There are 1517 total results for your 回 search. I have created 16 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<10111213141516>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
kaisen かいせん |
lighter; (small) cargo vessel |
Variations: |
kaichuu; kaichuu / kaichu; kaichu かいちゅう; カイチュウ |
roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides); mawworm; intestinal worm |
Variations: |
kaiyuu / kaiyu かいゆう |
(noun/participle) (1) (回遊 only) excursion; round trip; (noun/participle) (2) seasonal migration (of fish, etc.) |
Variations: |
kaisetsu かいせつ |
(1) snow whirling in the wind; (2) (archaism) skillful twirling motion of sleeves while dancing |
Variations: |
kaikotsu かいこつ |
(rare) Uighur; Uigur; Uygur |
回し引き鋸 see styles |
mawashibikinokogiri まわしびきのこぎり |
bracket saw; sabre saw; saber saw |
回りくどい see styles |
mawarikudoi まわりくどい |
(adjective) circuitous; roundabout; indirect |
回り合わせ see styles |
mawariawase まわりあわせ |
turn of fortune; twist of fate |
回を重ねる see styles |
kaiokasaneru かいをかさねる |
(exp,v1) to advance (as of a baseball game); to repeat |
回家吃自己 see styles |
huí jiā chī zì jǐ hui2 jia1 chi1 zi4 ji3 hui chia ch`ih tzu chi hui chia chih tzu chi |
(coll.) (Tw) to get sacked; to be fired |
回帰テスト see styles |
kaikitesuto かいきテスト |
{comp} regression test |
回帰モデル see styles |
kaikimoderu かいきモデル |
regression model |
回復不可能 see styles |
kaifukufukanou / kaifukufukano かいふくふかのう |
(noun or adjectival noun) non-recoverable; unrecoverable; irreparable; irreversible; irretrievable |
回復用情報 see styles |
kaifukuyoujouhou / kaifukuyojoho かいふくようじょうほう |
{comp} docket |
回想シーン see styles |
kaisoushiin / kaisoshin かいそうシーン |
flashback |
回旋加速器 see styles |
huí xuán jiā sù qì hui2 xuan2 jia1 su4 qi4 hui hsüan chia su ch`i hui hsüan chia su chi |
cyclotron (particle accelerator) |
回答選択肢 see styles |
kaitousentakushi / kaitosentakushi かいとうせんたくし |
answer choices (e.g. for a questionnaire); answer frame |
回線レート see styles |
kaisenreeto かいせんレート |
{comp} line rate |
回線使用料 see styles |
kaisenshiyouryou / kaisenshiyoryo かいせんしようりょう |
connection fee; interconnection fees |
回路図記号 see styles |
kairozukigou / kairozukigo かいろずきごう |
{comp} schematic symbol |
回路遮断機 see styles |
kairoshadanki かいろしゃだんき |
circuit breaker |
回転変流機 see styles |
kaitenhenryuuki / kaitenhenryuki かいてんへんりゅうき |
rotary converter |
回転式弾倉 see styles |
kaitenshikidansou / kaitenshikidanso かいてんしきだんそう |
(See 回転弾倉) cylinder (of a revolver) |
回転式拳銃 see styles |
kaitenshikikenjuu / kaitenshikikenju かいてんしきけんじゅう |
(See リボルバー) revolver |
回転楕円体 see styles |
kaitendaentai かいてんだえんたい |
spheroid |
回転異性体 see styles |
kaiteniseitai / kaitenisetai かいてんいせいたい |
rotational isomer |
回転速度計 see styles |
kaitensokudokei / kaitensokudoke かいてんそくどけい |
(See タコメーター) tachometer; revolution counter |
回遊式庭園 see styles |
kaiyuushikiteien / kaiyushikiteen かいゆうしきていえん |
(See 座観式庭園,池泉回遊式) stroll garden with a central pond; large garden best enjoyed by walking around it |
回避性人格 see styles |
kaihiseijinkaku / kaihisejinkaku かいひせいじんかく |
avoidant personality |
Variations: |
teikai / tekai ていかい |
(noun/participle) going about immersed or absorbed; pacing back and forth meditatively; being deep in thought |
Variations: |
miru みる |
(Ichidan verb) (archaism) to go around |
Variations: |
ukai うかい |
(noun/participle) (1) detour; circumvention; (2) {mil} turning movement |
いじり回す see styles |
ijirimawasu いじりまわす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to tinker with; to fumble with; to twist up |
お鉢が回る see styles |
ohachigamawaru おはちがまわる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) one's turn comes round |
