There are 116 total results for your 昙 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
曇 昙 see styles |
tán tan2 t`an tan kumori くもり |
dark clouds cloudiness; cloudy weather; shadow; (surname) Kumori Clouds covering the sun, spreading clouds; translit. dh in dharma 曇摩, 曇磨, 曇無; v. 達 and 法. Dharma is also the initial character for a number of names of noted Indian monks, e.g. 曇磨毱多; 達摩瞿諦; 曇無德 Dharmagupta, founder of a school, the 曇無德部 which flourished in Ceylon A.D 400. Also Dharmajātayaśas, Dharmakāla, Dharmākara, Dharmamitra, Dharmanandi, Dharmapriya, Dharmarakṣa, Dharmaruci, Dharmasatva, Dharmayaśas, etc. |
七曇 七昙 see styles |
qī tán qi1 tan2 ch`i t`an chi tan shichidon |
Siddham, idem. 悉曇. |
優曇 优昙 see styles |
yōu tán you1 tan2 yu t`an yu tan Utan |
(優曇鉢) The udumbara tree; supposed to produce fruit without flowers; once in 3,000 years it is said to flower, hence is a symbol of the rare appearance of a Buddha. The Ficus glomerata. Also 優曇婆羅; 烏曇跋羅; 鄔曇婆羅. |
悉曇 悉昙 see styles |
xī tán xi1 tan2 hsi t`an hsi tan shittan しったん |
(1) Siddham (characters) (san:); (2) (abbreviation) (See 悉曇学) Siddham studies 悉檀; 悉談 siddha(m), accomplished, finished, v. siddhi above; and next. |
曇俗 昙俗 see styles |
tán sú tan2 su2 t`an su tan su Donzoku |
Tansu |
曇勇 昙勇 see styles |
tán yǒng tan2 yong3 t`an yung tan yung Donyō |
Tanyong |
曇巒 昙峦 see styles |
tán luán tan2 luan2 t`an luan tan luan Donran |
Tanluan |
曇延 昙延 see styles |
tán yán tan2 yan2 t`an yen tan yen donen どんえん |
(personal name) Don'en Tanyan |
曇弘 昙弘 see styles |
tán hóng tan2 hong2 t`an hung tan hung Donkō |
Tanhong |
曇戒 昙戒 see styles |
tán jiè tan2 jie4 t`an chieh tan chieh Donkai |
Tanjie |
曇摩 昙摩 see styles |
tán mó tan2 mo2 t`an mo tan mo donma |
(Skt. dharma) |
曇景 昙景 see styles |
tán jǐng tan2 jing3 t`an ching tan ching Donkei |
Yunjing |
曇曜 昙曜 see styles |
tán yào tan2 yao4 t`an yao tan yao donyou / donyo どんよう |
(personal name) Don'you Tanyao |
曇曠 昙旷 see styles |
tán kuàng tan2 kuang4 t`an k`uang tan kuang donkou / donko どんこう |
(personal name) Donkou Tankuang |
曇濟 昙济 see styles |
tán jǐ tan2 ji3 t`an chi tan chi donsai どんさい |
(personal name) Donsai Tanji |
曇無 昙无 see styles |
tán wú tan2 wu2 t`an wu tan wu donmu |
dharma |
曇眞 昙眞 see styles |
tán zhēn tan2 zhen1 t`an chen tan chen Donshin |
Damjin |
曇磨 昙磨 see styles |
tán mó tan2 mo2 t`an mo tan mo donma |
(Skt. dharma) |
曇稱 昙称 see styles |
tán chēng tan2 cheng1 t`an ch`eng tan cheng Donshō |
Tancheng |
曇簡 昙简 see styles |
tán jiǎn tan2 jian3 t`an chien tan chien Donken |
Tanjian |
曇花 昙花 see styles |
tán huā tan2 hua1 t`an hua tan hua donge |
Dutchman's pipe cactus, aka Queen of the Night cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) The udumbara tree, v. 優. |
曇諦 昙谛 see styles |
