There are 126 total results for your 撥 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
撥 拨 see styles |
bō bo1 po hatsu ばち |
to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch (1) plectrum; pick; (2) drumstick for Japanese drums (e.g. taiko) To spread, open out, scatter, disseminate, detach, uproot. |
撥ね see styles |
hane はね |
(1) (a) jump; (2) splashes (usu. of mud); (3) upward turn at the bottom (e.g. of a vertical stroke of a kanji or of a hairdo); (4) close (e.g. of a theatrical performance); breakup |
撥付 拨付 see styles |
bō fù bo1 fu4 po fu |
appropriate sum of money |
撥冗 拨冗 see styles |
bō rǒng bo1 rong3 po jung |
to find time to do something in the midst of pressing affairs |
撥出 拨出 see styles |
bō chū bo1 chu1 po ch`u po chu |
to pull out; to allocate (funds); to dial |
撥刺 拨刺 see styles |
bō cī bo1 ci1 po tz`u po tzu |
splash (of a fish) |
撥動 拨动 see styles |
bō dòng bo1 dong4 po tung |
to stir; to prod; to poke; to move sideways; to strum (on a guitar etc) |
撥奏 拨奏 see styles |
bō zòu bo1 zou4 po tsou |
pizzicato |
撥子 拨子 see styles |
bō zi bo1 zi5 po tzu |
plectrum |
撥嶋 see styles |
hatsushima はつしま |
(surname) Hatsushima |
撥川 see styles |
hachigawa はちがわ |
(place-name) Hachigawa |
撥弄 拨弄 see styles |
bō nòng bo1 nong4 po nung |
to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc); to fiddle with; to stir up |
撥弦 see styles |
hatsugen はつげん |
plucking string instrument |
撥打 拨打 see styles |
bō dǎ bo1 da3 po ta |
to call; to dial |
撥接 拨接 see styles |
bō jiē bo1 jie1 po chieh |
dial-up (Internet connection) |
撥条 see styles |
bane ばね hatsujou / hatsujo はつじょう zenmai ぜんまい |
(kana only) spring (e.g. coil, leaf); mainspring; power spring |
撥款 拨款 see styles |
bō kuǎn bo1 kuan3 po k`uan po kuan |
to allocate funds; appropriation |
撥正 拨正 see styles |
bō zhèng bo1 zheng4 po cheng |
to set right; to correct |
撥水 see styles |
hassui はっすい |
water repellency |
撥油 see styles |
hatsuyu はつゆ |
(See 撥水) oil repellency |
撥無 拨无 see styles |
bō wú bo1 wu2 po wu hotsumu |
negating |
撥片 拨片 see styles |
bō piàn bo1 pian4 po p`ien po pien |
plectrum |
撥用 拨用 see styles |
bō yòng bo1 yong4 po yung |
appropriation |
撥皮 see styles |
bachikawa ばちかわ |
pick-guard (protective patch on a shamisen, etc.) |
撥空 拨空 see styles |
bō kòng bo1 kong4 po k`ung po kung |
to make time |
撥號 拨号 see styles |
bō hào bo1 hao4 po hao |
to dial a telephone number |
撥轉 拨转 see styles |
bō zhuǎn bo1 zhuan3 po chuan hatten |
to turn; to turn around; to transfer (funds etc) to turn |
撥通 拨通 see styles |
bō tōng bo1 tong1 po t`ung po tung |
to get through to sb on the phone |
撥鏤 see styles |
bachiru ばちる |
engraving of lacquer-stained ivory (popular during the Tang dynasty) |
撥開 拨开 see styles |
bō kāi bo1 kai1 po k`ai po kai |
to push aside; to part; to brush away |
撥面 see styles |
bachimen ばちめん |
(See 琵琶) pick-guard (protective patch on a biwa, etc.) |
撥音 see styles |
hatsuon はつおん |
(written in kana as ん or ン) syllabic nasal (in Japanese) |
撥鬢 see styles |
bachibin ばちびん |
(archaism) Edo-period hairstyle for the common man (the entire head shaved just above the ear, with the remainder tied up in the back) |
