There are 321 total results for your 极 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
極 极 see styles |
jí ji2 chi kiwamu きわむ |
extremely; pole (geography, physics); utmost; top (1) pole; (2) climax; extreme; extremity; culmination; height; zenith; nadir; (female given name) Kiwamu Highest point, apex; utmost, ultimate, extreme, the limit, finality; reaching to. |
一極 一极 see styles |
yī jí yi1 ji2 i chi ikkyoku いっきょく |
monopole; singular pole; unipole The one ultimate, or finality; ultimate enlightenment; the one final truth or way; the 一實 or Absolute. |
下極 下极 see styles |
xià jí xia4 ji2 hsia chi gegoku |
very poor |
偏極 偏极 see styles |
piān jí pian1 ji2 p`ien chi pien chi henkyoku へんきょく |
(physics) polarization (n,vs,vi) {physics} polarization |
偶極 偶极 see styles |
ǒu jí ou3 ji2 ou chi |
dipole (e.g. magnetic dipole) |
兩極 两极 see styles |
liǎng jí liang3 ji2 liang chi |
the two poles; the north and south poles; both ends of something; electric or magnetic poles |
八極 八极 see styles |
bā jí ba1 ji2 pa chi hakkyoku |
eight extremities |
六極 六极 see styles |
liù jí liu4 ji2 liu chi rokukyoku |
six kinds of bad fortune |
北極 北极 see styles |
běi jí bei3 ji2 pei chi hokkyoku ほっきょく |
the North Pole; the Arctic Pole; the north magnetic pole (1) North Pole; (2) (abbreviation) (See 北極圏) the Arctic; (place-name) Hokkyoku |
南極 南极 see styles |
nán jí nan2 ji2 nan chi minamigiwa みなみぎわ |
south pole (1) South Pole; (2) (See 南極圏,南極大陸) the Antarctic; Antarctica; (surname) Minamigiwa |
單極 单极 see styles |
dān jí dan1 ji2 tan chi |
unipolar; monopole (physics) |
圓極 圆极 see styles |
yuán jí yuan2 ji2 yüan chi engoku |
Inclusive to the uttermost; absolute perfection. |
基極 基极 see styles |
jī jí ji1 ji2 chi chi |
base electrode (in transistor) |
太極 太极 see styles |
tài jí tai4 ji2 t`ai chi tai chi taikyoku たいきょく |
More info & calligraphy: Tai Chi / Tai Jitaiji (in Chinese philosophy, the principle that embodies all potential things, incl. time and space); (personal name) Taikyoku |
宗極 宗极 see styles |
zōng jí zong1 ji2 tsung chi shūgoku |
Ultimate or fundamental principles. |
已極 已极 see styles |
yǐ jí yi3 ji2 i chi igoku |
completed, perfected, finished |
底極 底极 see styles |
dǐ jí di3 ji2 ti chi teigoku |
most inferior |
心極 心极 see styles |
xīn jí xin1 ji2 hsin chi shingoku |
The pole or extreme of the mind, the mental reach; the Buddha. |
最極 最极 see styles |
zuì jí zui4 ji2 tsui chi saigoku |
most extremely |
未極 未极 see styles |
wèi jí wei4 ji2 wei chi migoku |
incomplete |
果極 果极 see styles |
guǒ jí guo3 ji2 kuo chi kagoku |
Fruition perfect, the perfect virtue or merit of Buddha-enlightenment. |
柵極 栅极 see styles |
shān jí shan1 ji2 shan chi |
grid (in vacuum tubes); gate (terminal of a field-effect transistor) |
極上 极上 see styles |
jí shàng ji2 shang4 chi shang gokujou / gokujo ごくじょう |
(adj-no,n,adj-na) first-rate; finest quality; the best excellent |
極久 极久 see styles |
jí jiǔ ji2 jiu3 chi chiu gokuku |
extremely long time |
極了 极了 see styles |
