうせき |
(female given name) Kōseki |
素石 see styles |
soseki そせき |
(given name) Soseki |
細石 see styles |
hosoishi ほそいし |
(1) pebbles; gravel; (2) boulder formed from gravel and sediment; (surname) Hosoishi |
経石 see styles |
kyouishi / kyoishi きょういし |
(surname) Kyōishi |
結石 结石 see styles |
jié shí jie2 shi2 chieh shih keishi / keshi けいし |
(medicine) calculus; stone (noun - becomes adjective with の) calculus (concretion of minerals formed inside the body); (surname) Keishi |
絹石 see styles |
kinseki きんせき |
(surname) Kinseki |
經石 经石 see styles |
jīng shí jing1 shi2 ching shih kyōseki |
a sūtra tablet |
継石 see styles |
tsugiishi / tsugishi つぎいし |
(surname) Tsugiishi |
続石 see styles |
tsuzukiishi / tsuzukishi つづきいし |
(surname) Tsuzukiishi |
綜石 see styles |
souseki / soseki そうせき |
(personal name) Souseki |
網石 see styles |
amiishi / amishi あみいし |
(rare) stone(surname) used to weigh down a fishing net |
綿石 see styles |
wataishi わたいし |
(surname) Wataishi |
総石 see styles |
souseki / soseki そうせき |
(personal name) Souseki |
緒石 see styles |
oishi おいし |
(surname) Oishi |
練石 see styles |
neriishi / nerishi ねりいし |
(surname) Neriishi |
縁石 see styles |
enseki; fuchiishi; heriishi / enseki; fuchishi; herishi えんせき; ふちいし; へりいし |
curb (stone); kerb |
繁石 see styles |
shigeishi / shigeshi しげいし |
(surname) Shigeishi |
繞石 see styles |
jouseki / joseki じょうせき |
(given name) Jōseki |
繰石 see styles |
souseki / soseki そうせき |
(personal name) Souseki |
續石 see styles |
tsuzukuishi つづくいし |
(surname) Tsuzukuishi |
缶石 see styles |
kanseki かんせき |
scale on the inside of a boiler |
置石 see styles |
okiishi / okishi おきいし |
(1) stone placed on railway track (by children); (2) decorative garden stone; (3) handicap stone (in go); (surname) Okiishi |
羊石 see styles |
yáng shí yang2 shi2 yang shih youseki / yoseki ようせき |
(given name) Yōseki An abbreviation for 羯磨 karma, from the radicals of the two words. |
美石 see styles |
měi shí mei3 shi2 mei shih umashi うまし |
precious stone; jewel (given name) Umashi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "石" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.