不撥 不拨 see styles |
bù bō bu4 bo1 pu po fu hatsu |
does not prevent |
劃撥 划拨 see styles |
huà bō hua4 bo1 hua po |
to assign; to allocate; to transfer (money to an account) |
反撥 see styles |
hanpatsu はんぱつ |
(noun/participle) (1) opposition; rebellion; revolt; resistance; backlash; refusal; (2) rebounding; recoiling; repulsion; (3) rally (e.g. in stock prices); recovery |
彈撥 弹拨 see styles |
tán bō tan2 bo1 t`an po tan po |
to pluck (a string) |
挑撥 挑拨 see styles |
tiǎo bō tiao3 bo1 t`iao po tiao po chouhatsu / chohatsu ちょうはつ |
to incite disharmony; to instigate (noun/participle) provocation; stirring up; arousal |
撩撥 撩拨 see styles |
liáo bō liao2 bo1 liao po |
to provoke; to tease |
目撥 see styles |
mebachi; mebachi めばち; メバチ |
bigeye tuna (edible fish, Thunnus obesus) |
誹撥 诽拨 see styles |
fěi bō fei3 bo1 fei po hihatsu |
to deny |
調撥 调拨 see styles |
tiáo bō tiao2 bo1 t`iao po tiao po |
to sow discord |
點撥 点拨 see styles |
diǎn bō dian3 bo1 tien po |
to give instructions; to give advice |
撥ねる see styles |
haneru はねる |
(transitive verb) (1) (kana only) to hit (e.g. with a car); to knock down; (transitive verb) (2) (kana only) to reject; to eliminate; to exclude; to get rid of; (transitive verb) (3) (kana only) to refuse (e.g. a request); to deny; to turn down; (transitive verb) (4) (kana only) to flip; to splash; to splatter; (transitive verb) (5) (kana only) to take (a percentage); (v1,vt,vi) (6) (kana only) to stick up (e.g. of hair); to curl up (e.g. of a moustache); to sweep up (the end of a brush stroke); (v1,vi) (7) (kana only) to pronounce as a syllabic nasal |
撥ね物 see styles |
hanemono はねもの |
rejected goods |
撥ね箸 see styles |
hanebashi はねばし |
pushing away food one does not want to eat with one's chopsticks (a breach of etiquette) |
撥ね荷 see styles |
haneni はねに |
(1) (See はね物・はねもの) rejected goods; sorted-out goods; (2) (See 打ち荷・うちに) jettisoned cargo |
撥子彈 拨子弹 see styles |
bō zǐ tán bo1 zi3 tan2 po tzu t`an po tzu tan |
plectrum |
撥浪鼓 拨浪鼓 see styles |
bō lang gǔ bo1 lang5 gu3 po lang ku |
rattle drum; pellet drum – a hand drum with two pellets attached to strings on either side, mounted on a rod that is twirled to make the pellets strike the drum (used in ritual music, as a children's toy or as a street vendor's noisemaker) |
撥火棍 拨火棍 see styles |
bō huǒ gùn bo1 huo3 gun4 po huo kun |
poker |
撥號盤 拨号盘 see styles |
bō hào pán bo1 hao4 pan2 po hao p`an po hao pan |
telephone dial |
撥號音 拨号音 see styles |
bō hào yīn bo1 hao4 yin1 po hao yin |
dial tone |
撥音便 see styles |
hatsuonbin はつおんびん |
{ling} (See 促音便) nasal sound change (generation of the mora 'n', primarily from verb stems ending in 'i') |
一撥兒 一拨儿 see styles |
yī bō r yi1 bo1 r5 i po r |
group of people |
土撥鼠 土拨鼠 see styles |
tǔ bō shǔ tu3 bo1 shu3 t`u po shu tu po shu |
groundhog |
彈撥樂 弹拨乐 see styles |
tán bō yuè tan2 bo1 yue4 t`an po yüeh tan po yüeh |
plucked string music |
畢撥擬 see styles |
hihatsumodoki ひはつもどき |
(kana only) Javanese long pepper (Piper retrofractum) |
撥ねかす see styles |
hanekasu はねかす |
