There are 204 total results for your 劫 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
劫 see styles |
jié jie2 chieh kou; gou; kou / ko; go; ko こう; ごう; コウ |
to rob; to plunder; to seize by force; to coerce; calamity; abbr. for kalpa 劫波[jie2 bo1] (1) (こう, ごう only) {Buddh} kalpa (eon, aeon); (2) (kana only) {go} (usu. コウ) ko; position that allows for eternal capture and recapture of the same stones 刧 A kalpa, aeon, age; also translit. ka; 'a fabulous period of time, a day of Brahmā or 1, 000 Yugas, a period of four hundred and thirty-two million years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world; (a month of Brahmā is supposed to contain thirty such kalpas; according to the Mahābhārata twelve months of Brahmā constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime; fifty years of Brahmā are supposed to have elapsed... ).' M. W. An aeon of incalculable time, therefore called a 大時節 great time-node. v. 劫波.; The three asaṃkhyeya kalpas, the three countless aeons, the period of a bodhisattva's development; also the past 莊嚴劫, the present 賢劫, and the future 星宿劫 kalpas. There are other groups. 三劫三千佛 The thousand Buddhas in each of the three kalpas. |
刦 劫 see styles |
jié jie2 chieh |
variant of 劫[jie2] See: 劫 |
刧 劫 see styles |
jié jie2 chieh kyō |
variant of 劫[jie2] eon |
刼 劫 see styles |
jié jie2 chieh |
variant of 劫[jie2] See: 劫 |
劫中 see styles |
jié zhōng jie2 zhong1 chieh chung kō chū |
within an eon |
劫亂 劫乱 see styles |
jié luàn jie2 luan4 chieh luan kōran |
the kalpa is in the state of disorder and confusion |
劫具 see styles |
jié jù jie2 ju4 chieh chü kōgu |
v. 劫波娑. |
劫初 see styles |
jié chū jie2 chu1 chieh ch`u chieh chu kō sho |
The beginning of the kalpa of formation; the kalpa of creation; also 成劫. |
劫匪 see styles |
jié fěi jie2 fei3 chieh fei |
bandit; robber |
劫吉 see styles |
koukichi / kokichi こうきち |
(given name) Kōkichi |
劫囚 see styles |
jié qiú jie2 qiu2 chieh ch`iu chieh chiu |
to break a prisoner out of jail |
劫奪 劫夺 see styles |
jié duó jie2 duo2 chieh to kōdatsu |
to seize by force; to abduct to plunder |
劫子 see styles |
kouko / koko こうこ |
(female given name) Kōko |
劫寨 see styles |
jié zhài jie2 zhai4 chieh chai |
to seize a stronghold; to surprise the enemy in his camp |
劫持 see styles |
jié chí jie2 chi2 chieh ch`ih chieh chih |
to kidnap; to hijack; to abduct; to hold under duress |
劫掠 see styles |
jié lüè jie2 lu:e4 chieh lu:e kōryaku ごうりゃく |
to loot; to plunder (noun/participle) pillage; plunder to plunder |
劫數 劫数 see styles |
jié shù jie2 shu4 chieh shu kōshu |
predestined fate (Buddhism) for a number of kalpas |
劫機 劫机 see styles |
jié jī jie2 ji1 chieh chi |
hijacking; air piracy |
劫殺 劫杀 see styles |
jié shā jie2 sha1 chieh sha |
to rob and kill |
劫比 see styles |
jié bǐ jie2 bi3 chieh pi Kōhi |
(劫比羅) kapila; also 劫畢羅; 迦比羅 (or 迦毗羅) The meaning is 'brown', but it is chiefly used for 'the sage Kapila, founder of the classical Sāṃkhya' philosophy and the school of that name. |
劫水 see styles |
jié shuǐ jie2 shui3 chieh shui kōsui |
The flood in the kalpa of destruction, v. 三災. |
劫波 see styles |
jié bō jie2 bo1 chieh po kōhi |
