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There are 143 total results for your perfection search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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chéng jiù
    cheng2 jiu4
ch`eng chiu
    cheng chiu
 jouju / joju

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Achievement / Accomplishment
accomplishment; success; achievement; CL:個|个[ge4]; to achieve (a result); to create; to bring about
(n,n-suf,vs,vt,vi) fulfillment; fulfilment; realization; realisation; completion; (given name) Jōju
siddhi: accomplishment, fulfillment, completion, to bring to perfection.



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lú huǒ chún qīng
    lu2 huo3 chun2 qing1
lu huo ch`un ch`ing
    lu huo chun ching

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Green Fire
lit. the stove fire has turned bright green (allusion to Daoist alchemy) (idiom); fig. (of an art, a technique etc) brought to the point of perfection

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to arrive; to reach (esp. perfection); utmost; (used in commercials)
(male given name) Shin


see styles
(n,adj-no,adj-na) perfection; flawlessness; (given name) Manzen


see styles
sān mì
    san1 mi4
san mi
{Buddh} three mysteries (Buddha's body, speech and mind)
The three mystic things: the body, mouth (i.e. voice), and mind of the Tathāgata, which are universal, all things being this mystic body, all sound this mystic voice, and all thought this mystic mind. All creatures in body, voice, and mind are only individualized parts of the Tathāgata, but illusion hides their Tathāgata nature from them. The esoterics seek to realize their Tathāgata nature by physical signs and postures, by voicing of 眞言 dhāraṇī and by meditations, so that 入我我入 He may enter me and I Him, which is the perfection of siddhi 悉地; v. 大日經疏 1. 菩提心論.


see styles
sān dé
    san1 de2
san te
The three virtues or powers, of which three groups are given below. (1) (a) 法身德 The virtue or potency of the Buddha's eternal, spiritual body, the dharmakāya; (b) 般若德 of his prājñā, or wisdom, knowing all things in their reality; (c) 解脫德 of his freedom from all bonds and his sovereign Iiberty. Each of these has the four qualities of 常, 樂我, 淨eternity, joy, personality, and purity; v. 漫涅槃經 (2) (a) 智德 The potency of his perfect knowledge; (b) 斷德 of his cutting off all illusion and perfecting of supreme nirvāṇa; the above two are 自利 for his own advantage; (c) 恩德 of his universal grace and salvation, which 利他 bestows the benefits he has acquired on others. (3) (a) 因圓德 The perfection of his causative or karmic works during his three great kalpas of preparation; (b) 果圓德 the perfection of the fruit, or results in his own character and wisdom; (c) 恩圓德 the perfection of his grace in the salvation of others.



see styles
èr yuán
    er4 yuan2
erh yüan
The two perfect doctrines, a term of the Tiantai School, called 今圓 (also 開顯圓 and 絶待圓) and 昔圓 (also 相待圓 ). 今圓 is the present really perfect 一實 doctrine arising from the Lotus Sūtra; 昔圓 is the older, or 相待 comparatively speaking perfect doctrine of the pre-Lotus teaching, that of the 藏, 通, and 別 schools; but the older was for limited salvation and not universal like the 今圓; these two are also termed 部圓 and 教圓 . The Huayan school has a division of the two perfections into 漸圓 gradual perfection and 頓圓 immediate perfection.


see styles
èr miào
    er4 miao4
erh miao
The dual "marvel" of the Lotus sūtra, the 相待妙 or comparative view, i.e. compared with all previous teaching, which is the rough groundwork; and the 絕待妙 or view of it as the perfection of teaching; hence it is "wonderful" in comparison with all previous doctrine, and absolutely "wonderful' in itself; cf. 二圓.



see styles
èr dùn
    er4 dun4
erh tun
The two immediate or direct ways to perfection, as defined by Jingxi 荊溪 of the Huayan school; the gradual direct way of the Lotus; the direct way of the Huayan sutra, which is called the 頓頓頓圓, while that of the Lotus is called the 漸頓漸圓.


