There are 654 total results for your 算 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
算 see styles |
suàn suan4 suan kazoe かぞえ |
to regard as; to figure; to calculate; to compute (1) divining sticks; (noun/participle) (2) counting; calculation; (surname) Kazoe Reckon, count, calculate. |
算了 see styles |
suàn le suan4 le5 suan le |
More info & calligraphy: Let It Be |
算体 see styles |
santai さんたい |
{comp} (computer) object |
算入 see styles |
sannyuu / sannyu さんにゅう |
(noun, transitive verb) factoring in; including |
算出 see styles |
suàn chū suan4 chu1 suan ch`u suan chu sanshutsu さんしゅつ |
to figure out (noun, transitive verb) calculation; computation |
算力 see styles |
suàn lì suan4 li4 suan li |
computing power; hash rate (digital currency mining) |
算卦 see styles |
suàn guà suan4 gua4 suan kua |
fortune telling |
算名 see styles |
sanna さんな |
(place-name) Sanna |
算命 see styles |
suàn mìng suan4 ming4 suan ming |
fortune-telling; to tell fortune |
算哲 see styles |
santetsu さんてつ |
(personal name) Santetsu |
算場 see styles |
soroba そろば |
(place-name) Soroba |
算子 see styles |
suàn zi suan4 zi5 suan tzu |
operator (math.) |
算定 see styles |
santei / sante さんてい |
(n,vs,vt,adj-no) calculation; estimation; computation |
算実 see styles |
sanmi さんみ |
(female given name) Sanmi |
算巳 see styles |
kazumi かずみ |
(given name) Kazumi |
算師 算师 see styles |
suàn shī suan4 shi1 suan shih sanshi |
a master of calculation |
算帳 算帐 see styles |
suàn zhàng suan4 zhang4 suan chang |
to reckon (accounting); to balance an account; fig. to settle an account; to get one's revenge |
算式 see styles |
sanshiki さんしき |
mathematical formula; numerical expression |
算彦 see styles |
kazuhiko かずひこ |
(male given name) Kazuhiko |
算所 see styles |
sanjo さんじょ |
(place-name) Sanjo |
算数 see styles |
sansuu / sansu さんすう |
(1) arithmetic; (2) calculation |
算數 算数 see styles |
suàn shù suan4 shu4 suan shu sanju |
to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to be important) To count numbers, to count, number. |
算旭 see styles |
sangyoku さんぎょく |
(surname) Sangyoku |
算昭 see styles |
kazuaki かずあき |
(given name) Kazuaki |
算是 see styles |
suàn shì suan4 shi4 suan shih |
considered to be; at last |
算木 see styles |
sangi さんぎ |
(1) sticks used for calculations; (2) divining rods |
算段 see styles |
sandan さんだん |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) trying to think of a way (to do); devising means (to do); working out (how to do); (noun, transitive verb) (2) contriving (to raise money); managing |
算法 see styles |
suàn fǎ suan4 fa3 suan fa sanpou / sanpo さんぽう |
arithmetic; algorithm; method of calculation arithmetic; algorithm |
算浩 see styles |
kazuhiro かずひろ |
(personal name) Kazuhiro |
算準 算准 see styles |
suàn zhǔn suan4 zhun3 suan chun |
to calculate precisely; to identify; to discern; to tell |
算用 see styles |
sanyou / sanyo さんよう |
(noun, transitive verb) computation; calculation |
算男 see styles |
kazuo かずお |
(given name) Kazuo |
算盤 算盘 see styles |
suàn pán suan4 pan2 suan p`an suan pan soroban そろばん |
abacus; CL:把[ba3]; plan; scheme (kana only) abacus |
算知 see styles |
sanchi さんち |
(given name) Sanchi |
算砂 see styles |
sansa さんさ |
(given name) Sansa |
算程 see styles |
santei / sante さんてい |
{comp} (computer) process |
算筆 see styles |
sanpitsu さんぴつ |
(rare) writing and arithmetic |
算籌 see styles |
sanchuu / sanchu さんちゅう |
(rare) (See 算木) sticks used for counting |
算織 see styles |
kazuo かずお |
(given name) Kazuo |
算美 see styles |
sanmi さんみ |
