There are 326 total results for your 塵 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
塵 尘 see styles |
chén chen2 ch`en chen chiri ちり |
dust; dirt; earth (1) dust; (2) trash; garbage; rubbish; dirt; (3) (usu. as 塵ほども...ない) negligible amount; tiny bit; (4) hustle and bustle (of life); worldly cares; impurities of the world; (5) (abbreviation) {sumo} (See 塵手水) ritual gestures indicating that a fight will be clean guṇa, in Sanskrit inter alia means 'a secondary element', 'a quality', 'an attribute of the five elements', e.g. 'ether has śabda or sound for its guṇa and the ear for its organ'. In Chinese it means 'dust, small particles; molecules, atoms, exhalations'. It may be intp. as an atom, or matter, which is considered as defilement; or as an active, conditioned principle in nature, minute, subtle, and generally speaking defiling to pure mind; worldly, earthly, the world. The six guṇas or sensation-data are those of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought. |
塵世 尘世 see styles |
chén shì chen2 shi4 ch`en shih chen shih jinse |
(religion) this mortal life; the mundane world defiled realm |
塵事 尘事 see styles |
chén shì chen2 shi4 ch`en shih chen shih jinji |
object(s) |
塵俗 尘俗 see styles |
chén sú chen2 su2 ch`en su chen su |
mundane world |
塵入 see styles |
gomiire / gomire ごみいれ |
trashcan; rubbish bin; dustbin; ashcan |
塵刹 尘刹 see styles |
chén chà chen2 cha4 ch`en ch`a chen cha jinsetsu |
guṇakṣetra, 'field of qualities,' certain sins. |
塵劫 尘劫 see styles |
chén jié chen2 jie2 ch`en chieh chen chieh jingō |
(塵點劫) A period of time as impossible of calculation as the atoms of a ground-up world, an attempt to define the infinite, v. Lotus Sūtra 7 and 16. |
塵勞 尘劳 see styles |
chén láo chen2 lao2 ch`en lao chen lao jin rō |
The trouble of the world, the passions. |
塵囂 尘嚣 see styles |
chén xiāo chen2 xiao1 ch`en hsiao chen hsiao |
hubbub; hustle and bustle |
塵土 尘土 see styles |
chén tǔ chen2 tu3 ch`en t`u chen tu |
dust |
塵坌 尘坌 see styles |
chén bèn chen2 ben4 ch`en pen chen pen jinpun |
dust |
塵垢 尘垢 see styles |
chén gòu chen2 gou4 ch`en kou chen kou jin'ku |
Material, or phenomenal defilement; the defilement of the passions. |
塵埃 尘埃 see styles |
chén āi chen2 ai1 ch`en ai chen ai jinai; chirihokori じんあい; ちりほこり |
dust (1) dust; dirt; (2) (じんあい only) dreary world; petty affairs of everyday life dust (mote) |
塵塚 see styles |
chirizuka ちりづか |
rubbish heap; garbage dump |
塵境 尘境 see styles |
chén jìng chen2 jing4 ch`en ching chen ching jinkyō |
The environment of the six guṇas or qualities of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought. |
塵妄 尘妄 see styles |
chén wàng chen2 wang4 ch`en wang chen wang jinmō |
Impure and false, as are all temporal things. |
塵寰 尘寰 see styles |
chén huán chen2 huan2 ch`en huan chen huan jinkan |
defiled realm |
塵封 尘封 see styles |
chén fēng chen2 feng1 ch`en feng chen feng |
covered in dust; dusty; lying unused for a long time |
塵屋 see styles |
gomiya ごみや |
(out-dated kanji) (sensitive word) ragman; garbage man; garbage collector |
塵屑 see styles |
gomikuzu ごみくず |
(kana only) trash; garbage; junk |
塵岡 see styles |
chirioka ちりおか |
(surname) Chirioka |
塵心 尘心 see styles |
chén xīn chen2 xin1 ch`en hsin chen hsin jinshin |