tán dì tan2 di4 t`an ti tan ti Dontai |
dharma-truth |
曇遷 昙迁 see styles |
tán qiān tan2 qian1 t`an ch`ien tan chien donsen どんせん |
(personal name) Donsen Tanqian |
曇隆 昙隆 see styles |
tán lóng tan2 long2 t`an lung tan lung Donryū |
Tanlong |
曇靖 昙靖 see styles |
tán jìng tan2 jing4 t`an ching tan ching Donsei |
Tanjing |
曇鸞 昙鸾 see styles |
tán luán tan2 luan2 t`an luan tan luan donran どんらん |
(personal name) Donran Tanluan |
曇麼 昙么 see styles |
tán mó tan2 mo2 t`an mo tan mo tanma |
nāman |
毘曇 毘昙 see styles |
pí tán pi2 tan2 p`i t`an pi tan bidon |
v. 阿毘達磨 Abhidharma. |
瞿曇 瞿昙 see styles |
qú tán qu2 tan2 ch`ü t`an chü tan kudon くどん |
Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha (person) Gautama (the family name of Buddha) Gautama, the surname of Buddha's family; hence a name of Śākyamuni. Also 倶譚 or 具譚 later 喬答摩 q.v. |
鉢曇 钵昙 see styles |
bō tán bo1 tan2 po t`an po tan hatsudon |
pada, v. 鉢陀. |
倶曇彌 倶昙弥 see styles |
jù tán mí ju4 tan2 mi2 chü t`an mi chü tan mi Kudonmi |
Gautamī |
優曇花 优昙花 see styles |
yōu tán huā you1 tan2 hua1 yu t`an hua yu tan hua udonke |
a flower of the uḍumbara (the glomerate fig tree) |
優曇華 优昙华 see styles |
yōu tán huā you1 tan2 hua1 yu t`an hua yu tan hua yuuka / yuka ゆうか |
(1) udumbara (mythical Indian plant often identified with the cluster fig, Ficus glomerata); (2) something very rare (from the legend that the udumbara flowers once in 3000 years); (3) (See バショウ) Japanese fiber banana flower; (4) (See クサカゲロウ) green lacewing eggs; (female given name) Yūka udumbara flower |
優曇鉢 优昙钵 see styles |
yōu tán bō you1 tan2 bo1 yu t`an po yu tan po udonbatsu |
(Skt. udumbara) tree |
尼薩曇 尼萨昙 see styles |
ní sà tán ni2 sa4 tan2 ni sa t`an ni sa tan nisatsudon |
Defined as an atom, the smallest possible particle; but its extended form of 優波尼薩曇分 suggests upaniṣad, esoteric doctrine, the secret sense of the sutras. |
悉曇章 悉昙章 see styles |
xī tán zhāng xi1 tan2 zhang1 hsi t`an chang hsi tan chang shittan shō |
siddhavastu, the first of twelve chapters of a syllabary attributed to Brahmā, originating the thirty-six letters of the alphabet, later said to be expanded to as many as fifty-two. |
憍曇彌 憍昙弥 see styles |
jiāo tán mí jiao1 tan2 mi2 chiao t`an mi chiao tan mi Kyōtonmi |
憍答彌; 倶答彌 Gautamī, feminine of the patronymic Gautama, the family name of Śākyamuni. Gautamī is a name for Mahāprājapatī, his aunt and nurse, who in the Lotus Sūtra is predicted to become Buddha. |
支曇諦 支昙谛 see styles |
zhī tán dì zhi1 tan2 di4 chih t`an ti chih tan ti Shi Dontai |
Zhi Tandi |
曇延疏 昙延疏 see styles |
tán yán shū tan2 yan2 shu1 t`an yen shu tan yen shu Donen sho |
Tanyan's Commentary |
曇摩讖 昙摩谶 see styles |
tán mó chèn tan2 mo2 chen4 t`an mo ch`en tan mo chen Donmasen |
Dharmakṣema |
曇摩迦 昙摩迦 see styles |
