There are 1465 total results for your 品 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<101112131415>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
向宇品口 see styles |
mukouujinaguchi / mukoujinaguchi むこううじなぐち |
(personal name) Mukōujinaguchi |
周邊商品 周边商品 see styles |
zhōu biān shāng pǐn zhou1 bian1 shang1 pin3 chou pien shang p`in chou pien shang pin |
spin-off merchandise |
商品作物 see styles |
shouhinsakumotsu / shohinsakumotsu しょうひんさくもつ |
{agric} (See 換金作物) cash crop |
商品価値 see styles |
shouhinkachi / shohinkachi しょうひんかち |
commercial value; commodity value; marketability |
商品價值 商品价值 see styles |
shāng pǐn jià zhí shang1 pin3 jia4 zhi2 shang p`in chia chih shang pin chia chih |
commodity value |
商品切手 see styles |
shouhinkitte / shohinkitte しょうひんきって |
(See 商品券) merchandise certificate |
商品化権 see styles |
shouhinkaken / shohinkaken しょうひんかけん |
merchandising right |
商品在高 see styles |
shouhinzaidaka / shohinzaidaka しょうひんざいだか |
amount of inventory |
商品番号 see styles |
shouhinbangou / shohinbango しょうひんばんごう |
item number; product ID number; reference number |
商品目録 see styles |
shouhinmokuroku / shohinmokuroku しょうひんもくろく |
inventory; catalog; catalogue |
商品經濟 商品经济 see styles |
shāng pǐn jīng jì shang1 pin3 jing1 ji4 shang p`in ching chi shang pin ching chi |
commodity economy |
商品見本 see styles |
shouhinmihon / shohinmihon しょうひんみほん |
trade sample; product sample |
商品設計 see styles |
shouhinsekkei / shohinsekke しょうひんせっけい |
product design; product planning |
商品貨幣 see styles |
shouhinkahei / shohinkahe しょうひんかへい |
commodity money |
商品開発 see styles |
shouhinkaihatsu / shohinkaihatsu しょうひんかいはつ |
product development |
商業物品 see styles |
shougyoubuppin / shogyobuppin しょうぎょうぶっぴん |
commercial item |
営業品目 see styles |
eigyouhinmoku / egyohinmoku えいぎょうひんもく |
business items; items of business; available services; business line |
四智心品 see styles |
sì zhì xīn pǐn si4 zhi4 xin1 pin3 ssu chih hsin p`in ssu chih hsin pin shichi shinbon |
mental quality of the four purified forms of cognition |
園芸品種 see styles |
engeihinshu / engehinshu えんげいひんしゅ |
cultivar; cultivated variety of a plant |
土屋品子 see styles |
tsuchiyashinako つちやしなこ |
(person) Tsuchiya Shinako (1952.2-) |
土産品店 see styles |
miyagehinten みやげひんてん |
(See 土産店) souvenir shop |
垃圾食品 see styles |
lā jī shí pǐn la1 ji1 shi2 pin3 la chi shih p`in la chi shih pin |
junk food |
塩蔵食品 see styles |
enzoushokuhin / enzoshokuhin えんぞうしょくひん |
salted food |
增崇品位 see styles |
zēng chóng pǐn wèi zeng1 chong2 pin3 wei4 tseng ch`ung p`in wei tseng chung pin wei zōsō hon'i |
to exalt his; her posthumous status |
外国製品 see styles |
gaikokuseihin / gaikokusehin がいこくせいひん |
foreign good; foreign product |
大品大論 大品大论 see styles |
dà pǐn dà lùn da4 pin3 da4 lun4 ta p`in ta lun ta pin ta lun Daihon dairon |
Mahāprajñāpāramitā-śāstra |
大品般若 see styles |
dà pǐn bō rě da4 pin3 bo1 re3 ta p`in po je ta pin po je Daihon hannya |
Mahāprajñāparamitā-sūtra |
天下一品 see styles |
tenkaippin てんかいっぴん |
(adj-no,n) (yoji) beyond compare; peerless; unrivaled; unique |
奢摩他品 see styles |
shē mó tā pǐn she1 mo2 ta1 pin3 she mo t`a p`in she mo ta pin shamata hon |
belonging to the quality, or category, of calm abiding |
孤児作品 see styles |
kojisakuhin こじさくひん |
(See 孤児著作物) orphan works |
学校用品 see styles |
gakkouyouhin / gakkoyohin がっこうようひん |
school requisites (supplies) |
宇品御幸 see styles |
ujinamiyuki うじなみゆき |
(place-name) Ujinamiyuki |
宇品海岸 see styles |
ujinakaigan うじなかいがん |
(place-name) Ujinakaigan |
宇品神田 see styles |
ujinakanda うじなかんだ |
(place-name) Ujinakanda |
安樂行品 安乐行品 see styles |
ān lè xíng pǐn an1 le4 xing2 pin3 an le hsing p`in an le hsing pin anraku gyō bon |
