There are 2730 total results for your 事 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
事事無礙 事事无碍 see styles |
shì shì wú ài shi4 shi4 wu2 ai4 shih shih wu ai jiji muge |
non-obstruction among individual phenomena |
事事物物 see styles |
shì shì wù wù shi4 shi4 wu4 wu4 shih shih wu wu jiji motsumotsu じじぶつぶつ |
(yoji) everything; every affair (matter); all things every single thing |
事件本人 see styles |
jikenhonnin じけんほんにん |
party to the case; parties concerned |
事件解決 see styles |
jikenkaiketsu じけんかいけつ |
resolution of an incident; solution to a (criminal) case |
事件記者 see styles |
jikenkisha じけんきしゃ |
police reporter |
事例研究 see styles |
jireikenkyuu / jirekenkyu じれいけんきゅう |
case studies |
事例紹介 see styles |
jireishoukai / jireshokai じれいしょうかい |
showcasing examples (e.g. company products); case study |
事例証拠 see styles |
jireishouko / jireshoko じれいしょうこ |
anecdotal evidence |
事倍功半 see styles |
shì bèi - gōng bàn shi4 bei4 - gong1 ban4 shih pei - kung pan |
(idiom) to expend twice the effort for half the result |
事先通知 see styles |
shì xiān tōng zhī shi4 xian1 tong1 zhi1 shih hsien t`ung chih shih hsien tung chih |
preliminary notification; to announce in advance |
事切れる see styles |
kotokireru こときれる |
(v1,vi) to expire; to die |
事到今日 see styles |
shì dào jīn rì shi4 dao4 jin1 ri4 shih tao chin jih |
under the circumstances; the matter having come to that point |
事到如今 see styles |
shì dào rú jīn shi4 dao4 ru2 jin1 shih tao ju chin |
as matters stand; things having reached this stage |
事到臨頭 事到临头 see styles |
shì dào lín tóu shi4 dao4 lin2 tou2 shih tao lin t`ou shih tao lin tou |
when things come to a head (idiom) |
事前予約 see styles |
jizenyoyaku じぜんよやく |
advance reservation |
事前分布 see styles |
jizenbunpu じぜんぶんぷ |
(abbreviation) {math} (See 事前確率分布・じぜんかくりつぶんぷ) prior probability distribution; prior distribution; prior |
事前分析 see styles |
jizenbunseki じぜんぶんせき |
ex-ante analysis |
事前割当 see styles |
jizenwariate じぜんわりあて |
prearranged quota |
事前協議 see styles |
jizenkyougi / jizenkyogi じぜんきょうぎ |
prior consultation |
事前審査 see styles |
jizenshinsa じぜんしんさ |
prescreen; pre-screening; prior inspection; preliminary review; pre-vetting |
事前工作 see styles |
jizenkousaku / jizenkosaku じぜんこうさく |
preparatory operations; measure taken in advance; doing the groundwork |
事前従犯 see styles |
jizenjuuhan / jizenjuhan じぜんじゅうはん |
accessory before the fact |
事前抑制 see styles |
jizenyokusei / jizenyokuse じぜんよくせい |
prior restraint |
事前日付 see styles |
jizenhizuke じぜんひづけ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) antedating |
事前条件 see styles |
jizenjouken / jizenjoken じぜんじょうけん |
{comp} precondition |
事前検閲 see styles |
jizenkenetsu じぜんけんえつ |
prepublication censorship |
事前準備 see styles |
jizenjunbi じぜんじゅんび |
advance preparations |
事前研修 see styles |
jizenkenshuu / jizenkenshu じぜんけんしゅう |
advance training; prior training |
事前確率 see styles |
jizenkakuritsu じぜんかくりつ |
{math} (See 事後確率) prior probability |
事前警告 see styles |
jizenkeikoku / jizenkekoku じぜんけいこく |
advance warning; trigger warning |
事前購入 see styles |
jizenkounyuu / jizenkonyu じぜんこうにゅう |
(can act as adjective) advance purchase (e.g. fare) |
事前通報 see styles |
jizentsuuhou / jizentsuho じぜんつうほう |
advance report; advance notification |
事前通知 see styles |
jizentsuuchi / jizentsuchi じぜんつうち |
advance notification |
事前運動 see styles |
jizenundou / jizenundo じぜんうんどう |
pre-election campaigning |
事前防災 see styles |