tán mó jiā tan2 mo2 jia1 t`an mo chia tan mo chia Tanmaka |
Lokeśvararāja |
曇無懺 昙无忏 see styles |
tán wú chàn tan2 wu2 chan4 t`an wu ch`an tan wu chan Don Musen |
Dharmakṣema |
曇無成 昙无成 see styles |
tán wú chéng tan2 wu2 cheng2 t`an wu ch`eng tan wu cheng Don Mujō |
Tan Wucheng |
曇無讖 昙无谶 see styles |
tán wú chèn tan2 wu2 chen4 t`an wu ch`en tan wu chen Don Musen |
Dharmakṣema |
曇鉢經 昙钵经 see styles |
tán bō jīng tan2 bo1 jing1 t`an po ching tan po ching Donpatsu kyō |
Dharma-phrase sūtra |
毘曇宗 毘昙宗 see styles |
pí tán zōng pi2 tan2 zong1 p`i t`an tsung pi tan tsung Bidon Shū |
Abhidharma School |
瞿曇仙 瞿昙仙 see styles |
jù tán xiān ju4 tan2 xian1 chü t`an hsien chü tan hsien Gudon sen |
An ancient ṛṣi, said to be one of the founders of the clan. |
瞿曇彌 瞿昙弥 see styles |
jù tán mí ju4 tan2 mi2 chü t`an mi chü tan mi Gudonmi |
Gautamī, the feminine of Gautama, especially applied to the aunt and nurse of Śākyamuni, who is also known as Mahāprājapatī, v. 摩. |
迦曇婆 迦昙婆 see styles |
jiā tán pó jia1 tan2 po2 chia t`an p`o chia tan po kadonba |
kadamba |
迦曇波 迦昙波 see styles |
jiā tán bō jia1 tan2 bo1 chia t`an po chia tan po kadonha |
(or 迦曇婆) kadamba, a tree or plant with fragrant lowers; the Nauclea cadamba; the mustard plant. |
遏部曇 遏部昙 see styles |
è bù tán e4 bu4 tan2 o pu t`an o pu tan abudon |
arbuda |
鉢曇摩 钵昙摩 see styles |
bō tán mó bo1 tan2 mo2 po t`an mo po tan mo hatsudonma |
padma |
阿伽曇 阿伽昙 see styles |
ā qié tán a1 qie2 tan2 a ch`ieh t`an a chieh tan akatan |
aghana, not solid, not dense. |
阿毘曇 阿毘昙 see styles |
ā pí tán a1 pi2 tan2 a p`i t`an a pi tan abidon |
abhidharma |
阿迦曇 阿迦昙 see styles |
ā jiā tán a1 jia1 tan2 a chia t`an a chia tan Akatan |
agadaṃ; especially Bhaiṣajyarāia, the King of Medicine, or Healing. |
阿部曇 阿部昙 see styles |
ā bù tán a1 bu4 tan2 a pu t`an a pu tan Abutan |
The Arbuda hell, cf. 頞. |
優曇婆羅 优昙婆罗 see styles |
yōu tán pó luó you1 tan2 po2 luo2 yu t`an p`o lo yu tan po lo udonbara |
(Skt. udumbara) flower |
優曇波羅 优昙波罗 see styles |
yōu tán bō luó you1 tan2 bo1 luo2 yu t`an po lo yu tan po lo udonbara |
(Skt. udumbara) flower |
優曇缽華 优昙钵华 see styles |
yōu tán bō huā you1 tan2 bo1 hua1 yu t`an po hua yu tan po hua udonhatsu ke |
the udumbara flower |
優曇鉢羅 优昙钵罗 see styles |
yōu tán bō luó you1 tan2 bo1 luo2 yu t`an po lo yu tan po lo udonhatsura |
fig tree |
優曇鉢花 优昙钵花 see styles |
yōu tán bō huā you1 tan2 bo1 hua1 yu t`an po hua yu tan po hua udonhatsuke |
a flower of the uḍumbara (the glomerate fig tree) |
優曇鉢華 优昙钵华 see styles |
yōu tán bō huā you1 tan2 bo1 hua1 yu t`an po hua yu tan po hua udonhatsuge |
(Skt. udumbara) flower |
劒磨瑟曇 劒磨瑟昙 see styles |
jiàn mó sè tán jian4 mo2 se4 tan2 chien mo se t`an chien mo se tan Kenmashichidon |
Kammāsadhamma |
悉曇字記 悉昙字记 see styles |