kalpa (loanword) (Hinduism) kalpa; also劫簸; 劫跛; v. 劫. Aeon, age. The period of time between the creation and recreation ofa world or universe; also the kalpas offormation, existence, destruction, and non-existence, which four as acomplete period are called mahākalpa 大劫. Eachgreat kalpa is subdivided into four asaṇkhyeya-kalpas (阿僧企耶 i.e. numberless,incalculable): (1) kalpa of destructionsaṃvarta; (2)kalpaof utter annihilation, or empty kalpa 増滅劫; 空劫 saṃvarta-siddha; (3) kalpa of formation 成劫 vivarta; (4) kalpa ofexistence 住劫 vivartasiddha; or they may betaken in the order 成住壤空. Each of the four kalpas is subdivided into twenty antara-kalpas, 小劫 or small kalpas, so that a mahākalpaconsists of eighty small kalpas. Each smallkalpa is divided into a period of 増 increaseand 減 decrease; the increase period is ruled over by the four cakravartīs in succession, i.e. the four ages of iron,copper, silver, gold, during which the length of human life increases by oneyear every century to 84,000 years, and the length of the human body to8,400 feet. Then comes the kalpa of decreasedivided into periods of the three woes, pestilence, war, famine, duringwhich the length of human life is gradually reduced to ten years and thehuman body to 1 foot in height. There are other distinctions of the kalpas. A small kalpa isrepresented as 16,800,000 years, a kalpa as336,000,000 years, and a mahākalpa as1,334,000,000 years. There are many ways of illustrating the length of akalpa, e.g. pass a soft cloth over a solid rock40 li in size once in a hundred years, whenfinally the rock has been thus worn away a kalpa will not yet have passed; or a city of 40 li, filled with mustard seeds, one being removed everycentury till all have gone, a kalpa will notyet have passed. Cf. 成劫. |
劫洗 see styles |
jié xǐ jie2 xi3 chieh hsi |
to loot; plunder |
劫海 see styles |
jié hǎi jie2 hai3 chieh hai kōkai |
The ocean of kalpas, i.e. their great number. |
劫濁 劫浊 see styles |
jié zhuó jie2 zhuo2 chieh cho kō jaku |
The impure or turbid kalpa, when the age of life is decreasing and all kinds of diseases afflict men. |
劫火 see styles |
jié huǒ jie2 huo3 chieh huo gouka; kouka / goka; koka ごうか; こうか |
{Buddh} world-destroying conflagration The fire in the kalpa of destruction; also 劫盡火; 劫焰; 劫燒 v. 三災. |
劫灰 see styles |
jié huī jie2 hui1 chieh hui kōkai |
kalpa-ash, the ashes after the fire kalpa of destruction. |
劫災 劫灾 see styles |
jié zāi jie2 zai1 chieh tsai kōsai |
The calamity of fire, wind, and water, during the 壞劫 kalpa of destruction. |
劫焰 see styles |
jié yàn jie2 yan4 chieh yen kōen |
kalpa-flames, idem 劫火. |
劫燒 劫烧 see styles |
jié shāo jie2 shao1 chieh shao kosshō |
idem劫火. |
劫營 劫营 see styles |
jié yíng jie2 ying2 chieh ying |
to seize a camp; to surprise the enemy in bed |
劫獄 劫狱 see styles |
jié yù jie2 yu4 chieh yü |
to break into jail; to forcibly release prisoners |
劫略 see styles |
gouryaku / goryaku ごうりゃく kyouryaku / kyoryaku きょうりゃく |
(noun/participle) pillage; plunder |
劫盗 see styles |
goutou / goto ごうとう |
(noun/participle) (rare) (See 強盗) robbery; robber |
劫盡 劫尽 see styles |
jié jìn jie2 jin4 chieh chin kōjin |
the end of this age |
劫石 see styles |
gosseki ごっせき |
(given name) Gosseki |
劫簸 see styles |
jié bǒ jie2 bo3 chieh po kōha |
idem 劫波. |
劫罰 see styles |
goubatsu / gobatsu ごうばつ |
eternal punishment |
劫臈 see styles |
