There are 115 total results for your 法師 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
法師 法师 see styles |
fǎ shī fa3 shi1 fa shih houshi / hoshi ほうし |
one who has mastered the sutras (Buddhism) (1) Buddhist priest; bonze; (2) layman dressed like a priest; (suffix noun) (3) (usu. pronounced ぼうし) person; (surname, given name) Houshi A Buddhist teacher, master of the Law; five kinds are given— a custodian (of the sūtras), reader, intoner, expounder, and copier. |
法師丸 see styles |
hoshimaru ほしまる |
(place-name) Hoshimaru |
法師人 see styles |
hoshito ほしと |
(surname) Hoshito |
法師倉 see styles |
houshigura / hoshigura ほうしぐら |
(place-name) Houshigura |
法師品 法师品 see styles |
fǎ shī pǐn fa3 shi1 pin3 fa shih p`in fa shih pin Hosshi bon |
The Dharma Teachers |
法師坊 see styles |
houjibou / hojibo ほうじぼう |
(place-name) Houjibou |
法師山 see styles |
houshiyama / hoshiyama ほうしやま |
(surname) Houshiyama |
法師岡 see styles |
houshioka / hoshioka ほうしおか |
(place-name) Houshioka |
法師峠 see styles |
houshitouge / hoshitoge ほうしとうげ |
(personal name) Houshitōge |
法師崎 see styles |
houshizaki / hoshizaki ほうしざき |
(personal name) Houshizaki |
法師川 see styles |
houshigawa / hoshigawa ほうしがわ |
(place-name) Houshigawa |
法師庵 see styles |
houshian / hoshian ほうしあん |
(place-name) Houshian |
法師戸 see styles |
houshito / hoshito ほうしと |
(place-name) Houshito |
法師柳 see styles |
houshiyanagi / hoshiyanagi ほうしやなぎ |
(place-name) Houshiyanagi |
法師沢 see styles |
houshizawa / hoshizawa ほうしざわ |
(place-name) Houshizawa |
法師浜 see styles |
houshihama / hoshihama ほうしはま |
(surname) Houshihama |
法師淵 see styles |
houshibuchi / hoshibuchi ほうしぶち |
(place-name) Houshibuchi |
法師渕 see styles |
houshibuchi / hoshibuchi ほうしぶち |
(place-name) Houshibuchi |
法師渡 see styles |
hoshiwatashi ほしわたし |
(place-name) Hoshiwatashi |
法師濱 see styles |
houshihama / hoshihama ほうしはま |
(surname) Houshihama |
法師畑 see styles |
houshibata / hoshibata ほうしばた |
(place-name) Houshibata |
法師窪 see styles |
houshikubo / hoshikubo ほうしくぼ |
(place-name) Houshikubo |
法師蝉 see styles |
houshizemi; houshizemi / hoshizemi; hoshizemi ほうしぜみ; ホウシゼミ |
(See ツクツクボウシ) Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada) |
法師谷 see styles |
houshidani / hoshidani ほうしだに |
(personal name) Houshidani |
法師軒 see styles |
houshiken / hoshiken ほうしけん |
(place-name) Houshiken |
法師髪 see styles |
houshigami / hoshigami ほうしがみ |
(rare) short-trimmed mane (of a horse) |
一法師 see styles |
itsupoushi / itsuposhi いつぽうし |
(surname) Itsupoushi |
乙法師 see styles |
otoboushi / otoboshi おとぼうし |
(place-name) Otoboushi |
備法師 备法师 see styles |
bèi fǎ shī bei4 fa3 shi1 pei fa shih Bi hosshi |
Bei fashi |
傳法師 传法师 see styles |
chuán fǎ shī chuan2 fa3 shi1 ch`uan fa shih chuan fa shih denbō shi |
dharma transmitter |
加法師 see styles |
kaboushi / kaboshi かぼうし |
(place-name) Kaboushi |
大法師 大法师 see styles |
dà fǎ shī da4 fa3 shi1 ta fa shih dai hosshi |
a great Dharma-master |
寂法師 寂法师 see styles |
jí fǎ shī ji2 fa3 shi1 chi fa shih Jaku Hōshi |
Ji Fashi |
小法師 小法师 see styles |
xiǎo fǎ shī xiao3 fa3 shi1 hsiao fa shih kohoushi / kohoshi こほうし |
(surname) Kohoushi junior teacher |
尼法師 尼法师 see styles |
ní fǎ shī ni2 fa3 shi1 ni fa shih amahoushi / amahoshi あまほうし |
{Buddh} nun A nun teacher; effeminate. |
山法師 see styles |
yamahoushi / yamahoshi やまほうし |
warrior monks from Enryaku temple at Mt. Hiei in Kyoto |
影法師 see styles |
kageboushi / kageboshi かげぼうし |
shadow figure; silhouette |