xī tán zì jì xi1 tan2 zi4 ji4 hsi t`an tzu chi hsi tan tzu chi Shitsutanji ki |
Xitan ziji |
曇摩崛多 昙摩崛多 see styles |
tán mó jué duō tan2 mo2 jue2 duo1 t`an mo chüeh to tan mo chüeh to Donmakutta |
Dharmagupta |
曇摩流支 昙摩流支 see styles |
tán mó liú zhī tan2 mo2 liu2 zhi1 t`an mo liu chih tan mo liu chih Donmarushi |
Dharmaruci |
曇摩耶舍 昙摩耶舍 see styles |
tán mó yé shè tan2 mo2 ye2 she4 t`an mo yeh she tan mo yeh she Donmayasha |
Dharmayaśas |
曇摩蜜多 昙摩蜜多 see styles |
tán mó mì duō tan2 mo2 mi4 duo1 t`an mo mi to tan mo mi to Tanmamitta |
*Dharmamitra |
曇摩迦留 昙摩迦留 see styles |
tán mó jiā liú tan2 mo2 jia1 liu2 t`an mo chia liu tan mo chia liu Tanmakaru |
Dharmâkara Bodhisattva |
曇摩迦羅 昙摩迦罗 see styles |
tán mó jiā luó tan2 mo2 jia1 luo2 t`an mo chia lo tan mo chia lo Tanmakara |
Dharmâkara Bodhisattva |
曇無德律 昙无德律 see styles |
tán wú dé lǜ tan2 wu2 de2 lv4 t`an wu te lü tan wu te lü Tanmutokuritsu |
Dharmagupta Vinaya |
曇無羅讖 昙无罗谶 see styles |
tán wú luó chèn tan2 wu2 luo2 chen4 t`an wu lo ch`en tan wu lo chen Donmurashin |
Dharmakṣema |
曇花一現 昙花一现 see styles |
tán huā yī xiàn tan2 hua1 yi1 xian4 t`an hua i hsien tan hua i hsien |
lit. the night-blooming cactus shows once; flash in the pan (idiom); short-lived |
沙門瞿曇 沙门瞿昙 see styles |
shā mén qū tán sha1 men2 qu1 tan2 sha men ch`ü t`an sha men chü tan shamon Gudon |
the ascetic Gotama |
烏曇跋羅 乌昙跋罗 see styles |
wū tán bá luó wu1 tan2 ba2 luo2 wu t`an pa lo wu tan pa lo udonbara |
(Skt. udumbara) flower |
瞿曇法智 瞿昙法智 see styles |
jù tán fǎ zhì ju4 tan2 fa3 zhi4 chü t`an fa chih chü tan fa chih Gudon Hōchi |
Gautama-Dharmajñāna |
瞿曇流支 瞿昙流支 see styles |
jù tán liú zhī ju4 tan2 liu2 zhi1 chü t`an liu chih chü tan liu chih Gudon rushi |
Gautama-prajñāruci |
瞿曇留支 瞿昙留支 see styles |
jù tán liú zhī ju4 tan2 liu2 zhi1 chü t`an liu chih chü tan liu chih Gudon Rushi |
Gautama-prajñāruci, (瞿曇般若留支) or 瞿曇流支 (瞿曇般若流支) from Benares, tr. some eighteen works, A.D. 538-543. |
竺曇無蘭 竺昙无兰 see styles |
zhú tán wú lán zhu2 tan2 wu2 lan2 chu t`an wu lan chu tan wu lan Jiku Donmuran |
Zhu Tanwulan |
衆事毘曇 众事毘昙 see styles |
zhòng shì pí tán zhong4 shi4 pi2 tan2 chung shih p`i t`an chung shih pi tan Shuji bidon |
(Abhidharma)prakaraṇapāda(śāstra) |
西礀子曇 西礀子昙 see styles |
sī jian zǐ tán si1 jian zi3 tan2 ssu chien tzu t`an ssu chien tzu tan Saikan Shidon |
Sijian Zitan |
阿毘曇藏 阿毘昙藏 see styles |
ā pí tán zàng a1 pi2 tan2 zang4 a p`i t`an tsang a pi tan tsang Abidon zō |
Abhidharma-piṭaka |
佛阿毘曇經 佛阿毘昙经 see styles |
fó ā pí tán jīng fo2 a1 pi2 tan2 jing1 fo a p`i t`an ching fo a pi tan ching Butsu abidon kyō |
Fo apitan jing |
優婆尼沙曇 优婆尼沙昙 see styles |
yōu pó ní shā tán you1 po2 ni2 sha1 tan2 yu p`o ni sha t`an yu po ni sha tan Upanishaddo |
Upaniṣad |
六分阿毘曇 六分阿毘昙 see styles |
liù fēn ā pí tán liu4 fen1 a1 pi2 tan2 liu fen a p`i t`an liu fen a pi tan Rokubun abidon |