kourou / koro こうろう |
long time; long years of service |
劫臘 see styles |
kourou / koro こうろう |
long time; long years of service |
劫色 see styles |
jié sè jie2 se4 chieh se |
to sexually assault |
劫賊 劫贼 see styles |
jié zéi jie2 zei2 chieh tsei kōzoku |
thief |
劫跛 see styles |
jié bǒ jie2 bo3 chieh po kōha |
(Skt. kalpa) |
劫車 劫车 see styles |
jié chē jie2 che1 chieh ch`e chieh che |
to carjack; carjacking |
劫道 see styles |
jié dào jie2 dao4 chieh tao |
to kidnap; to hijack |
劫量 see styles |
jié liáng jie2 liang2 chieh liang kōryō |
calculating the passage of time |
劫難 劫难 see styles |
jié nàn jie2 nan4 chieh nan |
calamity |
劫餘 劫余 see styles |
jié yú jie2 yu2 chieh yü |
remnants after a disaster; aftermath |
一劫 see styles |
yī jié yi1 jie2 i chieh ichikō |
one kalpa |
万劫 see styles |
mangou / mango まんごう |
eternity; (place-name) Mangou |
三劫 see styles |
sān jié san1 jie2 san chieh sankō |
three eons |
中劫 see styles |
zhōng jié zhong1 jie2 chung chieh chūkō |
Middling kalpa, a period of 336, 000, 000 years. |
九劫 see styles |
jiǔ jié jiu3 jie2 chiu chieh ku kō |
The nine kalpas; though Śākyamuni and Maitreya started together, the zeal of the first enabled him to become Buddha nine kalpas sooner; see 大賓積經 111. |
住劫 see styles |
zhù jié zhu4 jie2 chu chieh juukou / juko じゅうこう |
{Buddh} (See 四劫) the kalpa of existence (the second aeon of the universe) vivartasiddhakalpa; the abiding or existing kalpa; the kalpa of human existence; v. 劫. |
億劫 亿劫 see styles |
yì jié yi4 jie2 i chieh okkuu; okukou; okkou(ok) / okku; okuko; okko(ok) おっくう; おくこう; おっこう(ok) |
(noun or adjectival noun) troublesome; bothersome; tiresome; annoying 100,000,000 eons |
减劫 see styles |
jiǎn jié jian3 jie2 chien chieh genkō |
eons of decrease |
別劫 别劫 see styles |
bié jié bie2 jie2 pieh chieh betsukō |
antara-kalpas, small or intermediate kalpas, v. 劫. |
十劫 see styles |
shí jié shi2 jie2 shih chieh jūkō |
The ten kalpas that have expired since Amitābha made his forty-eight vows, or 十劫正覺attained complete bodhi, hence he is styled 十劫彌陀. These ten kalpas as seen by Puxian are十劫須臾 but as a moment. |
千劫 see styles |
qiān jié qian1 jie2 ch`ien chieh chien chieh sen kō |
one thousand kalpas |
善劫 see styles |
shàn jié shan4 jie2 shan chieh zenkō |
A good kalpa, bhadrakalpa, especially that in which we now live. |
四劫 see styles |
sì jié si4 jie2 ssu chieh shikou / shiko しこう |
{Buddh} (See 劫・1) the four kalpa (formation, existence, destruction, nothingness) The four kalpas, or epochs, of a world, 成劫 that of formation and completion; 住劫 existing or abiding; 懷劫 destruction; and 空劫 annihilation, or the succeeding void. 倶舍論 12. |
塵劫 尘劫 see styles |
chén jié chen2 jie2 ch`en chieh chen chieh jingō |
(塵點劫) A period of time as impossible of calculation as the atoms of a ground-up world, an attempt to define the infinite, v. Lotus Sūtra 7 and 16. |
增劫 see styles |
zēng jié zeng1 jie2 tseng chieh zōkō |
The kalpa of increment, during which human life increases by one year every century, from an initial life of ten years, till it reaches 84,000 (and the body from 1 foot to 8,400 feet in height), in the 滅劫 similarly diminishing. |
壊劫 see styles |
ekou / eko えこう |
{Buddh} (See 四劫) the kalpa of destruction (the third aeon of the universe) |