see styles
xiū chéng
    xiu1 cheng2
hsiu ch`eng
    hsiu cheng
 shuusei / shuse
(noun/participle) revising to perfection; (given name) Shuusei
practices (something) to perfection



see styles
chōng bèi
    chong1 bei4
ch`ung pei
    chung pei
 juubi / jubi
(noun/participle) completion; perfection
to fill up


see styles
 juujitsu / jujitsu
(n,vs,vi) (1) fullness; completeness; perfection; substantiality; (n,vs,vi) (2) enhancement; improvement; enrichment; upgrading; (n,vs,vi) (3) replenishment; repletion; (female given name) Mitsumi


see styles
perfection; completeness; wholeness; soundness; intactness


see styles
(n,vs,adj-no) completeness; perfection; consummation


see styles
liù jí
    liu4 ji2
liu chi
The six stages of Bodhisattva developments as defined in the Tiant 'ai 圓教, i. e. Perfect, or Final Teaching, in contrast with the previous, or ordinary six developments of 十信, 十住, 十行, etc., as found in the 別教 Differentiated or Separate school. The Tiantai six are: (1) 理卽 realization that all beings are of Buddha-nature; (2) 名字卽 the apprehension of terms, that those who only hear and believe are in the Buddha. law and potentially Buddha; (3) 觀行卽 advance beyond terminology to meditation, or study and accordant action; it is known as 五品觀行 or 五品弟子位; (4) 相似卽 semblance stage, or approximation to perfection in purity, the 六根淸淨位, i. e. the 十信位; (5) 分證卽 discrimination of truth and its progressive experiential proof, i. e. the 十住, 十行, 十廻向, 十地, and 等覺位 of the 別教 known also as the 聖因 cause or root of holiness. (6) 究竟卽 perfect enlightenment, i. e. the 妙覺位 or 聖果 fruition of holiness. (1) and (2) are known as 外凡 external for, or common to, all. (1) is theoretical; (2) is the first step in practical advance, followed by (3) and (4) styled 内凡 internal for all, and (3), (4), (5), and (6) are known as the 八位 the eight grades.


see styles
jiā bèi
    jia1 bei4
chia pei
加祐; 加備; 加護 Divine or Buddha aid or power bestowed on the living, for their protection or perfection.


see styles
shí quán
    shi2 quan2
shih ch`üan
    shih chüan
 juuzen / juzen
perfect; complete
(noun or adjectival noun) perfection; thoroughness; consummation; (g,p) Jūzen


see styles
sì bìng
    si4 bing4
ssu ping
The four ailments, or mistaken ways of seeking perfection: 作病 'works' or effort; 任病 laissez-faire; 止病 cessation of all mental operation; 滅病 annihilaīon (of all desire).



see styles
yuán jì
    yuan2 ji4
yüan chi
death; to pass away (of Buddhist monks, nuns etc)
Perfect rest, i.e. parinirvāṇa; the perfection of all virtue and the elimination of all evil, release from the miseries of transmigration and entrance into the fullest joy.



see styles
yuán xīn
    yuan2 xin1
yüan hsin
center of circle
The perfect mind, the mind that seeks perfection, i.e. nirvāṇa.



see styles
yuán chéng
    yuan2 cheng2
yüan ch`eng
    yüan cheng
(surname) Ennari
Complete perfection.



see styles
yuán guǒ
    yuan2 guo3
yüan kuo
Perfect fruit, nirvāṇa.



see styles
yuán jí
    yuan2 ji2
yüan chi
Inclusive to the uttermost; absolute perfection.



see styles
yuán hǎi
    yuan2 hai3
yüan hai
The all-embracing ocean, i.e. the perfection or power of the Tathāgata.


see styles
tiān dào
    tian1 dao4
t`ien tao
    tien tao
 tentou; tendou / tento; tendo
    てんとう; てんどう
natural law; heavenly law; weather (dialect)
(1) (てんとう only) the sun; (2) god of heaven and the earth; (3) laws governing the heavens; (4) {astron} celestial path; celestial motion; (5) {Buddh} (See 六道) deva realm (svarga); (surname, given name) Tendō
deva-gati, or devasopāna, 天趣. (1) The highest of the six paths 六道, the realm of devas, i. e. the eighteen heavens of form and four of formlessness. A place of enjoyment, where the meritorious enjoy the fruits of good karma, but not a place of progress toward bodhisattva perfection. (2) The Dao of Heaven, natural law, cosmic energy; according to the Daoists, the origin and law of all things.


