There are 2273 total results for your 六 search. I have created 23 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
六花亭 see styles |
rokkatei / rokkate ろっかてい |
(place-name) Rokkatei |
六花園 see styles |
rokkaen ろっかえん |
(place-name) Rokkaen |
六花女 see styles |
rikkajo りっかじょ |
(given name) Rikkajo |
六花子 see styles |
rikako りかこ |
(female given name) Rikako |
六花撰 see styles |
rokkasen ろっかせん |
(place-name) Rokkasen |
六花治 see styles |
yukiharu ゆきはる |
(given name) Yukiharu |
六苦行 see styles |
liù kǔ xíng liu4 ku3 xing2 liu k`u hsing liu ku hsing rokkugyō |
The heretics of the six austerities are referred to as 六苦行外道; v. 六行. |
六萬平 see styles |
rokumantai ろくまんたい |
(place-name) Rokumantai |
六萬藏 六万藏 see styles |
liù wàn zàng liu4 wan4 zang4 liu wan tsang rokuman zō |
The sixty thousand verses of the Buddha-law which Devadatta could recite, an ability which did not save him from the avīci hell. |
六著心 六着心 see styles |
liù zhāo xīn liu4 zhao1 xin1 liu chao hsin roku jaku shin |
(六著) The six bonds, or the mind of the six bonds: greed, love, hate, doubt, lust, pride. |
六蔽心 see styles |
liù bì xīn liu4 bi4 xin1 liu pi hsin roku heishin |
six kinds of clouded mind |
六藤谷 see styles |
rokutoudani / rokutodani ろくとうだに |
(place-name) Rokutoudani |
六衆生 六众生 see styles |
liù zhòng shēng liu4 zhong4 sheng1 liu chung sheng roku shujō |
The six senses 六根 are likened to six wild creatures in confinement always struggling to escape. Only when they are domesticated will they be happy. So is it with the six senses and the taming power of Buddha truth. The six creatures are a dog, a bird, a snake, a hyena, a crocodile (śiśumāra), and a monkey. |
六行觀 六行观 see styles |
liù xíng guān liu4 xing2 guan1 liu hsing kuan rokugyō kan |
The six meditations, also called 厭欣觀; 六妙行 comparing the 下地 lower realms with the 上地 higher, the six following characters being the subject of meditation: the three lower represent 麤 coarseness, 苦 suffering, and 障 resistance; these in meditation are seen as distasteful: while the higher are the 靜 calm, 妙 mystic, 離 free, which are matters for delight. By this meditation on the distasteful and the delectable the delusions of the lower realms may be overcome. |
六観音 see styles |
rokkannon ろっかんのん |
(See 六道) the Six Forms of Avalokitesvara (one for each of the six realms); (place-name) Rokkannon |
六觀法 六观法 see styles |
liù guān fǎ liu4 guan1 fa3 liu kuan fa roku kanbō |
(六觀) cf. 六種性 and 六位. |
六觀音 六观音 see styles |
liù guān yīn liu4 guan1 yin1 liu kuan yin Rokkannon |
The six kinds of Guanyin. There are two groups— I. That of Tiantai: 大悲 most pitiful; 大慈 most merciful; 師子無畏 of lion-courage; 大光普照 of universal light; 天人丈夫 leader amongst gods and men; 大梵深遠 the great omnipresent Brahma. Each of this bodhisattva's six qualities of pity, etc., breaks the hindrances 三障 respectively of the hells, pretas, animals, asuras, men, and devas. II. As thousand-handed; the holy one; horseheaded; eleven-faced; Cundī (or Marīci); with the wheel of sovereign power. |
六角元 see styles |
rokkakumoto ろっかくもと |
(place-name) Rokkakumoto |
六角前 see styles |
rokkakumae ろっかくまえ |
(place-name) Rokkakumae |
六角副 see styles |
musumizoe むすみぞえ |
(personal name) Musumizoe |
六角堂 see styles |
rokkakudou / rokkakudo ろっかくどう |