壞劫 坏劫 see styles |
huài jié huai4 jie2 huai chieh e kō |
saṃvarta, v. 劫 7, the periodical gradual destruction of a universe, one of its four kalpas, i.e. 成 vivarta, formation; 住 vivarta-siddha; abiding, or existence; 壞 saṃvarta, decay, or destruction; 滅 saṃvarta-siddha, final annihilation. |
多劫 see styles |
duō jié duo1 jie2 to chieh takō |
many eons |
大刧 大劫 see styles |
dà jié da4 jie2 ta chieh daikō |
mahākalpa. The great kalpa, from the beginning of a universe till it is destroyed and another begins in its place. It has four kalpas or periods known as vivarta 成刧 the creation period; vivarta‐siddha 住刧 the appearance of sun and moon, i.e. light, and the period of life, human and general; saṃvarta 壤刧 or 滅刧 destruction first by fire, then water, then fire, then deluge, then a great wind, i.e. water during seven small kalpas, fire during 56 and wind one, in all 64; saṃvartatthāhi 増滅刧 total destruction gradually reaching the void. A great kalpa is calculated as eighty small kalpas and to last 1,347,000,000 years. |
大劫 see styles |
dà jié da4 jie2 ta chieh daikou; taigou / daiko; taigo だいこう; たいごう |
{Buddh} (See 劫・1) mahakalpa; great eon a great eon |
小劫 see styles |
xiǎo jié xiao3 jie2 hsiao chieh shōgō |
antarā-kalpa, or intermediate kalpa; according to the 倶舍論 it is the period in which human life increases by one year a century till it reaches 84,000 with men 8,400 feet high; then it is reduced at the same rate till the life-period reaches ten years with men a foot high; these two are each a small kalpa; the 智度論 reckons the two together as one kalpa; and there are other definitions. |
成劫 see styles |
chéng jié cheng2 jie2 ch`eng chieh cheng chieh joukou; jougou / joko; jogo じょうこう; じょうごう |
{Buddh} (See 四劫) the kalpa of formation (the first aeon of the universe) vivarta kalpa, one of the four kalpas, consisting of twenty small kalpas during which worlds and the beings on them are formed. The others are: 住劫 vivarta-siddha kalpa, kalpa of abiding, or existence, sun and moon rise, sexes are differentiated, heroes arise, four castes are formed, social life evolves. 壞劫saṃvarta kalpa, that of destruction, consisting of sixty-four small kalpas when fire, water, and wind destroy everything except the fourth dhyāna. 空劫 saṃvarta-siddha kalpa, i.e. of annihilation. v. 劫波. |
打劫 see styles |
dǎ jié da3 jie2 ta chieh |
to loot; to rob; to plunder; to ransack |
抄劫 see styles |
chāo jié chao1 jie2 ch`ao chieh chao chieh shōkō |
to plunder |
搶劫 抢劫 see styles |
qiǎng jié qiang3 jie2 ch`iang chieh chiang chieh |
to rob; looting |
攔劫 拦劫 see styles |
lán jié lan2 jie2 lan chieh |
to mug; to intercept and rob |
曠劫 旷劫 see styles |
kuàng jié kuang4 jie2 k`uang chieh kuang chieh kougou / kogo こうごう |
{Buddh} aeons; eons; long time A past kalpa; the part of a kalpa that is past. |
末劫 see styles |
mò jié mo4 jie2 mo chieh makkō |
final age |
歷劫 历劫 see styles |
lì jié li4 jie2 li chieh rekikō |
To pass through a kalpa; in the course of a kalpa. |
永劫 see styles |
yǒng jié yong3 jie2 yung chieh eigou / ego えいごう |
eternity; perpetuity Eternity; the everlasting aeon. |
沒劫 没劫 see styles |
mò jié mo4 jie2 mo chieh moko |
moha, delusion, bewilderment, infatuation, tr. by 愚 foolishness; cf. 謨. |
沙劫 see styles |