jí le ji2 le5 chi le |
extremely; exceedingly |
極位 极位 see styles |
jí wèi ji2 wei4 chi wei gokui |
The highest stage of enlightenment, that of Buddha. |
極值 极值 see styles |
jí zhí ji2 zhi2 chi chih |
maxima and minima; extremum |
極光 极光 see styles |
jí guāng ji2 guang1 chi kuang kyokukou / kyokuko きょくこう |
aurora (meteorology) northern or southern lights; aurora borealis or australis; (given name) Kyokukou |
極其 极其 see styles |
jí qí ji2 qi2 chi ch`i chi chi |
extremely |
極刑 极刑 see styles |
jí xíng ji2 xing2 chi hsing kyokkei / kyokke きょっけい |
supreme penalty; execution capital punishment; death penalty; maximum penalty; ultimate punishment |
極力 极力 see styles |
jí lì ji2 li4 chi li kyokuryoku きょくりょく |
to make a supreme effort; at all costs (adverb) to the utmost; to the best of one's ability |
極化 极化 see styles |
jí huà ji2 hua4 chi hua |
polarization |
極北 极北 see styles |
jí běi ji2 bei3 chi pei kyokuhoku きょくほく |
extreme north (1) extreme north; North Pole; (2) utmost limit; breaking point; (place-name) Kyokuhoku |
極南 极南 see styles |
jí nán ji2 nan2 chi nan kiwana きわな |
extreme south (female given name) Kiwana |
極品 极品 see styles |
jí pǐn ji2 pin3 chi p`in chi pin |
best quality; item of the highest quality; (slang) outrageous; annoying in the extreme; gross; person with these qualities |
極善 极善 see styles |
jí shàn ji2 shan4 chi shan gokuzen |
extremely good |
極喜 极喜 see styles |
jí xǐ ji2 xi3 chi hsi gokki |
exalted joy |
極地 极地 see styles |
jí dì ji2 di4 chi ti kyokuchi きょくち |
polar region (1) polar regions; the pole; (2) farthest land; ends of the earth Reaching the ground; utmost; fundamental principle; the highest of all, i.e. Buddha. |
極多 极多 see styles |
jí duō ji2 duo1 chi to gokuta |
extremely numerous |
極大 极大 see styles |
jí dà ji2 da4 chi ta kyokudai きょくだい |
maximum; enormous (adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) maximum; (2) {math} local maximum exceedingly [great] |
極好 极好 see styles |
jí hǎo ji2 hao3 chi hao |
fabulous; superb; excellent |
極妙 极妙 see styles |
jí miào ji2 miao4 chi miao gokumyō |
Of utmost beauty, wonder, or mystery. |
極客 极客 see styles |
jí kè ji2 ke4 chi k`o chi ko |
(loanword) (coll.) geek |
極尊 极尊 see styles |
jí zūn ji2 zun1 chi tsun gokuson |
The highest revered one, Buddha. |
極小 极小 see styles |
jí xiǎo ji2 xiao3 chi hsiao kyokushou; gokushou / kyokusho; gokusho きょくしょう; ごくしょう |
minimal; extremely small (adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) minimum; minuscule; (2) (きょくしょう only) {math} local minimum |
極少 极少 see styles |
jí shǎo ji2 shao3 chi shao kyokushou / kyokusho きょくしょう |
very little; very few (noun - becomes adjective with の) minimal amount very little |
極差 极差 see styles |
jí chā ji2 cha1 chi ch`a chi cha |
range (of a set of data) (statistics) |
極度 极度 see styles |
jí dù ji2 du4 chi tu kyokudo きょくど |
More info & calligraphy: Extreme / Intense(adj-no,adj-na) maximum; extreme; utmost |
極徑 极径 see styles |
jí jìng ji2 jing4 chi ching |
modulus (distance from the origin in polar coordinates) |
