There are 2157 total results for your 赤 search. I have created 22 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
赤胸鶇 赤胸鸫 see styles |
chì xiōng dōng chi4 xiong1 dong1 ch`ih hsiung tung chih hsiung tung |
(bird species of China) brown-headed thrush (Turdus chrysolaus) |
赤腹鷹 赤腹鹰 see styles |
chì fù yīng chi4 fu4 ying1 ch`ih fu ying chih fu ying akaharadaka; akaharadaka あかはらだか; アカハラダカ |
(bird species of China) Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis) (kana only) Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis); gray frog hawk; grey frog hawk |
赤膀鴨 赤膀鸭 see styles |
chì bǎng yā chi4 bang3 ya1 ch`ih pang ya chih pang ya |
(bird species of China) gadwall (Mareca strepera) |
赤膚町 see styles |
akahadachou / akahadacho あかはだちょう |
(place-name) Akahadachō |
赤舌鮃 see styles |
akashitabirame; akashitabirame あかしたびらめ; アカシタビラメ |
(kana only) red tonguesole (Cynoglossus joyneri) |
赤良井 see styles |
akarai あからい |
(place-name) Akarai |
赤色灯 see styles |
sekishokutou / sekishokuto せきしょくとう |
red light (esp. on emergency vehicles) |
赤芝峡 see styles |
akashibakyou / akashibakyo あかしばきょう |
(place-name) Akashibakyō |
赤芝川 see styles |
akashibagawa あかしばがわ |
(place-name) Akashibagawa |
赤芝橋 see styles |
akashibabashi あかしばばし |
(place-name) Akashibabashi |
赤芝沢 see styles |
akashibazawa あかしばざわ |
(place-name) Akashibazawa |
赤芝町 see styles |
akashibamachi あかしばまち |
(place-name) Akashibamachi |
赤花川 see styles |
akabanagawa あかばながわ |
(place-name) Akabanagawa |
赤花樹 赤花树 see styles |
chì huā shù chi4 hua1 shu4 ch`ih hua shu chih hua shu shakukeju |
breadfruit tree |
赤花町 see styles |
akabanachou / akabanacho あかばなちょう |
(place-name) Akabanachō |
赤芽柏 see styles |
akamegashiwa; akamegashiwa あかめがしわ; アカメガシワ |
(1) Japanese mallotus (Mallotus japonicus); (2) mallotus bark (herbal medicine) |
赤芽球 see styles |
sekigakyuu / sekigakyu せきがきゅう |
(See 赤血球) erythroblast (immature nucleate erythrocyte) |
赤芽芋 see styles |
akameimo; akameimo / akamemo; akamemo あかめいも; アカメイモ |
(kana only) type of taro originally from Sulawesi, has large tubers with red eyes |
赤苦津 see styles |
akagutsu あかぐつ |
(kana only) starry handfish (Halieutaea stellata) |
赤茂上 see styles |
akamokami あかもかみ |
(place-name) Akamokami |
赤茂下 see styles |
akamoshimo あかもしも |
(place-name) Akamoshimo |
赤茄子 see styles |
akanasu あかなす |
(1) Chinese scarlet eggplant (Solanum integrifolium); tomato-fruit eggplant; (2) (See トマト) tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) |
赤茶色 see styles |
akachairo あかちゃいろ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) reddish brown |
赤荒峠 see styles |
akaaretouge / akaretoge あかあれとうげ |
(personal name) Akaaretōge |
赤荷沢 see styles |
akanizawa あかにざわ |
(place-name) Akanizawa |
赤葉島 see styles |
akabashima あかばしま |
(personal name) Akabashima |
赤葉恵 see styles |
akabae あかばえ |
(place-name) Akabae |
赤蓮華 赤莲华 see styles |
