There are 10754 total results for your 木 search. I have created 108 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...100101102103104105106107108>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
深草稲荷榎木橋町 see styles |
fukakusainarienokibashichou / fukakusainarienokibashicho ふかくさいなりえのきばしちょう |
(place-name) Fukakusainarienokibashichō |
猿も木から落ちる see styles |
sarumokikaraochiru さるもきからおちる |
More info & calligraphy: Even Monkeys Fall From Trees |
羽黒山のスギ並木 see styles |
hagurosannosuginamiki はぐろさんのスギなみき |
(place-name) Hagurosannosuginamiki |
肥田浅野梅ノ木町 see styles |
hidaasanoumenokichou / hidasanomenokicho ひだあさのうめのきちょう |
(place-name) Hidaasanoumenokichō |
花は桜木人は武士 see styles |
hanahasakuragihitohabushi はなはさくらぎひとはぶし |
(expression) (proverb) the best flowers are the cherry blossoms, the best individuals are the samurai; as the cherry blossom is first among flowers, so is the samurai first among men |
茨木国際ゴルフ場 see styles |
ibarakikokusaigorufujou / ibarakikokusaigorufujo いばらきこくさいゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Ibarakikokusai Golf Links |
茨木高原ゴルフ場 see styles |
ibarakikougengorufujou / ibarakikogengorufujo いばらきこうげんゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Ibarakikougen Golf Links |
草木国土悉皆成仏 see styles |
soumokukokudoshikkaijoubutsu / somokukokudoshikkaijobutsu そうもくこくどしっかいじょうぶつ |
(expression) {Buddh} (from Nirvana sutra) (See 大般涅槃経) all things have the Buddha nature |
荒河かしの木台駅 see styles |
aragakashinokidaieki あらがかしのきだいえき |
(st) Aragakashinokidai Station |
西材木岩トンネル see styles |
nishizaimokuiwatonneru にしざいもくいわトンネル |
(place-name) Nishizaimokuiwa Tunnel |
鈴木コルゲン宏昌 see styles |
suzukikorugenhiromasa すずきコルゲンひろまさ |
(person) Suzuki Korugen Hiromasa |
青木島町青木島乙 see styles |
aokijimamachiaokijimaotsu あおきじままちあおきじまおつ |
(place-name) Aokijimamachiaokijimaotsu |
青木島町青木島甲 see styles |
aokijimamachiaokijimakou / aokijimamachiaokijimako あおきじままちあおきじまこう |
(place-name) Aokijimamachiaokijimakou |
木瓜(ateji) see styles |
mokkou; mokou / mokko; moko もっこう; もこう |
(1) (archaism) family crest based on a japonica flower; (2) (archaism) (See 常磐津・ときわず) style of jōruri narrative used for kabuki dances |
Variations: |
mokuhan もくはん |
wood-block printing; wood engraving |
Variations: |
mokurou / mokuro もくろう |
vegetable wax; Japan wax; sumac wax |
Variations: |
kibori きぼり |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) wood carving; woodcraft |
Variations: |
kitataki; kitataki きたたき; キタタキ |
(kana only) white-bellied woodpecker (Dryocopus javensis) |
Variations: |
dekunobou / dekunobo でくのぼう |
(exp,n) (1) doll; puppet; (exp,n) (2) blockhead; idiot; useless person; good-for-nothing |
Variations: |
mokuseishida(木生shida); mokuseishida(木生羊歯) / mokuseshida(木生shida); mokuseshida(木生羊歯) もくせいシダ(木生シダ); もくせいしだ(木生羊歯) |
tree fern |
木に縁って魚を求む see styles |
kiniyotteuoomotomu きによってうおをもとむ |
(expression) (idiom) (from Mencius) (See 木に縁りて魚を求む・きによりてうおをもとむ) to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method; to ask for the impossible; to look for fish by climbing a tree |
木に縁りて魚を求む see styles |
kiniyoriteuoomotomu きによりてうおをもとむ |
(expression) (idiom) (from Mencius) to be unable to accomplish something because one has chosen the wrong method; to ask for the impossible; to look for fish by climbing a tree |
木を隠すなら森の中 see styles |
kiokakusunaramorinonaka きをかくすならもりのなか |
(expression) (proverb) if you want to hide a tree, the best place is a forest |