悪法師 see styles |
akuboushi / akuboshi あくぼうし |
(place-name) Akuboushi |
教法師 教法师 see styles |
jiào fǎ shī jiao4 fa3 shi1 chiao fa shih kyō hōshi |
dharma teacher |
新法師 see styles |
shinboushi / shinboshi しんぼうし |
(place-name) Shinboushi |
泰法師 泰法师 see styles |
tài fǎ shī tai4 fa3 shi1 t`ai fa shih tai fa shih Tai hosshi |
Tai Fashi |
竜法師 see styles |
ryuuboushi / ryuboshi りゅうぼうし |
(place-name) Ryūboushi |
築法師 see styles |
chikuboushi / chikuboshi ちくぼうし |
(place-name) Chikuboushi |
肇法師 肇法师 see styles |
zhào fǎ shī zhao4 fa3 shi1 chao fa shih Chō Hosshi |
or 僧肇 Sengzhao, name of a monk in the fourth century whose treatise is called by this name. |
荒法師 see styles |
arahoushi / arahoshi あらほうし |
ferocious (armed) monk |
說法師 说法师 see styles |
shuō fǎ shī shuo1 fa3 shi1 shuo fa shih seppōshi |
Dharma preacher |
軌法師 轨法师 see styles |
guǐ fǎ shī gui3 fa3 shi1 kuei fa shih Ki hōshi |
Gui fashi |
飯法師 see styles |
iiboshi / iboshi いいぼし |
(surname) Iiboshi |
魔法師 魔法师 see styles |
mó fǎ shī mo2 fa3 shi1 mo fa shih |
magician; wizard; sorcerer |
黒法師 see styles |
kuroboshi くろぼし |
(place-name) Kuroboshi |
法師十德 法师十德 see styles |
fǎ shī shí dé fa3 shi1 shi2 de2 fa shih shih te hōshi juttoku |
ten virtues of a teacher of the dharma |
法師温泉 see styles |
houshionsen / hoshionsen ほうしおんせん |
(place-name) Houshionsen |
法師落人 see styles |
hosshoudo / hosshodo ほっしょうど |
(place-name) Hosshoudo |
一寸法師 see styles |
issunboushi / issunboshi いっすんぼうし |
(1) dwarf; midget; elf; Tom Thumb; Jack Sprat; (2) Issun-bōshi (Japanese fairytale) |
三教法師 三教法师 see styles |
sān jiào fǎ shī san1 jiao4 fa3 shi1 san chiao fa shih sangyō hōshi |
Master of the Tripiṭaka; a title of Xuanzang 玄奘. |
三蔵法師 see styles |
sanzouhoushi / sanzohoshi さんぞうほうし |
(personal name) Sanzouhoushi |
三藏法師 三藏法师 see styles |
sān zàng fǎ shī san1 zang4 fa3 shi1 san tsang fa shih sanzō hosshi |
monk who has mastered the scriptures; (esp.) Xuanzang 玄奘[Xuan2 zang4] (602-664) A teacher of the Law; especially 玄奘 Xuanzang of the Tang dynasty; and cf. 般若. |
九轍法師 九辙法师 see styles |
jiǔ zhé fǎ shī jiu3 zhe2 fa3 shi1 chiu che fa shih kutetsu hōshi |
nine track dharma master |
乞食法師 乞食法师 see styles |
qǐ shí fǎ shī qi3 shi2 fa3 shi1 ch`i shih fa shih chi shih fa shih kotsujiki hōshi |
alms-begging monk |
五種法師 五种法师 see styles |
wǔ zhǒng fǎ shī wu3 zhong3 fa3 shi1 wu chung fa shih goshu hosshi |
The five kinds of masters of the Law, v. Lotus Sutra, 法師品— one who receives and keeps; reads; recites; expounds; and copies the sutra. |
俊恵法師 see styles |
shunehoushi / shunehoshi しゅんえほうし |
(personal name) Shun'ehoushi |
兼好法師 see styles |
kenkouhoushi / kenkohoshi けんこうほうし |
(person) Kenkou Houshi |
力者法師 力者法师 see styles |
lì zhě fǎ shī li4 zhe3 fa3 shi1 li che fa shih rikisha hōshi |
A monk who degrades himself by becoming a fighter (e.g. boxer), or a slave. |
加法師町 see styles |
kaboushichou / kaboshicho かぼうしちょう |
(place-name) Kaboushichō |
喜撰法師 see styles |
kisenhoushi / kisenhoshi きせんほうし |
(person) Monk Kisen (Heian period poet) |
在家法師 在家法师 see styles |
zài jiā fǎ shī zai4 jia1 fa3 shi1 tsai chia fa shih zaike hosshi |
lay Buddhist teacher |
大乘法師 大乘法师 see styles |
dà shèng fǎ shī da4 sheng4 fa3 shi1 ta sheng fa shih daijō hōshi |
a title for 窺基 v. 大乘基. |
奥新法師 see styles |
okushinboushi / okushinboshi おくしんぼうし |
(place-name) Okushinboushi |
威儀法師 威仪法师 see styles |
wēi yí fǎ shī wei1 yi2 fa3 shi1 wei i fa shih igi hōshi |
(威儀師); 威儀僧 A master of ceremonies. |