極微 极微 see styles |
jí wēi ji2 wei1 chi wei kyokubi; gokubi きょくび; ごくび |
(adj-na,adj-no,n) microscopic; infinitesimal An atom, especially as a mental concept, in contrast with 色聚之微, i.e. a material atom which has a center and the six directions, an actual but imperceptible atom; seven atoms make a 微塵 molecule, the smallest perceptible aggregation, called an aṇu 阿莬 or 阿拏; the perceptibility is ascribed to the deva-eye rather than to the human eye. There is much disputation as to whether the ultimate atom has real existence or not, whether it is eternal and immutable and so on. |
極性 极性 see styles |
jí xìng ji2 xing4 chi hsing kyokusei / kyokuse きょくせい |
(chemical, electrical) polarity; polarized (noun - becomes adjective with の) polarity |
極惡 极恶 see styles |
jí è ji2 e4 chi o gokuaku |
extreme evil |
極成 极成 see styles |
jí chéng ji2 cheng2 chi ch`eng chi cheng gokujō |
accomplished |
極東 极东 see styles |
jí dōng ji2 dong1 chi tung kyokutou / kyokuto きょくとう |
the Far East; East Asia (noun - becomes adjective with の) Far East; (place-name) Kyokutou |
極果 极果 see styles |
jí guǒ ji2 guo3 chi kuo gokuka |
The highest fruit, perfect Buddha-enlightenment. |
極核 极核 see styles |
jí hé ji2 he2 chi ho |
polar nucleus |
極樂 极乐 see styles |
jí lè ji2 le4 chi le gokuraku |
bliss; extreme happiness Sukhāvatī, highest joy, name of the Pure Land of Amitābha in the West, also called 極樂世界 the world of utmost joy. |
極權 极权 see styles |
jí quán ji2 quan2 chi ch`üan chi chüan |
totalitarian |
極死 极死 see styles |
jí sǐ ji2 si3 chi ssu gokushi |
complete death |
極淨 极淨 see styles |
jí jìng ji2 jing4 chi ching goku jō |
extremely pure |
極為 极为 see styles |
jí wéi ji2 wei2 chi wei |
extremely; exceedingly |
極甚 极甚 see styles |
jí shén ji2 shen2 chi shen gokushin |
extremely |
極痛 极痛 see styles |
jí tòng ji2 tong4 chi t`ung chi tung gokutsū |
hurtful |
極究 极究 see styles |
jí jiū ji2 jiu1 chi chiu gokuku |
very |
極端 极端 see styles |
jí duān ji2 duan1 chi tuan kyokutan きょくたん |
extreme (noun or adjectival noun) extreme; extremity |
極細 极细 see styles |
jí xì ji2 xi4 chi hsi gokuboso ごくぼそ |
(can be adjective with の) (1) superfine; extra-fine; extremely thin; (2) extra-fine woollen yarn extremely subtle |
極聖 极圣 see styles |
jí shèng ji2 sheng4 chi sheng gokushō |
The highest saint, Buddha. |
極臈 极臈 see styles |
jí là ji2 la4 chi la kyokurō gokurō |
The oldest monk in orders. |
極臭 极臭 see styles |
jí xiù ji2 xiu4 chi hsiu gokushū |
extremely powerful odor |
極致 极致 see styles |
jí zhì ji2 zhi4 chi chih kyokuchi きょくち |
peak; pinnacle; ultimate culmination; acme; height; peak; ultimate; perfection; ideal Utmost, ultimate, final point; reaching to. |
極苦 极苦 see styles |
jí kǔ ji2 ku3 chi k`u chi ku gokuku |
extreme suffering |
極西 极西 see styles |
jí xī ji2 xi1 chi hsi |
"the Far West"; old term for Europe |
極覆 极复 see styles |
jí fù ji2 fu4 chi fu gokufuku |
to veil |
極覺 极觉 see styles |
jí jué ji2 jue2 chi chüeh gokkaku |
Profound enlightenment, utmost awareness. |
