There are 1517 total results for your 回 search. I have created 16 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...10111213141516>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
気回り無い see styles |
kimawarinai きまわりない |
(expression) inconsiderate (of rudeness, danger or rules) |
池泉回遊式 see styles |
chisenkaiyuushiki / chisenkaiyushiki ちせんかいゆうしき |
(rare) style of garden that features a path around a pond |
瀍河回族區 瀍河回族区 see styles |
chán hé huí zú qū chan2 he2 hui2 zu2 qu1 ch`an ho hui tsu ch`ü chan ho hui tsu chü |
Chanhe Hui autonomous district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南 |
焼きが回る see styles |
yakigamawaru やきがまわる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to become decrepit; to be in one's dotage; to become dull; to lose one's astuteness; to lose one's touch; to become senile; to lose one's edge; to go downhill |
物理的回線 see styles |
butsuritekikaisen ぶつりてきかいせん |
{comp} physical line; physical circuit |
独楽を回す see styles |
komaomawasu こまをまわす |
(exp,v5s) to spin a top |
睾丸回転症 see styles |
kougankaitenshou / kogankaitensho こうがんかいてんしょう |
(See 精巣捻転症) testicular torsion; torsion of the testis |
神経回路網 see styles |
shinkeikairomou / shinkekairomo しんけいかいろもう |
{comp} neural network |
租税回避地 see styles |
sozeikaihichi / sozekaihichi そぜいかいひち |
(See タックスヘイブン) tax haven |
立ち回り先 see styles |
tachimawarisaki たちまわりさき |
whereabouts; present location |
管城回族區 管城回族区 see styles |
guǎn chéng huí zú qū guan3 cheng2 hui2 zu2 qu1 kuan ch`eng hui tsu ch`ü kuan cheng hui tsu chü |
Guangcheng Hui District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zheng4 zhou1 Shi4], Henan |
組合せ回路 see styles |
kumiawasekairo くみあわせかいろ |
(computer terminology) combinational circuit |
股本回報率 股本回报率 see styles |
gǔ běn huí bào lǜ gu3 ben3 hui2 bao4 lu:4 ku pen hui pao lü |
return on equity (ROE) |
腸回転異常 see styles |
choukaitenijou / chokaitenijo ちょうかいてんいじょう |
{med} intestinal malrotation |
花びら回転 see styles |
hanabirakaiten はなびらかいてん |
(See ピンクサロン) prostitution in which services are provided by several women in rotation (esp. in "pink salons") |
荒らし回る see styles |
arashimawaru あらしまわる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to break into (houses here and there); to rampage |
菊びら回転 see styles |
kikubirakaiten きくびらかいてん |
(play on 花びら回転) (See 花びら回転,ピンクサロン) prostitution in which anal sex services are provided by several women in rotation (esp. in "pink salons") |
被引用回数 see styles |
hiinyoukaisuu / hinyokaisu ひいんようかいすう |
number of times cited; number of citations; citation number |
装甲回収車 see styles |
soukoukaishuusha / sokokaishusha そうこうかいしゅうしゃ |
armored recovery vehicle; armoured recovery vehicle |
話又說回來 话又说回来 see styles |
huà yòu shuō huí lai hua4 you4 shuo1 hui2 lai5 hua yu shuo hui lai |
(but) then again; (but) on the other hand |
論理和回路 see styles |
ronriwakairo ろんりわかいろ |
{comp;electr} OR circuit |
身の回り品 see styles |
minomawarihin みのまわりひん |
(exp,n) personal effects |
迴旋加速器 回旋加速器 see styles |