(female given name) Sanmi |
算英 see styles |
sanei / sane さんえい |
(given name) San'ei |
算術 算术 see styles |
suàn shù suan4 shu4 suan shu sanjutsu さんじゅつ |
arithmetic arithmetic |
算計 算计 see styles |
suàn ji suan4 ji5 suan chi sankei |
to reckon; to calculate; to plan; to expect; to scheme to count |
算話 算话 see styles |
suàn huà suan4 hua4 suan hua |
(of sb's words) to count; can be trusted |
算譜 see styles |
sanpu さんぷ |
(obsolete) {comp} (See プログラム・3) computer program |
算賀 see styles |
sanga さんが |
longevity celebration (on one's 40th, 50th, 60th, etc. birthday) |
算賬 算账 see styles |
suàn zhàng suan4 zhang4 suan chang |
(accounting) to balance the books; to do the accounts; (fig.) to settle an account; to get one's revenge |
算道 see styles |
sandou / sando さんどう |
(hist) study of calculation (ritsuryō period); the way of calculation |
算長 see styles |
kazunaga かずなが |
(personal name) Kazunaga |
算額 see styles |
sangaku さんがく |
(hist) votive tablet depicting a mathematical puzzle that was placed as an offering at a shrine or temple (Edo period) |
上算 see styles |
shàng suàn shang4 suan4 shang suan |
to be worthwhile; to be worth it |
不算 see styles |
bù suàn bu4 suan4 pu suan |
to not calculate; to not count; to not be considered (as); to have no weight |
乗算 see styles |
jouzan / jozan じょうざん |
(noun, transitive verb) {math} (See 除算) multiplication |
予算 see styles |
yosan よさん |
(noun/participle) estimate (of costs); budget |
估算 see styles |
gū suàn gu1 suan4 ku suan |
assessment; evaluation |
公算 see styles |
kousan / kosan こうさん |
probability; likelihood |
划算 see styles |
huá suàn hua2 suan4 hua suan |
to calculate; to weigh (pros and cons); to view as profitable; worthwhile; value for money; cost-effective |
割算 see styles |
warizan わりざん |
(noun/participle) (mathematics term) division |
加算 see styles |
kasan かさん |
(adj-na,n,vs) addition; adding; supplement |
勝算 胜算 see styles |
shèng suàn sheng4 suan4 sheng suan shousan / shosan しょうさん |
odds of success; stratagem that ensures success; to be sure of success prospects of victory; chances of success; (personal name) Shousan |
占算 see styles |
urasan うらさん |
(1) divination with rods; (2) (See 算木・2) divining rods |
卦算 see styles |
keisan / kesan けいさん |
paperweight |
可算 see styles |
kasan かさん |
(can act as adjective) (1) {gramm} (See 可算名詞) (ant: 不可算) countable (of a noun); (can act as adjective) (2) {math} (See 可算集合) countable (of a set); enumerable; denumerable |
合算 see styles |
hé suàn he2 suan4 ho suan gassan がっさん |
worthwhile; to be a good deal; to be a bargain; to reckon up; to calculate (noun, transitive verb) adding up; totalling; totaling |
和算 see styles |
wasan わさん |
(hist) Japanese mathematics; mathematics developed in Japan |
失算 see styles |
shī suàn shi1 suan4 shih suan |
to miscalculate; to misjudge |
宝算 see styles |
housan / hosan ほうさん |
the Emperor's age |
就算 see styles |
jiù suàn jiu4 suan4 chiu suan |
(coll.) even if |
康算 see styles |
yasukazu やすかず |
(given name) Yasukazu |
引算 see styles |
hikizan ひきざん |
(noun/participle) (mathematics term) subtraction |
彙算 汇算 see styles |
huì suàn hui4 suan4 hui suan |
to collect data and square up; to settle accounts |
心算 see styles |
xīn suàn xin1 suan4 hsin suan shinsan; shinzan; tsumori(gikun) しんさん; しんざん; つもり(gikun) |
mental arithmetic; to calculate in one's head; planning; preparation (1) (See つもり・1) intention; plan; purpose; expectation; (2) (つもり only) (See つもり・2) belief; assumption; thought; conviction |
成算 see styles |
seisan / sesan せいさん |