極角 极角 see styles |
jí jiǎo ji2 jiao3 chi chiao |
polar angle; argument (angle in polar coordinates) |
極說 极说 see styles |
jí shuō ji2 shuo1 chi shuo goku setsu |
full explanation [of the buddhadharma] |
極超 极超 see styles |
jí chāo ji2 chao1 chi ch`ao chi chao |
hyper-; ultra- |
極軸 极轴 see styles |
jí zhóu ji2 zhou2 chi chou |
polar axis (x-axis in polar coordinates) |
極辣 极辣 see styles |
jí là ji2 la4 chi la |
very spicy |
極逈 极逈 see styles |
jí jiǒng ji2 jiong3 chi chiung gokukyō |
furthest away |
極道 极道 see styles |
jí dào ji2 dao4 chi tao gokudou / gokudo ごくどう |
yakuza (adjectival noun) (1) wicked; evil; profligate; immoral; (2) wickedness; evildoing; (3) organized crime; yakuza; underworld |
極重 极重 see styles |
jí zhòng ji2 zhong4 chi chung gokujū |
extremely grave |
極量 极量 see styles |
jí liáng ji2 liang2 chi liang kyokuryou / kyokuryo きょくりょう |
maximum dose Pramiti |
極長 极长 see styles |
jí cháng ji2 chang2 chi ch`ang chi chang gokuchō |
extremely long |
極闇 极闇 see styles |
jí àn ji2 an4 chi an gokuan |
total darkness |
極限 极限 see styles |
jí xiàn ji2 xian4 chi hsien kyokugen きょくげん |
limit; extreme boundary (1) utmost limits; extremity; (2) {math} limit |
極難 极难 see styles |
jín án jin2 an2 chin an gokunan |
extreme difficulty |
極靜 极静 see styles |
jí jìng ji2 jing4 chi ching gokujō |
Utmost quiescence, or mental repose; meditation, trance. |
極點 极点 see styles |
jí diǎn ji2 dian3 chi tien |
extreme point; pole; the origin (in polar coordinates) |
正極 正极 see styles |
zhèng jí zheng4 ji2 cheng chi seikyoku / sekyoku せいきょく |
positive pole cathode; positive pole; positive electrode |
消極 消极 see styles |
xiāo jí xiao1 ji2 hsiao chi shoukyoku / shokyoku しょうきょく |
negative; passive; inactive (can act as adjective) (1) (ant: 積極・せっきょく) passive; negative; conservative; (noun/participle) (2) depolarization |
淨極 淨极 see styles |
jìng jí jing4 ji2 ching chi jōgoku |
perfectly pure |
渇極 渇极 see styles |
kě jí ke3 ji2 k`o chi ko chi katsugoku |
thirsty and exhausted |
無極 无极 see styles |
wú jí wu2 ji2 wu chi mugoku むごく |
More info & calligraphy: Wu Chi / Wuji(n,adj-na,adj-no) (1) limitless; (n,adj-na,adj-no) (2) apolar; (n,adj-na,adj-no) (3) (See 太極) limitlessness of taiji; (given name) Mugoku Limitless, infinite. |
玄極 玄极 see styles |
xuán jí xuan2 ji2 hsüan chi gengoku |
ultimate profundity |
疲極 疲极 see styles |
pí jí pi2 ji2 p`i chi pi chi higoku |
to be very fatigued |
登極 登极 see styles |
dēng jí deng1 ji2 teng chi toukyoku / tokyoku とうきょく |
to ascend the throne (n,vs,vi) (Imperial) accession |
皇極 皇极 see styles |
huáng jí huang2 ji2 huang chi kougyoku / kogyoku こうぎょく |
(surname) Kōgyoku rules for public observance |
盡極 尽极 see styles |
jìn jí jin4 ji2 chin chi jingoku |
to complete |
磁極 磁极 see styles |
cí jí ci2 ji2 tz`u chi tzu chi jikyoku じきょく |
magnetic pole NS magnetic pole |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "极" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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