see styles
wán chéng
    wan2 cheng2
wan ch`eng
    wan cheng
 kansei / kanse
to complete; to accomplish
(n,vs,vt,vi) completion; perfection; accomplishment; (given name) Kansei



see styles
shī mǎn
    shi1 man3
shih man
perfection of moral discipline



see styles
rěn mǎn
    ren3 man3
jen man
completion of (perfection of) tolerance


see styles
xī lì
    xi1 li4
hsi li
idem 室利 q.v. 悉地 siddhi, accomplishment, complete attainment, perfection, proof, truth, final emancipation, supreme felicity, magical or supernatural powers; cf. M.W. As supernatural power it is used to end calamities, subdue demons, etc.



see styles
chéng mǎn
    cheng2 man3
ch`eng man
    cheng man


see styles
zhì dù
    zhi4 du4
chih tu
 chi taku
prajñā-pāramitā, the sixth of the six pāramitās, wisdom which brings men to nirvāṇa.



see styles
jí zhì
    ji2 zhi4
chi chih
peak; pinnacle; ultimate
culmination; acme; height; peak; ultimate; perfection; ideal
Utmost, ultimate, final point; reaching to.


see styles
tán dù
    tan2 du4
t`an tu
    tan tu
cf. 六度. The pāramitā of charity, or almsgiving.



see styles
miè bìng
    mie4 bing4
mieh ping
One of the 四病 four sick or faulty ways of seeking perfection, the Hīnayāna method of endeavouring to extinguish all perturbing passions so that nothing of them remains.



see styles
chán mǎn
    chan2 man3
ch`an man
    chan man
perfection of meditation


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) superb piece of work; masterpiece; exquisite item; perfection; unique article



see styles
jìn yuán
    jin4 yuan2
chin yüan
Nearing perfection, i.e. the ten commands, which are "near to" nirvana.



see styles
jìn mǎn
    jin4 man3
chin man
perfection of zeal


see styles
yī fǎ jù
    yi1 fa3 ju4
i fa chü
The one-law abode, i.e. the sum of the 29 particular 句 or states of perfection in the Pure-land śāstra of Vasubandhu.



see styles
qī shèng shì
    qi1 sheng4 shi4
ch`i sheng shih
    chi sheng shih
The seven surpassing qualities of a Buddha; v. also 七種無上; they are his body, or person, his universal law, wisdom, perfection, destination (nirvana), ineffable truth, and deliverance.



see styles
bù dòng dì
    bu4 dong4 di4
pu tung ti
 fudō ji
The eighth of the ten stages in a Buddha's advance to perfection.


see styles
xìn chéng jiù
    xin4 cheng2 jiu4
hsin ch`eng chiu
    hsin cheng chiu
 shin jōjū
perfection of faith


see styles
xiū zhì huì
    xiu1 zhi4 hui4
hsiu chih hui
 shu chie
to practice (the perfection of) wisdom


see styles
jù zú xiàng
    ju4 zu2 xiang4
chü tsu hsiang
 gusoku sō
perfection of bodily characteristics


see styles
sì shí wèi
    si4 shi2 wei4
ssu shih wei
 shijū i
The 'forty bodhisattva positions' of the 梵網經. They are classified into four groups: (1) 十發趣 Ten initial stages, i. e. the minds 心 of abandoning things of the world, of keeping the moral law, patience, zealous progress, dhyāna, wisdom, resolve, guarding (the Law), joy, and spiritual baptism by the Buddha. These are associated with the 十住. (2) 十長養 Ten steps in the nourishment of perfection, i. e. minds of kindness, pity, joy, relinquishing, almsgiving, good discourse, benefiting, friendship, dhyāna, wisdom. These are associated with the 十行. (3) 十金剛 Ten 'diamond' steps of firmness, i. e. a mind of faith, remembrance, bestowing one's merits on others, understanding, uprighthess, no-retreat, Mahāyāna, formlessness, wisdom, indestructibility; these are associated with the 十廻向. (4) The 十地 q. v.