木曽駒高原ゴルフ場 see styles |
kisokomakougengorufujou / kisokomakogengorufujo きそこまこうげんゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Kisokomakougen golf links |
木村護郎クリストフ see styles |
kimuragoroukurisutofu / kimuragorokurisutofu きむらごろうクリストフ |
(person) Kimura Gorou Kurisutofu |
Variations: |
kisasage; kisasage きささげ; キササゲ |
(kana only) yellow catalpa (Catalpa ovata); Chinese catalpa |
Variations: |
hinoki; hi(檜, 桧)(ok); hinoki ひのき; ひ(檜, 桧)(ok); ヒノキ |
(kana only) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa); Japanese cypress |
Variations: |
kojiri こじり |
(1) (鐺, 璫, 小尻 only) (ornamental) tip of a scabbard; (2) (鐺, 璫, 木尻 only) bottom of a bargeboard or cantilever |
Variations: |
bokutotsu ぼくとつ |
(adjectival noun) unsophisticated; ruggedly honest; artless; unaffected; simple; naive |
Variations: |
doronoki(泥no木, 白楊); doroyanagi(泥柳, 白楊); doronoki; doroyanagi どろのき(泥の木, 白楊); どろやなぎ(泥柳, 白楊); ドロノキ; ドロヤナギ |
(kana only) Japanese poplar (Populus maximowiczii) |
Variations: |
kanboku かんぼく |
bush; shrub |
Variations: |
bashoukajiki; bashoukajiki / bashokajiki; bashokajiki ばしょうかじき; バショウカジキ |
(kana only) Indo-Pacific sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) |
Variations: |
suzukakenoki; suzukakenoki すずかけのき; スズカケノキ |
(See プラタナス) plane tree (esp. the Oriental plane, Platanus orientalis) |
Variations: |
gangiyasuri がんぎやすり |
zigzag rasp |
アメリカ大木葉木菟 see styles |
amerikaookonohazuku; amerikaookonohazuku アメリカおおこのはずく; アメリカオオコノハズク |
(kana only) screech owl (Otus asio) |
モンテカルロ木探索 see styles |
montekarurokitansaku モンテカルロきたんさく |
{comp} (See 木探索・きたんさく) Monte Carlo tree search |
三木よかわゴルフ場 see styles |
mikiyokawagorufujou / mikiyokawagorufujo みきよかわゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Mikiyokawa Golf Links |
上鳥羽塔ノ森梅ノ木 see styles |
kamitobatounomoriumenoki / kamitobatonomoriumenoki かみとばとうのもりうめのき |
(place-name) Kamitobatounomoriumenoki |
二十世紀が丘柿の木 see styles |
nijusseikigaokakakinoki / nijussekigaokakakinoki にじゅっせいきがおかかきのき |
(place-name) Nijusseikigaokakakinoki |
人生一世,草木一春 see styles |
rén shēng yī shì , cǎo mù yī chūn ren2 sheng1 yi1 shi4 , cao3 mu4 yi1 chun1 jen sheng i shih , ts`ao mu i ch`un jen sheng i shih , tsao mu i chun |
Man has but one life, grass but one spring (idiom). fig. the brevity of human existence |
伊尾木洞のシダ群落 see styles |
iokidounoshidagunraku / iokidonoshidagunraku いおきどうのシダぐんらく |
(place-name) Iokidounoshidagunraku |
八木・宇田アンテナ see styles |
yagi udaantena / yagi udantena やぎ・うだアンテナ |
Yagi-Uda antenna |
十年樹木,百年樹人 十年树木,百年树人 see styles |
shí nián shù mù , bǎi nián shù rén shi2 nian2 shu4 mu4 , bai3 nian2 shu4 ren2 shih nien shu mu , pai nien shu jen |
(idiom) it takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to cultivate people |
厚木自動車部品工場 see styles |
atsugijidoushabuhinkoujou / atsugijidoshabuhinkojo あつぎじどうしゃぶひんこうじょう |
(place-name) Atsugijidoushabuhin Factory |
守株待兔,緣木求魚 守株待兔,缘木求鱼 see styles |
shǒu zhū dài tù , yuán mù qiú yú shou3 zhu1 dai4 tu4 , yuan2 mu4 qiu2 yu2 shou chu tai t`u , yüan mu ch`iu yü shou chu tai tu , yüan mu chiu yü |
to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits, and climb a tree to catch fish (idiom); without any practical course of action |
安中原市のスギ並木 see styles |
annakaharaichinosuginamiki あんなかはらいちのスギなみき |
(place-name) Annakaharaichinosuginamiki |
尾崎小ミカン先祖木 see styles |
ozakikomikansensogi おざきこミカンせんそぎ |
(place-name) Ozakikomikansensogi |
嵯峨釈迦堂藤ノ木町 see styles |