こまを回す see styles |
komaomawasu こまをまわす |
(exp,v5s) to spin a top |
せりふ回し see styles |
serifumawashi せりふまわし |
theatrical elocution |
たらい回し see styles |
taraimawashi たらいまわし |
(noun/participle) (1) acrobatic barrel-rolling (performed using the feet while lying on the back); (2) handing something around (within a fixed group of people in a pre-arranged order); (3) handing off a problem to someone else (in order to evade responsibility) |
ついて回る see styles |
tsuitemawaru ついてまわる |
(exp,v5r,vi) to follow around |
つきが回る see styles |
tsukigamawaru つきがまわる |
(exp,v5r) to have fortune come your way; to become lucky |
つつき回す see styles |
tsutsukimawasu つつきまわす |
(transitive verb) (kana only) to poke around |
ひねり回す see styles |
hinerimawasu ひねりまわす |
(transitive verb) to fiddle with; to play with |
もって回る see styles |
mottemawaru もってまわる |
(exp,v5r) (1) to carry around; (2) to be roundabout (speech, actions, etc.); to be indirect |
ろくろ回し see styles |
rokuromawashi ろくろまわし |
(1) shaping ceramics on a pottery wheel; spinning a pottery wheel; (2) (slang) (joc) gesticulating with your hands as if you were shaping ceramics on a pottery wheel |
アンド回路 see styles |
andokairo アンドかいろ |
(computer terminology) AND circuit |
エラー回復 see styles |
eraakaifuku / erakaifuku エラーかいふく |
{comp} error recovery |
ゲート回路 see styles |
geetokairo ゲートかいろ |
gate circuit |
ダイス回し see styles |
daisumawashi ダイスまわし |
(See ダイス・2) diestock; die handle |
ツケが回る see styles |
tsukegamawaru ツケがまわる |
(exp,v5r) (kana only) you'll have to pay for it; the bill will come due; there's no escaping |
データ回線 see styles |
deetakaisen データかいせん |
{comp} data-circuit |
トリガ回路 see styles |
torigakairo トリガかいろ |
{comp} trigger circuit |
ナンド回路 see styles |
nandokairo ナンドかいろ |
NAND circuit |
パルス回路 see styles |
parusukairo パルスかいろ |
pulse circuit |
リスク回避 see styles |
risukukaihi リスクかいひ |
risk aversion; risk reduction |
一周回って see styles |
isshuumawatte / isshumawatte いっしゅうまわって |
(expression) (1) when you really think about it; on reflection; in actual fact; when all is said and done; all things considered; in the end; (expression) (2) once again (fashionable, popular, etc.); back (in style) |
三十三回忌 see styles |
sanjuusankaiki / sanjusankaiki さんじゅうさんかいき |
32nd anniversary of death |
不當一回事 不当一回事 see styles |
bù dàng yī huí shì bu4 dang4 yi1 hui2 shi4 pu tang i hui shih |
not regard as a matter (of any importance) |
中性子回折 see styles |
chuuseishikaisetsu / chuseshikaisetsu ちゅうせいしかいせつ |
{physics} neutron diffraction |
付いて回る see styles |
tsuitemawaru ついてまわる |
(exp,v5r,vi) to follow around |
付きが回る see styles |
tsukigamawaru つきがまわる |
(exp,v5r) to have fortune come your way; to become lucky |
付けが回る see styles |
tsukegamawaru つけがまわる |
(exp,v5r) (kana only) you'll have to pay for it; the bill will come due; there's no escaping |
來回來去地 来回来去地 see styles |
lái huí lái qù de lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 de5 lai hui lai ch`ü te lai hui lai chü te |
backwards and forwards |
健康回復村 see styles |
kenkoukaifukumura / kenkokaifukumura けんこうかいふくむら |
(place-name) Kenkoukaifukumura |
債権利回り see styles |
saikenrimawari さいけんりまわり |
bond yield |
公衆回線網 see styles |
koushuukaisenmou / koshukaisenmo こうしゅうかいせんもう |
{comp} public network |
加入者回線 see styles |
kanyuushakaisen / kanyushakaisen かにゅうしゃかいせん |
{comp} subscriber line |
単安定回路 see styles |
tananteikairo / tanantekairo たんあんていかいろ |
{comp} monostable (trigger) circuit |
単線式回線 see styles |
tansenshikikaisen たんせんしきかいせん |
{comp} single-wire line |
印刷回路板 see styles |
insatsukairoban いんさつかいろばん |
(See プリント配線板) printed circuit board; PCB |