chì lián huá chi4 lian2 hua2 ch`ih lien hua chih lien hua shaku renge |
a red lotus flower |
赤蔵山 see styles |
akakurayama あかくらやま |
(personal name) Akakurayama |
赤薔薇 see styles |
arisu ありす |
(female given name) Arisu |
赤薙山 see styles |
akanagisan あかなぎさん |
(personal name) Akanagisan |
赤薙沢 see styles |
akanagisawa あかなぎさわ |
(place-name) Akanagisawa |
赤薮山 see styles |
akayabuyama あかやぶやま |
(place-name) Akayabuyama |
赤藪山 see styles |
akayabuyama あかやぶやま |
(personal name) Akayabuyama |
赤藻屑 see styles |
akamoku; akamoku あかもく; アカモク |
(kana only) devil weed (Sargassum horneri) |
赤蘚醇 赤藓醇 see styles |
chì xiǎn chún chi4 xian3 chun2 ch`ih hsien ch`un chih hsien chun |
erythritol, a sugar alcohol |
赤蜻蛉 see styles |
akatonbo あかとんぼ |
(1) (kana only) (small) red dragonfly; (2) darter (dragonfly of genus Sympetrum, esp. the autumn darter, Sympetrum frequens) |
赤血球 see styles |
sekkekkyuu / sekkekkyu せっけっきゅう |
red blood cell; erythrocyte |
赤行嚢 see styles |
akakounou / akakono あかこうのう |
(archaism) red mail bag |
赤衛軍 赤卫军 see styles |
chì wèi jun chi4 wei4 jun1 ch`ih wei chün chih wei chün |
Red Guards |
赤衛隊 赤卫队 see styles |
chì wèi duì chi4 wei4 dui4 ch`ih wei tui chih wei tui |
Red Guards |
赤裸々 see styles |
sekirara せきらら |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) nakedness; nudity; (2) frankness |
赤裸裸 see styles |
chì luǒ luǒ chi4 luo3 luo3 ch`ih lo lo chih lo lo sekirara せきらら |
bare; naked; (fig.) plain; undisguised; unadorned (noun or adjectival noun) (1) nakedness; nudity; (2) frankness |
赤褐色 see styles |
chì hè sè chi4 he4 se4 ch`ih ho se chih ho se sekkasshoku せっかっしょく |
russet; reddish brown (noun - becomes adjective with の) reddish brown; rufous |
赤西仁 see styles |
akanishijin あかにしじん |
(person) Akanishi Jin (1984.7.4-) |
赤西川 see styles |
akasaigawa あかさいがわ |
(place-name) Akasaigawa |
赤見内 see styles |
akaminai あかみない |
(surname) Akaminai |
赤見台 see styles |
akamidai あかみだい |
(place-name) Akamidai |
赤見坂 see styles |
akamizaka あかみざか |
(surname) Akamizaka |
赤見町 see styles |
akamichou / akamicho あかみちょう |
(place-name) Akamichō |
赤谷上 see styles |
akadanikami あかだにかみ |
(place-name) Akadanikami |
赤谷下 see styles |
akadanishimo あかだにしも |
(place-name) Akadanishimo |
赤谷地 see styles |
akayachi あかやち |
(place-name) Akayachi |
赤谷山 see styles |
akadaniyama あかだにやま |
(personal name) Akadaniyama |
赤谷川 see styles |
akayagawa あかやがわ |
(personal name) Akayagawa |
赤谷平 see styles |
akayabira あかやびら |
(place-name) Akayabira |
赤谷戸 see styles |
akagaito あかがいと |
(place-name) Akagaito |
赤谷沢 see styles |
akatanisawa あかたにさわ |
(place-name) Akatanisawa |
赤谷湖 see styles |
akayako あかやこ |
(personal name) Akayako |
赤谷線 see styles |
akatanisen あかたにせん |
(personal name) Akatanisen |
赤谷越 see styles |
akayakoshi あかやこし |
(personal name) Akayakoshi |
赤貝又 see styles |
akagaimata あかがいまた |
(place-name) Akagaimata |
赤足鷸 see styles |
akaashishigi; akaashishigi / akashishigi; akashishigi あかあししぎ; アカアシシギ |
