There are 1036 total results for your 初 search. I have created 11 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1011>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
初期選択項目 see styles |
shokisentakukoumoku / shokisentakukomoku しょきせんたくこうもく |
initial choice |
初狩町下初狩 see styles |
hatsukarimachishimohatsukari はつかりまちしもはつかり |
(place-name) Hatsukarimachishimohatsukari |
初狩町中初狩 see styles |
hatsukarimachinakahatsukari はつかりまちなかはつかり |
(place-name) Hatsukarimachinakahatsukari |
初生雛鑑別師 see styles |
shoseihinakanbetsushi / shosehinakanbetsushi しょせいひなかんべつし |
chicken sexer |
初發心自警文 初发心自警文 see styles |
chū fā xīn zì jǐng wén chu1 fa1 xin1 zi4 jing3 wen2 ch`u fa hsin tzu ching wen chu fa hsin tzu ching wen sho hosshin jikei mon |
self admonition for beginning practitioners |
世界で初めて see styles |
sekaidehajimete せかいではじめて |
(exp,adj-no) world's first; world-first |
仮初めにする see styles |
karisomenisuru かりそめにする |
(exp,vs-i) (kana only) to make light of; to treat lightly; to slight; to neglect |
小山上初音町 see styles |
koyamakamihatsunechou / koyamakamihatsunecho こやまかみはつねちょう |
(place-name) Koyamakamihatsunechō |
小山下初音町 see styles |
koyamashimohatsunechou / koyamashimohatsunecho こやましもはつねちょう |
(place-name) Koyamashimohatsunechō |
最初の権利者 see styles |
saishonokenrisha さいしょのけんりしゃ |
{comp} first owner |
自體初中後位 自体初中后位 see styles |
zì tǐ chū zhōng hòu wèi zi4 ti3 chu1 zhong1 hou4 wei4 tzu t`i ch`u chung hou wei tzu ti chu chung hou wei jitai shochūgo i |
one's being at the beginning, middle, and end |
誡初心學人文 诫初心学人文 see styles |
jiè chū xīn xuer én wén jie4 chu1 xin1 xuer2 en2 wen2 chieh ch`u hsin xuer en wen chieh chu hsin xuer en wen Kai shoshin gakunin mon |
Admonitions for Beginning Students |
Variations: |
hatsunari はつなり |
first fruits |
Variations: |
hatsuzekku はつぜっく |
baby's first annual festival |
初回仕様限定盤 see styles |
shokaishiyougenteiban / shokaishiyogenteban しょかいしようげんていばん |
(See 初回生産限定盤) first-run limited edition technical recording |
初回生産限定盤 see styles |
shokaiseisangenteiban / shokaisesangenteban しょかいせいさんげんていばん |
first-run limited edition production recording |
初心運転者標識 see styles |
shoshinuntenshahyoushiki / shoshinuntenshahyoshiki しょしんうんてんしゃひょうしき |
(See 若葉マーク) beginner driver plate; V-shaped green and yellow symbol that newly qualified drivers in Japan must display on their cars |
初期キリスト教 see styles |
shokikirisutokyou / shokikirisutokyo しょきキリストきょう |
(hist) early Christianity; ante-Nicene era Christianity |
初期デフォルト see styles |
shokideforuto しょきデフォルト |
{comp} initial default |
初期投資コスト see styles |
shokitoushikosuto / shokitoshikosuto しょきとうしコスト |
initial investment cost |
初期条件モード see styles |
shokijoukenmoodo / shokijokenmoodo しょきじょうけんモード |
{comp} initial condition mode; reset mode |
初生ひな鑑別師 see styles |
shoseihinakanbetsushi / shosehinakanbetsushi しょせいひなかんべつし |
chicken sexer |
初生之犢不怕虎 初生之犊不怕虎 see styles |
