There are 197 total results for your 显 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
顯 显 see styles |
xiǎn xian3 hsien akira あきら |
to make visible; to reveal; prominent; conspicuous; (prefix) phanero- (personal name) Akira Manifest, reveal, open, clear, plain, known, illustrious; exoteric. |
不顯 不显 see styles |
bù xiǎn bu4 xian3 pu hsien fu gan |
unmanifest |
具顯 具显 see styles |
jù xiǎn ju4 xian3 chü hsien guken |
fully express |
凸顯 凸显 see styles |
tū xiǎn tu1 xian3 t`u hsien tu hsien |
to present clearly; to give prominence to; to magnify; clear and obvious |
別顯 别显 see styles |
bié xiǎn bie2 xian3 pieh hsien bekken |
separately shown |
反顯 反显 see styles |
fǎn xiǎn fan3 xian3 fan hsien honken |
to express the opposite |
外顯 外显 see styles |
wài xiǎn wai4 xian3 wai hsien |
externally manifested; visible; evident |
威顯 威显 see styles |
wēi xiǎn wei1 xian3 wei hsien |
awe-inspiring; power |
已顯 已显 see styles |
yǐ xiǎn yi3 xian3 i hsien i ken |
[already] shown |
幽顯 幽显 see styles |
yōu xiǎn you1 xian3 yu hsien yūken |
the recondite and the manifest |
廣顯 广显 see styles |
guǎng xiǎn guang3 xian3 kuang hsien kōken |
broadly clarify |
彰顯 彰显 see styles |
zhāng xiǎn zhang1 xian3 chang hsien |
to put on display (something abstract); to draw attention to; conspicuous |
意顯 意显 see styles |
yì xiǎn yi4 xian3 i hsien iken |
meant |
所顯 所显 see styles |
suǒ xiǎn suo3 xian3 so hsien shoken |
shown |
抬顯 抬显 see styles |
tái xiǎn tai2 xian3 t`ai hsien tai hsien |
head-up display (HUD) (abbr. for 抬頭顯示|抬头显示[tai2tou2 xian3shi4]) |
方顯 方显 see styles |
fāng xiǎn fang1 xian3 fang hsien hōgen |
and then it became apparent |
明顯 明显 see styles |
míng xiǎn ming2 xian3 ming hsien myōken |
clear; distinct; obvious clear |
更顯 更显 see styles |
gēng xiǎn geng1 xian3 keng hsien kyōken |
further shows |
核顯 核显 see styles |
hé xiǎn he2 xian3 ho hsien |
(computing) integrated GPU (GPU built into a CPU) |
欲顯 欲显 see styles |
yù xiǎn yu4 xian3 yü hsien yoku ken |
wanting to show |
正顯 正显 see styles |
zhèng xiǎn zheng4 xian3 cheng hsien masaaki / masaki まさあき |
(male given name) Masaaki to correctly express |
法顯 法显 see styles |
fǎ xiǎn fa3 xian3 fa hsien hokken ほっけん |
(personal name) Hokken Faxian, the famous pilgrim who with fellow-monks left Chang'an A.D. 399 overland for India, finally reached it, remained alone for six years, and spent three years on the return journey, arriving by sea in 414. His 佛國記 Records of the Buddhistic Kingdoms were made, for his information, by Buddhabhadra, an Indian monk in China. His own chief translation is the 僧祗律, a work on monastic discipline. |
淺顯 浅显 see styles |
qiǎn xiǎn qian3 xian3 ch`ien hsien chien hsien |
(of written or spoken material) easy to understand; accessible |
爲顯 为显 see styles |
wéi xiǎn wei2 xian3 wei hsien i ken |
to make manifest |
獨顯 独显 see styles |
dú xiǎn du2 xian3 tu hsien doku ken |
(computing) discrete GPU; dedicated GPU (abbr. for 獨立顯卡|独立显卡[du2li4 xian3ka3]) only expresses |
略顯 略显 see styles |
lüè xiǎn lve4 xian3 lve hsien ryakuken |
shows |
相顯 相显 see styles |
xiàng xiǎn xiang4 xian3 hsiang hsien sōken |
manifestation of marks |
破顯 破显 see styles |
pò xiǎn po4 xian3 p`o hsien po hsien haken |
(破邪顯正) To break, or disprove the false and make manifest the right. |
突顯 突显 see styles |
tū xiǎn tu1 xian3 t`u hsien tu hsien |
conspicuous; to make something stand out; make something prominent |
等顯 等显 see styles |
děng xiǎn deng3 xian3 teng hsien tōken |
to accurately manifest |
義顯 义显 see styles |
yì xiǎn yi4 xian3 i hsien giken |
the connotation is expressed |
能顯 能显 see styles |
néng xiǎn neng2 xian3 neng hsien nōken |
displaying |
自顯 自显 see styles |
zì xiǎn zi4 xian3 tzu hsien jiken |