jizenbousai / jizenbosai じぜんぼうさい |
preventive measures to reduce damage from a disaster; anticipatory disaster preparation |
事務作業 see styles |
jimusagyou / jimusagyo じむさぎょう |
clerical work |
事務処理 see styles |
jimushori じむしょり |
paperwork |
事務取扱 see styles |
jimutoriatsukai じむとりあつかい |
acting director |
事務局長 see styles |
jimukyokuchou / jimukyokucho じむきょくちょう |
secretary-general; director-general; executive director; executive secretary |
事務当局 see styles |
jimutoukyoku / jimutokyoku じむとうきょく |
officials in charge |
事務律師 事务律师 see styles |
shì wù lǜ shī shi4 wu4 lu:4 shi1 shih wu lü shih |
solicitor (law) |
事務機器 see styles |
jimukiki じむきき |
business machine(ry) |
事務次官 see styles |
jimujikan じむじかん |
permanent vice-president; undersecretary; vice-minister |
事務用品 see styles |
jimuyouhin / jimuyohin じむようひん |
office supplies; stationery |
事務総局 see styles |
jimusoukyoku / jimusokyoku じむそうきょく |
secretariat-general |
事務総長 see styles |
jimusouchou / jimusocho じむそうちょう |
secretary-general; director |
事務繁忙 事务繁忙 see styles |
shì wù fán máng shi4 wu4 fan2 mang2 shih wu fan mang |
busy; bustling |
事務職員 see styles |
jimushokuin じむしょくいん |
administrative staff; business clerk; clerical force; clerical officer; clerical personnel; clerical staff; office employee; office personnel; office worker |
事務長官 see styles |
jimuchoukan / jimuchokan じむちょうかん |
chief secretary |
事半功倍 see styles |
shì bàn - gōng bèi shi4 ban4 - gong1 bei4 shih pan - kung pei |
(idiom) to achieve twice the result with half the effort |
事危累卵 see styles |
shì wēi lěi luǎn shi4 wei1 lei3 luan3 shih wei lei luan |
lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture |
事在人為 事在人为 see styles |
shì zài rén wéi shi4 zai4 ren2 wei2 shih tsai jen wei |
the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort; With effort, one can achieve anything. |
事大主義 see styles |
jidaishugi じだいしゅぎ |
worship of the powerful |
事大思想 see styles |
jidaishisou / jidaishiso じだいしそう |
admiration of the powerful |
事大根性 see styles |
jidaikonjou / jidaikonjo じだいこんじょう |
slavish submission to power; sycophancy; flunkeyism; toadyism |
事実無根 see styles |
jijitsumukon じじつむこん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) groundless; entirely contrary to fact |
事実確認 see styles |
jijitsukakunin じじつかくにん |
fact-checking |
事実誤認 see styles |
jijitsugonin じじつごにん |
mistake of fact |
事実調査 see styles |
jijitsuchousa / jijitsuchosa じじつちょうさ |
fact-finding |
事実関係 see styles |
jijitsukankei / jijitsukanke じじつかんけい |
all facts (of a case, incident, etc.) |
事寄せて see styles |
kotoyosete ことよせて |
(expression) on the plea of; under the pretext of |
事寄せる see styles |
kotoyoseru ことよせる |
(transitive verb) to pretend |
事實根據 事实根据 see styles |
shì shí gēn jù shi4 shi2 gen1 ju4 shih shih ken chü |
factual basis |
事實求是 事实求是 see styles |
shì shí qiú shì shi4 shi2 qiu2 shi4 shih shih ch`iu shih shih shih chiu shih |
to seek the truth from facts |
事已至此 see styles |
shì yǐ zhì cǐ shi4 yi3 zhi4 ci3 shih i chih tz`u shih i chih tzu |
see 事到如今[shi4 dao4 ru2 jin1] |
事後保全 see styles |
jigohozen じごほぜん |
{comp} corrective maintenance |
事後保守 see styles |
jigohoshu じごほしゅ |
{comp} corrective maintenance |
事後分析 see styles |
jigobunseki じごぶんせき |
ex-post analysis |
事後報告 see styles |
jigohoukoku / jigohokoku じごほうこく |
ex post facto report; report after the event |
事後従犯 see styles |
jigojuuhan / jigojuhan じごじゅうはん |
accessory after the fact |