chū shēng zhī dú bù pà hǔ chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 pa4 hu3 ch`u sheng chih tu pu p`a hu chu sheng chih tu pu pa hu |
see 初生之犢不畏虎|初生之犊不畏虎[chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 wei4 hu3] |
初生之犢不畏虎 初生之犊不畏虎 see styles |
chū shēng zhī dú bù wèi hǔ chu1 sheng1 zhi1 du2 bu4 wei4 hu3 ch`u sheng chih tu pu wei hu chu sheng chih tu pu wei hu |
lit. a new-born calf has no fear of the tiger (idiom); fig. the fearlessness of youth |
初生牛犢不怕虎 初生牛犊不怕虎 see styles |
chū shēng niú dú bù pà hǔ chu1 sheng1 niu2 du2 bu4 pa4 hu3 ch`u sheng niu tu pu p`a hu chu sheng niu tu pu pa hu |
lit. newborn calves do not fear tigers (idiom); fig. the young are fearless |
Variations: |
natsuhazuki なつはづき |
(See 卯月) 4th month of the lunar calendar |
Variations: |
hajimeha はじめは |
(expression) at first; in the beginning; originally |
Variations: |
himehajime ひめはじめ |
(1) (See 強飯,姫飯) eating the first meal of soft rice (himeii) after the traditional hard rice of New Year (kowaii); (2) first intercourse of the New Year; (3) (slang) loss of virginity; loss of maidenhead |
お初をいただく see styles |
ohatsuoitadaku おはつをいただく |
(exp,v5k) to eat something for the first time in the season |
になって初めて see styles |
ninattehajimete になってはじめて |
(expression) (it was) not until; (it was) only when |
ポン初茶志内川 see styles |
ponhacchashinaigawa ポンはっちゃしないがわ |
(place-name) Ponhacchashinaigawa |
人之初,性本善 see styles |
rén zhī chū , xìng běn shàn ren2 zhi1 chu1 , xing4 ben3 shan4 jen chih ch`u , hsing pen shan jen chih chu , hsing pen shan |
man at birth is fundamentally good in nature (the first two lines of Three Character Classic 三字經|三字经[San1 zi4 Jing1]) |
朝鮮初中級学校 see styles |
chousenshochuukyuugakkou / chosenshochukyugakko ちょうせんしょちゅうきゅうがっこう |
(place-name) Chōsenshochuukyūgakkou |
生まれて初めて see styles |
umaretehajimete うまれてはじめて |
(expression) for the first time in one's life |
苫前郡初山別村 see styles |
tomamaegunshosanbetsumura とままえぐんしょさんべつむら |
(place-name) Tomamaegunshosanbetsumura |
鐃旬ワ申鐃初ー see styles |
鐃旬wa申鐃初ー 鐃旬ワ申鐃初ー |
bowler |
鐃旬¥申鐃初ス see styles |
鐃旬¥申鐃初su 鐃旬¥申鐃初ス |
{med} bolus |
Variations: |
ubu うぶ |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) (kana only) (esp. 初, 初心) innocent; naive; unsophisticated; inexperienced; green; wet behind the ears; (prefix noun) (2) (産, 生) birth- |
Variations: |
shoppana しょっぱな |
(kana only) (very) beginning; start |
Variations: |
hatsusuberi はつすべり |
first ski of the season; first ski run |
初心忘るべからず see styles |
shoshinwasurubekarazu しょしんわするべからず |
More info & calligraphy: Never Forget Your First Resolution |
初心忘る可からず see styles |
shoshinwasurubekarazu しょしんわするべからず |
(expression) (idiom) Don't forget your first resolution |
初期エンドソーム see styles |
shokiendosoomu しょきエンドソーム |
early endosome |
初期化プログラム see styles |
shokikapuroguramu しょきかプログラム |
{comp} initial program |
初發心時便成正覺 初发心时便成正觉 see styles |