hope of success; prospects of success |
打算 see styles |
dǎ suàn da3 suan4 ta suan dasan ださん |
to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation; CL:個|个[ge4] (noun, transitive verb) calculation; self-interest; selfishness |
承算 see styles |
jouzan / jozan じょうざん |
(given name) Jōzan |
折算 see styles |
zhé suàn zhe2 suan4 che suan |
to convert (between currencies) |
掐算 see styles |
qiā suàn qia1 suan4 ch`ia suan chia suan |
to count with one's fingers; on the spot calculation |
掛算 see styles |
kakezan かけざん |
(mathematics term) multiplication |
採算 see styles |
saisan さいさん |
profit |
推算 see styles |
tuī suàn tui1 suan4 t`ui suan tui suan suisan すいさん |
to calculate; to reckon; to extrapolate (in calculation) (noun, transitive verb) estimation; rough calculation |
換算 换算 see styles |
huàn suàn huan4 suan4 huan suan kansan(p); kanzan かんさん(P); かんざん |
to convert; conversion; (in accounting, referring to currency conversion) translation (noun, transitive verb) conversion (e.g. yen to dollars); change; exchange; translation (numerical) |
暗算 see styles |
àn suàn an4 suan4 an suan anzan あんざん |
to plot against (noun, transitive verb) mental arithmetic |
書算 书算 see styles |
shū suàn shu1 suan4 shu suan shosan |
calligraphy and mathematics |
核算 see styles |
hé suàn he2 suan4 ho suan |
to calculate; accounting |
検算 see styles |
kenzan けんざん |
(noun/participle) verification of accounts; checking figures; arithmetic check |
概算 see styles |
gaisan がいさん |
(noun, transitive verb) approximation; rough estimate; ballpark figure |
正算 see styles |
masakazu まさかず |
(given name) Masakazu |
決算 决算 see styles |
jué suàn jue2 suan4 chüeh suan ketsusan けつさん |
final account; to calculate the final bill; fig. to draw up plans to deal with something (n,adj-no,vs,vi) settlement of accounts; closing accounts; financial results; reporting (of accounts); (surname) Ketsusan |
洋算 see styles |
youzan; yousan / yozan; yosan ようざん; ようさん |
(hist) (See 和算) Western arithmetic |
清算 see styles |
qīng suàn qing1 suan4 ch`ing suan ching suan seisan / sesan せいさん |
to settle accounts; to clear accounts; to liquidate; to expose and criticize (noun, transitive verb) (1) (financial) settlement; squaring accounts; clearing debts; (noun, transitive verb) (2) liquidation; (noun, transitive verb) (3) ending (a relationship); breaking up (with); burying (the past); redeeming (one's faults) |
減算 see styles |
genzan げんざん |
(n,vs,vt,vi) subtraction |
測算 测算 see styles |
cè suàn ce4 suan4 ts`e suan tse suan |
to take measurements and calculate |
源算 see styles |
gensan げんさん |
(personal name) Gensan |
演算 see styles |
yǎn suàn yan3 suan4 yen suan enzan えんざん |
to perform calculations (noun, transitive verb) {math} operation; calculation |
炭算 see styles |
isako いさこ |
(personal name) Isako |
玉算 see styles |
tamazan たまざん |
calculation with abacus |
珠算 see styles |
zhū suàn zhu1 suan4 chu suan tamazan たまざん shuzan しゅざん |
calculation using abacus calculation with abacus |
盤算 盘算 see styles |
pán suàn pan2 suan4 p`an suan pan suan |
to plot; to scheme; to calculate |
目算 see styles |
mokusan もくさん |
(noun/participle) (1) rough estimate; rough calculation; (2) expectation; anticipation; plan |
破算 see styles |
hasan はさん |
(1) (See ご破算・1) starting afresh; going back to square one; abandoning (e.g. a plan); calling off; (2) (orig. meaning) (See ご破算・2) clearing an abacus |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "算" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.