defiled mind |
塵數 尘数 see styles |
chén shù chen2 shu4 ch`en shu chen shu jin ju |
the number of dust particles |
塵暴 尘暴 see styles |
chén bào chen2 bao4 ch`en pao chen pao |
dust devil |
塵欲 尘欲 see styles |
chén yù chen2 yu4 ch`en yü chen yü jinyoku |
The desires connected with the six guṇas. |
塵沙 尘沙 see styles |
chén shā chen2 sha1 ch`en sha chen sha jinja |
Dust and sand, i.e. numberless as the atoms. Tiantai uses the term as one of the three illusions, i.e. the trial of the bodhisattva in facing the vast amount of detail in knowledge and operation required for his task of saving the world. |
塵洲 尘洲 see styles |
chén zhōu chen2 zhou1 ch`en chou chen chou jinshū |
Worlds as numerous as atoms. |
塵浜 see styles |
chirihama ちりはま |
(surname) Chirihama |
塵濱 see styles |
chirihama ちりはま |
(surname) Chirihama |
塵灰 see styles |
jinkai じんかい |
dust and ash |
塵界 see styles |
jinkai じんかい |
this drab world |
塵穢 尘秽 see styles |
chén huì chen2 hui4 ch`en hui chen hui jin'e |
dust |
塵箱 see styles |
gomibako ごみばこ |
garbage can; garbage box; rubbish bin; trash can; dust bin; dustbin |
塵紙 see styles |
chirishi ちりし chirigami ちりがみ |
tissue paper; toilet paper |
塵累 尘累 see styles |
chén lěi chen2 lei3 ch`en lei chen lei jinrui |
The passion-karma which entangles the mind. |
塵綱 尘纲 see styles |
chén gāng chen2 gang1 ch`en kang chen kang jinkō |
The net of the six guṇas, i.e. those connected with the six senses. |
塵緣 尘缘 see styles |
chén yuán chen2 yuan2 ch`en yüan chen yüan jinen |
The circumstances or conditions environing the mind created by the six guṇas. |
塵肺 尘肺 see styles |
chén fèi chen2 fei4 ch`en fei chen fei jinpai じんぱい jinhai じんはい |
pneumoconiosis pneumoconiosis (lung disease caused by dust inhalation) |
塵芥 尘芥 see styles |
chén jiè chen2 jie4 ch`en chieh chen chieh jinkai; chiriakuta; gomiakuta じんかい; ちりあくた; ごみあくた |
(1) rubbish; trash; garbage; refuse; (2) worthless thing dust |
塵蜱 see styles |
chiridani; chiridani ちりだに; チリダニ |
(kana only) house dust mite (Dermatophagoides spp.) |
塵蟎 尘螨 see styles |
chén mǎn chen2 man3 ch`en man chen man |
dust mite |
塵表 尘表 see styles |
chén biǎo chen2 biao3 ch`en piao chen piao jinpyō |
Outside of the secular, i.e. the doctrine of Buddha. |
塵袋 see styles |
gomibukuro ごみぶくろ |
garbage bag |
塵道 尘道 see styles |
chén dào chen2 dao4 ch`en tao chen tao jindō |
The dusty path, the phenomenal world, or worlds. |
塵鄕 尘鄕 see styles |
chén xiāng chen2 xiang1 ch`en hsiang chen hsiang jinkyō |
The native place or home of the six guṇas, i.e that of transmigration. |
塵雲 尘云 see styles |
chén yún chen2 yun2 ch`en yün chen yün |
dust cloud |
塵霧 尘雾 see styles |
chén wù chen2 wu4 ch`en wu chen wu |
cloud of dust; smog |
塵風 尘风 see styles |
chén fēng chen2 feng1 ch`en feng chen feng jin fū |
defiling winds |
塵點 尘点 see styles |
chén diǎn chen2 dian3 ch`en tien chen tien jinden |
dust mote |
一塵 一尘 see styles |
yī chén yi1 chen2 i ch`en i chen ichijin |
A grain of dust, an atom, a particle. |
下塵 下尘 see styles |
xià chén xia4 chen2 hsia ch`en hsia chen gejin |
The lower gati, the hells, hungry ghosts, animals. |
五塵 五尘 see styles |
wǔ chén wu3 chen2 wu ch`en wu chen gojin |
The objects of the five senses, which being dusty or earthly things can taint the true nature; idem 五境. |
