There are 1465 total results for your 品 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...101112131415>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
產品經理 产品经理 see styles |
chǎn pǐn jīng lǐ chan3 pin3 jing1 li3 ch`an p`in ching li chan pin ching li |
product manager |
異品非有 异品非有 see styles |
yì pǐn fēi yǒu yi4 pin3 fei1 you3 i p`in fei yu i pin fei yu ihon hiu |
the negative example is fully inapplicable |
発酵食品 see styles |
hakkoushokuhin / hakkoshokuhin はっこうしょくひん |
fermented food |
盗品故買 see styles |
touhinkobai / tohinkobai とうひんこばい |
dealing in stolen goods |
目玉商品 see styles |
medamashouhin / medamashohin めだましょうひん |
(1) bargain goods; loss leader; (2) eye-catching goods; featured product |
看板商品 see styles |
kanbanshouhin / kanbanshohin かんばんしょうひん |
flagship product; leading product; hallmark product |
眞實義品 眞实义品 see styles |
zhēn shí yì pǐn zhen1 shi2 yi4 pin3 chen shih i p`in chen shih i pin Shinjitsugi hon |
Chapter on Knowing Reality |
知覚品質 see styles |
chikakuhinshitsu ちかくひんしつ |
perceived quality |
矮桿品種 矮杆品种 see styles |
ǎi gǎn pǐn zhǒng ai3 gan3 pin3 zhong3 ai kan p`in chung ai kan pin chung |
short-stalked variety; short straw variety |
石油製品 see styles |
sekiyuseihin / sekiyusehin せきゆせいひん |
petroleum products; petrochemical products |
磁器製品 see styles |
jikiseihin / jikisehin じきせいひん |
(See 磁製) porcelain; porcelain ware |
競爭產品 竞争产品 see styles |
jìng zhēng chǎn pǐn jing4 zheng1 chan3 pin3 ching cheng ch`an p`in ching cheng chan pin |
competing product; competitor's product |
粗劣作品 see styles |
cū liè zuò pǐn cu1 lie4 zuo4 pin3 ts`u lieh tso p`in tsu lieh tso pin |
kitsch; vulgar art; art in bad taste |
納品価格 see styles |
nouhinkakaku / nohinkakaku のうひんかかく |
cost price |
紙包飲品 纸包饮品 see styles |
zhǐ bāo yǐn pǐn zhi3 bao1 yin3 pin3 chih pao yin p`in chih pao yin pin |
juice box; drink in a carton; Tetra Pak drink |
細細品味 细细品味 see styles |
xì xì pǐn wèi xi4 xi4 pin3 wei4 hsi hsi p`in wei hsi hsi pin wei |
to savor; to relish |
綠色食品 绿色食品 see styles |
lǜ sè shí pǐn lu:4 se4 shi2 pin3 lü se shih p`in lü se shih pin |
clean, unadulterated food product; organic food |
練り製品 see styles |
neriseihin / nerisehin ねりせいひん |
boiled fish-paste products |
耐久商品 see styles |
taikyuushouhin / taikyushohin たいきゅうしょうひん |
(See 耐久消費財) durable (consumer) goods |
耐薬品性 see styles |
taiyakuhinsei / taiyakuhinse たいやくひんせい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) chemical resistance; resistant to chemicals; chemical proof |
聯合品牌 联合品牌 see styles |
lián hé pǐn pái lian2 he2 pin3 pai2 lien ho p`in p`ai lien ho pin pai |
to cobrand |
膨化食品 see styles |
boukashokuhin / bokashokuhin ぼうかしょくひん |
puffed food |
自他利品 see styles |
zì tā lì pǐn zi4 ta1 li4 pin3 tzu t`a li p`in tzu ta li pin jitari hon |
Chapter on Benefits for Self and Others |
自有品牌 see styles |
zì yǒu pǐn pái zi4 you3 pin3 pai2 tzu yu p`in p`ai tzu yu pin pai |
private brand |
自然食品 see styles |
shizenshokuhin しぜんしょくひん |
natural foods; organic food |
自社製品 see styles |
jishaseihin / jishasehin じしゃせいひん |
in-house manufactured goods |
色情作品 see styles |
sè qíng zuò pǐn se4 qing2 zuo4 pin3 se ch`ing tso p`in se ching tso pin |
porn; pornographic material |
芸術作品 see styles |
geijutsusakuhin / gejutsusakuhin げいじゅつさくひん |
work of art; artwork; objet d'art |
薬品会社 see styles |
yakuhingaisha やくひんがいしゃ |
pharmaceutical company |