huí xuán jiā sù qì hui2 xuan2 jia1 su4 qi4 hui hsüan chia su ch`i hui hsüan chia su chi |
cyclotron (particle accelerator) |
追掛け回す see styles |
oikakemawasu おいかけまわす |
(transitive verb) to chase around |
酔いが回る see styles |
yoigamawaru よいがまわる |
(exp,v5r) to get drunk; to become tipsy |
重回帰分析 see styles |
juukaikibunseki / jukaikibunseki じゅうかいきぶんせき |
{math} multiple regression analysis |
金毛尋回犬 金毛寻回犬 see styles |
jīn máo xún huí quǎn jin1 mao2 xun2 hui2 quan3 chin mao hsün hui ch`üan chin mao hsün hui chüan |
golden retriever |
順河回族區 顺河回族区 see styles |
shùn hé huí zú qū shun4 he2 hui2 zu2 qu1 shun ho hui tsu ch`ü shun ho hui tsu chü |
Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市[Kai1 feng1 shi4], Henan |
頭を回らす see styles |
koubeomegurasu / kobeomegurasu こうべをめぐらす |
(exp,v5s) (1) to turn one's head; to look over one's shoulder; to turn around; to look back; (exp,v5s) (2) to think back (on); to reminisce; to look back (on); to reflect (on) |
TCA回路 see styles |
tiishiieekairo / tishieekairo ティーシーエーかいろ |
(See トリカルボン酸回路) TCA (tricarboxylic acid) cycle |
回らないすし see styles |
mawaranaisushi まわらないすし |
(exp,n) non-conveyor belt sushi; sushi served in a restaurant that doesn't have a conveyor belt |
回らない寿司 see styles |
mawaranaisushi まわらないすし |
(exp,n) non-conveyor belt sushi; sushi served in a restaurant that doesn't have a conveyor belt |
回復アイテム see styles |
kaifukuaitemu かいふくアイテム |
{vidg} healing item; health item |
回復不能誤り see styles |
kaifukufunouayamari / kaifukufunoayamari かいふくふのうあやまり |
{comp} unrecoverable error |
回復管理機能 see styles |
kaifukukanrikinou / kaifukukanrikino かいふくかんりきのう |
{comp} RMS; Recovery Management Support |
回生ブレーキ see styles |
kaiseibureeki / kaisebureeki かいせいブレーキ |
regenerative brake |
回線リセール see styles |
kaisenriseeru かいせんリセール |
{comp} communications line resale |
回線切り換え see styles |
kaisenkirikae かいせんきりかえ |
{comp} line switching |
回線利用効率 see styles |
kaisenriyoukouritsu / kaisenriyokoritsu かいせんりようこうりつ |
{comp} line utilization rate |
回線制御規則 see styles |
kaisenseigyokisoku / kaisensegyokisoku かいせんせいぎょきそく |
line discipline |
回線終端装置 see styles |
kaisenshuutansouchi / kaisenshutansochi かいせんしゅうたんそうち |
{comp} DCE; Data Circuit Termination Equipment; Digital Service Unit; line terminating equipment; DSU; LTE |
回胴式遊技機 see styles |
kaidoushikiyuugiki / kaidoshikiyugiki かいどうしきゆうぎき |
(See パチスロ) slot machine |
回路構成要素 see styles |
kairokouseiyouso / kairokoseyoso かいろこうせいようそ |
{comp} circuitry |
回転位置感知 see styles |
kaitenichikanchi かいてんいちかんち |
{comp} rotational position sensing; RPS |
回転位置検出 see styles |
kaitenichikenshutsu かいてんいちけんしゅつ |
{comp} rotational position sensing; RPS |
回転信用払い see styles |
kaitenshinyoubarai / kaitenshinyobarai かいてんしんようばらい |
revolving payments |
回転型電動機 see styles |
kaitenkeidendouki; kaitengatadendouki / kaitenkedendoki; kaitengatadendoki かいてんけいでんどうき; かいてんがたでんどうき |
(See 直線型電動機) rotary electric motor |
回転式乾燥機 see styles |
kaitenshikikansouki / kaitenshikikansoki かいてんしきかんそうき |
(1) (See タンブラー・1) tumble dryer; (2) rotary dryer (industrial) |