hexagonal building; (place-name) Rokkakudou |
六角子 see styles |
yukiko ゆきこ |
(female given name) Yukiko |
六角屋 see styles |
musumiya むすみや |
(surname) Musumiya |
六角山 see styles |
rokkakuyama ろっかくやま |
(place-name) Rokkakuyama |
六角川 see styles |
rokkakugawa ろっかくがわ |
(personal name) Rokkakugawa |
六角形 see styles |
liù jiǎo xíng liu4 jiao3 xing2 liu chiao hsing rokkakkei; rokkakukei / rokkakke; rokkakuke ろっかっけい; ろっかくけい |
hexagon (noun - becomes adjective with の) hexagon |
六角星 see styles |
liù jiǎo xīng liu4 jiao3 xing1 liu chiao hsing rokkakusei / rokkakuse ろっかくせい |
six-pointed star; hexagram (See 六芒星) hexagram |
六角柱 see styles |
rokkakuchuu / rokkakuchu ろっかくちゅう |
hexagonal prism |
六角橋 see styles |
rokkakubashi ろっかくばし |
(place-name) Rokkakubashi |
六角沢 see styles |
rokkakuzawa ろっかくざわ |
(place-name) Rokkakuzawa |
六角牛 see styles |
rokkoushi / rokkoshi ろっこうし |
(given name) Rokkoushi |
六角町 see styles |
rokkakuchou / rokkakucho ろっかくちょう |
(place-name) Rokkakuchō |
六角通 see styles |
rokkakudoori ろっかくどおり |
(place-name) Rokkakudoori |
六觸處 六触处 see styles |
liù chù chù liu4 chu4 chu4 liu ch`u ch`u liu chu chu roku sokusho |
six perceptual bases of contact |
六觸身 六触身 see styles |
liù chù shēn liu4 chu4 shen1 liu ch`u shen liu chu shen roku sokushin |
six classes of contact |
六調子 see styles |
rokuchoushi / rokuchoshi ろくちょうし |
{music} six main gagaku modes (equivalent to A Dorian, B Dorian, E Dorian, D Mixolydian, E Mixolydian and G Mixolydian) |
六識界 六识界 see styles |
liù shì jiè liu4 shi4 jie4 liu shih chieh rokushiki kai |
compositional factors of the six consciousnesses |
六識身 六识身 see styles |
liù shì shēn liu4 shi4 shen1 liu shih shen rokushiki shin |
the [self-] body, comprised of the six consciousnesses |
六貫山 see styles |
rokkanyama ろっかんやま |
(place-name) Rokkan'yama |
六足尊 see styles |
liù zú zūn liu4 zu2 zun1 liu tsu tsun rokusoku son |
The six-legged Honored One, one of the five 明王 fierce guardians of Amitābha, i. e. 大威德, who has six heads, faces, arms, and legs; rides on an ox; and is an incarnation of Mañjuśrī. The 六足阿毘曇摩 Jñāna-prasthāna-saṭpādābhidharma is a philosophical work in the Canon. |
六足論 六足论 see styles |
liù zú lùn liu4 zu2 lun4 liu tsu lun Roku sokuron |
six treatises of the Sarvâstivāda school |
六路原 see styles |
rokurobara ろくろばら |
(place-name) Rokurobara |
六路木 see styles |
rokurogi ろくろぎ |
(surname) Rokurogi |
六路谷 see styles |
rokurodani ろくろだに |
(place-name) Rokurodani |
六軒丁 see styles |
rokkenchou / rokkencho ろっけんちょう |
(place-name) Rokkenchō |
六軒家 see styles |
rokkenya ろっけんや |
(place-name) Rokken'ya |
六軒屋 see styles |
rokkenya ろっけんや |
(place-name) Rokken'ya |
六軒山 see styles |
rokkenyama ろっけんやま |
(place-name) Rokkenyama |
六軒町 see styles |
rokkenmachi ろっけんまち |
(place-name) Rokkenmachi |
六軒谷 see styles |
rokkenya ろっけんや |
(place-name) Rokkenya |
六輪駅 see styles |
rokuwaeki ろくわえき |
(st) Rokuwa Station |
六辺形 see styles |
rokuhenkei / rokuhenke ろくへんけい |
hexagon |
六途子 see styles |
mutoko むとこ |
(female given name) Mutoko |
六連島 see styles |
mutsurejima むつれじま |
(personal name) Mutsurejima |
六連星 see styles |
mutsuraboshi むつらぼし |
{astron} The Pleiades |
六連発 see styles |
rokurenpatsu ろくれんぱつ |
six-chambered (revolver) |
六道原 see styles |
rokudouhara / rokudohara ろくどうはら |
(place-name) Rokudouhara |
六道塚 see styles |