(kana only) common redshank (Tringa totanus) |
赤身肉 see styles |
akaminiku あかみにく |
red meat; reddish meat |
赤身魚 see styles |
akamizakana あかみざかな |
fish having red flesh (e.g. maguro, katsuo, saba, iwashi) |
赤迫区 see styles |
akasakoku あかさこく |
(place-name) Akasakoku |
赤迫池 see styles |
akasakonoike あかさこのいけ |
(place-name) Akasakonoike |
赤這沢 see styles |
akabaizawa あかばいざわ |
(place-name) Akabaizawa |
赤道儀 赤道仪 see styles |
chì dào yí chi4 dao4 yi2 ch`ih tao i chih tao i sekidougi / sekidogi せきどうぎ |
equatorial mount (for a telescope) equatorial telescope |
赤道祭 see styles |
sekidousai / sekidosai せきどうさい |
ceremony to celebrate crossing the equator |
赤酸塊 see styles |
akasuguri あかすぐり |
redcurrant (Ribes rubrum); red currant |
赤酸漿 see styles |
akakagachi あかかがち |
(archaism) (See 酸漿・1) winter cherry (Physalis alkekengi) |
赤重町 see styles |
akashigechou / akashigecho あかしげちょう |
(place-name) Akashigechō |
赤野上 see styles |
akanokami あかのかみ |
(place-name) Akanokami |
赤野下 see styles |
akanoshimo あかのしも |
(place-name) Akanoshimo |
赤野乙 see styles |
akanootsu あかのおつ |
(place-name) Akanootsu |
赤野井 see styles |
akanoi あかのい |
(place-name) Akanoi |
赤野俣 see styles |
akanomata あかのまた |
(place-name) Akanomata |
赤野地 see styles |
akanji あかんじ |
(place-name) Akanji |
赤野島 see styles |
akanojima あかのじま |
(personal name) Akanojima |
赤野川 see styles |
akanogawa あかのがわ |
(personal name) Akanogawa |
赤野田 see styles |
akanoda あかのだ |
(place-name) Akanoda |
赤野甲 see styles |
akanokou / akanoko あかのこう |
(place-name) Akanokou |
赤野間 see styles |
akanoma あかのま |
(surname) Akanoma |
赤野駅 see styles |
akanoeki あかのえき |
(st) Akano Station |
赤金鉱 see styles |
akaganekou / akaganeko あかがねこう |
{geol} akaganeite |
赤鉄鉱 see styles |
sekitekkou / sekitekko せきてっこう |
hematite |
赤銅色 see styles |
shakudouiro / shakudoiro しゃくどういろ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) brown; tan |
赤銅鉱 see styles |
sekidoukou / sekidoko せきどうこう |
cuprite; red copper; red copper ore |
赤鐵礦 赤铁矿 see styles |
chì tiě kuàng chi4 tie3 kuang4 ch`ih t`ieh k`uang chih tieh kuang |
hematite (red iron ore); ferric oxide Fe2O3 |
赤門町 see styles |
akamonchou / akamoncho あかもんちょう |
(place-name) Akamonchō |
赤間剛 see styles |
akamagou / akamago あかまごう |
(person) Akama Gou (1945-) |
赤間川 see styles |
akamagawa あかまがわ |
(place-name) Akamagawa |
赤間田 see styles |
akamada あかまだ |
(surname) Akamada |
赤間町 see styles |
akamachou / akamacho あかまちょう |
(place-name) Akamachō |
赤間立 see styles |
akamadachi あかまだち |
(place-name) Akamadachi |
赤間駅 see styles |
akamaeki あかまえき |
(st) Akama Station |
赤阪谷 see styles |
akasakaya あかさかや |
(surname) Akasakaya |
赤雁町 see styles |
akagarichou / akagaricho あかがりちょう |
(place-name) Akagarichō |
赤離島 see styles |
akabanarijima あかばなりじま |
(personal name) Akabanarijima |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "赤" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.