回転待ち時間 see styles |
kaitenmachijikan かいてんまちじかん |
{comp} rotational delay time; search time |
Variations: |
kimawashi きまわし |
(noun/participle) mixing and matching (clothes, accessories, etc.); wearing of an item of clothing in many different combinations |
あいさつ回り see styles |
aisatsumawari あいさつまわり |
courtesy call; making the rounds |
いじくり回す see styles |
ijikurimawasu いじくりまわす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) (kana only) to fiddle with; to monkey around with |
うろつき回る see styles |
urotsukimawaru うろつきまわる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to rove; to prowl; to go cruising |
こねくり回す see styles |
konekurimawasu こねくりまわす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to knead; to turn |
のたうち回る see styles |
notauchimawaru のたうちまわる |
(v5r,vi) to writhe (in pain) |
のた打ち回る see styles |
notauchimawaru のたうちまわる |
(v5r,vi) to writhe (in pain) |
ひねくり回す see styles |
hinekurimawasu ひねくりまわす |
(transitive verb) (1) to twist; to twirl; (2) to fiddle around with; to play with; to rewrite; (3) to rack one's brains |
ほっつき回る see styles |
hottsukimawaru ほっつきまわる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to wander about; to wander around; to hang around; to loiter |
アクセス回線 see styles |
akusesukaisen アクセスかいせん |
{comp} access line |
アナログ回線 see styles |
anarogukaisen アナログかいせん |
{comp} analog line (circuit) |
アナログ回路 see styles |
anarogukairo アナログかいろ |
{comp} analog circuitry |
ウイック回転 see styles |
uikkukaiten ウイックかいてん |
{math} Wick rotation |
クエン酸回路 see styles |
kuensankairo クエンさんかいろ |
citric acid cycle |
クレブス回路 see styles |
kurebusukairo クレブスかいろ |
Krebs cycle |
デジタル回線 see styles |
dejitarukaisen デジタルかいせん |
{comp} digital line |
ブリッジ回路 see styles |
burijjikairo ブリッジかいろ |
bridge circuit |
プリント回路 see styles |
purintokairo プリントかいろ |
{comp} printed circuit |
ロジック回路 see styles |
rojikkukairo ロジックかいろ |
{comp} logic circuit |
一回り小さい see styles |
hitomawarichiisai / hitomawarichisai ひとまわりちいさい |
(exp,adj-i) a size smaller |
一回り小さな see styles |
hitomawarichiisana / hitomawarichisana ひとまわりちいさな |
(pre-noun adjective) a size smaller |
一回生二回熟 see styles |
yī huí shēng èr huí shú yi1 hui2 sheng1 er4 hui2 shu2 i hui sheng erh hui shu |
unfamiliar at first, but well accustomed soon enough (idiom) |
一回生兩回熟 一回生两回熟 see styles |
yī huí shēng liǎng huí shú yi1 hui2 sheng1 liang3 hui2 shu2 i hui sheng liang hui shu |
see 一回生二回熟[yi1 hui2 sheng1 er4 hui2 shu2] |
且聽下回分解 且听下回分解 see styles |
qiě tīng xià huí fēn jiě qie3 ting1 xia4 hui2 fen1 jie3 ch`ieh t`ing hsia hui fen chieh chieh ting hsia hui fen chieh |
to listen to the next chapter for an explanation |
中性子線回折 see styles |
chuuseishisenkaisetsu / chuseshisenkaisetsu ちゅうせいしせんかいせつ |
{physics} neutron diffraction |
人間魚雷回天 see styles |
ningengyoraikaiten にんげんぎょらいかいてん |
(work) Ningen Gyorai Kaiten (1955 film); (wk) Ningen Gyorai Kaiten (1955 film) |
像那麽回事兒 像那么回事儿 see styles |
xiàng nà me huí shì r xiang4 na4 me5 hui2 shi4 r5 hsiang na me hui shih r |
not bad at all; quite impressive |