(transitive verb) (kana only) to splash; to splatter |
撥ね返す see styles |
hanekaesu はねかえす |
(transitive verb) (1) to reject; to repulse; to repel; (2) to bounce back; to counterattack; to strike back |
撥ね返り see styles |
hanekaeri はねかえり |
(1) rebounding; (2) recovery; (3) repercussions; (4) tomboy; (5) rashness; incautiousness |
撥ね釣瓶 see styles |
hanetsurube はねつるべ |
water bucket suspended from a weighted rod |
撥亂反正 拨乱反正 see styles |
bō luàn fǎn zhèng bo1 luan4 fan3 zheng4 po luan fan cheng |
bring order out of chaos; set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder |
撥弦楽器 see styles |
hatsugengakki はつげんがっき |
plucked string instrument |
撥弦樂器 拨弦乐器 see styles |
bō xián yuè qì bo1 xian2 yue4 qi4 po hsien yüeh ch`i po hsien yüeh chi |
plucked string or stringed instrument; plucked instrument |
撥無因果 拨无因果 see styles |
bō wú yīn guǒ bo1 wu2 yin1 guo3 po wu yin kuo batsumu inga |
To dispense with, or deny the law of karma, one of the five heresies. |
撥草參玄 拨草参玄 see styles |
bō cǎo sān xuán bo1 cao3 san1 xuan2 po ts`ao san hsüan po tsao san hsüan hassō sangen |
to remove the weeds and look for the profundity |
撥草瞻風 拨草瞻风 see styles |
bō cǎo zhān fēng bo1 cao3 zhan1 feng1 po ts`ao chan feng po tsao chan feng hassō senpū |
(or 撥草參玄) To uproot the weeds (of ignorance) and look for the mystic Buddha-breeze. |
撥號連接 拨号连接 see styles |
bō hào lián jiē bo1 hao4 lian2 jie1 po hao lien chieh |
dial-up connection; dial-up networking |
撥轉機輪 拨转机轮 see styles |
bō zhuǎn jī lún bo1 zhuan3 ji1 lun2 po chuan chi lun hatten kirin |
clearing it all away and awakening to reality |
撥雲見日 拨云见日 see styles |
bō yún jiàn rì bo1 yun2 jian4 ri4 po yün chien jih |
lit. to dispel the clouds and see the sun (idiom); fig. to restore justice |
ピン撥ね see styles |
pinhane; pinhane ピンはね; ピンハネ |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (kana only) taking a cut (of someone else's money); taking a rake-off; pocketing a kickback; skimming (a percentage of the profits, proceeds, etc.) |
因果撥無 因果拨无 see styles |
yīn guǒ bō wú yin1 guo3 bo1 wu2 yin kuo po wu inga hatsumu |
to deny the law of cause and effect |
彈撥樂器 弹拨乐器 see styles |
tán bō yuè qì tan2 bo1 yue4 qi4 t`an po yüeh ch`i tan po yüeh chi |
plucked string instrument; CL:件[jian4] |
挑撥是非 挑拨是非 see styles |
tiǎo bō shì fēi tiao3 bo1 shi4 fei1 t`iao po shih fei tiao po shih fei |
to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people; to tell tales; to make mischief |
挑撥離間 挑拨离间 see styles |
tiǎo bō lí jiàn tiao3 bo1 li2 jian4 t`iao po li chien tiao po li chien |
to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between |
挑燈撥火 挑灯拨火 see styles |
tiǎo dēng bō huǒ tiao3 deng1 bo1 huo3 t`iao teng po huo tiao teng po huo |
to sow discord; to provoke |
Variations: |
bachi ばち |
(1) (esp. 撥) plectrum; pick; (2) (esp. 枹,桴) drumstick for Japanese drums (e.g. taiko) |
撥ねつける see styles |
hanetsukeru はねつける |
(transitive verb) (kana only) to flatly refuse; to reject; to spurn |
撥ね上げる see styles |
haneageru はねあげる |
(transitive verb) (1) to splash; (2) to raise (e.g. prices) |
撥ね上げ戸 see styles |
haneagedo はねあげど |