sagashakadoufujinokichou / sagashakadofujinokicho さがしゃかどうふじのきちょう |
(place-name) Sagashakadoufujinokichō |
日本曹達二本木工場 see styles |
nihonsoudanihongikoujou / nihonsodanihongikojo にほんそうだにほんぎこうじょう |
(place-name) Nihonsoudanihongi Factory |
枯れ木も山の賑わい see styles |
karekimoyamanonigiwai かれきもやまのにぎわい |
(expression) (proverb) half a loaf is better than none; even a dead tree adds to the interest of a mountain |
横大路三栖木下屋敷 see styles |
yokooojimisukinoshitayashiki よこおおじみすきのしたやしき |
(place-name) Yokooojimisukinoshitayashiki |
草木も眠る丑三つ時 see styles |
kusakimonemuruushimitsudoki / kusakimonemurushimitsudoki くさきもねむるうしみつどき |
(exp,n) (idiom) dead of night (when even the trees and plants sleep) |
西大道町八瀬の木前 see styles |
nishidaidouchouyasenokimae / nishidaidochoyasenokimae にしだいどうちょうやせのきまえ |
(place-name) Nishidaidouchōyasenokimae |
飛騨木曽川国定公園 see styles |
hidakisogawakokuteikouen / hidakisogawakokutekoen ひだきそがわこくていこうえん |
(place-name) Hida-Kisogawa Quasi-National Park |
Variations: |
kizukuri きづくり |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (See 木造・もくぞう) wood construction; woodworking; (2) (archaism) gardener |
Variations: |
kinomi(p); konomi きのみ(P); このみ |
fruit of a tree; nut; berry |
Variations: |
kibera(木bera, 木箆); kibera(木bera) きべら(木べら, 木箆); きベラ(木ベラ) |
wooden spatula |
Variations: |
koppayakunin こっぱやくにん |
(yoji) petty (minor) official (derogatory term) |
Variations: |
kinomezuke; konomezuke きのめづけ; このめづけ |
{food} pickled buds of chocolate vine, Japanese pepper tree, etc. |
Variations: |
kiborishokunin きぼりしょくにん |
(See 木彫師) woodcarver |
Variations: |
kinoboritokage; kinoboritokage きのぼりとかげ; キノボリトカゲ |
(kana only) Ryukyu tree lizard (Japalura polygonata) |
Variations: |
kimekomibina きめこみびな |
(See 木目込人形) kimekomi doll |
木下ユリエアリーシア see styles |
kinoshitayurieariishia / kinoshitayuriearishia きのしたユリエアリーシア |
(person) Kinoshita Yurie Ari-shia |
Variations: |
kokera こけら |
(1) chopped wood; wood chips; (2) (abbreviation) (See こけら板) thin shingles |
Variations: |
maki; maki まき; マキ |
(kana only) (See 犬槙) yew plum pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus) |
Variations: |
urinoki; urinoki うりのき; ウリノキ |
(kana only) Alangium platanifolium var. trilobum |
Variations: |
oiki おいき |
ancient tree; old tree |
Variations: |
moegi もえぎ |
young tree sprouts; young tree buds |
Variations: |
hazenoki; haze(黄櫨, 櫨); haji(黄櫨, 櫨); kouro(黄櫨); hanishi(黄櫨)(ok); hazenoki; haze / hazenoki; haze(黄櫨, 櫨); haji(黄櫨, 櫨); koro(黄櫨); hanishi(黄櫨)(ok); hazenoki; haze はぜのき; はぜ(黄櫨, 櫨); はじ(黄櫨, 櫨); こうろ(黄櫨); はにし(黄櫨)(ok); ハゼノキ; ハゼ |
(kana only) wax tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum); Japanese wax tree |
Variations: |
tsukegi つけぎ |
thin strip of wood smeared with sulfur, used to light a fire |
Variations: |
yadorigi やどりぎ |
(1) mistletoe (esp. European mistletoe, Viscum album); (2) parasitic plant |
Variations: |
sashiki さしき |
(noun/participle) cutting; planting (a cutting) |
Variations: |
soegi そえぎ |
(1) {med} (See 副木・ふくぼく) splint; brace; epithesis; (2) (See 支柱・しちゅう) splice; support (e.g. for a plant); prop |
Variations: |
yosegizaiku よせぎざいく |
wooden mosaic work; parquetry; wooden mosaic (e.g. on a piece of furniture); marquetry; marqueterie |
Variations: |
budounoki(葡萄no木); budounoki(budouno木) / budonoki(葡萄no木); budonoki(budono木) ぶどうのき(葡萄の木); ブドウのき(ブドウの木) |
grapevine |
那木巴爾·恩赫巴亞爾 那木巴尔·恩赫巴亚尔 see styles |
nǎ mù bā ěr · ēn hè bā yà ěr na3 mu4 ba1 er3 · en1 he4 ba1 ya4 er3 na mu pa erh · en ho pa ya erh |
