There are 975 total results for your 典 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<10Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
漢語大詞典 汉语大词典 see styles |
hàn yǔ dà cí diǎn han4 yu3 da4 ci2 dian3 han yü ta tz`u tien han yü ta tzu tien |
Hanyu Da Cidian, the largest Chinese dictionary, with over 375,000 word entries, first published 1986-1994 |
町田典留見 see styles |
machidaterumi まちだてるみ |
(person) Machida Terumi |
皇典講究所 see styles |
koutenkoukyuusho / kotenkokyusho こうてんこうきゅうしょ |
(org) Research Institute for the Japanese Classics (1882-1946); (o) Research Institute for the Japanese Classics (1882-1946) |
紀比古典彦 see styles |
norihiko のりひこ |
(male given name) Norihiko |
羅萄日辞典 see styles |
raponichijiten らぽにちじてん |
Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum, (Latin- Portuguese-Japanese dictionary, pub. 1595); (wk) Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum, (Latin-Portuguese-Japanese dictionary, published in 1595) |
羅葡日辞典 see styles |
raponichijiten らぽにちじてん |
Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum, (Latin- Portuguese-Japanese dictionary, pub. 1595); (wk) Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum, (Latin-Portuguese-Japanese dictionary, published in 1595) |
船橋法典駅 see styles |
funabashihouteneki / funabashihoteneki ふなばしほうてんえき |
(st) Funabashihouten Station |
荏開津典生 see styles |
egaitsufumio えがいつふみお |
(person) Egaitsu Fumio |
西洋古典学 see styles |
seiyoukotengaku / seyokotengaku せいようこてんがく |
Western classical studies; classics |
雅典的泰門 雅典的泰门 see styles |
yǎ diǎn de tài mén ya3 dian3 de5 tai4 men2 ya tien te t`ai men ya tien te tai men |
Timon of Athens, 1607 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚[Sha1 shi4 bi3 ya4] |
非典型肺炎 see styles |
fēi diǎn xíng fèi yán fei1 dian3 xing2 fei4 yan2 fei tien hsing fei yen |
atypical pneumonia; Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; SARS |
類義語辞典 see styles |
ruigigojiten るいぎごじてん |
thesaurus |
Variations: |
jiten(字典); mojiten じてん(字典); もじてん |
dictionary of Chinese characters; kanji dictionary |
古典ラテン語 see styles |
kotenratengo こてんラテンご |
classical Latin |
大乘方等經典 大乘方等经典 see styles |
dà shèng fāng děng jīng diǎn da4 sheng4 fang1 deng3 jing1 dian3 ta sheng fang teng ching tien daijō hōtō kyōten |
The sutra and scriptures of the Mahāyāna, their doctrines being 方正 square and correct and 平等 for all equally, or universal. |
岩波国語辞典 see styles |
iwanamikokugojiten いわなみこくごじてん |
(work) Iwanami Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Iwanami Shoten); (wk) Iwanami Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Iwanami Shoten) |
新和英大辞典 see styles |
shinwaeidaijiten / shinwaedaijiten しんわえいだいじてん |
(product) New Japanese-English Dictionary (published by Kenkyusha); (product name) New Japanese-English Dictionary (published by Kenkyusha) |
新選国語辞典 see styles |
shinsenkokugojiten しんせんこくごじてん |
(wk) Shinsen Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Shogakukan) |
日本語大辞典 see styles |
nihongodaijiten にほんごだいじてん |
(work) Nihongo Daijiten (Japanese dictionary published by Kodansha); (wk) Nihongo Daijiten (Japanese dictionary published by Kodansha) |
明鏡国語辞典 see styles |
meikyoukokugojiten / mekyokokugojiten めいきょうこくごじてん |
(work) Meikyo Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Taishukan); (wk) Meikyo Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Taishukan) |
現代日葡辞典 see styles |
gendainippojiten げんだいにっぽじてん |
(work) Gendai Nippo Jiten; Dicionário Universal Japonês-Português; (wk) Gendai Nippo Jiten; Dicionário Universal Japonês-Português |
經典動力系統 经典动力系统 see styles |
jīng diǎn dòng lì xì tǒng jing1 dian3 dong4 li4 xi4 tong3 ching tien tung li hsi t`ung ching tien tung li hsi tung |
classical dynamical system (physics) |
路透金融詞典 路透金融词典 see styles |
lù tòu jīn róng cí diǎn lu4 tou4 jin1 rong2 ci2 dian3 lu t`ou chin jung tz`u tien lu tou chin jung tzu tien |
Reuter's Financial Glossary |
類語実用辞典 see styles |