chū fā xīn shí biàn chéng zhèng jué chu1 fa1 xin1 shi2 bian4 cheng2 zheng4 jue2 ch`u fa hsin shih pien ch`eng cheng chüeh chu fa hsin shih pien cheng cheng chüeh sho hosshin ji ben jō shōgaku |
directly achieving enlightenment at the point of the first arousal of the intention [to attain enlightenment] |
Variations: |
dezomeshiki でぞめしき |
New Year firefighters' event |
Variations: |
kuizome くいぞめ |
(See お食い初め) okuizome; weaning ceremony; ritual meal for a 100-day old infant |
徳川家康最初陣地 see styles |
tokugawaieyasuuijinchi / tokugawaieyasuijinchi とくがわいえやすういじんち |
(place-name) Tokugawaieyasuuijinchi |
既有今日何必當初 既有今日何必当初 see styles |
jì yǒu jīn rì hé bì dāng chū ji4 you3 jin1 ri4 he2 bi4 dang1 chu1 chi yu chin jih ho pi tang ch`u chi yu chin jih ho pi tang chu |
see 早知今日何必當初|早知今日何必当初[zao3 zhi1 jin1 ri4 he2 bi4 dang1 chu1] |
早知今日何必當初 早知今日何必当初 see styles |
zǎo zhī jīn rì hé bì dāng chū zao3 zhi1 jin1 ri4 he2 bi4 dang1 chu1 tsao chih chin jih ho pi tang ch`u tsao chih chin jih ho pi tang chu |
if I (you, she, he...) had known it would come to this, I (you, she, he...) would not have acted thus (idiom); to regret vainly one's past behavior |
最初から最後まで see styles |
saishokarasaigomade さいしょからさいごまで |
(expression) from beginning to end; from start to finish; from first to last; end-to-end; all the way through |
Variations: |
hatsuzakura はつざくら |
first cherry blossom of the year |
Variations: |
hatsuuguisu / hatsuguisu はつうぐいす |
first Japanese bush warbler to chirp this year (i.e. spring) |
Variations: |
hatsukoi はつこい |
first love; puppy love |
Variations: |
uiuishii / uiuishi ういういしい |
(adjective) (young and) innocent; naive; pure; fresh; artless; unsophisticated |
Variations: |
hatsuoroshi はつおろし |
(See 下ろし・おろし・4) wearing something for the first time |
Variations: |
hajimekara はじめから |
(expression) from the beginning |
Variations: |
ohatsu おはつ |
(1) (polite language) (as お初に) (for the) first time; (2) something used (worn, etc.) for the first time; new item; (3) first of the season (crop, fruit, etc.) |
分別緣起初勝法門經 分别缘起初胜法门经 see styles |
fēn bié yuán qǐ chū shèng fǎ mén jīng fen1 bie2 yuan2 qi3 chu1 sheng4 fa3 men2 jing1 fen pieh yüan ch`i ch`u sheng fa men ching fen pieh yüan chi chu sheng fa men ching Funbetsu engi shoshō hōmon kyō |
Sūtra on The Primacy of the Dharma Gate Distinguishing Conditioned Arising |
格林尼治本初子午線 格林尼治本初子午线 see styles |
gé lín ní zhì běn chū zǐ wǔ xiàn ge2 lin2 ni2 zhi4 ben3 chu1 zi3 wu3 xian4 ko lin ni chih pen ch`u tzu wu hsien ko lin ni chih pen chu tzu wu hsien |
the Greenwich meridian |
永平初祖學道用心集 永平初祖学道用心集 see styles |
yǒng píng chū zǔ xué dào yòng xīn jí yong3 ping2 chu1 zu3 xue2 dao4 yong4 xin1 ji2 yung p`ing ch`u tsu hsüeh tao yung hsin chi yung ping chu tsu hsüeh tao yung hsin chi Eihei shoso gakudō yōjin shū |
Advice to Students of the Way |
靡不有初,鮮克有終 靡不有初,鲜克有终 see styles |