rokudouzuka / rokudozuka ろくどうづか |
(place-name) Rokudouzuka |
六道山 see styles |
rokudousan / rokudosan ろくどうさん |
(place-name) Rokudousan |
六道峠 see styles |
rokudoutouge / rokudotoge ろくどうとうげ |
(place-name) Rokudoutōge |
六道慧 see styles |
rikudoukei / rikudoke りくどうけい |
(person) Rikudou Kei |
六道欅 see styles |
rokudoukeyaki / rokudokeyaki ろくどうけやき |
(place-name) Rokudoukeyaki |
六道町 see styles |
rokudoumachi / rokudomachi ろくどうまち |
(place-name) Rokudoumachi |
六道銭 see styles |
rokudousen / rokudosen ろくどうせん |
(See 三途の川) six coins placed in a casket (said to be to pay the fare to cross the River Sanzu) |
六邊形 六边形 see styles |
liù biān xíng liu4 bian1 xing2 liu pien hsing |
hexagon |
六郎万 see styles |
rokurouman / rokuroman ろくろうまん |
(surname) Rokurouman |
六郎丸 see styles |
rokuroumaru / rokuromaru ろくろうまる |
(place-name, surname) Rokuroumaru |
六郎助 see styles |
rokurousuke / rokurosuke ろくろうすけ |
(given name) Rokurousuke |
六郎原 see styles |
rokurouhara / rokurohara ろくろうはら |
(place-name) Rokurouhara |
六郎塚 see styles |
rokurouzuka / rokurozuka ろくろうづか |
(place-name) Rokurouzuka |
六郎山 see styles |
rokurouyama / rokuroyama ろくろうやま |
(personal name) Rokurouyama |
六郎峠 see styles |
rokuroutouge / rokurotoge ろくろうとうげ |
(personal name) Rokuroutōge |
六郎島 see styles |
rokuroujima / rokurojima ろくろうじま |
(place-name) Rokuroujima |
六郎木 see styles |
rokurogi ろくろぎ |
(place-name, surname) Rokurogi |
六郎次 see styles |
rokurouji / rokuroji ろくろうじ |
(given name) Rokurouji |
六郎沢 see styles |
rokurousawa / rokurosawa ろくろうさわ |
(personal name) Rokurousawa |
六郎治 see styles |
rokurouji / rokuroji ろくろうじ |
(given name) Rokurouji |
六郎瀬 see styles |
rokurouse / rokurose ろくろうせ |
(place-name) Rokurouse |
六郎田 see styles |
rokurouda / rokuroda ろくろうだ |
(surname) Rokurouda |
六郎谷 see styles |
rokuroudani / rokurodani ろくろうだに |
(place-name) Rokuroudani |
六郎面 see styles |
rokuroumen / rokuromen ろくろうめん |
(surname) Rokuroumen |
六部一 see styles |
rokubuichi ろくぶいち |
(surname) Rokubuichi |
六部山 see styles |
rokubuzan ろくぶざん |
(place-name) Rokubuzan |
六部市 see styles |
rokubuichi ろくぶいち |
(surname) Rokubuichi |
六郷橋 see styles |
rokugoubashi / rokugobashi ろくごうばし |
(place-name) Rokugoubashi |
六郷町 see styles |
rokugoumachi / rokugomachi ろくごうまち |
(place-name) Rokugoumachi |
六都子 see styles |
mutsuko むつこ |
(female given name) Mutsuko |
六都実 see styles |
mutsumi むつみ |
(female given name) Mutsumi |
六都美 see styles |
mutsumi むつみ |
(female given name) Mutsumi |
六重上 see styles |
muekami むえかみ |
(place-name) Muekami |
六重下 see styles |
mueshimo むえしも |
(place-name) Mueshimo |
六重中 see styles |
muenaka むえなか |
(place-name) Muenaka |
六重唱 see styles |
rokujuushou / rokujusho ろくじゅうしょう |
vocal sextet |
六重奏 see styles |
rokujuusou / rokujuso ろくじゅうそう |
instrumental sextet |
六重法 see styles |
liù zhòng fǎ liu4 zhong4 fa3 liu chung fa roku jū hō |
six grave rules |
六重部 see styles |
rokujuubu / rokujubu ろくじゅうぶ |
(personal name) Rokujuubu |
六野瀬 see styles |
rokunose ろくのせ |
(place-name) Rokunose |
六間口 see styles |
rokkenguchi ろっけんぐち |
(surname) Rokkenguchi |
六間川 see styles |
rokkengawa ろっけんがわ |
(place-name) Rokkengawa |
六間橋 see styles |
rokkenbashi ろっけんばし |
(place-name) Rokkenbashi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "六" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.