There are 180 total results for your 掃 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
掃 扫 see styles |
sào sao4 sao sou / so そう |
(bound form) a (large) broom (surname) Sou To sweep. |
掃く see styles |
haku はく |
(transitive verb) (1) to sweep; to brush; to clean; (transitive verb) (2) to gather silkworms |
掃地 扫地 see styles |
sǎo dì sao3 di4 sao ti sōchi |
to sweep the floor; (fig.) (of one's reputation etc) to reach rock bottom; to be at an all-time low To sweep the floor, or ground, an act to which the Buddha is said to have attributed five kinds of merit; v. 毘奈耶雜事. |
掃墓 扫墓 see styles |
sǎo mù sao3 mu4 sao mu |
to sweep a grave (and pay one's respects to the dead person) |
掃守 see styles |
hakimori はきもり |
(surname) Hakimori |
掃射 扫射 see styles |
sǎo shè sao3 she4 sao she sousha / sosha そうしゃ |
to rake with machine gunfire; to strafe; to machine-gun down (noun, transitive verb) sweeping with fire; mowing down; strafing |
掃尾 扫尾 see styles |
sǎo wěi sao3 wei3 sao wei |
to complete the last stage of work; to round off |
掃帚 扫帚 see styles |
sào zhou sao4 zhou5 sao chou |
broom |
掃引 see styles |
souin / soin そういん |
sweeping; scanning |
掃把 扫把 see styles |
sào bǎ sao4 ba3 sao pa |
broom |
掃描 扫描 see styles |
sǎo miáo sao3 miao2 sao miao |
to scan |
掃本 see styles |
hokimoto ほきもと |
(surname) Hokimoto |
掃海 see styles |
soukai / sokai そうかい |
(n,vs,vi) sweeping the sea for mines; dragging for mines |
掃溜 see styles |
hakidame はきだめ |
(irregular okurigana usage) rubbish heap; garbage dump |
掃滅 see styles |
soumetsu / sometsu そうめつ |
(noun/participle) wiping out; annihilation |
掃盪 see styles |
soutou / soto そうとう |
(noun/participle) cleaning up; sweeping up; mopping up |
掃盲 扫盲 see styles |
sǎo máng sao3 mang2 sao mang |
to wipe out illiteracy |
掃眉 扫眉 see styles |
sǎo méi sao3 mei2 sao mei |
to paint the eyebrows |
掃碼 扫码 see styles |
sǎo mǎ sao3 ma3 sao ma |
to scan a QR code or barcode |
掃羅 扫罗 see styles |
sǎo luó sao3 luo2 sao lo |
Saul (name); biblical king around 1000 BC |
掃腿 扫腿 see styles |
sǎo tuǐ sao3 tui3 sao t`ui sao tui |
see 掃堂腿|扫堂腿[sao3tang2tui3] |
掃興 扫兴 see styles |
sǎo xìng sao3 xing4 sao hsing |
to spoil things; to dampen spirits; to feel deflated; to be dispirited |
掃苔 see styles |
soutai / sotai そうたい |
(noun/participle) (1) visit to a family grave (esp. during the Bon festival); (noun/participle) (2) removal of moss from a tombstone |
掃蕩 扫荡 see styles |
sǎo dàng sao3 dang4 sao tang soutou / soto そうとう |
(military) to mop up; to crack down on; to eradicate (noun/participle) cleaning up; sweeping up; mopping up |
掃街 扫街 see styles |
sǎo jiē sao3 jie1 sao chieh |
to sweep the streets; to canvas (for votes, sales etc) |
掃視 扫视 see styles |
sǎo shì sao3 shi4 sao shih |
to run one's eyes over; to sweep one's eyes over |
掃討 see styles |
soutou / soto そうとう |
(noun/participle) cleaning up; sweeping up; mopping up |
掃詰 see styles |
hakizume はきづめ |
(surname) Hakizume |
掃貨 扫货 see styles |
sǎo huò sao3 huo4 sao huo |
to go on a shopping spree; to buy in bulk |
掃部 see styles |
hakebe はけべ |
(surname) Hakebe |
掃除 扫除 see styles |
sǎo chú sao3 chu2 sao ch`u sao chu souji / soji そうじ |
to clean; to clean up; to eliminate; to wipe out (noun, transitive verb) cleaning; sweeping; dusting; scrubbing to sweep |
掃雷 扫雷 see styles |
sǎo léi sao3 lei2 sao lei |