ruigojitsuyoujiten / ruigojitsuyojiten るいごじつようじてん |
(product) thesaurus published by Sanseido; (product name) thesaurus published by Sanseido |
Variations: |
tengujou; tenguchou / tengujo; tengucho てんぐじょう; てんぐちょう |
(See 和紙・わし) tengujo (thin washi); tengucho |
Variations: |
goteni ごてんい |
(hist) doctor to a shogun or daimyo (Edo period) |
カタカナ語辞典 see styles |
katakanagojiten カタカナごじてん |
katakana dictionary; loanword dictionary |
ナポレオン法典 see styles |
naporeonhouten / naporeonhoten ナポレオンほうてん |
{law} Napoleonic code |
三省堂国語辞典 see styles |
sanseidoukokugojiten / sansedokokugojiten さんせいどうこくごじてん |
(work) Sanseido Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido); (wk) Sanseido Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido) |
世界大百科事典 see styles |
sekaidaihyakkajiten せかいだいひゃっかじてん |
(work) Heibonsha World Encyclopedia; (wk) Heibonsha World Encyclopedia |
佛書解說大辭典 佛书解说大辞典 see styles |
fó shū jiě shuō dà cí diǎn fo2 shu1 jie3 shuo1 da4 ci2 dian3 fo shu chieh shuo ta tz`u tien fo shu chieh shuo ta tzu tien Bussho kaisetsu dai jiten |
Bussho kaisetsu daijiten |
古典的条件づけ see styles |
kotentekijoukenzuke / kotentekijokenzuke こてんてきじょうけんづけ |
classical conditioning |
古典的条件付け see styles |
kotentekijoukenzuke / kotentekijokenzuke こてんてきじょうけんづけ |
classical conditioning |
古典的自由主義 see styles |
kotentekijiyuushugi / kotentekijiyushugi こてんてきじゆうしゅぎ |
classical liberalism |
古典総合研究所 see styles |
kotensougoukenkyuujo / kotensogokenkyujo こてんそうごうけんきゅうじょ |
(org) Japan Classic Literature Research Institute; (o) Japan Classic Literature Research Institute |
新明解国語辞典 see styles |
shinmeikaikokugojiten / shinmekaikokugojiten しんめいかいこくごじてん |
(work) Shinmeikai Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido); (wk) Shinmeikai Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido) |
日本国語大辞典 see styles |
nihonkokugodaijiten にほんこくごだいじてん |
(work) Nihon Kokugo Daijiten (Japanese dictionary published by Shogakukan); (wk) Nihon Kokugo Daijiten (Japanese dictionary published by Shogakukan) |
望月佛教大辭典 望月佛教大辞典 see styles |
wàng yuè fó jiào dà cí diǎn wang4 yue4 fo2 jiao4 da4 ci2 dian3 wang yüeh fo chiao ta tz`u tien wang yüeh fo chiao ta tzu tien Mochizuki bukkyō daijiten |
Mochizuki Buddhist Dictionary |
閑院宮典仁親王 see styles |
kaninnomiyasukehitoshinnou / kaninnomiyasukehitoshinno かんいんのみやすけひとしんのう |
(person) Kan'innomiya Sukehitoshinnou |
典拠コントロール see styles |
tenkyokontorooru てんきょコントロール |
authority control (e.g. in library cataloging) |
Variations: |
raten; raten(p) らてん; ラテン(P) |
(1) (abbreviation) (kana only) (See ラテン語) Latin (language); (can act as adjective) (2) (kana only) (See ラテン音楽) Latin-American; Latin; Latino; (can act as adjective) (3) (kana only) (See ラテン文学) Latin; Roman; relating to the literature, culture, etc. of ancient Rome |
現代国語例解辞典 see styles |
gendaikokugoreikaijiten / gendaikokugorekaijiten げんだいこくごれいかいじてん |
(work) Gendai Kokugo Reikai Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Shogakukan); (wk) Gendai Kokugo Reikai Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Shogakukan) |
瑞典(ateji) see styles |
suweeden(p); sueeden; suiiden(ok) / suweeden(p); sueeden; suiden(ok) スウェーデン(P); スエーデン; スヰーデン(ok) |
(kana only) Sweden |
Variations: |
kouden / koden こうでん |
gift brought to a funeral (usu. money); funeral offering; condolence gift; incense money |
Variations: |
nori のり |
(1) rule; law; regulation; (2) model; pattern; (3) {Buddh} teachings of Buddha; Buddhist doctrine; (4) transverse measurement; measurement across; (5) {engr} side-slope; slope |
Variations: |
jinmeijiten / jinmejiten じんめいじてん |
biographical dictionary |
Variations: |
koukijiten / kokijiten こうきじてん |
Kangxi dictionary; Chinese dictionary of 1716, which popularized the system of 214 radicals |
Variations: |
kanwajiten かんわじてん |
dictionary with Japanese definitions of kanji and kanji compounds; kanji dictionary |
Variations: |
kanjijiten かんじじてん |
(See 漢和辞典) kanji dictionary; Chinese character dictionary |