shā jié sha1 jie2 sha chieh shakō |
Kalpas countless as the sands of Ganges. |
洗劫 see styles |
xǐ jié xi3 jie2 hsi chieh |
to loot; to ransack; to pillage |
浩劫 see styles |
hào jié hao4 jie2 hao chieh |
More info & calligraphy: Havoc |
減劫 减劫 see styles |
jiǎn jié jian3 jie2 chien chieh genkō |
The decreasing kalpas in which the period of life is gradually reduced, as the 增減 are the kalpas of increase; together they form twenty kalpas, ten diminishing and ten increasing; but there are other definitions. |
滅劫 灭劫 see styles |
miè jié mie4 jie2 mieh chieh metsukō |
The saṃvarta-kalpa of world-destruction, cf; 壞劫. |
濁劫 浊劫 see styles |
zhuó jié zhuo2 jie2 cho chieh jokukō |
An impure kalpa, the kalpa of impurity, degenerate, corrupt; an age of disease, famine, and war. |
百劫 see styles |
bǎi jié bai3 jie2 pai chieh hyakkō |
one hundred eons |
空劫 see styles |
kōng jié kong1 jie2 k`ung chieh kung chieh kuukou; kuugou / kuko; kugo くうこう; くうごう |
{Buddh} (See 四劫) the kalpa of nothingness (the final aeon of the universe) The empty kalpa, v. 劫. |
窮劫 穷劫 see styles |
qióng jié qiong2 jie2 ch`iung chieh chiung chieh gū kō |
an entire eon |
累劫 see styles |
lěi jié lei3 jie2 lei chieh ruikō |
Repeated, or many kalpas. |
萬劫 万劫 see styles |
wàn jié wan4 jie2 wan chieh mangō |
ten thousand eons |
賢劫 贤劫 see styles |
xián jié xian2 jie2 hsien chieh gengō |
Bhadrakalpa, the present period; the last was 莊嚴劫 the next is to be 星宿劫 A Bhadrakalpa has 1,000 Buddhas, hence its name 'the good kalpa', also called 善劫. There are varied statements in regard to the thousand Buddhas, and variety as to their names. Śākyamuni is the fourth of the present kalpa, Maitreya is to follow and 995 to succeed him.' It is to last 236 million years, but over 151 millions have already elapsed.' Eitel. Cf. 賢劫經; 現在賢劫千佛經 and 颰跋 bhadra. |
騎劫 骑劫 see styles |
qí jié qi2 jie2 ch`i chieh chi chieh |
to hijack (an airplane, motor vehicle, social media account, discussion etc) |
劫かす see styles |
obiyakasu おびやかす |
(transitive verb) (1) to intimidate; to scare; (2) to jeopardize; to endanger; to imperil |
劫地羅 劫地罗 see styles |
jié dì luó jie2 di4 luo2 chieh ti lo kōchira |
khadira v. 竭地羅. |
劫婆吒 劫婆咤 see styles |
jié pó zhà jie2 po2 zha4 chieh p`o cha chieh po cha kōbata |
劫縛拏 kaparda, a shell, cowrie, small coin. |
劫布羅 劫布罗 see styles |
jié bù luó jie2 bu4 luo2 chieh pu lo kōfura |
karpūra, camphor, described as 龍腦香 dragon-brain scent. |
劫庀那 see styles |
jié pǐn à jie2 pin3 a4 chieh p`in a chieh pin a Kōhina |
Kapphiṇa |
劫持者 see styles |
jié chí zhě jie2 chi2 zhe3 chieh ch`ih che chieh chih che |
hijacker; kidnapper |
劫比他 see styles |
jié bǐ tā jie2 bi3 ta1 chieh pi t`a chieh pi ta Kōhita |
Kapittha. (1) An ancient kingdom of Central India, also called 僧佉尸 Saṃkāśya. (2) A Brahman of Vṛji who ill-treated the Buddhists of his time, was reborn as a fish, and was finally converted, by Śākyamuni, Eitel. |
劫比拏 劫比拿 see styles |
jié bǐn á jie2 bin3 a2 chieh pin a Kōhina |
idem劫賓那. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "劫" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
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Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
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