trapdoor; trap door; flap door |
撥ね付ける see styles |
hanetsukeru はねつける |
(transitive verb) (kana only) to flatly refuse; to reject; to spurn |
撥ね退ける see styles |
hanenokeru はねのける |
(transitive verb) (kana only) to push aside; to brush or thrust aside; to remove; to get rid of |
撥ね除ける see styles |
hanenokeru はねのける |
(transitive verb) (kana only) to push aside; to brush or thrust aside; to remove; to get rid of |
撥ね飛ばす see styles |
hanetobasu はねとばす |
(transitive verb) (1) to send (something) flying; to splatter; (2) to drive (something) off |
Variations: |
hatsujou / hatsujo はつじょう |
(dated) (See ばね・1) spring (device) |
Variations: |
hane はね |
(1) (a) jump; (2) splashes (usu. of mud); (3) (often 撥ね) upward turn at the bottom (e.g. of a vertical stroke of a kanji or of a hairdo); (4) close (e.g. of a theatrical performance); breakup |
四兩撥千斤 四两拨千斤 see styles |
sì liǎng bō qiān jīn si4 liang3 bo1 qian1 jin1 ssu liang po ch`ien chin ssu liang po chien chin |
lit. four ounces can move a thousand catties (idiom); fig. to achieve much with little effort |
突っ撥ねる see styles |
tsuppaneru つっぱねる |
(transitive verb) to reject; to spurn; to turn down; to refuse |
賓撥利力叉 宾拨利力叉 see styles |
bīn bō lì lì chā bin1 bo1 li4 li4 cha1 pin po li li ch`a pin po li li cha hinhari rikisha |
pippala, pippala-vṛkṣa, the bodhidruma, or tree under which Śākyamuni obtained insight. |
Variations: |
bachioto ばちおと |
{music} sound made by a plectrum |
ピンを撥ねる see styles |
pinohaneru ピンをはねる |
(exp,v1) (kana only) to get a rakeoff; to get a kickback; to take a kickback |
上前を撥ねる see styles |
uwamaeohaneru うわまえをはねる |
(out-dated kanji) (exp,v1) (colloquialism) to take a commission; to take a cut; to take a piece of the action; to take a kickback |
Variations: |
hanemono はねもの |
rejected goods |
車に撥ねられる see styles |
kurumanihanerareru くるまにはねられる |
(exp,v1) to be struck by a car |
ピン撥ね(rK) see styles |
pinhane; pinhane; pinhane(sk) ピンはね; ピンハネ; ぴんはね(sk) |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (kana only) taking a cut (of someone else's money); taking a rake-off; pocketing a kickback; skimming (a percentage of the profits, proceeds, etc.) |
Variations: |
hanpatsu はんぱつ |
(noun/participle) (1) opposition; rebellion; revolt; resistance; backlash; refusal; (noun/participle) (2) rebounding; recoiling; repulsion; (noun/participle) (3) rally (e.g. in stock prices); recovery |
Variations: |
chouhatsu / chohatsu ちょうはつ |
(noun, transitive verb) provocation; stirring up; arousal; excitement; stimulation |
Variations: |
hihatsumodoki(畢撥擬); hihatsumodoki(hihatsu擬); hihatsumodoki ひはつもどき(畢撥擬); ヒハツもどき(ヒハツ擬); ヒハツモドキ |
(kana only) Javanese long pepper (Piper retrofractum) |
試験で撥ねられる see styles |
shikendehanerareru しけんではねられる |
(exp,v1) to get flunked in an examination |
Variations: |
bachi; bachi ばち; バチ |
(1) (kana only) (esp. 撥) plectrum (for a shamisen, biwa, etc.); pick; (2) (kana only) (esp. 桴, 枹) drumstick (for taiko); mallet (for a gong); beater |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "撥" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.