Chapter of Soothing Conduct (Lotus Sūtra) |
家庭用品 see styles |
kateiyouhin / kateyohin かていようひん |
household articles |
家電製品 see styles |
kadenseihin / kadensehin かでんせいひん |
consumer electronics; home appliances |
対抗商品 see styles |
taikoushouhin / taikoshohin たいこうしょうひん |
{comp} competing product |
專利藥品 专利药品 see styles |
zhuān lì yào pǐn zhuan1 li4 yao4 pin3 chuan li yao p`in chuan li yao pin |
patent drugs |
山品友美 see styles |
yamashinayumi やましなゆみ |
(person) Yamashina Yumi |
工業製品 see styles |
kougyouseihin / kogyosehin こうぎょうせいひん |
industrial goods |
差別品類 差别品类 see styles |
chā bié pǐn lèi cha1 bie2 pin3 lei4 ch`a pieh p`in lei cha pieh pin lei shabetsu honrui |
differentiation into categories [types] |
希求品類 希求品类 see styles |
xī qiú pǐn lèi xi1 qiu2 pin3 lei4 hsi ch`iu p`in lei hsi chiu pin lei kegu honrui |
type of striving |
庸俗作品 see styles |
yōng sú zuò pǐn yong1 su2 zuo4 pin3 yung su tso p`in yung su tso pin |
vulgar art; art in bad taste; kitsch |
廃品回収 see styles |
haihinkaishuu / haihinkaishu はいひんかいしゅう |
collection of waste materials; waste recovery; salvaging |
強化食品 see styles |
kyoukashokuhin / kyokashokuhin きょうかしょくひん |
fortified foods |
御勤め品 see styles |
otsutomehin おつとめひん |
article offered at a bargain price; real bargain |
応募作品 see styles |
oubosakuhin / obosakuhin おうぼさくひん |
work sent to a competition; competition entry |
情趣用品 see styles |
qíng qù yòng pǐn qing2 qu4 yong4 pin3 ch`ing ch`ü yung p`in ching chü yung pin |
adult product; sex toy |
所知障品 see styles |
suǒ zhī zhàng pǐn suo3 zhi1 zhang4 pin3 so chih chang p`in so chih chang pin shochishō hon |
the category of the cognitive hindrances |
手回り品 see styles |
temawarihin てまわりひん |
personal effects or belongings |
手工芸品 see styles |
shukougeihin / shukogehin しゅこうげいひん |
handicraft object; piece of handicraft work |
手持ち品 see styles |
temochihin てもちひん |
goods in stock or on hand or in one's possession |
拳頭產品 拳头产品 see styles |
quán tou chǎn pǐn quan2 tou5 chan3 pin3 ch`üan t`ou ch`an p`in chüan tou chan pin |
competitive product; superior goods; with real punch |
文創商品 see styles |
wén chuàng shāng pǐn wen2 chuang4 shang1 pin3 wen ch`uang shang p`in wen chuang shang pin |
product that incorporates traditional culture or local elements with innovative design ideas |
文学作品 see styles |
bungakusakuhin ぶんがくさくひん |
literary work |
文芸作品 see styles |
bungeisakuhin / bungesakuhin ぶんげいさくひん |
literary work |
文藝作品 文艺作品 see styles |
wén yì zuò pǐn wen2 yi4 zuo4 pin3 wen i tso p`in wen i tso pin |
literary work; art work |
新修善品 see styles |
xīn xiū shàn pǐn xin1 xiu1 shan4 pin3 hsin hsiu shan p`in hsin hsiu shan pin shinshū zenpon |
newly cultivated good qualities |
新品同様 see styles |
shinpindouyou / shinpindoyo しんぴんどうよう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) as good as new |
新品治町 see styles |
shinhonjimachi しんほんじまち |
(place-name) Shinhonjimachi |
日清食品 see styles |
nisshinshokuhin にっしんしょくひん |
(company) Nissin Foods; (c) Nissin Foods |
易燃物品 see styles |
yì rán wù pǐn yi4 ran2 wu4 pin3 i jan wu p`in i jan wu pin |
flammable articles |
映像品質 see styles |
eizouhinshitsu / ezohinshitsu えいぞうひんしつ |
{comp} image quality; picture quality |
普門品經 普门品经 see styles |
pǔ mén pǐn jīng pu3 men2 pin3 jing1 p`u men p`in ching pu men pin ching Fumonbon kyō |
Samanta-mukha-parivarto nāmâvalokitêśvara-vikurvaṇa-nirdeśa |
普門道品 普门道品 see styles |
pǔ mén dào pǐn pu3 men2 dao4 pin3 p`u men tao p`in pu men tao pin Fumondō hon |
Samanta-mukha-parivarta |
最上上品 see styles |
zuì shàng shàng pǐn zui4 shang4 shang4 pin3 tsui shang shang p`in tsui shang shang pin saijōjō hon |