minesweeper (computer game) |
掃黃 扫黄 see styles |
sǎo huáng sao3 huang2 sao huang |
campaign against pornography |
掃黑 扫黑 see styles |
sǎo hēi sao3 hei1 sao hei |
to crack down on illegal activities; to fight organized crime |
一掃 see styles |
issou / isso いっそう |
(noun, transitive verb) clean sweep; purging; doing away with; eradication |
回掃 回扫 see styles |
huí sǎo hui2 sao3 hui sao |
see 回描[hui2 miao2] |
打掃 打扫 see styles |
dǎ sǎo da3 sao3 ta sao |
to clean; to sweep |
拂掃 拂扫 see styles |
fú sǎo fu2 sao3 fu sao |
whisk |
橫掃 横扫 see styles |
héng sǎo heng2 sao3 heng sao |
to sweep away; to sweep across |
清掃 清扫 see styles |
qīng sǎo qing1 sao3 ch`ing sao ching sao seisou / seso せいそう |
to tidy up; to mop up; a sweep (against crime) (noun, transitive verb) cleaning; clean-up; garbage collection; scavenging |
糞掃 粪扫 see styles |
fèn sǎo fen4 sao3 fen sao funzō |
Sweepings, garbage. |
掃き手 see styles |
hakite はきて |
{sumo} hand touching the ground resulting in direct loss |
掃地僧 扫地僧 see styles |
sǎo dì sēng sao3 di4 seng1 sao ti seng |
Sweeper Monk, nameless monk who maintains the library of Shaolin (from Jin Yong's novel "Demigods and Semidevils" 天龍八部|天龙八部[Tian1 long2 Ba1 Bu4]); (fig.) person whose remarkable talents are not well known |
掃堂腿 扫堂腿 see styles |
sǎo táng tuǐ sao3 tang2 tui3 sao t`ang t`ui sao tang tui |
(martial arts) floor-sweeping kick (to trip one's opponent) |
掃墓節 扫墓节 see styles |
sǎo mù jié sao3 mu4 jie2 sao mu chieh |
see 清明節|清明节[Qing1ming2jie2] |
掃帚星 扫帚星 see styles |
sào zhou xīng sao4 zhou5 xing1 sao chou hsing |
comet; person who brings bad luck; jinx |
掃把星 扫把星 see styles |
sào bǎ xīng sao4 ba3 xing1 sao pa hsing |
comet; person who brings bad luck; jinx |
掃描儀 扫描仪 see styles |
sǎo miáo yí sao3 miao2 yi2 sao miao i |
scanner (device) |
掃描器 扫描器 see styles |
sǎo miáo qì sao3 miao2 qi4 sao miao ch`i sao miao chi |
scanner |
掃海艇 see styles |
soukaitei / sokaite そうかいてい |
minesweeping ship; minesweeper |
掃溜め see styles |
hakidame はきだめ |
(irregular okurigana usage) rubbish heap; garbage dump |
掃碼槍 see styles |
sǎo mǎ qiāng sao3 ma3 qiang1 sao ma ch`iang sao ma chiang |
handheld barcode scanner |
掃蕩腿 扫荡腿 see styles |
sǎo dàng tuǐ sao3 dang4 tui3 sao tang t`ui sao tang tui |
see 掃堂腿|扫堂腿[sao3tang2tui3] |
掃部介 see styles |
kamonnosuke かもんのすけ |
(male given name) Kamonnosuke |
掃部岳 see styles |
kamondake かもんだけ |
(personal name) Kamondake |
掃部関 see styles |
kamonzeki かもんぜき |
(surname) Kamonzeki |
掃除人 see styles |
soujinin / sojinin そうじにん |
janitor; cleaner |
掃除器 see styles |
soujiki / sojiki そうじき |
cleaner (usu. vacuum cleaner) |
掃除婦 see styles |
soujifu / sojifu そうじふ |
cleaning woman |
掃除屋 see styles |
soujiya / sojiya そうじや |
(1) cleaner; janitor; (2) (archaism) night soil gatherer |
掃除機 扫除机 see styles |
sǎo chú jī sao3 chu2 ji1 sao ch`u chi sao chu chi soujiki / sojiki そうじき |
mechanical sweeper cleaner (usu. vacuum cleaner) |
掃除谷 see styles |
soujidani / sojidani そうじだに |
(place-name) Soujidani |
掃除魚 see styles |
soujiuo / sojiuo そうじうお |
cleaner fish |
掃雪車 扫雪车 see styles |
sǎo xuě chē sao3 xue3 che1 sao hsüeh ch`e sao hsüeh che |
snowplow |
掃雷艇 扫雷艇 see styles |
sǎo léi tǐng sao3 lei2 ting3 sao lei t`ing sao lei ting |
minesweeper |
掃雷艦 扫雷舰 see styles |
sǎo léi jiàn sao3 lei2 jian4 sao lei chien |
minesweeper |
大掃除 see styles |
oosouji / oosoji おおそうじ |