似塵 似尘 see styles |
sì chén si4 chen2 ssu ch`en ssu chen jijin |
resembling objects |
余塵 see styles |
yojin よじん |
trailing dust; aftereffects |
俗塵 俗尘 see styles |
sú chén su2 chen2 su ch`en su chen zokujin ぞくじん |
the world; earthly affairs Common dust, earthly pollution. |
內塵 内尘 see styles |
nèi chén nei4 chen2 nei ch`en nei chen nai jin |
The inner, or sixth 塵 guṇa associated with mind, in contrast with the other five guṇas, qualities or attributes of the visible, audible, etc. |
六塵 六尘 see styles |
liù chén liu4 chen2 liu ch`en liu chen rokujin |
The six guṇas, qualities produced by the objects and organs of sense, i. e. sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and idea; the organs are the 六根, 六入, 六處, and the perceptions or discernments the 六識; cf. 六境. Dust 塵 is dirt, and these six qualities are therefore the cause of all impurity. Yet 六塵說法 the Buddha made use of them to preach his law. |
冥塵 冥尘 see styles |
míng chén ming2 chen2 ming ch`en ming chen myōjin |
dark (or obscure) dust (or objects of the sense-organs) |
凡塵 凡尘 see styles |
fán chén fan2 chen2 fan ch`en fan chen bonjin |
mundane world (in religious context); this mortal coil mundane world |
出塵 出尘 see styles |
chū chén chu1 chen2 ch`u ch`en chu chen shutsu jin |
To leave the dusty world of passion and delusion. |
刹塵 刹尘 see styles |
chà chén cha4 chen2 ch`a ch`en cha chen setsujin |
Lands, countless as the dust. |
前塵 前尘 see styles |
qián chén qian2 chen2 ch`ien ch`en chien chen zenjin |
the past; impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world) (Buddhism) Previous impure condition (influencing the succeeding stage or stages). |
同塵 同尘 see styles |
tóng jen tong2 jen2 t`ung jen tung jen dōjin |
to mingle with the dust |
吸塵 see styles |
kyuujin / kyujin きゅうじん |
(noun/participle) dust vacuuming |
味塵 味尘 see styles |
wèi chén wei4 chen2 wei ch`en wei chen mijin |
Taste-dust, one of the six 'particles' which form the material or medium of sensation. |
四塵 四尘 see styles |
sì chén si4 chen2 ssu ch`en ssu chen shijin |
four data-fields |
地塵 地尘 see styles |
dì chén di4 chen2 ti ch`en ti chen ji jin |
Earth-dust: as dust of earth (in number): atoms of the earth element. |
埃塵 埃尘 see styles |
āi chén ai1 chen2 ai ch`en ai chen aijin |
dust (mote) |
外塵 外尘 see styles |
wài chén wai4 chen2 wai ch`en wai chen gai jin |
The external objects of the six internal senses. |
大塵 see styles |
oochiri おおちり |
(surname) Oochiri |
妄塵 妄尘 see styles |
wàng chén wang4 chen2 wang ch`en wang chen mōjin |
the unreal and unclean world. |
宇塵 see styles |
ujin うじん |
(given name) Ujin |
客塵 客尘 see styles |
kè chén ke4 chen2 k`o ch`en ko chen kakujin |
āgantu-kleśa, the foreign atom, or intruding element, which enters the mind and causes distress and delusion; the mind is naturally pure or innocent till the evil element enters; v. 煩惱. |
封塵 封尘 see styles |
fēng chén feng1 chen2 feng ch`en feng chen |
to gather dust |
市塵 see styles |
shijin しじん |
city dust; city confusion |
征塵 征尘 see styles |
zhēng chén zheng1 chen2 cheng ch`en cheng chen |
the dust of a long journey |
後塵 后尘 see styles |
hòu chén hou4 chen2 hou ch`en hou chen koujin / kojin こうじん |
lit. trailing dust; fig. sb's footsteps; course in life (See 後塵を拝する・こうじんをはいする・1) trailing dust; dust left by someone running ahead |