双安定回路 see styles |
souanteikairo / soantekairo そうあんていかいろ |
{comp} bistable (trigger) circuit; flip-flop |
反対に回る see styles |
hantainimawaru はんたいにまわる |
(exp,v5r) to go into opposition |
反時計回り see styles |
hantokeimawari / hantokemawari はんとけいまわり |
(adj-no,n) (ant: 時計回り) counterclockwise; anti-clockwise |
周回コース see styles |
shuukaikoosu / shukaikoosu しゅうかいコース |
circuit track; circular course |
商品回転率 see styles |
shouhinkaitenritsu / shohinkaitenritsu しょうひんかいてんりつ |
stock turnover |
多項式回帰 see styles |
takoushikikaiki / takoshikikaiki たこうしきかいき |
{math} polynomial regression |
大回転競技 see styles |
daikaitenkyougi / daikaitenkyogi だいかいてんきょうぎ |
{ski} giant slalom; GS |
大立ち回り see styles |
ootachimawari おおたちまわり |
fight; scuffle |
契約者回線 see styles |
keiyakushakaisen / keyakushakaisen けいやくしゃかいせん |
{comp} subscriber line |
小取り回し see styles |
kodorimawashi こどりまわし kotorimawashi ことりまわし |
lively or quick witted person |
小突き回す see styles |
kozukimawasu こづきまわす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to push somebody around; to shove someone about; to handle roughly |
巡回図書館 see styles |
junkaitoshokan じゅんかいとしょかん |
bookmobile; mobile library |
巡回裁判所 see styles |
junkaisaibansho じゅんかいさいばんしょ |
circuit court |
巡回診療所 see styles |
junkaishinryoujo / junkaishinryojo じゅんかいしんりょうじょ |
traveling clinic; travelling clinic |
廃品回収業 see styles |
haihinkaishuugyou / haihinkaishugyo はいひんかいしゅうぎょう |
waste management industry; garbage collection industry |
弄くり回す see styles |
ijikurimawasu いじくりまわす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) (kana only) to fiddle with; to monkey around with |
弄繰り回す see styles |
ijikurimawasu いじくりまわす |
(irregular kanji usage) (Godan verb with "su" ending) (kana only) to fiddle with; to monkey around with |
引掻き回す see styles |
hikkakimawasu ひっかきまわす |
(transitive verb) to ransack (a drawer); to rummage; to stir up (mud); to throw into confusion; to tamper with |
引摺り回す see styles |
hikizurimawasu ひきずりまわす |
(transitive verb) to drag around; to pull about; to lead around (by the nose) |
彷徨き回る see styles |
urotsukimawaru うろつきまわる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to rove; to prowl; to go cruising |
後手に回る see styles |
gotenimawaru ごてにまわる |
(exp,v5r) to be forestalled; to fall behind |
御鉢が回る see styles |
ohachigamawaru おはちがまわる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) one's turn comes round |
急がば回れ see styles |
isogabamaware いそがばまわれ |
(expression) more haste, less speed; slow and steady wins the race |
投資回報率 投资回报率 see styles |
tóu zī huí bào lǜ tou2 zi1 hui2 bao4 lu:4 t`ou tzu hui pao lü tou tzu hui pao lü |
return on investment (ROI) |
持って回る see styles |
mottemawaru もってまわる |
(exp,v5r) (1) to carry around; (2) to be roundabout (speech, actions, etc.); to be indirect |
捻くり回す see styles |
hinekurimawasu ひねくりまわす |
(transitive verb) (1) to twist; to twirl; (2) to fiddle around with; to play with; to rewrite; (3) to rack one's brains |
支払い回数 see styles |
shiharaikaisuu / shiharaikaisu しはらいかいすう |
number of payments; number of instalments |
文字回転角 see styles |
mojikaitenkaku もじかいてんかく |
{comp} character orientation |
曖昧さ回避 see styles |
aimaisakaihi あいまいさかいひ |
(exp,n) disambiguation (of a Wikipedia page, etc.); ambiguity aversion |
月周回軌道 see styles |
tsukishuukaikidou / tsukishukaikido つきしゅうかいきどう |
{astron} lunar orbit |
枸櫞酸回路 see styles |
kuensankairo くえんさんかいろ |
citric acid cycle |
気回りない see styles |
kimawarinai きまわりない |
(expression) inconsiderate (of rudeness, danger or rules) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "回" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.