see styles
dà huì dù
    da4 hui4 du4
ta hui tu
 dai edo
great perfection of wisdom


see styles
 taiseisha / taisesha
person who achieves perfection; person who perfects (e.g. a theory)


see styles
 kanseido / kansedo
degree of perfection; level of completion; degree of completion


see styles
perfection; completeness; flawlessness


see styles
dé jiū jìng
    de2 jiu1 jing4
te chiu ching
 toku kukyō
to attain perfection


see styles
fāng biàn dù
    fang1 bian4 du4
fang pien tu
 hōben do
perfection of expedient means


see styles
guǒ fó xìng
    guo3 fo2 xing4
kuo fo hsing
 ka busshō
Fruition of the Buddha-enlightenment, its perfection, one of the five forms of the Buddha-nature.



see styles
bō luó mì
    bo1 luo2 mi4
po lo mi
 haramitsu; paramitsu; paramitsu
    はらみつ; ぱらみつ; パラミツ
jackfruit; breadfruit; Artocarpus heterophyllus
(1) (はらみつ only) {Buddh} (See 波羅蜜多) pāramitā; perfection; perfection of Buddhist practices or attaining enlightenment; (2) (kana only) jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus); (surname) Haramitsu



see styles
jīng jìn dù
    jing1 jin4 du4
ching chin tu
 shōjin do
perfection of zeal



see styles
bō rě huì
    bo1 re3 hui4
po je hui
 hannya e
perfection of wisdom assembly


see styles
 hannyakyou; hannyagyou / hannyakyo; hannyagyo
    はんにゃきょう; はんにゃぎょう
{Buddh} Prajnaparamita Sutra; Perfection of Wisdom Sutra



see styles
shēn mǎn zú
    shen1 man3 zu2
shen man tsu
 shin manzoku
perfection of bodily characteristics



see styles
yī shí yuán zōng
    yi1 shi2 yuan2 zong1
i shih yüan tsung
 ichijitsuen shū
The one real and perfect school, i.e. the Tiantai or Lotus School.



see styles
qī chù bā huì
    qi1 chu4 ba1 hui4
ch`i ch`u pa hui
    chi chu pa hui
 shichisho hachie
The eight assemblies in seven different places, at which the sixty sections of the 華嚴經 Avataṃsaka-sūtra are said to have been preached; the same sutra in eighty sections is accredited to the 七處九會. 七處平等相 One of the thirty-two signs on the Budda's body—the perfection of feet, hands, shoulders, and head.



see styles
jiǔ fù shèng míng
    jiu3 fu4 sheng4 ming2
chiu fu sheng ming
seasoned; honed to perfection over centuries; special reserve


see styles
(adverb) (1) (yoji) almost certainly; in all probability; ten to one; in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred; (2) (yoji) (usu. as 〜まで) near-completeness; near-perfection; ninety-nine percent (finished, etc.)



see styles
nèi zài chāo yuè
    nei4 zai4 chao1 yue4
nei tsai ch`ao yüeh
    nei tsai chao yüeh
inner transcendence (perfection through one's own inner moral cultivation, as in Confucianism, for example)



see styles
liù dù guǒ bào
    liu4 du4 guo3 bao4
liu tu kuo pao
 rokudo kahō
The reward s stimulated by the six pāramitās are 富 enrichment; 具色 all things, or perfection; 力 power; 壽 long life; 安 peace (or calmness); 辯 discrimination, or powers of exposition of the truth.


see styles
chū shén rù huà
    chu1 shen2 ru4 hua4
ch`u shen ju hua
    chu shen ju hua
to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic achievement


see styles
lì dào bǐ àn
    li4 dao4 bi3 an4
li tao pi an
 riki tōhigan
perfection of powers



see styles
lì bō luó mì
    li4 bo1 luo2 mi4
li po lo mi
 riki haramitsu
The vīrya-pāramitā.