mǐ bù yǒu chū , xiǎn kè yǒu zhōng mi3 bu4 you3 chu1 , xian3 ke4 you3 zhong1 mi pu yu ch`u , hsien k`o yu chung mi pu yu chu , hsien ko yu chung |
almost everything has a start, but not many things have an end (idiom); don't start something you can't handle |
Variations: |
hatsumairi はつまいり |
(noun/participle) (See 初詣) first shrine visit of the New Year |
Variations: |
hatsunaki はつなき |
first song or chirp, etc. (in the year) of a particular bird or insect species |
Variations: |
shokinokoro しょきのころ |
(exp,adj-no) the earliest |
Variations: |
shokinokoro しょきのころ |
(exp,adj-no) the earliest |
Variations: |
karisomenimo かりそめにも |
(adverb) for a moment; even as a joke; even in the slightest degree |
Variations: |
shirisomeru しりそめる |
(transitive verb) to begin to know; to know for the first time |
躲過初一,躲不過十五 躲过初一,躲不过十五 see styles |
duǒ guò chū yī , duǒ bù guò shí wǔ duo3 guo4 chu1 yi1 , duo3 bu4 guo4 shi2 wu3 to kuo ch`u i , to pu kuo shih wu to kuo chu i , to pu kuo shih wu |
see 躲得過初一,躲不過十五|躲得过初一,躲不过十五[duo3 de5 guo4 chu1 yi1 , duo3 bu4 guo4 shi2 wu3] |
Variations: |
hatsuseri(初競ri, 初seri); hatsuseri(初seri) はつせり(初競り, 初せり); はつセリ(初セリ) |
first wholesale produce market of the year (usu. auction of seafood, fruit, etc.) |
Variations: |
hajimemashite はじめまして |
(expression) (kana only) How do you do?; I am glad to meet you |
Variations: |
hajime はじめ |
(n,adv) (1) beginning; start; outset; opening; (2) (esp. 初め) first (in line, etc.); (3) (esp. 始め) origin; (4) (kana only) (esp. 始め; as 〜を始め, 〜を始めとして, etc.) such as ...; not to mention ... |
Variations: |
okuizome おくいぞめ |
okuizome; weaning ceremony; ritual meal for a 100-day old infant |
躲得過初一,躲不過十五 躲得过初一,躲不过十五 see styles |
duǒ de guò chū yī , duǒ bù guò shí wǔ duo3 de5 guo4 chu1 yi1 , duo3 bu4 guo4 shi2 wu3 to te kuo ch`u i , to pu kuo shih wu to te kuo chu i , to pu kuo shih wu |
lit. you may go undetected during the new moon, but at full moon you'll be found out (idiom); fig. you can't put it off forever; sooner or later you'll have to deal with it |
鐃循ワ申鐃初イ鐃述メジ see styles |
鐃循wa申鐃初i鐃述meji 鐃循ワ申鐃初イ鐃述メジ |
whitesaddle goatfish (Parupeneus ciliatus); white-lined goatfish; diamondscale goatfish; cardinal goatfish |
鐃旬ワ申鐃初ー鐃殉ワ申 see styles |
鐃旬wa申鐃初ー鐃殉wa申 鐃旬ワ申鐃初ー鐃殉ワ申 |
boilerman |
Variations: |
uijinokazaru ういじんをかざる |
(exp,v5r) to win one's first battle (game, match) |
初期値設定プログラム単位 see styles |
shokichisetteipuroguramutani / shokichisettepuroguramutani しょきちせっていプログラムたんい |
{comp} block data program unit |
Variations: |
hajimeni はじめに |
(expression) (1) first; firstly; first of all; to begin with; in the beginning; at the beginning; (expression) (2) (kana only) (as the section heading of a book, etc.) Introduction; Preface |
Variations: |
shozuri; shosatsu(初刷); hatsuzuri しょずり; しょさつ(初刷); はつずり |
(1) first print (run); (2) (はつずり only) first print of the new year (esp. newspaper printed on January 1) |