(n,vs,vt,vi) major cleanup; spring cleaning |
床掃除 see styles |
yukasouji / yukasoji ゆかそうじ |
(n,vs,vi) cleaning the floor |
庭掃除 see styles |
niwasouji / niwasoji にわそうじ |
tidying a garden; sweeping the yard; garden work |
清掃員 see styles |
seisouin / sesoin せいそういん |
cleaner; janitor |
清掃夫 see styles |
seisoufu / sesofu せいそうふ |
street cleaner; garbage man |
清掃所 see styles |
seisoujo / sesojo せいそうじょ |
(place-name) Seisoujo |
清掃車 see styles |
seisousha / sesosha せいそうしゃ |
garbage truck; dustcart; waste collection vehicle |
煤掃き see styles |
susuhaki すすはき |
sweeping the soot from one's house (to welcome the kami of the New Year) |
糞掃衣 粪扫衣 see styles |
fèn sǎo yī fen4 sao3 yi1 fen sao i funzō e |
衲衣 The monk's garment of cast-off rags. |
耳掃除 see styles |
mimisouji / mimisoji みみそうじ |
ear cleaning; cleaning one's ears |
雲掃寺 see styles |
unsouji / unsoji うんそうじ |
(personal name) Unsouji |
鬢掃除 see styles |
binsouji / binsoji びんそうじ |
(place-name) Binsouji |
掃き出す see styles |
hakidasu はきだす |
(transitive verb) to release; to sweep out; to clean out |
掃き初め see styles |
hakizome はきぞめ |
(rare) first house-cleaning of the year (on January 2); first sweeping |
掃き掃除 see styles |
hakisouji / hakisoji はきそうじ |
sweeping and cleaning |
掃き溜め see styles |
hakidame はきだめ |
rubbish heap; garbage dump |
掃き立て see styles |
hakitate はきたて |
being newly-swept; gathering silkworms from the egg paper |
掃木沢山 see styles |
houkizawayama / hokizawayama ほうきざわやま |
(place-name) Houkizawayama |
掃討作戦 see styles |
soutousakusen / sotosakusen そうとうさくせん |
mopping-up operation; search-and-destroy operation |
掃部ヶ岳 see styles |
kamongatake かもんがたけ |
(place-name) Kamongatake |
掃部沖名 see styles |
kamonokina かもんおきな |
(place-name) Kamon'okina |
掃除天下 扫除天下 see styles |
sǎo chú - tiān xià sao3 chu2 - tian1 xia4 sao ch`u - t`ien hsia sao chu - tien hsia |
(idiom) to re-establish order throughout the empire |
掃除当番 see styles |
soujitouban / sojitoban そうじとうばん |
one's turn for doing the sweeping (cleaning) |
掃黃打非 扫黄打非 see styles |
sǎo huáng dǎ fēi sao3 huang2 da3 fei1 sao huang ta fei |
to eradicate pornography and illegal publications |
掃黃運動 扫黄运动 see styles |
sǎo huáng yùn dòng sao3 huang2 yun4 dong4 sao huang yün tung |
campaign against pornography |
すす掃き see styles |
susuhaki すすはき |
sweeping the soot from one's house (to welcome the kami of the New Year) |
ふき掃除 see styles |
fukisouji / fukisoji ふきそうじ |
(noun/participle) cleaning; scrubbing |
一掃而光 一扫而光 see styles |
yī sǎo ér guāng yi1 sao3 er2 guang1 i sao erh kuang |
see 一掃而空|一扫而空[yi1sao3er2kong1] |
一掃而空 一扫而空 see styles |
yī sǎo ér kōng yi1 sao3 er2 kong1 i sao erh k`ung i sao erh kung |
(idiom) to make a clean sweep of; to clean out |
分解掃除 see styles |
bunkaisouji / bunkaisoji ぶんかいそうじ |
(noun/participle) overhaul; taking apart and cleaning |
名譽掃地 名誉扫地 see styles |
míng yù sǎo dì ming2 yu4 sao3 di4 ming yü sao ti |
to be thoroughly discredited; to fall into disrepute |
地を掃う see styles |
chioharau ちをはらう |
(exp,v5u) to disappear completely, leaving nothing behind |
威信掃地 威信扫地 see styles |
wēi xìn sǎo dì wei1 xin4 sao3 di4 wei hsin sao ti |
to lose every scrap of reputation |
拭き掃除 see styles |
fukisouji / fukisoji ふきそうじ |
(noun/participle) cleaning; scrubbing |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "掃" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.