事後承諾 see styles |
jigoshoudaku / jigoshodaku じごしょうだく |
(yoji) ex-post-facto approval |
事後条件 see styles |
jigojouken / jigojoken じごじょうけん |
{comp} postcondition |
事後確率 see styles |
jigokakuritsu じごかくりつ |
{math} (See 事前確率) posterior probability |
事後聰明 事后聪明 see styles |
shì hòu cōng ming shi4 hou4 cong1 ming5 shih hou ts`ung ming shih hou tsung ming |
wise after the event (idiom); with hindsight, one should have predicted it |
事必躬親 事必躬亲 see styles |
shì bì gōng qīn shi4 bi4 gong1 qin1 shih pi kung ch`in shih pi kung chin |
to attend to everything personally |
事怕行家 see styles |
shì pà háng jiā shi4 pa4 hang2 jia1 shih p`a hang chia shih pa hang chia |
an expert always produces the best work (idiom) |
事情聴取 see styles |
jijouchoushu / jijochoshu じじょうちょうしゅ |
(noun/participle) inquiry; enquiry; investigation; (police) interview; questioning (e.g. witness, suspect); hearing |
事情要做 see styles |
shì qíng yào zuò shi4 qing2 yao4 zuo4 shih ch`ing yao tso shih ching yao tso |
work that needs to be done; business that needs to be attended to |
事態發展 事态发展 see styles |
shì tài fā zhǎn shi4 tai4 fa1 zhan3 shih t`ai fa chan shih tai fa chan |
course of events |
事改めて see styles |
kotoaratamete ことあらためて |
(expression) anew |
事故原因 see styles |
jikogenin じこげんいん |
source, cause of an accident |
事故多発 see styles |
jikotahatsu じこたはつ |
(expression) (on signage, etc.) accidents frequent; accident-prone zone; accident blackspot |
事故渋滞 see styles |
jikojuutai / jikojutai じこじゅうたい |
congestion caused by a traffic accident |
事故無し see styles |
kotoyuenashi ことゆえなし |
(expression) (archaism) without incident |
事故照射 see styles |
shì gù zhào shè shi4 gu4 zhao4 she4 shih ku chao she |
accidental exposure |
事故物件 see styles |
jikobukken じこぶっけん |
stigmatized property; real estate where a crime, death, etc. has occurred |
事故現場 see styles |
jikogenba じこげんば |
scene of an accident; crash site; accident scene |
事故防止 see styles |
jikoboushi / jikoboshi じこぼうし |
accident prevention |
事新しい see styles |
kotoatarashii / kotoatarashi ことあたらしい |
(adjective) (1) unprecedented; new (and different); fresh; (adjective) (2) contrived; affected |
事新しく see styles |
kotoatarashiku ことあたらしく |
(adverb) anew; again; specially; formally |
事有り顔 see styles |
kotoarigao ことありがお |
worried look; troubled face |
事業仕訳 see styles |
jigyoushiwake / jigyoshiwake じぎょうしわけ |
program review; budget screening; review and prioritization of government programs |
事業会社 see styles |
jigyougaisha / jigyogaisha じぎょうがいしゃ |
industrial company; business firm |
事業單位 事业单位 see styles |
shì yè dān wèi shi4 ye4 dan1 wei4 shih yeh tan wei |
public institution; (Tw) business enterprise; company; firm |
事業年度 see styles |
jigyounendo / jigyonendo じぎょうねんど |
fiscal year |
事業所間 see styles |
jigyoushokan / jigyoshokan じぎょうしょかん |
inter-location; inter-company; inter-office |
事業拡充 see styles |
jigyoukakujuu / jigyokakuju じぎょうかくじゅう |
business expansion |
事業有成 事业有成 see styles |
shì yè yǒu chéng shi4 ye4 you3 cheng2 shih yeh yu ch`eng shih yeh yu cheng |
to be successful in business; professional success |
事業本部 see styles |
jigyouhonbu / jigyohonbu じぎょうほんぶ |
corporate headquarters; (company) group |
事業活動 see styles |
jigyoukatsudou / jigyokatsudo じぎょうかつどう |
business activities; business conduct; business operations |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "事" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.