most excellent category |
最上級品 see styles |
saijoukyuuhin / saijokyuhin さいじょうきゅうひん |
top-quality article |
最終製品 see styles |
saishuuseihin / saishusehin さいしゅうせいひん |
end product |
最高級品 see styles |
saikoukyuuhin / saikokyuhin さいこうきゅうひん |
top quality products |
有害食品 see styles |
yuugaishokuhin / yugaishokuhin ゆうがいしょくひん |
harmful food |
未使用品 see styles |
mishiyouhin / mishiyohin みしようひん |
unused item; never-used item |
末名獎品 末名奖品 see styles |
mò míng jiǎng pǐn mo4 ming2 jiang3 pin3 mo ming chiang p`in mo ming chiang pin |
booby prize; wooden spoon |
東品治町 see styles |
higashihonjichou / higashihonjicho ひがしほんじちょう |
(place-name) Higashihonjichō |
栽培品種 see styles |
saibaihinshu さいばいひんしゅ |
cultivar; agrotype |
梵網戒品 梵网戒品 see styles |
fàn wǎng jiè pǐn fan4 wang3 jie4 pin3 fan wang chieh p`in fan wang chieh pin Bonmōkai hon |
A name for the above, or the next. |
構成部品 see styles |
kouseibuhin / kosebuhin こうせいぶひん |
{comp} component |
欠陥商品 see styles |
kekkanshouhin / kekkanshohin けっかんしょうひん |
defective merchandise |
正栄食品 see styles |
shoueishokuhin / shoeshokuhin しょうえいしょくひん |
(company) Shoei Foods Corporation; (c) Shoei Foods Corporation |
残品整理 see styles |
zanpinseiri / zanpinseri ざんぴんせいり |
clearance sale |
沐浴用品 see styles |
mù yù yòng pǐn mu4 yu4 yong4 pin3 mu yü yung p`in mu yü yung pin |
bath product |
沒有品味 没有品味 see styles |
méi yǒu pǐn wèi mei2 you3 pin3 wei4 mei yu p`in wei mei yu pin wei |
tasteless |
法空智品 see styles |
fǎ kōng zhì pǐn fa3 kong1 zhi4 pin3 fa k`ung chih p`in fa kung chih pin hōkūchi hon |
class of the wisdom of emptiness of phenomena |
派生作品 see styles |
haseisakuhin / hasesakuhin はせいさくひん |
(See スピンオフ) spin-off (work); spinoff; derived work |
消耗品費 see styles |
shoumouhinhi / shomohinhi しょうもうひんひ |
expenses for consumable goods; supplies expenses |
烏洛托品 乌洛托品 see styles |
wū luò tuō pǐn wu1 luo4 tuo1 pin3 wu lo t`o p`in wu lo to pin |
hexamine (CH2)6N4 |
無印商品 see styles |
mujirushishouhin / mujirushishohin むじるししょうひん |
unbranded goods |
無印良品 see styles |
mujirushiryouhin / mujirushiryohin むじるしりょうひん |
(company) Muji; (c) Muji |
無量品類 无量品类 see styles |
wú liáng pǐn lèi wu2 liang2 pin3 lei4 wu liang p`in lei wu liang pin lei muryō honrui |
countless varieties |
煎炸食品 see styles |
jiān zhá shí pǐn jian1 zha2 shi2 pin3 chien cha shih p`in chien cha shih pin |
fried food |
煩惱上品 烦恼上品 see styles |
fán nǎo shàng pǐn fan2 nao3 shang4 pin3 fan nao shang p`in fan nao shang pin bonnō jōhon |
most virulent afflictions |
煩惱品別 烦恼品别 see styles |
fán nǎo pǐn bié fan2 nao3 pin3 bie2 fan nao p`in pieh fan nao pin pieh bonnō honbetsu |
distinct categories of affliction |
煩惱障品 烦恼障品 see styles |
fán nǎo zhàng pǐn fan2 nao3 zhang4 pin3 fan nao chang p`in fan nao chang pin bonnōshō hon |
the category of the afflictive hindrances |
片品川橋 see styles |
katashinagawabashi かたしながわばし |
(place-name) Katashinagawabashi |
生活用品 see styles |
seikatsuyouhin / sekatsuyohin せいかつようひん |
daily supplies; daily necessities; household items; housewares |
生物製品 生物制品 see styles |
shēng wù zhì pǐn sheng1 wu4 zhi4 pin3 sheng wu chih p`in sheng wu chih pin |
biological product |
生理用品 see styles |
seiriyouhin / seriyohin せいりようひん |
sanitary-protection products (e.g. sanitary napkins, tampons); sanpro |
生鮮料品 see styles |
seisenryouhin / sesenryohin せいせんりょうひん |
perishable foods |
生鮮食品 see styles |
seisenshokuhin / sesenshokuhin せいせんしょくひん |
perishable foods; perishables |
產品結構 产品结构 see styles |
chǎn pǐn jié gòu chan3 pin3 jie2 gou4 ch`an p`in chieh kou chan pin chieh kou |
product mix |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "品" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.