self-manifest |
興顯 兴显 see styles |
xīng xiǎn xing1 xian3 hsing hsien kōken |
to appear |
詮顯 诠显 see styles |
quán xiǎn quan2 xian3 ch`üan hsien chüan hsien senken |
to express |
開顯 开显 see styles |
kāi xiǎn kai1 xian3 k`ai hsien kai hsien kaiken |
To open up and reveal; to expose the one and make manifest the other. It is a term used by Tiantai, i.e. 開權顯實, to expose and dispose of the temporary or partial teaching, and reveal the final and real truth as in the Lotus Sūtra. |
隱顯 隐显 see styles |
yǐn xiǎn yin3 xian3 yin hsien inken |
appearing and disappearing; dimly visible; intermittent; implicit (but not clearly present) hidden and apparent |
集顯 集显 see styles |
jí xiǎn ji2 xian3 chi hsien |
integrated GPU (abbr. for 集成顯卡|集成显卡[ji2 cheng2 xian3 ka3]) |
難顯 难显 see styles |
nán xiǎn nan2 xian3 nan hsien nanken |
difficult to show |
頭顯 头显 see styles |
tóu xiǎn tou2 xian3 t`ou hsien tou hsien |
HMD; head-mounted display (abbr. for 頭戴式顯示器|头戴式显示器[tou2 dai4 shi4 xian3 shi4 qi4]) |
顯像 显像 see styles |
xiǎn xiàng xian3 xiang4 hsien hsiang |
to form a picture; to develop a photo; to visualize |
顯典 显典 see styles |
xiǎn diǎn xian3 dian3 hsien tien |
顯經 The exoteric or general scriptures, as distinguished from the 密 hidden, external or internal (illumination, or powers). |
顯出 显出 see styles |
xiǎn chū xian3 chu1 hsien ch`u hsien chu kenshutsu |
to express; to exhibit to show |
顯卡 显卡 see styles |
xiǎn kǎ xian3 ka3 hsien k`a hsien ka |
video card; display card (computer) |
顯存 显存 see styles |
xiǎn cún xian3 cun2 hsien ts`un hsien tsun |
graphics memory; video random-access memory (VRAM) |
顯學 显学 see styles |
xiǎn xué xian3 xue2 hsien hsüeh |
famous school; noted school of thought |
顯宗 显宗 see styles |
xiǎn zōng xian3 zong1 hsien tsung |
顯家 The exoteric sects, in contrast with the exoteric schools. |
顯宦 显宦 see styles |
xiǎn huàn xian3 huan4 hsien huan |
high official |
顯密 显密 see styles |
xiǎn mì xian3 mi4 hsien mi |
Exoteric and esoteric; the 眞言 Shingon, or True-word sect, is the esoteric sect, which exercises occult rites of Yoga character, and considers all the other sects as exoteric. |
顯弄 显弄 see styles |
xiǎn nòng xian3 nong4 hsien nung |
to flaunt; to show off |
顯形 显形 see styles |
xiǎn xíng xian3 xing2 hsien hsing |
to show one's true nature (derog.); to betray oneself |
顯影 显影 see styles |
xiǎn yǐng xian3 ying3 hsien ying |
(photographic processing) to develop |
顯得 显得 see styles |
xiǎn de xian3 de5 hsien te |
to seem; to look; to appear |
顯微 显微 see styles |
xiǎn wēi xian3 wei1 hsien wei |
micro-; microscopic; to make the minute visible |
顯性 显性 see styles |
xiǎn xìng xian3 xing4 hsien hsing |
visible; conspicuous; phanero-; dominant (gene) |
顯懷 显怀 see styles |
xiǎn huái xian3 huai2 hsien huai |
to look pregnant; obviously pregnant |
顯揚 显扬 see styles |
xiǎn yáng xian3 yang2 hsien yang kenyō |
to praise; to commend; to hallow to express |
顯擺 显摆 see styles |
xiǎn bai xian3 bai5 hsien pai |
(coll.) to show off |
顯效 显效 see styles |
xiǎn xiào xian3 xiao4 hsien hsiao |
to show an effect; to produce an effect; a conspicuous effect |
顯明 显明 see styles |
xiǎn míng xian3 ming2 hsien ming kenmyō |
obvious; evident; conspicuous; prominent; distinct; apparent Open, manifest; pure; to reveal. |
顯晦 显晦 see styles |
xiǎn huì xian3 hui4 hsien hui |
light and shade |
顯晶 显晶 see styles |
xiǎn jīng xian3 jing1 hsien ching |
phanerocrystalline; with crystal structure visible to the naked eye |
顯本 显本 see styles |
xiǎn běn xian3 ben3 hsien pen |
The revelation of his fundamental or eternal life by the Buddha in the Lotus Sūtra. |
顯正 显正 see styles |
xiǎn zhèng xian3 zheng4 hsien cheng kenshou / kensho けんしょう |