six Part Abhidharma |
提曇陀若那 提昙陀若那 see styles |
tí tán tuó ruò nà ti2 tan2 tuo2 ruo4 na4 t`i t`an t`o jo na ti tan to jo na Daitandanyana |
Devaprajña |
摩訶憍曇彌 摩诃憍昙弥 see styles |
mó hē jiāo tán mí mo2 he1 jiao1 tan2 mi2 mo ho chiao t`an mi mo ho chiao tan mi Makakyōdonmi |
Mahāgautamī, aunt and nurse of Śākyamuni. Cf. 憍. |
竺曇摩羅察 竺昙摩罗察 see styles |
zhú tán mó luó chá zhu2 tan2 mo2 luo2 cha2 chu t`an mo lo ch`a chu tan mo lo cha Chiku Tanmarasa |
竺法護 Dharmarakṣa, or Indu-dharmarakṣa, a native of Tukhāra, who knew thirty-six languages and tr. (A.D. 266-317) some 175 works. |
經律阿毘曇 经律阿毘昙 see styles |
jīng lǜ ā pí tán jing1 lv4 a1 pi2 tan2 ching lü a p`i t`an ching lü a pi tan kyō ritsu abidon |
sūtra, vinaya, and abhidharma |
薩曇分陀利 萨昙分陀利 see styles |
sà tán fēn tuó lì sa4 tan2 fen1 tuo2 li4 sa t`an fen t`o li sa tan fen to li Satsudon fundari |
Saddharma-puṇḍarīka |
鄔波尼殺曇 邬波尼杀昙 see styles |
wū bō ní shā tán wu1 bo1 ni2 sha1 tan2 wu po ni sha t`an wu po ni sha tan Upanisetsudon |
Upaniṣad, cf. 優; variously intp. but in general refers to drawing near (to a teacher to hear instruction); the Upanishads. |
鉢曇摩羅伽 钵昙摩罗伽 see styles |
bō tán mó luó qié bo1 tan2 mo2 luo2 qie2 po t`an mo lo ch`ieh po tan mo lo chieh hatanmaraga |
padmarāga |
阿毘曇心論 阿毘昙心论 see styles |
ā pí tán xīn lùn a1 pi2 tan2 xin1 lun4 a p`i t`an hsin lun a pi tan hsin lun Abidon shinron |
*Abhidharmasāra |
雜阿毘曇經 杂阿毘昙经 see styles |
zá ā pí tán jīng za2 a1 pi2 tan2 jing1 tsa a p`i t`an ching tsa a pi tan ching Zō abidon kyō |
Saṃyuktābhidharma-hṛdaya-śāstra |
尼羅優曇鉢羅 尼罗优昙钵罗 see styles |
ní luó yōu tán bō luó ni2 luo2 you1 tan2 bo1 luo2 ni lo yu t`an po lo ni lo yu tan po lo nira utanbara |
nila-udumbara, v. 優. |
曇摩伽陀耶舍 昙摩伽陀耶舍 see styles |
tán mó qié tuó yé shè tan2 mo2 qie2 tuo2 ye2 she4 t`an mo ch`ieh t`o yeh she tan mo chieh to yeh she Donmagadayasha |
Dharmagatayaśas |
瞿曇僧伽提婆 瞿昙僧伽提婆 see styles |
jù tán sēng qié tí pó ju4 tan2 seng1 qie2 ti2 po2 chü t`an seng ch`ieh t`i p`o chü tan seng chieh ti po Gudon Sōgyadaiba |
Gautama-saṅghadeva, a native of Kabul, tr. of some seven works, A.D. 383-398. |
瞿曇般若流支 瞿昙般若流支 see styles |
jù tán bō rě liú zhī ju4 tan2 bo1 re3 liu2 zhi1 chü t`an po je liu chih chü tan po je liu chih Gudon hannyarushi |
Gautama-prajñāruci |
瞿曇般若留支 瞿昙般若留支 see styles |
jù tán bō rě liú zhī ju4 tan2 bo1 re3 liu2 zhi1 chü t`an po je liu chih chü tan po je liu chih Gudon hannyarushi |
Gautama-prajñāruci |
瞿曇達磨闍那 瞿昙达磨阇那 see styles |
jù tán dá mó shén à ju4 tan2 da2 mo2 shen2 a4 chü t`an ta mo shen a chü tan ta mo shen a Gudon Damajana |
瞿曇法智 Gautama-dharmajñāna, son of the last; tr. 582 a work on karma. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "昙" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.