Variations: |
kaneijiten / kanejiten かんえいじてん |
kanji dictionary with English definitions |
Variations: |
yougojiten / yogojiten ようごじてん |
dictionary of terminology; glossary |
Variations: |
eieijiten / eejiten えいえいじてん |
English-English dictionary |
ブリタニカ百科事典 see styles |
buritanikahyakkajiten ブリタニカひゃっかじてん |
(work) Encyclopaedia Britannica; (wk) Encyclopaedia Britannica |
熟語本位英和中辞典 see styles |
jukugohonieiwachuujiten / jukugohoniewachujiten じゅくごほんいえいわちゅうじてん |
(work) Saito's Idiomological English-Japanese Dictionary (1936); (wk) Saito's Idiomological English-Japanese Dictionary (1936) |
研究社新和英大辞典 see styles |
kenkyuushashinwaeidaijiten / kenkyushashinwaedaijiten けんきゅうしゃしんわえいだいじてん |
(product) Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary; Green Goddess (GG); (product name) Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary; Green Goddess (GG) |
禪宗辭典禪林象器箋 禅宗辞典禅林象器笺 see styles |
chán zōng cí diǎn chán lín xiàng qì jiān chan2 zong1 ci2 dian3 chan2 lin2 xiang4 qi4 jian1 ch`an tsung tz`u tien ch`an lin hsiang ch`i chien chan tsung tzu tien chan lin hsiang chi chien Zenshū jiten zenrin zōkisen |
Encyclopedia of Zen Monasticism |
韓国古典文学研究所 see styles |
kankokukotenbungakukenkyuujo / kankokukotenbungakukenkyujo かんこくこてんぶんがくけんきゅうじょ |
(o) Korean Classics Research Institute |
ユスティニアヌス法典 see styles |
yusutinianusuhouten / yusutinianusuhoten ユスティニアヌスほうてん |
Justinian Code; Corpus Juris Civilis |
Variations: |
kotobaten ことばてん |
(See 辞典・じてん) dictionary; lexicon |
Variations: |
raponichijiten らぽにちじてん |
(work) Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac Iaponicum, (Latin-Portuguese-Japanese dictionary, published in 1595) |
Variations: |
jiten じてん |
dictionary; lexicon |
Variations: |
jiten じてん |
dictionary; lexicon |
ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 see styles |
buritanikakokusaidaihyakkajiten ブリタニカこくさいだいひゃっかじてん |
(work) Britannica International Encyclopedia; (wk) Britannica International Encyclopedia |
プログレッシブ和英中辞典 see styles |
puroguresshibuwaeichuujiten / puroguresshibuwaechujiten プログレッシブわえいちゅうじてん |
(work) Progressive Japanese-English dictionary (published by Shogakukan); (wk) Progressive Japanese-English dictionary (published by Shogakukan) |
瑞典(ateji)(rK) see styles |
suweeden(p); sueeden(rk); seeden(sk); suueeden(sk) / suweeden(p); sueeden(rk); seeden(sk); sueeden(sk) スウェーデン(P); スエーデン(rk); スェーデン(sk); スウエーデン(sk) |
(kana only) Sweden |
Variations: |
koukijiten / kokijiten こうきじてん |
Kangxi dictionary; Chinese dictionary of 1716, which popularized the system of 214 radicals |
Variations: |
kanwajiten かんわじてん |
dictionary with Japanese definitions of kanji and kanji compounds; kanji dictionary |
Variations: |
hyakkajiten ひゃっかじてん |
encyclopedia; encyclopaedia |
Variations: |
kotengirishiago(古典girishia語); kotengirishago(古典girisha語) こてんギリシアご(古典ギリシア語); こてんギリシャご(古典ギリシャ語) |
(hist) (See 古代ギリシャ語) classical Greek (language); ancient Greek |
Variations: |
kotentekijoukenzuke / kotentekijokenzuke こてんてきじょうけんづけ |
classical conditioning |
Variations: |
kotenkonpyuutaa(古典konpyuutaa); kotenkonpyuuta(古典konpyuuta) / kotenkonpyuta(古典konpyuta); kotenkonpyuta(古典konpyuta) こてんコンピューター(古典コンピューター); こてんコンピュータ(古典コンピュータ) |
{comp} classical computer |
Variations: |
jiten(辞典, 辭典)(p); kotobaten じてん(辞典, 辭典)(P); ことばてん |
dictionary; lexicon |
Variations: |
ratengo(raten語)(p); ratengo(拉丁語, 羅甸語, 羅典語) ラテンご(ラテン語)(P); らてんご(拉丁語, 羅甸語, 羅典語) |
Latin (language) |
Variations: |
raten ラテン |
(1) (abbreviation) (kana only) (See ラテン語) Latin (language); (can act as adjective) (2) (kana only) (See ラテン音楽) Latin-American; Latin; Latino; (can act as adjective) (3) (kana only) (See ラテン文学) Latin (i.e. relating to the literature, culture, etc. of ancient Rome); Roman |
Variations: |
ratengo ラテンご |
Latin (language) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 75 results for "典" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.