八木天野馬回 see styles |
yagiamanoumamawari / yagiamanomamawari やぎあまのうままわり |
(place-name) Yagiamanoumamawari |
前帯状回皮質 see styles |
zentaijoukaihishitsu / zentaijokaihishitsu ぜんたいじょうかいひしつ |
anterior cingulate cortex |
反回神経まひ see styles |
hankaishinkeimahi / hankaishinkemahi はんかいしんけいまひ |
recurrent nerve paralysis |
反回神経麻痺 see styles |
hankaishinkeimahi / hankaishinkemahi はんかいしんけいまひ |
recurrent nerve paralysis |
地球周回軌道 see styles |
chikyuushuukaikidou / chikyushukaikido ちきゅうしゅうかいきどう |
{astron} earth orbit; geocentric orbit |
太陽周回軌道 see styles |
taiyoushuukaikidou / taiyoshukaikido たいようしゅうかいきどう |
{astron} heliocentric orbit; circumsolar orbit |
巡回ロボット see styles |
junkairobotto じゅんかいロボット |
{internet} (See クローラー・1) web crawler |
巡回冗長検査 see styles |
junkaijouchoukensa / junkaijochokensa じゅんかいじょうちょうけんさ |
{comp} cyclic redundancy check; CRC |
巡迴分析端口 巡回分析端口 see styles |
xún huí fēn xī duān kǒu xun2 hui2 fen1 xi1 duan1 kou3 hsün hui fen hsi tuan k`ou hsün hui fen hsi tuan kou |
Roving Analysis Port; RAP |
平均への回帰 see styles |
heikinhenokaiki / hekinhenokaiki へいきんへのかいき |
(exp,n) {stat} regression toward the mean; regression to the mean |
廃品回収業者 see styles |
haihinkaishuugyousha / haihinkaishugyosha はいひんかいしゅうぎょうしゃ |
garbage man; garbage collector |
引きずり回す see styles |
hikizurimawasu ひきずりまわす |
(transitive verb) to drag around; to pull about; to lead around (by the nose) |
引き摺り回す see styles |
hikizurimawasu ひきずりまわす |
(transitive verb) to drag around; to pull about; to lead around (by the nose) |
引っかき回す see styles |
hikkakimawasu ひっかきまわす |
(transitive verb) to ransack (a drawer); to rummage; to stir up (mud); to throw into confusion; to tamper with |
引っ張り回す see styles |
hipparimawasu ひっぱりまわす |
(transitive verb) to pull around; to drag around; to take around; to show around |
引っ掻き回す see styles |
hikkakimawasu ひっかきまわす |
(transitive verb) to ransack (a drawer); to rummage; to stir up (mud); to throw into confusion; to tamper with |
後ろ回し蹴り see styles |
ushiromawashigeri うしろまわしげり |
{MA} (See 回し蹴り) spin kick |
持ち回り閣議 see styles |
mochimawarikakugi もちまわりかくぎ |
round-robin cabinet |
捏ねくり回す see styles |
konekurimawasu こねくりまわす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to knead; to turn |
整理回収機構 see styles |
seirikaishuukikou / serikaishukiko せいりかいしゅうきこう |
(company) Resolution and Collection Corporation; RCC; (c) Resolution and Collection Corporation; RCC |
整理回収銀行 see styles |
seirikaishuuginkou / serikaishuginko せいりかいしゅうぎんこう |
(company) Resolution and Collection Bank; (c) Resolution and Collection Bank |
気が回らない see styles |
kigamawaranai きがまわらない |
(expression) (ant: 気が回る) not getting around to (as far as) considering |
直接大気回収 see styles |
chokusetsutaikikaishuu / chokusetsutaikikaishu ちょくせつたいきかいしゅう |
direct air capture (of greenhouse gases) |
自動回送表示 see styles |
jidoukaisouhyouji / jidokaisohyoji じどうかいそうひょうじ |
{comp} auto-forwarded indication |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "回" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.