寂連法師 see styles |
jakurenhoushi / jakurenhoshi じゃくれんほうし |
(personal name) Jakurenhoushi |
小島法師 see styles |
kojimahoushi / kojimahoshi こじまほうし |
(person) Kojima Houshi |
小法師山 see styles |
koboushiyama / koboshiyama こぼうしやま |
(place-name) Koboushiyama |
小法師岳 see styles |
koboushidake / koboshidake こぼうしだけ |
(place-name) Koboushidake |
恵慶法師 see styles |
egyouhoushi / egyohoshi えぎょうほうし |
(personal name) Egyouhoushi |
文字法師 文字法师 see styles |
wén zì fǎ shī wen2 zi4 fa3 shi1 wen tzu fa shih monji hōshi |
A teacher of the letter of the Law, who knows not its spirit. |
独り法師 see styles |
hitoripocchi ひとりぽっち hitoribocchi ひとりぼっち |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) aloneness; loneliness; solitude |
琵琶法師 see styles |
biwahoushi / biwahoshi びわほうし |
(hist) (See 琵琶) lute priest; minstrel; blind travelling biwa player dressed like a Buddhist monk |
田楽法師 see styles |
dengakuhoushi / dengakuhoshi でんがくほうし |
(See 田楽) professional dengaku performer (usu. appearing as a monk) |
笠法師山 see styles |
kasaboshiyama かさぼしやま |
(personal name) Kasaboshiyama |
素性法師 see styles |
soseihoushi / sosehoshi そせいほうし |
(personal name) Soseihoushi |
能因法師 see styles |
nouinhoushi / noinhoshi のういんほうし |
(personal name) Nouinhoushi |
良暹法師 see styles |
ryouzenhoushi / ryozenhoshi りょうぜんほうし |
(personal name) Ryōzenhoushi |
西明法師 西明法师 see styles |
xī míng fǎ shī xi1 ming2 fa3 shi1 hsi ming fa shih Saimyō Hōshi |
Ximing Fashi |
西行法師 see styles |
saigyouhoushi / saigyohoshi さいぎょうほうし |
(personal name) Saigyouhoushi |
道因法師 see styles |
douinhoushi / doinhoshi どういんほうし |
(personal name) Dōinhoushi |
野竹法師 see styles |
notakehoushi / notakehoshi のたけほうし |
(personal name) Notakehoushi |
黒法師岳 see styles |
kuroboushigatake / kuroboshigatake くろぼうしがたけ |
(personal name) Kuroboushigatake |
三藏法師傳 三藏法师传 see styles |
sān zàng fǎ shī zhuàn san1 zang4 fa3 shi1 zhuan4 san tsang fa shih chuan Sanzō hosshi den |
Biography of the Tripiṭaka Master |
作久間法師 see styles |
sakumahoushi / sakumahoshi さくまほうし |
(personal name) Sakumahoushi |
前黒法師山 see styles |
maekurohoushiyama / maekurohoshiyama まえくろほうしやま |
(personal name) Maekurohoushiyama |
前黒法師岳 see styles |
maekuroboushigatake / maekuroboshigatake まえくろぼうしがたけ |
(personal name) Maekuroboushigatake |
大座法師池 see styles |
daizahoushiike / daizahoshike だいざほうしいけ |
(personal name) Daizahoushiike |
天道法師塔 see styles |
tendouhoushitou / tendohoshito てんどうほうしとう |
(place-name) Tendouhoushitou |
梁三大法師 梁三大法师 see styles |
liáng sān dà fǎ shī liang2 san1 da4 fa3 shi1 liang san ta fa shih Ryō sandai hōshi |
three great Liang masters |
起上小法師 see styles |
okiagarikoboshi おきあがりこぼし |
tumbler; self-righting doll |
くつくつ法師 see styles |
kutsukutsuboushi / kutsukutsuboshi くつくつぼうし |
(ateji / phonetic) (obscure) Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada) |
つくつく法師 see styles |
tsukutsukuboushi / tsukutsukuboshi つくつくぼうし |
(ateji / phonetic) (kana only) Meimuna opalifera (species of cicada) |
西行法師の墓 see styles |
saigyouhoushinohaka / saigyohoshinohaka さいぎょうほうしのはか |
(place-name) Saigyouhoushinohaka |
Variations: |
yamaboushi; yamaboushi / yamaboshi; yamaboshi やまぼうし; ヤマボウシ |
(kana only) kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa); Japanese flowering dogwood |
アメリカ山法師 see styles |
amerikayamaboushi / amerikayamaboshi アメリカやまぼうし |
(kana only) flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "法師" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.