see styles
shí jīn gāng xīn
    shi2 jin1 gang1 xin1
shih chin kang hsin
 jū kongō shin
Ten characteristics of the "diamond heart" as developed by bodhisattva: (1) complete insight into all truth; (2) saving of all creatures; (3) the glorifying of all Buddha-worlds; (4) supererogation of his good deeds; (5) service of all Buddhas; (6) realization of the truth of all Buddha-laws; (7) manifestation of all patience and endurance; (8) unflagging devotion to his vocation; (9) perfection of his work; (10) aiding all to fulfill their vows and accomplish their spiritual ends. 華嚴經 55.



see styles
tàn wéi guān zhǐ
    tan4 wei2 guan1 zhi3
t`an wei kuan chih
    tan wei kuan chih
(idiom) to gasp in amazement; to acclaim as the peak of perfection



see styles
sì è bǐ qiū
    si4 e4 bi3 qiu1
ssu o pi ch`iu
    ssu o pi chiu
 shiaku biku
The four wicked bhikṣus who threw over the teaching of their Buddha 大莊嚴 Dazhuangyan after his nirvana; these suffered in the deepest hells, came forth purified, but have not been able to attain perfection because of their past unbelief; v. 佛藏經往古品. Also four disobedient bhikṣus who through much purgation ultimately became the Buddhas of the four points of the compass, 阿閦, 寳相, 無量壽, and 微妙聲.



see styles
sì wú suǒ wèi
    si4 wu2 suo3 wei4
ssu wu so wei
 shi mushoi
(四無畏) The four kinds of fearlessness, or courage, of which there are two groups: Buddha-fearlessness arises from his omniscience; perfection of character; overcoming opposition; and ending of suffering. Bodhisattva-fearlessness arises from powers of memory; of moral diagnosis and application of the remedy; of ratiocination; and of solving doubts. v. 智度論 48 and 5.


see styles
wài zài chāo yuè
    wai4 zai4 chao1 yue4
wai tsai ch`ao yüeh
    wai tsai chao yüeh
outer transcendence (perfection through the agency of God)


see styles
dà bō rě jié
    da4 bo1 re3 jie2
ta po je chieh
 dai hannya ge
verse from Great Perfection of Wisdom Sūtra


see styles
 daihannyakyou / daihannyakyo
{Buddh} Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra


see styles
perfection; completeness; flawlessness


see styles
(adj-na,adj-no,n) (yoji) flawless; absolute perfection



see styles
cháng bō luó mì
    chang2 bo1 luo2 mi4
ch`ang po lo mi
    chang po lo mi
 jō haramitsu
The first of the four pāramitās, eternity.


see styles
rěn dào bǐ àn
    ren3 dao4 bi3 an4
jen tao pi an
 nin tōhigan
perfection of forbearance



see styles
rěn bō luó mì
    ren3 bo1 luo2 mi4
jen po lo mi
 nin haramitsu
The patience pāramitā, v. 忍辱.


see styles
wéi miào wéi xiào
    wei2 miao4 wei2 xiao4
wei miao wei hsiao
to imitate to perfection; to be remarkably true to life



see styles
wǒ bō luó mì
    wo3 bo1 luo2 mi4
wo po lo mi
 ga haramitsu
The ego pāramitā in the four based on the Nirvana Sutra in which the transcendental ego is 自在, i.e. has a real and permanent nature; the four are 常 permanency, 樂 joy, 我 personality, 淨 purity.


see styles
jiè dào bǐ àn
    jie4 dao4 bi3 an4
chieh tao pi an
 kai tōhigan
perfection of morality



see styles
jiè bō luó mì
    jie4 bo1 luo2 mi4
chieh po lo mi
 kai haramitsu
perfection of morality


see styles
shī dào bǐ àn
    shi1 dao4 bi3 an4
shih tao pi an
 se tōhigan
perfection of giving



see styles
shī bō luó mì
    shi1 bo1 luo2 mi4
shih po lo mi
 se haramitsu
perfection of giving



see styles
míng dù wú jí
    ming2 du4 wu2 ji2
ming tu wu chi
 myōdo mugoku
An old intp. of prajñā 明 pāramitā 度, the wisdom that ferries to the other shore without limit; for which 明炬 a shining torch is also used.


