There are 290 total results for your 趣 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
趣 see styles |
qù qu4 ch`ü chü shu おもむき |
interesting; to interest (1) meaning; tenor; gist; (2) effect; influence; (3) appearance; aspect; (4) taste; (5) grace; charm; refinement Destination, destiny (especially on rebirth): v. 五趣, i.e. the hells, pretas, animals, man, devas. |
趣き see styles |
omomuki おもむき |
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) meaning; tenor; gist; (2) effect; influence; (3) appearance; aspect; (4) taste; (5) grace; charm; refinement |
趣く see styles |
omomuku おもむく omobuku おもぶく |
(v5k,vi) (1) to go in the direction of; to proceed toward; to proceed according to; to repair to; to betake oneself to; (2) to become; to face (facts, circumstances, etc.); (3) (archaism) to abide by; to agree to; to consent to; to obey |
趣事 see styles |
qù shì qu4 shi4 ch`ü shih chü shih |
entertaining anecdote; interesting story or incident |
趣入 see styles |
qù rù qu4 ru4 ch`ü ju chü ju shu nyū |
entrance |
趣劇 趣剧 see styles |
qù jù qu4 ju4 ch`ü chü chü chü |
farce |
趣向 see styles |
qù xiàng qu4 xiang4 ch`ü hsiang chü hsiang shukou / shuko しゅこう |
plan; idea; design; plot proceed toward |
趣味 see styles |
qù wèi qu4 wei4 ch`ü wei chü wei shumi しゅみ |
fun; interest; delight; taste; liking; preference (1) hobby; pastime; (2) tastes; preference; liking |
趣因 see styles |
qù yīn qu4 yin1 ch`ü yin chü yin shuin |
to cause of destiny |
趣好 see styles |
shukou / shuko しゅこう |
partiality |
趣寂 see styles |
qù jí qu4 ji2 ch`ü chi chü chi shujaku |
The destiny of nirvāṇa, as understood by the Hīnayāna. |
趣意 see styles |
shui しゅい |
main meaning; opinion; idea; aim; motive; gist; meaning |
趣旨 see styles |
shushi しゅし |
(1) meaning; point (e.g. of a statement); gist; effect; (2) goal; intent; object; aim; point |
趣梠 see styles |
koorogi こおろぎ |
(surname) Koorogi |
趣欲 see styles |
qù yù qu4 yu4 ch`ü yü chü yü shuyoku |
to seek hastily (or eagerly) |
趣求 see styles |
qù qiú qu4 qiu2 ch`ü ch`iu chü chiu shugu |
to seek after |
趣生 see styles |
qù shēng qu4 sheng1 ch`ü sheng chü sheng shushō |
destiny for rebirth |
趣聞 趣闻 see styles |
qù wén qu4 wen2 ch`ü wen chü wen |
funny news item; interesting anecdote |
趣致 see styles |
shuchi しゅち |
(form) taste; elegance; charm |
趣莉 see styles |
shuri しゅり |
(female given name) Shuri |
趣行 see styles |
qù xíng qu4 xing2 ch`ü hsing chü hsing shugyō |
courses of activity |
趣證 趣证 see styles |
qù zhèng qu4 zheng4 ch`ü cheng chü cheng shushō |
to attain |
趣里 see styles |
shuri しゅり |
(female given name) Shuri |
一趣 see styles |
yī qù yi1 qu4 i ch`ü i chü isshu |
singular goal |
七趣 see styles |
qī qù qi1 qu4 ch`i ch`ü chi chü shichishu |
The seven gati or states of sentient beings- nārakagati, in hell; preta, hungry ghost; tiryagyoni, animal; manuṣya, man; ṛṣi, a genius or higher spiritual being; deva, god; asura, demon of the higher order. |
三趣 see styles |
sān qù san1 qu4 san ch`ü san chü sanshu |
the three (evil) states of existence (of sentient beings) |
上趣 see styles |
shàng qù shang4 qu4 shang ch`ü shang chü jōshu |
The higher gati, directions, or transmigrations. |
二趣 see styles |
èr qù er4 qu4 erh ch`ü erh chü nishu |
two paths |
五趣 see styles |
wǔ qù wu3 qu4 wu ch`ü wu chü goshu |
The five gati, i. e. destinations, destinies: the hells, hungry ghosts, animals, human beings, devas; cf. 五惡趣 and 五道. |
人趣 see styles |
rén qù ren2 qu4 jen ch`ü jen chü ninshu |
人道 The human stage of the six gati, or states of existence. |
令趣 see styles |
lìng qù ling4 qu4 ling ch`ü ling chü ryōshu |
cause to proceed |
佳趣 see styles |
kashu かしゅ |
good taste; good impression |
依趣 see styles |
yī qù yi1 qu4 i ch`ü i chü eshu |
a reliable support |
俗趣 see styles |
zokushu ぞくしゅ |
vulgar taste |
六趣 see styles |
liù qù liu4 qu4 liu ch`ü liu chü rokushu |
The six directions of reincarnation, also 六道: (1) 地獄趣 naraka-gati, or that of the hells; (2) 餓鬼趣 preta-gati, of hungry ghosts; (3) 畜生趣 tiryagyoni-gati, of animals; (4) 阿修羅趣 asura-gati, of malevolent nature spirits; (5 ) 人趣 manuṣya-gati, of human existence; (6) 天趣 deva-gati, of deva existence. The 六趣輪廻經 is attributed to Aśvaghoṣa. |
別趣 see styles |
besshu べっしゅ |
(archaism) deep interest |
受趣 see styles |
shòu qù shou4 qu4 shou ch`ü shou chü jushu |
aspect of sensation |
同趣 see styles |
tóng qù tong2 qu4 t`ung ch`ü tung chü dōshu |
same destination |
善趣 see styles |
shàn qù shan4 qu4 shan ch`ü shan chü zenshu |
the fortunate states of existence |
囘趣 回趣 see styles |
huí qù hui2 qu4 hui ch`ü hui chü eshu |
To turn from other things to Buddhism. |
四趣 see styles |
sì qù si4 qu4 ssu ch`ü ssu chü shishu |
four rebirths |
天趣 see styles |
tiān qù tian1 qu4 t`ien ch`ü tien chü tenshu |
natural charm (of writings, works of art etc) idem 天道. |
奇趣 see styles |
qí qù qi2 qu4 ch`i ch`ü chi chü |
quaint charm |
妙趣 see styles |
miào qù miao4 qu4 miao ch`ü miao chü myoushu / myoshu みょうしゅ |
witty; clever; amusing exquisite beauty or charms The wonderful destiny or metempsychosis, i.e. that of Mahāyāna. |
宗趣 see styles |
zōng qù zong1 qu4 tsung ch`ü tsung chü shūshu |
doctrinal tenets |
帰趣 see styles |
kishu きしゅ |
(1) outcome (of a course of events); consequence; (noun/participle) (2) tendency; trend; drift |
幽趣 see styles |
yuushu / yushu ゆうしゅ |
a quiet (natural) setting |
往趣 see styles |
wǎng qù wang3 qu4 wang ch`ü wang chü ōshu |
to go toward |
心趣 see styles |
xīn qù xin1 qu4 hsin ch`ü hsin chü shinshu |
The bent or direction of the mind, or moral nature. |
志趣 see styles |
zhì qù zhi4 qu4 chih ch`ü chih chü shishu |
inclination; interest aspiration |
悪趣 see styles |
akushu あくしゅ |
{Buddh} (See 三悪趣) world where those who have committed bad deeds in this life go; evil realm |
情趣 see styles |
qíng qù qing2 qu4 ch`ing ch`ü ching chü joushu / joshu じょうしゅ |
inclinations and interests; delight; fun; interest; appeal mood; sentiment; artistic effect |
惑趣 see styles |
huò qù huo4 qu4 huo ch`ü huo chü wakushu |
The way or direction of illusion, delusive objective, intp. as deluded in fundamental principles. |
惡趣 恶趣 see styles |
è qù e4 qu4 o ch`ü o chü akushu |
The evil directions, or incarnations, i. e. those of animals, pretas, and beings in purgatory; to which some add asuras. |
想趣 see styles |
xiǎng qù xiang3 qu4 hsiang ch`ü hsiang chü sōshu |
tending toward perception |
意趣 see styles |
yì qù yi4 qu4 i ch`ü i chü ishu いしゅ |
interest; point of particular charm and interest (1) grudge; malice; spite; (2) intention; (3) disposition; obstinacy; (4) reason; (5) (See 意趣返し・いしゅがえし) revenge The direction of the mind, or will. |
所趣 see styles |
suǒ qù suo3 qu4 so ch`ü so chü shoshu |
place to which one is proceeding |
打趣 see styles |
dǎ qù da3 qu4 ta ch`ü ta chü |
to make fun of |
旨趣 see styles |
zhǐ qù zhi3 qu4 chih ch`ü chih chü shishu; shiishu / shishu; shishu ししゅ; しいしゅ |
(literary) purport; objective; intent objective; purport; intent intention |
易趣 see styles |
yì qù yi4 qu4 i ch`ü i chü |
EachNet, Chinese e-commerce company (formerly owned by eBay and branded as eBay EachNet) |
景趣 see styles |
keishu / keshu けいしゅ |
elegance; taste; refinement |
有趣 see styles |
yǒu qù you3 qu4 yu ch`ü yu chü |
interesting; fascinating; amusing |
樂趣 乐趣 see styles |
lè qù le4 qu4 le ch`ü le chü |
delight; pleasure; joy |
標趣 标趣 see styles |
biāo qù biao1 qu4 piao ch`ü piao chü hyōshu |
to profess |
歸趣 归趣 see styles |
guī qù gui1 qu4 kuei ch`ü kuei chü kishu |
conclusion |
沒趣 没趣 see styles |
méi qù mei2 qu4 mei ch`ü mei chü |
embarrassing; dull; unsatisfactory |
湊趣 凑趣 see styles |
còu qù cou4 qu4 ts`ou ch`ü tsou chü |
to comply in order to please others; to accommodate sb else's taste; to make fun of |
無趣 无趣 see styles |
wú qù wu2 qu4 wu ch`ü wu chü |
dull; vapid; colorless |
球趣 see styles |
kyuushu / kyushu きゅうしゅ |
interest in baseball |
理趣 see styles |
lǐ qù li3 qu4 li ch`ü li chü rishu |
appearance of the true principle |
生趣 see styles |
shēng qù sheng1 qu4 sheng ch`ü sheng chü shōshu |
The 四生 four forms of birth and the 六趣 six forms of transmigration. |
画趣 see styles |
gashu がしゅ |
picturesqueness |
界趣 see styles |
jiè qù jie4 qu4 chieh ch`ü chieh chü kai shu |
The three regions (desire, form, and formlessness) and the six paths (gati), i. e. the spheres of transmigration. |
異趣 see styles |
ishu いしゅ |
extraordinary appearance |
發趣 发趣 see styles |
fā qù fa1 qu4 fa ch`ü fa chü hosshu |
unfold a clear destiny |
知趣 see styles |
zhī qù zhi1 qu4 chih ch`ü chih chü |
to act tactfully; tactful; discreet |
童趣 see styles |
tóng qù tong2 qu4 t`ung ch`ü tung chü |
qualities that delight children (e.g. bold colors in a picture, anthropomorphized characters in a TV show, the physical challenge of playground equipment) |
等趣 see styles |
děng qù deng3 qu4 teng ch`ü teng chü tōshu |
same destination |
義趣 义趣 see styles |
yì qù yi4 qu4 i ch`ü i chü gishu |
The path of truth, the right direction, or objective. |
能趣 see styles |
néng qù neng2 qu4 neng ch`ü neng chü nōshu |
able to go towards |
興趣 兴趣 see styles |
xìng qù xing4 qu4 hsing ch`ü hsing chü kyoushu / kyoshu きょうしゅ |
interest (desire to know about something); interest (thing in which one is interested); hobby; CL:個|个[ge4] interest (in something) |
色趣 see styles |
sè qù se4 qu4 se ch`ü se chü shikishu |
aspect of form |
苦趣 see styles |
kǔ qù ku3 qu4 k`u ch`ü ku chü |
wretched feelings (opposite: 樂趣|乐趣, delight) |
行趣 see styles |
xíng qù xing2 qu4 hsing ch`ü hsing chü gyōshu |
aspect of impulse |
見趣 见趣 see styles |
jiàn qù jian4 qu4 chien ch`ü chien chü kenshu |
opinion |
言趣 see styles |
yán qù yan2 qu4 yen ch`ü yen chü gonshu |
meaning of words |
詩趣 see styles |
shishu ししゅ |
poetic |
誼趣 谊趣 see styles |
yí qù yi2 qu4 i ch`ü i chü gishu |
meaning |
諧趣 谐趣 see styles |
xié qù xie2 qu4 hsieh ch`ü hsieh chü |
humor; amusing |
諸趣 诸趣 see styles |
zhū qù zhu1 qu4 chu ch`ü chu chü shoshu |
All paths or destinies of sentient existence, i.e. devas, men, asuras, beings in purgatory, pretas, and animals. |
識趣 识趣 see styles |
shí qù shi2 qu4 shih ch`ü shih chü |
tactful; discreet |
轉趣 转趣 see styles |
zhuǎn qù zhuan3 qu4 chuan ch`ü chuan chü tenshu |
going toward |
逗趣 see styles |
dòu qù dou4 qu4 tou ch`ü tou chü |
to amuse; to make sb laugh; to tease |
遍趣 see styles |
biàn qù bian4 qu4 pien ch`ü pien chü henshu |
all courses |
遠趣 远趣 see styles |
yuǎn qù yuan3 qu4 yüan ch`ü yüan chü onshu |
far-reaching aim(s) |
郵趣 see styles |
yuushu / yushu ゆうしゅ |
philately |
野趣 see styles |
yě qù ye3 qu4 yeh ch`ü yeh chü yashu やしゅ |
rustic charm rural beauty; rusticity; rustic beauty |
雅趣 see styles |
yǎ qù ya3 qu4 ya ch`ü ya chü gashu がしゅ |
elegant; refined; delicate and charming elegance |
非趣 see styles |
fēi qù fei1 qu4 fei ch`ü fei chü |
negative rebirth |
風趣 风趣 see styles |
fēng qù feng1 qu4 feng ch`ü feng chü fuushu / fushu ふうしゅ |
charm; humor; wit; humorous; witty elegance |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "趣" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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