(given name) Kenshou To show the truth, reveal that which is correct. |
顯焓 显焓 see styles |
xiǎn hán xian3 han2 hsien han |
sensible enthalpy (thermodynamics); energy required to go from one state to another |
顯然 显然 see styles |
xiǎn rán xian3 ran2 hsien jan |
clearly; evidently; obviously |
顯現 显现 see styles |
xiǎn xiàn xian3 xian4 hsien hsien kengen |
appearance; to appear to manifest |
顯白 显白 see styles |
xiǎn bai xian3 bai5 hsien pai |
variant of 顯擺|显摆[xian3 bai5] |
顯目 显目 see styles |
xiǎn mù xian3 mu4 hsien mu |
outstanding; conspicuous |
顯眼 显眼 see styles |
xiǎn yǎn xian3 yan3 hsien yen |
conspicuous; eye-catching; glamorous |
顯示 显示 see styles |
xiǎn shì xian3 shi4 hsien shih kenji |
to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate To reveal, indicate. |
顯祖 显祖 see styles |
xiǎn zǔ xian3 zu3 hsien tsu |
ancestors (old) |
顯耀 显耀 see styles |
xiǎn yào xian3 yao4 hsien yao |
to show off |
顯老 显老 see styles |
xiǎn lǎo xian3 lao3 hsien lao |
to look old |
顯考 显考 see styles |
xiǎn kǎo xian3 kao3 hsien k`ao hsien kao |
honorific term for one's deceased father; (arch.) great-great-grandfather |
顯職 显职 see styles |
xiǎn zhí xian3 zhi2 hsien chih |
prominent post |
顯色 显色 see styles |
xiǎn sè xian3 se4 hsien se |
The visible or light colours. |
顯著 显著 see styles |
xiǎn zhù xian3 zhu4 hsien chu |
outstanding; notable; remarkable; statistically significant |
顯要 显要 see styles |
xiǎn yào xian3 yao4 hsien yao |
prominent; eminent; important person; notable; dignitary |
顯見 显见 see styles |
xiǎn jiàn xian3 jian4 hsien chien |
obvious; clearly visible |
顯識 显识 see styles |
xiǎn shì xian3 shi4 hsien shih |
Manifest, revealing, or open knowledge, the store of knowledge where all is revealed both good and bad, a name for the ālaya-vijñāna. |
顯豁 显豁 see styles |
xiǎn huò xian3 huo4 hsien huo |
evident; clear and bright |
顯貴 显贵 see styles |
xiǎn guì xian3 gui4 hsien kuei |
dignitary; distinguished person; royalty; nobleman; big shot |
顯赫 显赫 see styles |
xiǎn hè xian3 he4 hsien ho kenkaku |
illustrious; celebrated radiant |
顯達 显达 see styles |
xiǎn dá xian3 da2 hsien ta |
illustrious; influential; prestigious |
顯鏡 显镜 see styles |
xiǎn jìng xian3 jing4 hsien ching |
microscope; same as 顯微鏡|显微镜 |
顯露 显露 see styles |
xiǎn lù xian3 lu4 hsien lu kenro |
to become visible; to reveal To reveal, disclose. |
顯靈 显灵 see styles |
xiǎn líng xian3 ling2 hsien ling |
(of a supernatural or divine being) to appear; to make itself manifest avatar |
不顯了 不显了 see styles |
bù xiǎn liǎo bu4 xian3 liao3 pu hsien liao fukenryō |
unclear |
不顯名 不显名 see styles |
bù xiǎn míng bu4 xian3 ming2 pu hsien ming fuken myō |
words which are unclear |
不顯現 不显现 see styles |
bù xiǎn xiàn bu4 xian3 xian4 pu hsien hsien fu kengen |
not visible |
主顯節 主显节 see styles |
zhǔ xiǎn jié zhu3 xian3 jie2 chu hsien chieh |
Epiphany |
似顯現 似显现 see styles |
sì xiǎn xiàn si4 xian3 xian4 ssu hsien hsien ji kengen |
appearing like |
外顯子 外显子 see styles |
wài xiǎn zǐ wai4 xian3 zi3 wai hsien tzu |
(genetics) an exon |
外顯性 外显性 see styles |
wài xiǎn xìng wai4 xian3 xing4 wai hsien hsing |
(genetics) penetrance |
外顯率 外显率 see styles |
wài xiǎn lǜ wai4 xian3 lu:4 wai hsien lü |
(genetics) penetrance |
妙顯山 妙显山 see styles |
miào xiǎn shān miao4 xian3 shan1 miao hsien shan Myōken sen |
The mountain of marvelous appearance, i.e. Sumeru. |
所顯現 所显现 see styles |
suǒ xiǎn xiàn suo3 xian3 xian4 so hsien hsien sho kengen |
manifestation |
所顯發 所显发 see styles |
suǒ xiǎn fā suo3 xian3 fa1 so hsien fa sho kenhotsu |
illumined |
所顯示 所显示 see styles |
suǒ xiǎn shì suo3 xian3 shi4 so hsien shih sho kenji |
shown |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "显" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.