see styles
zhì dào bǐ àn
    zhi4 dao4 bi3 an4
chih tao pi an
 chi tōhigan
perfection of omniscience



see styles
zhì bō luó mì
    zhi4 bo1 luo2 mi4
chih po lo mi
 chi haramitsu
prajñā-pāramitā, see 智度.



see styles
jí shàn yuán mǎn
    ji2 shan4 yuan2 man3
chi shan yüan man
 gokuzen enman
excellent perfection



see styles
lè bō luó mì
    le4 bo1 luo2 mi4
le po lo mi
 raku haramitsu
The pāramitā of joy, one of the 四德波羅蜜 four transcendent pāramitās q.v., i.e. 常, 樂, 我 and 淨.



see styles
tán pō luó mì
    tan2 po1 luo2 mi4
t`an p`o lo mi
    tan po lo mi
 dan haramitsu
v. 六度 dānapāramitā .



see styles
zhèng mìng yuán mǎn
    zheng4 ming4 yuan2 man3
cheng ming yüan man
perfection of right livelihood



see styles
qiú quán zé bèi
    qiu2 quan2 ze2 bei4
ch`iu ch`üan tse pei
    chiu chüan tse pei
to demand perfection (idiom)



see styles
fǎ bō luó mì
    fa3 bo1 luo2 mi4
fa po lo mi
 hō haramitsu
One of the four pāramitā bodhisattavas in the Diamond realm.



see styles
bō luó mì duō
    bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1
po lo mi to
 haramitta; haramita
    はらみった; はらみた
{Buddh} (See 波羅蜜・1) pāramitā; perfection; perfection of Buddhist practices or attaining enlightenment
pāramitā, 播囉弭多, derived from parama, highest, acme, is intp. as to cross over from this shore of births and deaths to the other shore, or nirvāṇa. The six pāramitās or means of so doing are: (1) dāna, charity; (2) śīla, moral conduct; (3) kṣānti, patience; (4) vīrya, energy, or devotion; (5) dhyāna, contemplation, or abstraction; (6) prajñā, knowledge. The 十度 ten are the above with (7) upāya, use of expedient or proper means; (8) praṇidhāna, vows, for bodhi and helpfulness; (9) bāla, strength purpose; (10) wisdom. Childers gives the list of ten as the perfect exercise of almsgiving, morality, abnegation of the world and of self, wisdom, energy, patience, truth, resolution, kindness, and resignation. Each of the ten is divisible into ordinary, superior, and unlimited perfection, or thirty in all. pāramitā is tr. by 度; 度無極; 到彼岸; 究竟.



see styles
jìng bō luó mì
    jing4 bo1 luo2 mi4
ching po lo mi
 jō haramitsu
The fourth pāramitā of the Nirvana Sutra, 常樂我淨 v. 常.


see styles
jiē xī chéng jiù
    jie1 xi1 cheng2 jiu4
chieh hsi ch`eng chiu
    chieh hsi cheng chiu
 kaishitsu jōshū
perfectly succeeding; perfection, excellence



see styles
jìn shàn jìn měi
    jin4 shan4 jin4 mei3
chin shan chin mei
perfect (idiom); perfection; the best of all possible worlds; as good as it gets



see styles
chán dào bǐ àn
    chan2 dao4 bi3 an4
ch`an tao pi an
    chan tao pi an
 zen tōhigan
perfection of concentration



see styles
chán bō luó mì
    chan2 bo1 luo2 mi4
ch`an po lo mi
    chan po lo mi
 zen haramitsu
The sixth or dhyānapāramitā, the attainment of perfection in the mystic trance.



see styles
chán bō luó mì
    chan2 bo1 luo2 mi4
ch`an po lo mi
    chan po lo mi
 zen haramitsu
perfection of concentration; stillness of mind

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "perfection" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary