There are 249 total results for your 粗 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
粗 see styles |
cū cu1 ts`u tsu hobo ほぼ |
(of something long) wide; thick; (of something granular) coarse; (of a voice) gruff; (of sb's manner etc) rough; crude; careless; rude (adverb) (kana only) almost; roughly; approximately; (1) leftovers (after filleting a fish); (2) rice chaff; (3) (kana only) flaw (esp. of a person); (prefix) (4) rough; roughly; (5) crude; raw; natural; wild; (surname) Hobo rough |
觕 粗 see styles |
cū cu1 ts`u tsu |
variant of 粗[cu1] See: 粗 |
麤 粗 see styles |
cū cu1 ts`u tsu so |
remote; distant; variant of 粗[cu1] sthūla. course, rough, crude, unrefined, immature. |
粗い see styles |
arai あらい |
(adjective) coarse; rough |
粗估 see styles |
cū gū cu1 gu1 ts`u ku tsu ku |
rough estimate |
粗俗 see styles |
cū sú cu1 su2 ts`u su tsu su |
vulgar |
粗分 see styles |
cū fēn cu1 fen1 ts`u fen tsu fen |
broad classification; (when followed by 為|为[wei2]) to roughly divide (into category A, category B, ...) |
粗利 see styles |
arari あらり |
(abbreviation) gross profit; gross margin |
粗剪 see styles |
cū jiǎn cu1 jian3 ts`u chien tsu chien |
(cinema) rough cut |
粗劣 see styles |
cū liè cu1 lie4 ts`u lieh tsu lieh |
coarse |
粗厲 粗厉 see styles |
cū lì cu1 li4 ts`u li tsu li |
abrasive; husky (voice) |
粗口 see styles |
cū kǒu cu1 kou3 ts`u k`ou tsu kou |
swear words; obscene language; foul language |
粗品 see styles |
sohin そひん soshina そしな |
(1) inferior goods; low-quality article; (2) (humble language) trifling gift; (3) gift given out by companies to customers as a token of gratitude; marketing incentive |
粗啞 粗哑 see styles |
cū yǎ cu1 ya3 ts`u ya tsu ya |
husky; hoarse; raucous |
粗塩 see styles |
arajio あらじお arashio あらしお |
coarse salt; unrefined salt |
粗壁 see styles |
arakabe あらかべ |
rough-coated wall |
粗壯 粗壮 see styles |
cū zhuàng cu1 zhuang4 ts`u chuang tsu chuang |
thick and solid |
粗大 see styles |
cū dà cu1 da4 ts`u ta tsu ta sodai そだい |
thick; bulky; loud (noun or adjectival noun) coarse; rough; bulky |
粗妙 see styles |
cū miào cu1 miao4 ts`u miao tsu miao so myō |
coarse and subtle |
粗密 see styles |
somitsu そみつ |
coarseness and fineness; sparse or dense (growth) |
粗布 see styles |
sofu; aranuno そふ; あらぬの |
coarse cloth |
粗心 see styles |
cū xīn cu1 xin1 ts`u hsin tsu hsin |
careless; thoughtless |
粗忽 see styles |
sokotsu そこつ |
(noun or adjectival noun) careless; thoughtless; rash; rude; at fault |
粗悪 see styles |
soaku そあく |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) coarse; crude; inferior |
粗惡 粗恶 see styles |
cū è cu1 e4 ts`u o tsu o soaku |
serious crime |
粗慢 see styles |
soman そまん |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) slipshod; sloppy; shoddy |
粗描 see styles |
sobyou / sobyo そびょう |
(noun/participle) rough sketch |
粗放 see styles |
cū fàng cu1 fang4 ts`u fang tsu fang sohou / soho そほう |
extensive; expansive; large-scale (noun or adjectival noun) rough; careless; reckless; slovenly |
粗方 see styles |
arakata あらかた |
(adv,n) (1) (kana only) mostly; almost; nearly; for the most part; (adverb) (2) (kana only) roughly; approximately; about |
粗暴 see styles |
cū bào cu1 bao4 ts`u pao tsu pao sobou / sobo そぼう |
crude; crass; rude; rough; harsh (noun or adjectival noun) rough (behaviour, temperament, etc.); wild; rude; violent |
粗服 see styles |
sofuku そふく |
plain clothing |
粗木 see styles |
araki あらき |
logs in bark; rough wood; unseasoned timber; new lumber |
粗末 see styles |
somatsu そまつ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (See お粗末) crude; rough; plain; humble; shabby; poor-quality; low-quality |
粗朶 see styles |
soda そだ |
brushwood; twig |
粗榧 see styles |
cū fěi cu1 fei3 ts`u fei tsu fei |
Chinese plum-yew; Cephalotaxus sinensis (botany) |
粗樫 see styles |
arakashi; arakashi あらかし; アラカシ |
(kana only) ring-cupped oak (Quercus glauca); Japanese blue oak |
粗毛 see styles |
hoboke ほぼけ |
(place-name) Hoboke |
粗汁 see styles |
arajiru あらじる |
(food term) soup made from boiling leftover fish scraps; fishhead soup |
粗油 see styles |
soyu そゆ |
raw oil; unrefined vegetable oil (e.g. palm oil, pine oil) |
粗活 see styles |
cū huó cu1 huo2 ts`u huo tsu huo |
unskilled labor; heavy manual work |
粗淺 粗浅 see styles |
cū qiǎn cu1 qian3 ts`u ch`ien tsu chien |
shallow; superficial |
粗漏 see styles |
sorou / soro そろう |
(adjectival noun) (1) (obscure) careless; negligent; (2) (obscure) carelessness |
粗煮 see styles |
arani あらに |
dish consisting of bony fish parts boiled in soy sauce |
粗熱 see styles |
aranetsu あらねつ |
the heat of food just after cooking |
粗獷 粗犷 see styles |
cū guǎng cu1 guang3 ts`u kuang tsu kuang |
rough; rude; boorish; straightforward; uninhibited |
粗率 see styles |
cū shuài cu1 shuai4 ts`u shuai tsu shuai araritsu あらりつ |
rough; coarse; crude; without due care; ill-considered gross profit margin |
粗玉 see styles |
aratama あらたま |
unpolished and uncut gem |
粗略 see styles |
cū lüè cu1 lu:e4 ts`u lu:e tsu lu:e soryaku そりゃく |
rough (not precise or accurate); cursory (noun or adjectival noun) coarse; crude; rough |
粗疏 see styles |
cū shū cu1 shu1 ts`u shu tsu shu |
coarse; rough; careless |
粗皮 see styles |
arakawa あらかわ |
bark; husk; untanned pelt |
粗目 see styles |
zarame ざらめ |
granulated sugar; brown sugar |
粗相 see styles |
sosou / soso そそう |
(noun/participle) (1) carelessness; careless mistake; blunder; (2) wetting one's pants; (adj-nari,n) (3) (archaism) crude; coarse |
粗砂 see styles |
cū shā cu1 sha1 ts`u sha tsu sha |
grit |
粗砥 see styles |
arato あらと |
rough grindstone |
粗笨 see styles |
cū bèn cu1 ben4 ts`u pen tsu pen sohon そほん |
awkward; clumsy; unwieldy; heavy-handed (noun or adjectival noun) crude |
粗筋 see styles |
arasuji あらすじ |
(kana only) outline; summary; argument |
粗筵 see styles |
aramushiro あらむしろ |
(obscure) loosely woven mat |
粗粉 see styles |
arako あらこ |
(See 微塵粉) coarse rice granules (used when making candy); roughly ground rice flour |
粗粒 see styles |
soryuu / soryu そりゅう |
(adj-no,n) coarse-grained |
粗粗 see styles |
araara / arara あらあら |
(adverb) roughly |
粗糖 see styles |
sotou / soto そとう |
raw sugar; unrefined sugar |
粗糙 see styles |
cū cāo cu1 cao1 ts`u ts`ao tsu tsao |
crude; gruff; rough; coarse |
粗糧 粗粮 see styles |
cū liáng cu1 liang2 ts`u liang tsu liang |
coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc) |
粗糲 粗粝 see styles |
cū lì cu1 li4 ts`u li tsu li |
coarse rice; coarse (of food) |
粗細 粗细 see styles |
cū xì cu1 xi4 ts`u hsi tsu hsi |
thick and thin; coarse and fine; thickness (caliber); coarseness; quality of work |
粗絹 粗绢 see styles |
cū juàn cu1 juan4 ts`u chüan tsu chüan soken |
coarse silk |
粗縄 see styles |
aranawa あらなわ |
straw rope |
粗罪 see styles |
cū zuì cu1 zui4 ts`u tsui tsu tsui sozai |
serious crime |
粗茶 see styles |
socha そちゃ |