Nambaryn Enkhbayar (1958-), Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party politician, president of Mongolia 2005-2009 |
シュミット村木真寿美 see styles |
shumittomurakimasumi シュミットむらきますみ |
(person) Shumitto Muraki Masumi |
三木町文化交流プラザ see styles |
mikichoubunkakouryuupuraza / mikichobunkakoryupuraza みきちょうぶんかこうりゅうプラザ |
(place-name) Miki-cho Cultural Exchange Plaza |
二十世紀が丘柿の木町 see styles |
nijusseikigaokakakinokichou / nijussekigaokakakinokicho にじゅっせいきがおかかきのきちょう |
(place-name) Nijusseikigaokakakinokichō |
佐伯区五日市町藤の木 see styles |
saekikuitsukaichichoufujinoki / saekikuitsukaichichofujinoki さえきくいつかいちちょうふじのき |
(place-name) Saekikuitsukaichichōfujinoki |
国際建築木工労組連盟 see styles |
kokusaikenchikumokkourousorenmei / kokusaikenchikumokkorosorenme こくさいけんちくもっこうろうそれんめい |
(o) International Federation of Building and Woodworkers |
奥多々良木地下発電所 see styles |
okutataragichikahatsudensho おくたたらぎちかはつでんしょ |
(place-name) Okutataragi Undergound Power Station |
日本木工機械協同組合 see styles |
nipponmokkoukikaikyoudoukumiai / nipponmokkokikaikyodokumiai にっぽんもっこうきかいきょうどうくみあい |
(org) Japan Woodworking Machinery Cooperative Association; (o) Japan Woodworking Machinery Cooperative Association |
本木にまさる末木なし see styles |
motokinimasaruurakinashi / motokinimasarurakinashi もときにまさるうらきなし |
(expression) (obscure) try though one might, it's impossible to replace one's first love |
横大路三栖木下屋敷町 see styles |
yokooojimisukinoshitayashikichou / yokooojimisukinoshitayashikicho よこおおじみすきのしたやしきちょう |
(place-name) Yokooojimisukinoshitayashikichō |
津軽岩木スカイライン see styles |
tsugaruiwakisukairain つがるいわきスカイライン |
(place-name) Tsugaruiwaki Skyline |
良禽は木を択んで棲む see styles |
ryoukinhakioerandesumu / ryokinhakioerandesumu りょうきんはきをえらんですむ |
(exp,v5m) (proverb) a wise retainer chooses a great lord to serve; a wise bird chooses a good tree in which to roost |
裏の木戸はあいている see styles |
uranokidohaaiteiru / uranokidohaiteru うらのきどはあいている |
(personal name) Uranokidohaaiteiru |
豚も煽てりゃ木に登る see styles |
butamoodateryakininoboru ぶたもおだてりゃきにのぼる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) even those of low ability can outdo themselves when flattered |
農林水産省林木育種場 see styles |
nourinsuisanshourinbokuikushujou / norinsuisanshorinbokuikushujo のうりんすいさんしょうりんぼくいくしゅじょう |
(o) Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Forest Tree Breeding Institute |
馬場大門のケヤキ並木 see styles |
babadaimonnokeyakinamiki ばばだいもんのケヤキなみき |
(place-name) Babadaimonnokeyakinamiki |
Variations: |
kiyari きやり |
workmen's chant while pulling a heavy load |
Variations: |
kibasami きばさみ |
pruning shears |
Variations: |
kikori; shoufu(樵夫) / kikori; shofu(樵夫) きこり; しょうふ(樵夫) |
woodcutter; lumberjack; logger |
Variations: |
mimizuku(木菟, 角鴟, 鴟鵂); mimizuku(木菟, 角鴟, 鴟鵂); zuku(木菟); tsuku(木菟, 木兎)(ok); mimizuku みみずく(木菟, 角鴟, 鴟鵂); みみづく(木菟, 角鴟, 鴟鵂); ずく(木菟); つく(木菟, 木兎)(ok); ミミズク |
(kana only) horned owl |
Variations: |
mokuneji もくねじ |
wood screw |
木の葉を隠すなら森の中 see styles |
konohaokakusunaramorinonaka このはをかくすならもりのなか |
(expression) (proverb) if you want to hide a leaf, the best place is a forest |
烏魯木斉(ateji) see styles |
urumuchi ウルムチ |
(kana only) Ürümqi (China) |
Variations: |
tochigiken とちぎけん |
Tochigi Prefecture (Kanto area) |
Variations: |
araki あらき |
logs in bark; rough wood; unseasoned timber; new lumber |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "木" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.