衍生產品 衍生产品 see styles |
yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn yan3 sheng1 chan3 pin3 yen sheng ch`an p`in yen sheng chan pin |
derivative product; derivative (in finance) |
衣料品店 see styles |
iryouhinten / iryohinten いりょうひんてん |
clothing store |
製品原価 see styles |
seihingenka / sehingenka せいひんげんか |
manufacturing cost |
製品回収 see styles |
seihinkaishuu / sehinkaishu せいひんかいしゅう |
recall (of goods); product recall |
製品戦略 see styles |
seihinsenryaku / sehinsenryaku せいひんせんりゃく |
product strategy |
見切り品 see styles |
mikirihin みきりひん |
bargain or clearance goods (esp. of imperfect produce) |
見寶塔品 见宝塔品 see styles |
jiàn bǎo tǎ pǐn jian4 bao3 ta3 pin3 chien pao t`a p`in chien pao ta pin Ken hōtō bon |
Chapter of the Vision of the Jeweled Pagoda |
見舞い品 see styles |
mimaihin みまいひん |
goods offered to a person in distress |
見返り品 see styles |
mikaerihin みかえりひん |
collateral security |
規格外品 see styles |
kikakugaihin きかくがいひん |
non-standard product; non-standard goods |
訳あり品 see styles |
wakearihin わけありひん |
imperfect product |
訳有り品 see styles |
wakearihin わけありひん |
imperfect product |
評頭品足 评头品足 see styles |
píng tóu pǐn zú ping2 tou2 pin3 zu2 p`ing t`ou p`in tsu ping tou pin tsu |
to make idle remarks about a woman's appearance (idiom) |
調理食品 调理食品 see styles |
tiáo lǐ shí pǐn tiao2 li3 shi2 pin3 t`iao li shih p`in tiao li shih pin |
precooked food |
諸煩惱品 诸烦恼品 see styles |
zhū fán nǎo pǐn zhu1 fan2 nao3 pin3 chu fan nao p`in chu fan nao pin sho bonnō hon |
hindrances of the afflictive category |
買い得品 see styles |
kaidokuhin かいどくひん |
good bargain |
質流れ品 see styles |
shichinagarehin しちながれひん |
unredeemed article; forfeited item |
軟中上品 软中上品 see styles |
ruǎn zhōng shàng pǐn ruan3 zhong1 shang4 pin3 juan chung shang p`in juan chung shang pin nan chū jō hon |
inferior, middling, and superior quality |
返品不可 see styles |
henpinfuka へんぴんふか |
(expression) no returns |
通信品質 see styles |
tsuushinhinshitsu / tsushinhinshitsu つうしんひんしつ |
{comp} communication quality |
通話品質 see styles |
tsuuwahinshitsu / tsuwahinshitsu つうわひんしつ |
(telephone) speech quality; sound quality; call quality |
道品調適 道品调适 see styles |
dào pǐn tiáo shì dao4 pin3 tiao2 shi4 tao p`in t`iao shih tao pin tiao shih dōhon jōshaku |
adjustment of the factors of enlightenment |
違禁藥品 违禁药品 see styles |
wéi jìn yào pǐn wei2 jin4 yao4 pin3 wei chin yao p`in wei chin yao pin |
illegal medicines |
遺品整理 see styles |
ihinseiri / ihinseri いひんせいり |
estate sale; estate liquidation |
部品番号 see styles |
buhinbangou / buhinbango ぶひんばんごう |
part number; PN |
酪農製品 see styles |
rakunouseihin / rakunosehin らくのうせいひん |
dairy produce |
酸性食品 see styles |
sanseishokuhin / sanseshokuhin さんせいしょくひん |
acid(ic) foods |
金融商品 see styles |
kinyuushouhin / kinyushohin きんゆうしょうひん |
financial products; financial instruments |
鉄鋼製品 see styles |
tekkouseihin / tekkosehin てっこうせいひん |
steel manufactures; steel products; articles of iron or steel |
関連商品 see styles |
kanrenshouhin / kanrenshohin かんれんしょうひん |
related product |
関連製品 see styles |
kanrenseihin / kanrensehin かんれんせいひん |
{comp} related product; related products |
阿品台北 see styles |
ajinadaikita あじなだいきた |
(place-name) Ajinadaikita |
阿品台東 see styles |
ajinadaihigashi あじなだいひがし |
(place-name) Ajinadaihigashi |
阿品台西 see styles |
ajinadainishi あじなだいにし |
(place-name) Ajinadainishi |
阿品東駅 see styles |
ajinahigashieki あじなひがしえき |
(st) Ajinahigashi Station |
阿拖品化 see styles |
ā tuō pǐn huà a1 tuo1 pin3 hua4 a t`o p`in hua a to pin hua |
atropinization |
阿蘇品蔵 see styles |
asoshinaosamu あそしなおさむ |
(person) Asoshina Osamu |
雛形產品 雏形产品 see styles |
chú xíng chǎn pǐn chu2 xing2 chan3 pin3 ch`u hsing ch`an p`in chu hsing chan pin |
prototype |
電化製品 see styles |
denkaseihin / denkasehin でんかせいひん |
electrical appliances |
電子部品 see styles |
denshibuhin でんしぶひん |
electronic parts; electronic components |
電気製品 see styles |
denkiseihin / denkisehin でんきせいひん |
electronic goods |
非課税品 see styles |
hikazeihin / hikazehin ひかぜいひん |
tax-free article; non-taxable goods |
類似製品 see styles |
ruijiseihin / ruijisehin るいじせいひん |
{comp} lookalike (product) |
食品ロス see styles |
shokuhinrosu しょくひんロス |
food waste |
食品中毒 see styles |
shokuhinchuudoku / shokuhinchudoku しょくひんちゅうどく |
(rare) (See 食中毒) food poisoning |
食品会社 see styles |
shokuhingaisha しょくひんがいしゃ |
(See 食品メーカー) food company |
食品偽装 see styles |
shokuhingisou / shokuhingiso しょくひんぎそう |
mislabelling of food (e.g. expiry date, country of origin, etc.); food fraud |
食品公害 see styles |
shokuhinkougai / shokuhinkogai しょくひんこうがい |
food contamination; pollution of food products |
食品化学 see styles |
shokuhinkagaku しょくひんかがく |
food chemistry |
食品団地 see styles |
shokuhindanchi しょくひんだんち |
(place-name) Shokuhindanchi |
食品工場 see styles |
shokuhinkoujou / shokuhinkojo しょくひんこうじょう |
(place-name) Shokuhin Factory |
食品工業 see styles |
shokuhinkougyou / shokuhinkogyo しょくひんこうぎょう |
food industry |
食品玩具 see styles |
shokuhingangu しょくひんがんぐ |
(See 食玩) small toy included with food |
食品衛生 see styles |
shokuhineisei / shokuhinese しょくひんえいせい |
food hygiene |
食品表示 see styles |
shokuhinhyouji / shokuhinhyoji しょくひんひょうじ |
food labeling; food labelling |
食品連盟 see styles |
shokuhinrenmei / shokuhinrenme しょくひんれんめい |
(o) Associated British Foods |
食料品商 see styles |
shokuryouhinshou / shokuryohinsho しょくりょうひんしょう |
grocery store |
食料品店 see styles |
shokuryouhinten / shokuryohinten しょくりょうひんてん |
grocer; grocery store |
飲食料品 see styles |
inshokuryouhin / inshokuryohin いんしょくりょうひん |
food and beverage |
骨董品屋 see styles |
kottouhinya / kottohinya こっとうひんや |
(See 骨董品) antique shop |
骨董品店 see styles |
kottouhinten / kottohinten こっとうひんてん |
antique store; curio store |
麻醉藥品 麻醉药品 see styles |
má zuì yào pǐn ma2 zui4 yao4 pin3 ma tsui yao p`in ma tsui yao pin |
narcotic |
黑心食品 see styles |
hēi xīn shí pǐn hei1 xin1 shi2 pin3 hei hsin shih p`in hei hsin shih pin |
contaminated food product unscrupulously marketed as wholesome |
Variations: |
shinajina しなじな |
(1) various articles; various items; (2) various kinds |
品井沼大橋 see styles |
shinainumaoohashi しないぬまおおはし |
(place-name) Shinainumaoohashi |
品川弥二郎 see styles |
shinagawayajirou / shinagawayajiro しながわやじろう |
(person) Shinagawa Yajirō (1843-1900) |
Variations: |
beppin べっぴん |
(1) (kana only) (ksb:) beautiful woman; pretty girl; (2) (別品 only) high-quality goods; special article |
Variations: |
zouhin / zohin ぞうひん |
(See 贓物) stolen goods |
ぜいたく品 see styles |
zeitakuhin / zetakuhin ぜいたくひん |
luxury item |
わけあり品 see styles |
wakearihin わけありひん |
imperfect product |
アート作品 see styles |
aatosakuhin / atosakuhin アートさくひん |
work of art; piece of art; art piece |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "品" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.