(1) coarse, low-grade tea; (2) (humble language) tea (often used when offering someone a cup) |
粗莽 see styles |
cū mǎng cu1 mang3 ts`u mang tsu mang |
brusque; rough; boorish; crude |
粗菓 see styles |
soka そか |
(humble language) refreshments (implied to be low-grade) |
粗薦 see styles |
aragomo あらごも arakomo あらこも |
(obscure) loosely woven mat of wild rice leaves |
粗衣 see styles |
soi そい |
simple clothes; humble clothes |
粗製 see styles |
sosei / sose そせい |
crude construction; crude manufacture |
粗言 see styles |
sogon そごん sogen そげん |
rude word; inappropriate word; coarse language |
粗話 粗话 see styles |
cū huà cu1 hua4 ts`u hua tsu hua |
vulgar language; coarse language |
粗語 粗语 see styles |
cū yǔ cu1 yu3 ts`u yü tsu yü |
rude words; dirty talk |
粗豪 see styles |
cū háo cu1 hao2 ts`u hao tsu hao |
straightforward; forthright |
粗過 粗过 see styles |
cū guò cu1 guo4 ts`u kuo tsu kuo soka |
serious crime |
粗鄙 see styles |
cū bǐ cu1 bi3 ts`u pi tsu pi |
vulgar; coarse; uncouth |
粗酒 see styles |
soshu そしゅ |
(humble language) sake (implied to be low-grade) |
粗野 see styles |
cū yě cu1 ye3 ts`u yeh tsu yeh soya そや |
insolent; boorish; rough (in actions) (noun or adjectival noun) rustic; rude; vulgar; rough |
粗金 see styles |
aragane あらがね arakane あらかね |
ore |
粗鉱 see styles |
sokou / soko そこう |
crude ore; raw ore |
粗銅 see styles |
sodou / sodo そどう |
black copper |
粗鋼 see styles |
sokou / soko そこう |
crude steel |
粗陋 see styles |
cū lòu cu1 lou4 ts`u lou tsu lou |
crude; coarse; unsophisticated; shallow |
粗雑 see styles |
sozatsu そざつ |
(noun or adjectival noun) coarse; rough; crude |
粗面 see styles |
somen そめん |
rough surface |
粗食 see styles |
sojiki そじき soshoku そしょく |
(noun/participle) simple diet; plain food; simple food; frugal meal |
粗飯 粗饭 see styles |
cū fàn cu1 fan4 ts`u fan tsu fan sohan そはん |
an unappealing and unsatisfying meal (humble language) poor meal coarse meal |
粗餐 see styles |
sosan そさん |
plain meal |
粗體 粗体 see styles |
cū tǐ cu1 ti3 ts`u t`i tsu ti |
bold (typeface) |
粗鬆 see styles |
sosou; soshou / soso; sosho そそう; そしょう |
(noun or adjectival noun) rough; crude; unrefined |
粗魯 粗鲁 see styles |
cū lǔ cu1 lu3 ts`u lu tsu lu |
coarse; crude (in one's manner); boorish |
粗鹵 粗卤 see styles |
cū lǔ cu1 lu3 ts`u lu tsu lu |
variant of 粗魯|粗鲁[cu1 lu3] |
粗鹽 粗盐 see styles |
cū yán cu1 yan2 ts`u yen tsu yen |
coarse salt; rock salt |
六麤 六粗 see styles |
liù cū liu4 cu1 liu ts`u liu tsu rokuso |
The six 'coarser' stages arising from the 三細 or three finer stages which in turn are produced by original 無明, the unenlightened condition of ignorance; v. Awakening of Faith 起信論. They are the states of (1) 智相 knowledge or consciousness of like and dislike arising from mental conditions; (2) 相續相 consciousness of pain and pleasure resulting from the first, causing continuous responsive memory; (3) 執取相 attachment or clinging, arising from the last; (4) 計名字相 assigning names according to the seeming and unreal with fixation of ideas); (5) 起業 the consequent activity with all the variety of deeds; (6) 業繋苦相 the suffering resulting from being tied to deeds and their karma consequences. |
加粗 see styles |
jiā cū jia1 cu1 chia ts`u chia tsu |
to make text bold |
動粗 动粗 see styles |
dòng cū dong4 cu1 tung ts`u tung tsu |
to use violence (against sb); to strong-arm sb; to manhandle |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "粗" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.