Variations: |
karisome かりそめ |
(adj-no,adj-na,n) (1) (kana only) (gikun for 苟且) temporary; transient; (adj-no,adj-na,n) (2) (kana only) trifling; slight; negligent |
Variations: |
tehajimeni てはじめに |
(adverb) at first; at the outset; to begin with; as a first step |
Variations: |
shizome しぞめ |
(1) (See 手始め) outset; beginning; starting (things); (2) (See 仕事始め) resuming work after the New Year's vacation |
Variations: |
ohatsuoitadaku おはつをいただく |
(exp,v5k) to eat something for the first time in the season |
最初のアクティビティ識別子 see styles |
saishonoakutibitishikibetsushi さいしょのアクティビティしきべつし |
{comp} original activity identifier |
鐃循ワ申鐃初イ鐃緒申鐃緒申 see styles |
鐃循wa申鐃初i鐃緒申鐃緒申 鐃循ワ申鐃初イ鐃緒申鐃緒申 |
spot-tail shark (Carcharhinus sorrah, species of requiem shark found in the Indo-West Pacific) |
鐃楯¥申鐃緒申鐃初ー鐃緒申 see styles |
鐃楯¥申鐃緒申鐃初ー鐃緒申 鐃楯¥申鐃緒申鐃初ー鐃緒申 |
(abbreviation) (See 鐃楯¥申鐃緒申鐃緒申鵐◆鐃緒申鐃? porcelain art; artwork involving application of decals, etc. to white porcelain |
Variations: |
hajimete はじめて |
(adv,adj-no) (1) (See 始める・1) for the first time; (adverb) (2) (after the -te form of a verb) only after ... is it ...; only when ... do you ... |
Variations: |
hatsunoriunchin はつのりうんちん |
base fare (for a train, bus, etc.); minimum fare; starting fare |
Variations: |
shoseihinakanbetsushi / shosehinakanbetsushi しょせいひなかんべつし |
chicken sexer |
Variations: |
hajimari はじまり |
origin; beginning; start |
Variations: |
tsukihajime つきはじめ |
(adv,n) beginning of month |
Variations: |
karisomenimo かりそめにも |
(adverb) (1) (kana only) (with neg. sentence) (not even) for a moment; (not) even in the slightest degree; (not) on any account; (not) at all; (not) under any circumstances; (adverb) (2) (kana only) at any rate; at the very least; putting everything else aside |
Variations: |
kakizome かきぞめ |
first calligraphy of the year |
Variations: |
hatsugatsuo はつがつお |
the first bonito of the season |
Variations: |
鐃旬wa申泙鐃? /(n, vs, vi) (ant: 鐃旬wa申鐃緒申鐃? (suffering a) decisive defeat/rout/thrashing/losing bi / 鐃旬wa申泙鐃? /(n, vs, vi) (ant: 鐃旬wa申鐃緒申鐃? (suffering a) decisive defeat/rot/thrashing/losing bi 鐃旬わ申泙鐃? /(n, vs, vi) (ant: 鐃旬ワ申鐃緒申鐃? (suffering a) decisive defeat/rout/thrashing/losing bi |
(n,vs,vi) (ant: 鐃旬ワ申鐃緒申鐃? (suffering a) decisive defeat; rout; thrashing; losing big |
Variations: |
鐃楯¥申鐃初ー; 鐃楯¥申鐃緒申 鐃楯¥申鐃初ー; 鐃楯¥申鐃緒申 |
(can act as adjective) polar |
病んで後初めて健康の価値を知る see styles |
yandenochihajimetekenkounokachioshiru / yandenochihajimetekenkonokachioshiru やんでのちはじめてけんこうのかちをしる |
(expression) (proverb) (obscure) you don't appreciate the value of good health until you lose it |
Variations: |
sakisomeru さきそめる |
(v1,vi) to begin to blossom |
Variations: |
umaretehajimete うまれてはじめて |
(exp,adv) for the first time in one's life |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "初" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.