微塵 微尘 see styles |
wēi chén wei1 chen2 wei ch`en wei chen mijin(p); bijin(ok) みじん(P); びじん(ok) |
dust; (Buddhism) minutest particle of matter (1) particle; atom; little piece; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (used with neg. verb, often as 微塵も〜ない) not at all; not the slightest A molecule, v. above. |
心塵 心尘 see styles |
xīn chén xin1 chen2 hsin ch`en hsin chen shinjin |
Mind dust or dirt, i. e. 煩惱 the passions, greed, anger, etc. |
情塵 情尘 see styles |
qíng chén qing2 chen2 ch`ing ch`en ching chen jōjin |
The six guṇas or objects of sensation of the six organs of sense; sensation and its data; sensation-data; passion-defilement. |
我塵 我尘 see styles |
wǒ chén wo3 chen2 wo ch`en wo chen ga jin |
self and the objects of self |
戦塵 see styles |
senjin せんじん |
battle dust; the tumult of war |
拂塵 拂尘 see styles |
fú chén fu2 chen2 fu ch`en fu chen |
horsetail whisk; duster |
昏塵 昏尘 see styles |
hūn chén hun1 chen2 hun ch`en hun chen konjin |
obscuring dust |
春塵 see styles |
shunjin しゅんじん |
spring dust; frost and snow that's blown like dust in the air by the spring wind |
有塵 有尘 see styles |
yǒu chén you3 chen2 yu ch`en yu chen ujin |
to be dirty |
根塵 根尘 see styles |
gēn chén gen1 chen2 ken ch`en ken chen konjin |
The object or sensation of any organ of sense. |
業塵 业尘 see styles |
yè chén ye4 chen2 yeh ch`en yeh chen gōjin |
Karma-dirt, the defilement or remains of evil karma. |
欲塵 欲尘 see styles |
yù chén yu4 chen2 yü ch`en yü chen yokujin |
The dust, or dirt, or infection of the passions; the guṇas, or qualities, or material factors of desire regarded as forces. Also the six desires and the five guṇas 六欲五塵. |
水塵 水尘 see styles |
shuǐ chén shui3 chen2 shui ch`en shui chen suijin |
An atom of dust wandering freely in water— one of the smallest of things. |
沙塵 沙尘 see styles |
shā chén sha1 chen2 sha ch`en sha chen |
airborne sand and dust |
法塵 法尘 see styles |
fǎ chén fa3 chen2 fa ch`en fa chen hōjin |
A mental object, any direct mental perception, not dependent on the sense organs. Cf. 六塵. |
浮塵 浮尘 see styles |
fú chén fu2 chen2 fu ch`en fu chen fujin |
dust (floating in the air or settled on a surface); large amount of airborne sand and dust, such as during a sandstorm Floating dust or atoms, unstable matter, i.e. phenomena, which hide reality. |
滌塵 涤尘 see styles |
dí chén di2 chen2 ti ch`en ti chen |
to wash off dust |
灰塵 灰尘 see styles |
huī chén hui1 chen2 hui ch`en hui chen kaijin かいじん |
dust ashes and dust |
炭塵 see styles |
tanjin たんじん |
coal dust |
無塵 无尘 see styles |
wú chén wu2 chen2 wu ch`en wu chen mujin |
Dustless, without an atom of the material or unclean, immaterial, pure. |
煙塵 烟尘 see styles |
yān chén yan1 chen2 yen ch`en yen chen enjin えんじん |
smoke and dust; air pollution dust; smokestack smoke; battle scene |
煤塵 see styles |
baijin ばいじん |
dust and soot; particulate matter |
生塵 see styles |
namagomi なまごみ |
kitchen waste; food scraps; raw garbage |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "塵" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
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Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
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